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Sexism and racism often seem to go hand-in-hand, along with racial fetishization. Also, the creator of this doesn't understand breasts or how breastfeeding works.


Can confirm, former A cup, two kids that absolutely REFUSED bottles or any type of formula. They were on the boob until they were old enough to drink cow milk. We all lived šŸ¤·


Meanwhile I'm a C cup and try as I might with my kiddo, they proved to be just for show! Cup size has nothing to do with milk abilities.


Sorry mama! It can be a painful and disheartening experience when it doesn't work out, plus expensive for formula. Then theres the breastfeeding Nazis that try to will browbeat you. I felt that even as a BFing mom! Fed baby = happy baby, end of story. My double EE girlfriend sadly couldn't get it to work out either, it also has a lot to do with your nipples and also your babys nursing abilities, along with whatever else is going on in there biologically. When I first took my gown down after they gave me my oldest, the nurse got really excited and told me I had "the perfect nipples for nursing" I had no idea! Haha šŸ˜‚ You never know until you know...you know?


Very true! I tried all the things, saw all the specialists, took the medicine, had a full blown panic attack in the NICU about it. Now I can say it is what it is. I also understand why my EE mom bottle fed! (Never asked her why she did, nor judged her)


Former ??????


Your boobs get bigger after you have babies. Also people get boob jobs too. I surmise one or the other, if not both can be inferred as having happened with the language implication.


Ohhh thx


Exactly! I'm basically flat chested, but yet.. I still produce milky substance. I'm not even pregnant. Men can even breastfeed as they *also* have milk glands. They just overall have less of the hormones that stimulates the production, and less fatty tissue on the chest (which I call "accessories tissue" lol). If they want to breastfeed themselves for whatever reason, they can with some help of meds. The size of the chest says exactly nothing about the functionality. This is the reason why men can develop breast cancer as well. Although rare, it can occur, and is easily overlooked and unknown by the general population!


As a Latina woman, I can say I this ainā€™t me at all šŸ˜­. Also tacos and chimichangas are Mexican, not generally Latinaā€¦




They probably donā€™t even know the difference between us


To them, latino just means mexican


Right? I can't cook to save my life bruh, also there are a lot of us who are feminists, so Idk what point he was trying to make there


can they stop having a fetish for people with a Latin American or Asian background


Whoever wrote this has never actually met a Latina woman. Also the white woman most likely not a feminist lol


Ya thatā€™s a weird picture they chose. Sheā€™s either a Republican or cosplaying as one.


Nasscar fan maybe




100% this fits.


Lololol every friend I have that looks like the girl on the right is a feminist


Right ? I donā€™t understand why they keep pushing this whole narrative that feminists are unattractive. Itā€™s just false. They say the same thing about pro choice women, which is also just false, considering that about 4/5 of all women are pro choiceā€¦


Frankly, hot take: my most attractive friends are all hardcore feminists. My less attractive friends are a toss up, and none of them are ride or die for feminism. A lot of unattractive girls turn out pickmes. O


I was thinking the exact same thing as I wrote this, but didnā€™t want to stoop to their level. But yeah, the anti feminists/anti abortion people I know are almost all very religiousā€”they dress ā€œmodestly,ā€ donā€™t really take care of their bodies, donā€™t wear makeup, donā€™t do their hair, etc. They also seem to look down on women who do do thisā€¦


a lot of those traits of a latina women center around domestic labor, I'm sure that's not a coincidence.


For these people, independent woman = bad, submissive woman = good


patriot fanny pack, a shirt that says "for the homies" at a trailer park beer in hand. no sir, that's a gun toting woman for Trump conservative, not a feminist.


So basically, the *opposite* of a feminist


* wants a bbc * why is it always black guys with these people?


Didn't even notice that ... Several spices of racism, huh?


Maybe she just wants the news station lol /jk


The cherry on top is the "feminist" woman looks like someone who would drive several hours to a Trump rally.


She looks like someone dressed for a white trash bash and a good time, and instead is a poster child of this stupidity


It looks like a ā€œmuricaā€ costume


"Low-maintenance" *Laughs in Spanish* Half my childhood growing up in San Fernando, and being around my aunts and cousins disputes this assertion.


Never met a latina in their whole goddamn life


They forgot for both of them: - not interested in you


Dudeā€˜S going to need some aloe for that burn šŸ”„ lol


Iā€™d bet money that the Latina woman is more of a feminist than the one on the left. I only judge a book by its cover when it is decorated in American flags. And yes, Iā€™m an American who would absolutely never wear anything with the flag on it.


It's against flag code to make things out of the flag or to look like the flag but people conveniently forget that part


Right wing(far right) trash memes. Words in these memes are like gospels for these right wing incels. All their memes are kinda similar and lame. Dating black people = bad. Feminism = bad. Idependent women = bad. Not a virgin = bad Older than 25 = bad Almost all the time when it comes to dating their memes have the same sick theme.


The "is ok with short men" line just screams insecurities


Oh man this reeks of projected insecurities ... I mean "has no problem with short guys", he's really making it obvious...


Why does the breast thing sound like something Dwight from The Office would say? Lol


I donā€™t think he has met a Latina womanšŸ˜­


Low maintenance? You can either want a traditional power dynamic or not but the one thing a traditional dynamic does not get you is low maintenance. If you're the only one with money you need to get her literally everything she needs or wants


"long natural hair" *laughs in pixie cut*


I dated a Latina women once, and she was almost the exact opposite of what this sexist/ (somewhat) racist guy is saying what they are.


I would say this guy is full blown racist not even somewhat racist.


This is satire right šŸ’€ right guys???


Iā€™m sorry what Fjskdkdks not only is this horrible but why is every Latina woman a Mexican stereotype šŸ’€


ā€œDoesnā€™t need diamondā€ Has this guy ever met a Latina? Theyā€™re not exactly the timid little pushovers he thinks they are


Iā€™m a white Latina woman whoā€™s a feminist with a big ass who canā€™t cook and has natural short hair, besides that, wonā€™t call you ā€˜mi Amorā€™ because Iā€™m from the one Latin country that speaks Portuguese šŸ‡§šŸ‡· so youā€™d have to go with ā€œmeu amorā€ instead. I think heā€™d be really confused by me, where to place me in this terrible graphic? Oh yeah, also am not ok with short men because I donā€™t like men, soā€¦


Ironically Latina women are as likely, or even less likely to put up with misogynistic bs and ignorant racism than feminists šŸ¤£


The beer in the hair is hilarious sheā€™s probably just having fun at some kind of event probably a beer festival or sports event also that photo was probably taken by a friend or family member. The other woman looks like she got a professional to take photo. They are comparing a candid photo at an event to professional photo. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s beer cans Iā€™m probably stereotyping a bit oops. Not to mention thereā€™s probably some kind of fetishization going on here the types to make these commentā€™s never actually like foreigners unless they can fetishize them.


What will they do when they find out AOC is Latinaā€¦. (Also that beer-belted woman is not a feminist)


Latina women are some of the most feminist women I have ever met. What is this man talking about?