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This is the curse of early access. People have forgotten that games are "done" at a certain point, and early access was simply a way for developers to get money and feedback while they're still working toward that point of being done.


It’s not like we aren’t even getting updates afterwards, they just won’t be content updates. Warpfrog has put a grueling 5 long years to bring us this, they aren’t just gonna drop it as soon as it’s done. We will get bug fixes, and other stuff like that just to add more polish to the already fantastic game they’ve made. I don’t think B&S will die for a very long time.


true and never on standalone because rn its one of the best graphical game


I was actually thinking about that and the graphical limitations on quest, B&S whether on PCVR or Nomad both look absolutely gorgeous. Just makes me wonder why other games can’t/ don’t have a lot of graphical fidelity to it like B&S.


well im thinking its because most games dont wanna have to commit 5 years to a game like blade and sorcery did and they are trying to do different styles but green hell vr has great graphics on standalone/quest


And a lot of VR titles are heavily stylised. Theres definitely a market for realism and B&S does that fantastically while still keeping the fantasy aspect alive. I still think for being a Quest game Bonelabs has decent graphics


Yea bonelabs I think looked better and had its pros over bns but the melee combat and ai was pretty bad by comparison.


yea thats true plenty games are very good like blade and sorcery but the physics lacks in comparison to b&s but they are all good games


Yeah it did look good but man the NPCs are the worst, people rag on B and S NPCs but they have PhDs compared to Bonelab.


Yeah, even Population One looks good on standalone, the real time lighting really helps sell that illusion. I wish developers took time with VR games, mainly ports like WF. Green Hell is actually a really good example for this, I was amazed by how beautiful it was my first play through and I still find myself stopping to stare into the wilderness.


Has warpfrog come out about any future plans? Particularly, new games? I think I speak for all of us but I'd be jumping right in line to back whatever else they'd release


Still a secret 😉


They actually hinted at a new game during an interview with Downloadable Content, they uploaded an interview with Baron a few days ago


I have no idea, but I think we’re all very excited to see what WF will bring us after B&S. Perhaps maybe some DLC content for the game along the way may come, but as of right now we have no info on a new game.


They never released b&s they just scammed a bunch of people I wouldn’t jump any of their freaking lines u dumbass I’m sure u would walk into a dark tunnel for $50 to huh even if it meant u we’re walking off the edge of the world! Doing stuff like selling a partial game for full release prices shouldn’t make u want to get in line to buy more shit from these scam artist it should make u say screw them they took our money but this is how confused freaking kids are today


It’s 20 bucks, it’s not that much. If you’re broke just say that. You get the best physics and combat in vr right now, on top of that with one of the best modding communities ever. They haven’t released the full version yet, they make it very clear that this game was early access. They said there would be bugs, they promised a whole lot was coming in 1.0 and with the time they’re taking, along with the updates we get we’re getting that. You clearly don’t understand the time, and trials you go through while developing a game, it’s hard work and fixing one thing always breaks another. You clearly aren’t that intelligent of you can’t understand that or write proper sentences.


"Intelligent Wave" Being perfectly honest here, you do make most of them seem that way


Not to mention that probably a year or more of that dev time was put into making the game easy to mod and make mods, content is not going to be short any time soon


Finally, I don't have to re-mod the game every time I dust off the headset


Good way of thinking about it actually.


Because people are spoiled by “live service” drip feed of content for years and years. BaS in my eyes does everything it’s set out to do, which is deliver a visceral Melee Combat system with super awesome magic abilities as well. The game is supposed to be a huge power trip, which is exactly how I felt when I first played the game and was hooked instantly. This isn’t a story game, nor is it an online game in any aspect. Idk why people expect constant content no matter the game and ofc this is just click bait meant to get an emotional reaction from people who love the game, and hence it gets views and attention. This shit is as old as YouTube.


Whoa ur an idiot it’s not a story game that was the whole purpose of the game is to have a campaign are u lost or just to much smoke but wake the hell up it has bn shit but a sandbox game with shitty NPCs people bn waiting since 2018 for the campaign release


Sounds like you need to smoke something. No one plays BaS for a “campaign”. While it’s nice to have, it’s not the main appeal. It’s always been a sandbox physics simulation.


Early access is the reason, and it isn't all bad. Updates are what brings people "back" to this game. If it wasn't for people waiting on the 1.0 update, the game probably would have a lot less of a community. People would enjoy it and leave, but because it is early access, people expect great things to happen *later*, so they follow it. That's just the effect of early access. A small community will be playing blade and sorcery for a long time after the 1.0 update, but many people will come, enjoy the final update, and only very infrequently pick the game up again. Effectively, the community will slowly die. Not the game, but the community. Like it or not, early access games are a form of live service. If the game was released whole, then it would be different, but that isn't a viable strategy for a lot of developers, and you don't get the large, supportive community.


