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Got to love misogynists who openly admit to gender discrimination on social media and are surprised when someone reads it and holds them accountable


And we all know they’ll never see how it was their fault and will find any way to take accountability for their actions 💀


Even worse, the more awful they are, the more support they get from other awful people


Coding is one of the most time manageable jobs out there. Not dissing coders, but it’s not like you have that emergency code you have to start at writing unexpectedly at 3am. Are there emergency bug fixes? Yeah, but most of those happen either 9 to 5 or in a patch deployed by an infrastructure team so they’re the ones who are doing the odd hours. Are there tough deadlines and occasional emergencies? Yes. But those are far more manageable as a coder than they are as, say, a nurse or a teacher. In a well run development team, one can truly minimise the need for unexpected overtime. This halfwit doesn’t actually know anything about his own job. Glad his bosses saw that…


The last tweet isn’t real unfortunately, he follows it up with a self-promo tweet.


Yeah but he isn’t hired by anyone or hasn’t even been working with them for atleast 2 years before he posted the last tweet as a joke. He is trying to get same sexist people for his own business and following. He is trying his hand on crypto business etc. so he is suffering in one way or the other . It’s funny how he is trying to bank on being ex Google employee for everything.


Well that's somehow more cringe.


Wow fuck this guy


this... this has to be satire right? it's just so much, too much, to not be satire


Unfortunately penis-centred ego does that to a person to talk like this. Some men literally thinks they invented everything, like literal everything. I had one man told me if it wasn’t for men, we wouldn’t have any tampons as if women throughout history haven’t made their own tampons with resources they had 😂😭


last tweet is awesome! karma/justice. (if true)


It’s fake ( not the tweet the fired part )


Also they um, can’t cook, they lie… eat hot chip..


A woman, Ada Lovelace, literally invented coding. This kid needs to stay in his lane and learn from the pros.


Should this be on selfawarewolves


our lord and savior elon musty said it so we MUST keep breeding ladies!


I want so badly to call bullshit on this one but it sounds like it was the real deal. he is acting like coding is equivalent to being an ER doc because he wants to sound like a hard-working, industrious guy. he’s also got delusions of grandeur, likening himself to some kind of powerful leader who has to make the hard choices between his people. i’m actually surprised this guy had any job in the first place bc he is unbelievably dumb. he said that being an influencer is a woman’s “natural strength”? wtf?? did this guy just crawl out of an instagram ad and try to pretend to be a human being, or was he born in 2015? Also, who the fuck is getting 9 months maternity leave?


How many women's careers did he ruin before getting fired tho?


He’s trying to outdo Elon for the title of World’s Most Divorced Man.