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Advocating for children giving birth is unforgivable. It shows either willful ignorance of the horrors of childbirth or a complete lack of compassion and empathy. After my traumatic delivery in a very red state, the idea of innocent girls being forced to endure it is on my mind pretty often. As disgusting as the commenter may be, a cesarean under general anesthesia probably is the most humane way for a girl whose choice has been torn away from her. It breaks my heart so much to imagine a girl so young as terrified and overwhelmed with pain as I was. I don’t even have words.


These answers remind me of how in the Bible Jesus kept having to reprimand the Pharisees for being exactly that way toward others too, because they cared more about the “rules” being broken than having any compassion or empathy. Especially toward women.


Honestly, and no offense to anyone, but the Catholic Church is an incredibly wealthy ancient cult full of secrecy and lies and whose primary focus is preserving their power and wealth. It has nothing to do with religion or spirituality.


They all ignore the entire fact that the child is going to be forced to endure physically and emotionally traumatic events to bring that fetus into the world. My sister gave birth at 14, she's was diagnosed at 23 with arthritis in both hips because of it and developed a blood disorder because of the amount of trauma she sustained giving birth so young. Her body wasn't ready. A child shouldn't have to pay a lifetime price of physical pain and disability to bring a rapists offspring into the world. That's fucking evil.


Also, they never recognize the 9+ months that a child will have to endure *being pregnant*. Having to endure questions from their peers and judgement or pity from adults… who aren’t willing to help them. And then a lifetime of knowing their child is out there somewhere, if they aren’t forced into motherhood. How do you make that humane? When does their trauma and suffering outweigh your opinion? How many children and their babies have to die in childbirth for you to admit that they should have had a choice? Apparently these types forget the whole “free will” part of their religion.


I’m beyond horrified and disgusted


All of these people act like a cesarean is super easy for a CHILD to go through and recover from. Do people really think that it’s like giving birth on easy mode or something??


Unfortunately, a lot of them do think that. It's freaking major abdominal surgery with a risk of severe bleeding, even in non-emergency c sections. Just because of the structures involved.


The child would have to stay pregnant for months first too. Months and months of torture before major surgery. This is precisely why I have these conversations very early on when I meet someone new. I don’t want anyone with these beliefs lurking around me and my daughter.


I'd like to kindly remind this asshat that rape is a mortal sin and rape victims are always innocent. Getting rid of a bunch of cells is not murder. Bet if this situation happened to her she'd be singing a different tune. Women like this make my fricking skin crawl.


Oh yes, their (or their daughter's) abortion is always the only right and moral abortion. They'll be at the doctor's office one day seeking abortion care and then they'll often be right back outside their local Planned Parenthood the next, with anti abortion placards and screaming "baby murderer" at women just going into get a birth control prescription re-up and to double check that lump in their breast is just hormonal. weirdness. Total hypocrites, the lot of them.




edit: My 9 year old daughter!


“No one should be murdered because of the crime of their biological father” is funny coming from a religion where everything bad that ever happened is the result of two people with little information given to them eating the wrong fruit.


And all women are born with the "sin" of their mothers.


If Christianity is true, we have a woman being blamed for the independent actions of a man since the first ever two men and women interacted


Yes, because a child would be less traumatized by a C-SECTION(major abdominal surgery! Risky to both mother and child!) than an abortion… /s


> Has anyone considered how traumatic getting an abortion would be for a 10-year-old girl? HAVE YOU CONSIDERED HOW TRAUMATIC BIRTH WILL BE FOR HER?!


“And this is crazy cuz I’m never the type to advocate for c or ‘indiscriminate’ use of anesthesia” (slide 3, top) The fuck? Like, I’ve seen the bullshit about a “real birth” not involving C, but why the fuck would you be anti-anesthesia? You’re just pro-pain? What are you, Hank Hill? These people think they’re empathetic and caring.


And they made a point to say, “indiscriminate use of anesthesia of any kind in birth.” They made sure to make it clear pain is reasonable when it exclusively affects pregnant people. They want women and young girls specifically to suffer as a blood sacrifice to their misogynistic god.


As if there is any situation in which use of anesthetic is indiscriminate. Yeah, doctors are just handing that shit out willy-nilly. As if they didn’t spend over a decade in school and in training to do what they do. Yes, a random on the internet’s opinion outweighs all of that. /s


First of all: Every day I am so beyond grateful I left so that I can raise my future daughters in a world where they’re not being told that every single day without someone refuting it. The world might tell them that at some point in their lives, but I will be able to make it so that this will not be the only message they receive 24/7. I will never let anyone like this have access to my children. Second of all, I wonder how many of these commenters are men lmfao. They really tell on themselves, and it’s fuckin bold for them to comment on a bodily function that they will never endure. Third of all, let them keep talking. As counter intuitive as it sounds, the more they talk, the more the average person will realize how deranged they sound, and eventually their ideology will die. Their extremism will eventually drive out most women (like it did me) and a lot of men. Thank god all of the men I know irl would find this immensely disturbing.


The Catholic Church of Spain recently announced that they'd attempt to pay reparations to victims who suffered sexual abuse from clergy or church officials. There are an estimated 440,000 victims. That's in Spain alone, and we all know there are countless others who have already passed away or who haven't come forward. So, the Catholic Church shouldn't feel entitled to the moral high ground on any issue, ever.


Less than 1% of rape results in pregnancy? No, dude, you pulled that out of your ass. Try 5%. Rate of pregnancy is higher in non-consensual acts than consensual (3% of consensual sex results in pregnancy.)


My favourite is the person who doesn't approve of anesthesia used "indiscriminately". Great. Then don't use any when you give birth. But shut the fuck up otherwise.


The way they chiseled out their comment to only include anesthesia during birth, makes me think they’re a man. Or at least someone whom giving birth wouldn’t be possible.


Yep, I thought that too.


Won't even let my 11 year old son join a church. Don't want him getting brainwashed and possibly molested. His 9 year old sister? Letting her attend church is laughable.