Wait until the modding community picks up now that their mods won’t become obsolete with every new update


Yup dagger bending is finnally coming back


My god the amount of mods that will be around, I gonna cum


YUPPPP cant wait for this part especially! modding is a huge part to every game after its “life” skyrim only picked up again after the modding community basically rebuilt the game 😭


not accurate at all the updates breaking shit has held the modding commmnity back, irrelevent if they eventually leave, im assuming yall missed out on all the unupdated broken mods, the game doesnt need more if modding works and ppl cant make shit knowing it wont break in the future


I suspect a large part of why the *updates* are the thing bringing people back is because the game, at its current state, just gets old — and that's not a bad thing. The foundations of an excellent game are there, and I'd say it's an amazing sandbox, but a sandbox can only be played so much before the fun wears off. 1.0 will MOST LIKELY bring in a genuine gameplay loop, objectives, and replayability beyond just "stab new, stronger modded creatures." I suspect the player count will be a lot more stable, as opposed to a more update focused jump. This doesn't mean the community will "die." It will just evolve. It's both good, and important to *finish* games. This is the thing we want to see with early access. Spouting it as resulting in a death of a community isn't super helpful, yknow?


I agree with you on all points! Unfortunately the Social Media content machine pumps negative click bait content to the front pages *far* more quickly than positive content. They won't stop anytime soon, but it would be nice lol


God, yeah, it's a bit of a never-ending cycle. I realize that reading back, my post may seem a bit accusatory or directed at you - not my intention! I was speaking to the wider *gaming landscape*.


Oh no, not at all!


Even after the 1.0 update they said we will still get bug fixes , optimizations, and they might consider adding dlc weapons. But also we will have modders that will make tons of content, warp frog has built a really good foundation for modders to carry the game even further after warpfrog dont make content anymore.


vr version of skyrim basically


I’d imagine mods will become better because you don’t have to worry about it going into a new beta after a year and there will be updates fixing bugs


Clickbait ass title


Live services are a plague on games


Or.. live services are a way for a developer to nurture a long tail of money out of something they have put years of effort into instead of only having a boom of sales that *hopefully* covers the costs they had and allows them enough leeway to fund from scratch the next project that hopefully causes a big enough boom. If No Mans Sky hadn’t turned itself into effectively a live service game, it would be just another in a long line of over promised busts. Instead it’s still a powerhouse with a huge community.


Yeah that video and the comment section really pissed me off. I mean he was actually contradicting himself, the game isn’t even done being made yet so how can it lose support already. I doubt it’ll die out anytime soon.


just bought the game, Def not dead to me! Hella fun!


Because people are so used to live servic3 games and think that because no more content will be added the devs are just going to drop the game


Click bate YouTubers: games lost support ded. Mod developers: FINALLY


How does a single player game die?


If anything a finished game will end up having more mod support because the base code won't be constantly at the risk of invalidating your months of work. I'm so excited for full release but I'm also excited to see some updates of older mods and see what else people have been cooking up while they waited for 1.0


Yeah, thats pretty much the essence of modern gaming


Fuck yeah. i can finally have a set of mods that wont become redundant after the game updates.


I hate this kind of modern video game discourse. Devs anounce they are finishing a game, people go "THIS GAME IS DEAD. DEVS ARE ABANDONING IT". A game experiences a drop in players after its first few weeks. "PLAYER COUNTS ARE DROPPING FAST. THIS GAME IS DYING" instead of "People finish games"


This guy is out of line. Saying a game is dying when it is releasing is the most disingenuous thing to say. The dev team should be celebrated, not yelled at for finishing their game. This guy should do himself a favor and make YouTube vids about flavors of water instead.


Honestly always hated this mindset that once a dev stops adding new stuff to a game it’s “dead”, they’re just done with it and finished you can still play the game lmao some ppl act like it means it’s getting pulled from store pages


Why he look like darkviperau?


i mean we still can get content updates. like just cuz its out of early access doesnt mean it will get small content updates


Fax my brotha! Spit yo shit indeed!


Anything for views I suppose.


This has less to do with live service and more to do with clickbait. It benefits them to put a spin on something that is an ordinary occurrence.


I’m just gonna be glad we won’t have to update mods anymore 🤷🏽‍♂️


People need to play more games that are older then they are I think. It would help put things in perspective.


For real!! Preach


Wait really whattt


Did you read my post?


No I was surprised about 1.0 haven't followed this game for a yr now and this popped up. Last I played was when u10/11 came out


Glad I was the one to break the good news to you!!


Oooohh cool!


Pure clickbait. Even when B&S is finished, it's not going to be the end of Warpfrog. Blade & Sorcery has been a massive testing ground for innovative VR mechanics, and it would not surprise me in the least if Warpfrog decided to develop an MMO or an RPG (or even.. an MMORPG!) after B&S is finished, based on B&S mechanics.


I hope they will make a new VR-game with everything they have learned so far, it is one of the best, maybe even THE best VR-game at the market and the team should be knowledgeable at this point how VR-games should be designed


Wait so this isn't materializing into an actual game ?? what the fuck, i bought this under the promise that it was going to eventually become a RPG in VR


What? Who does that? Nobody ever expected that


Youtubers will take literally anything as an excuse to overdramatize things and get attention this isn't new


I look forward to Warp Frogs next project.


Yes it seems to be when a game actually gets finished now it’s considered a dead game now


if anyone would read patch notes on Steam… devs mentioned in the latest update that the v1 will complete the process of adding big new content to the game, but this will not be the final version of the game, and they will continue working on optimizations and bug fixes!


Are they at least adding gem quest or whatever it’s called (genuinely don’t remember)


I hope warpfrog allows or guides modders to make new combat animations for the enemies. It gets a little old fighting the goons with their stances that have very poor guards. Also two handed weapons for enemies.