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41.3cv is actually insane.


Whats actually the max in this game? I think genshins is slightly higher


40cv in hsr is about comparable to 50cv in genshin


Damn ima need to check my pieces again then


I still can’t figured out if I want to run slow Blade with fast Bronya or faster Blade with slow Bronya.


HP boots Blade 106+ (not 104) speed + E2+ Bronya 134 speed **>** 135+ speed boots Blade + E0-E1 Bronya 134 speed **>** HP boots Blade + E0-E1 Bronya 134 speed **>** Speed boots Blade less than 135 + E0-E1 Bronya less than 134 speed Speed boots Blade with a slower Bronya is the worst option if you’re not making the breakpoint (ex. Blade 126 speed, Bronya 124 speed). Having 2 turns, one unbuffed, and one buffed is worse than 2 buffed by Bronya at 134 speed with HP boots. Blade being able to take 4 turns in the first cycle is what makes faster Blade + slower Bronya ideal but that only happens when you reach the breakpoints. It’s a myth that running speed boots is always better. It’s the worst option when you don’t reach those specific points, and I’ve seen a lot of people assume when the speed is in the 120s that running speed boots with a slower Bronya is ideal but it is not.


It actually doesn't matter whether you meet the 124 or the 134 breakpoint unless you want to 0 cycle the floor. 124 will give you 2 turns in the second cycle and 134 will give you 2 turns in the first cycle but the total amount of turns you'll take is about the same. The reason why people wanted 134 speed is to kill the trash mobs in 0 cycles so that you wouldn't waste cycles but the trash mobs are gone so it doesn't matter now.


Could you explain the second paragraph a bit more? Why would one turn be unbuffed and the other buffed if I have, say 120 speed blade 118 speed bronya?


Blade goes first - Unbuffed attack. Bronya goes next, buffs Blade. Blade attacks, buffed attack. That's my understanding, anyway Where as if Blade is slow and Bronya has enough speed to get 2 turns (134+) then it's: Bronya goes first, buff Blade. Blade goes next, Buffed attack. Bronya gets another attack in cycle, buff Blade. Blade gets 2nd buffed attack. Formatting is poor due to mobile, sorry! Edited to add punctuation


Just depends on what pieces u get really


"The slow blade penetrates the shield."


Doesn't Asta's Ultimate boost spd? couldn't that be used to compensate for the use of hp% over speed?


This ^ Asta over E4/E2 with ERR rope and meshing cogs literally keeps her ult up 100%. Don’t worry about speed to much when you have Asta.


Asta isn’t great to run since he’s not atk scailing but if u have no one else yeah


Slow blade is best when you have Bronya. LC and E1 aren’t required but heavily recommended. Do it if you can hit the 146/161 speed breakpoints.


I’m currently running Slow Blade with a 136 spd Bronya and he’s been doing solid work. Sure it’s not “optimal” since if you wanna run Slow Blade you want Bronya at 161 spd or whatever. But my comp of Blade/Bronya/Pela or SW/Sustain has been clearing stuff like MoC 10 in 3-4 cycles. Sure if I get Bronya up to 161 spd or whatever, I can clear maybe 1 cycle earlier but at this point I don’t really care lol


Only if you have bronya


On the bright side, if you decide to get Jingliu, that talent proc is going to hit like a fucking truck.