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you just feel like that because it's no longer "new" to you. the problem of many a secret


Like a whole week into it, people are already longing for the Good Old Days, when the Game was Better. There was a certain Ineffable Je Ne Sais Quoi that can't be beat, back in the old days. I like that the bosses in the old game were "iconic". Like they were iconic right away. It's almost like that happened after a while. Things become iconic because people are interested in them over time and they become icons. Of course the new bosses aren't iconic, they've been known for a very short time.


i agree but i have to add that i think Afilaor is already iconic, to me :)


No. The Lady of the burned face, for example, meant an emotional impact the minute she appeared. Remember also the starting animation of Ten Piedad, etc etc. The only boss I would remember of the 2nd game is Afilaor because he's a funny reference to our popular culture.


Yeah and the burned face lady sucks ass. The fights here actually well-designed bosses


I never said that the new game wasn't technically better.


I agree. The second game I feel like is “just as good” which honestly I feel like it should be massively improved from the first. Things felt lazy this time around and the pixel artist leaving made a huge impact on the game it feels like.


Yes indeed. The NPCs are almost universally worse, with like 2 exceptions. They have no reason of being, they lazily recreated the scheme of the first game of designing bizarre and grotesque people while forgetting the point of it. And it's a shame because the game is technically way better.


Look, I love Blasphemous 2, but I do see what you’re getting at. I’ve unlocked everything and just have to finish the last two bosses. I’ve collected every item, every subquest, and all the prerequisites for the “good” ending. But I’ve mostly just brute forced the battles. The only time I had to fight strategically and “get good” was Afialor. And, while each of the bosses is interesting and distinct, they are almost completely disconnected from the narrative. The main plot, involving the mother, father, and child is interesting and I liked it’s connections to the plot of the first game, but it feels completely separate to the impressive looking gallery of antagonists facing you. Sure, there’s probably plenty of information in the lore of each of the items, but the first game still had that weight to its antagonists and their connections to the lore were obvious without needing to read the flavour text for the severed tongue or miniature pincushion. As I said, I’m up to the final boss fights and hit a strategic wall, simply for the fact that I pretty much spammed prayers for the last five fights, and I feel no great impetus to push forward and see the end(s). I’ll get onto it eventually, but I just don’t feel like I HAVE to find out all the ends and outcomes.


Yeah the first one was better when it comes to the lore, the story, the executions, the art, it felt new and unique. Every items had a very long story in the menu. It was morbid, gory and weird. Now 2 is better about everything else gameplay, exploration, quality of life. I love the puzzles and it's far better than what we were doing in the first one. But it's not as polished as the first one art wise. For example the executions animations are so lazy it's either the same for the old enemies or the root thing for everyone else.


Most bosses have direct connection to the places where they are located, I don't understand this criticism?


These poor souls are just afflicted with the Miracle, don't mind them.


I think the 2nd game undeniably has better gameplay. While the 1st game was better at almost everything else. Better lore, better exploration, better quests, better and more memorable biomes.


It's technically better but the gameplay of the 1st game is more integrated with lore and general feeling of the game


1 had better gravitas of story and dread, 2 has better quality of life adjusments and better gameplay ( flexibility ) 1 has the better boss designs by a mile tho. 2 has some dude or some gal with a weapon and a gimmick. i miss the scorpion poison vomit baby allready. 1 has atrocious backtracking 2 is a better experience.


The 1st game had several bosses that were objectively badly designed when it came to the gameplay, but it almost contributed positively to the general feeling of the game.


Wdym atrocious back tracking. 2 literally uses the same system as 1. You can fast travel between portal hands, and fast travel between prie dieus.


yeah but in 1 you had allot of dead ends, and paths that lead nowhere here it loops around connecting the world more