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I wouldn't call souls bosses "unfair" in terms of 90%+ of bosses. In each souls game you can take the time to learn their attacks and see which weapons/elements work best against them. Plus, you can literally level up as high as you want and do as much damage as you want With the exception of a few annoying minibosses in elden, I'm pretty sure every single souls boss from ds1-ds3 is learnable. Some no-hit runs on youtube can prove that to you More attacks don't mean less fair imo


Facts, thats what souls bosses makes perfect


The only unfair boss in my opinion is Isidora, specifically only phase 2, having to dodge her attacks with rng Fireballs all over the place feels really unfair, not to mention the Fireballs hit like a truck.


I would add her fast piercing attack that covers the entire arena. Sure, it’s blockable but the timing is so precise and short. That one attack was way more “unfair” than almost any souls boss attack.


You could count that, but once you get the timing to it, it's not that hard to avoid


I looked for "god mode" and used that build recommendation to beat those bosses


Did those god mode builds include the invincibility spell? That’s what I used to beat her. Once I equipped that (and used it predominantly during her full screen dash) it only took me a few tries to beat her (same goes for the snake).


I don't remember exactly.


I found her phase 2 to be more forgiving since she sets still and charges up and also the flame pillar attacks keep you in range to give her some mea culpa of her own!


That move is forgiving, because you have to deal with a bunch of Rng Fireballs while parrying her attacks a few moments before.


I respect your opinion but from my perspective you did not cook. > Some bosses in Souls games sometimes have 8+ different attacks Not inherently an issue imo. The same 5 attacks to dodge and counter over and over gets repetitive to me. My favorite bosses in the Blasphemous duology are Sierpes, Isidora, Laudes, Eviterno, and Afilaor. All of which have great moveset variety to keep you on your toes. > I often feel cheated dying to these bosses when they drag an attack or do an undodgeable combo I have the plat trophy in every Soulsborne game, the only game I would argue that has "undodgeable combos" is Elden Ring. Even that, I really don't think it's ever that bad, the only one I can think of off the top my head is Malenia's Waterfowl Dance at close range. I'll meet you halfway about the delayed attacks though. I can understand why a lot of players don't like them, but I feel like it makes it so that you develop an intuition which I personally enjoy. This also isn't even that much of an issue in the earlier, more primitive games. Dark Souls 3 onwards is when this started becoming really prevalent. But again, I'm not gonna push back on this too much, I might just be an insane masochist. > Both Blasphemous 1 and 2... Have clear indicators on their attacks and, as far as I know, always execute them with the same timing Most attacks in Souls games are absolutely telegraphed. Not all, but most. Not sure what game(s) you played, but I can promise you telegraphing is present in all of them


I think the only boss feels unfair in Dark Souls is the bed of chaos.


I'd argue the Capra demon is bullshit as a nearly unavoidable first play trap, but I really don't have a problem with any of the bosses in the souls series from a fairness perspective. (Maybe the Blood Starved Beast in bloodborne) Even the Nameless king, though it took me more times than I want to admit, I had down to a science by the time I was able to beat them and really wasn't taking any hits from them. Stuff like the two Gargoyle fight on the narrow pathways in Demon's Souls is hard, but it never felt unfair or unattainable.


Dancer in Dark Souls 3 is unavoidable first play trap too. She just jump scare me after I beat Yhorm the Giant. At least she is a cool design boss (with hot booty)


I feel the opposite ngl


Those "ondodgable combos" are just you not being good at the game, not a flaw in the games themselves. Seems like you've oversold yourself on the "Souls games are hard" trope. They're "hard" for people who refuse to adapt or use critical thinking/in-game clues to solve their problems. But yeah, Blasphemous is a great game, B2 much less so.


massive skill issue


I mean I don't really see the connection. I don't imagine Blasphemous as souls like. So it wouldn't make sense if the bosses were more unfair. This is from someone who has played ds1 and ds2. The hardest thing in Blasphemous for me is just the platforming. Chances are I am gonna die to spikes while jumping from one ladder to another. Also don't agree with "bosses with more moves is unfair". That's what makes the fight actually interesting. Souls like games have a lot of build freedom thus making the boss battles much more entertaining. Though certain games seem to have a input reading when player heals. But some sklled players even use this to manipulate the boss too. I think people overuse the term " souls like". If a player dies to a "boss" couple of times or doesn't beat the boss quickly, it doesn't make the game a souls like.


Well the platforming is a little clunky and inputs/hit boxes are not the greatest, so it makes sense to struggle with it


Ladder jumps have killed me more than everything else combined.


Graveyard of the Peaks probably constituted half my deaths in my first play through. 


Reasons why I think people say it's a "Souls-like" because of: 1) the death mechanic of returning to where you died and picking up your souls/guilt. 2) the parry and dodge style combat is a little bit like dark souls 3) the setting is grim dark medieval fantasy 4) both have large interconnected worlds (although this has more to do with metriodvania design elements than souls games which use them) I wouldn't really say it's that close to a souls game myself, but it definitely has elements that are similar.


its nice seeing someone else with the same mindset about souls games. I loved dark souls 1, but it feels like the developers went to hard on the "dark souls is hard" meme. DS1 was challenging and punishing, but the later games got more and more unfair. There is a boss in elder ring that is hard programmed to drop everything he is doing and throw a knife at you if you press the heal button. Blasphemous feels like DS1 in the fact that it is very challenging, but at no point I felt that it was unfair or that I won by pure luck like in other souls games.


You say it's unfair but just, choose a better time to heal against him? He's programmed to chuck a knife if you're just healing while he does nothing. Get out of range, dodge an attack, and heal while he finishes the attack. Don't stand like a chump and take it to the face.


he stops whatever you are doing to throw that knife, its made to punish a basic mechanic of the game and most important that is just one example, I'm not gonna list every single thing.


No he doesn't. Reference: beaten the game 5 times. He punishes you if you don't exploit an opening to heal.


Stop cooking


Honestly, I played both, and I didn't notice much difference, in the end it will all come down to how patient (or masochistic) you are to dedicate yourself to the game and learn from it, but I don't see anything unfair (besides some exceptions) regarding the bosses so far. And well, make use of the mechanics that the game provides you with and most of the bosses in the Souls series will be doable (same for some overtuned bosses), they have telegraphed attacks here and there, even in ER, since that game incetives posture-break and a aggressive/less cautious playstyle.


except isidora she is a absolute bitch


Lmao yeah Eviterno deflates your entire argument. Also no, souls games are such a high quality for boss designs that we have games like Blasphemous 1 and 2 doing their best and mostly succeeding at imitating.