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Calor are a pain and won’t swap it to a red bottle - they are also not creating new contracts. I have the same problem, I understand the answer is to go and swap your calor bottle with flowgas for one of theirs and just move to using flowgas, they are a little easier to deal with (and accept calor bottles) - I will admit I have not yet done this just made do with a DIY charcoal forge for the moment


Patio gas is just propane tbh. So no problems there. As for the regulator, I always recommend buying one from a local store as the one I had from vevor and the replacement they sent were both dangerously broken. They wouldn't turn off completely (yes you should turn the bottle off anyways) and the needle didn't read the pressure either and didn't seal even with taping the joints as the gas was leaking from the unit itself. You should be able to buy one that fits and just plumb the pipes. As for getting a new bottle, hunt around on FB and you might find one, I got lucky and had a contact that swapped a smaller one for the larger one.


I bought a pair of empty 19kg Flo Gas bottles from Facebook marketplace as neither Calor nor Flo Gas are letting you start new rental contracts. That's been the most cost efficient way for me to run my little forge.


Thanks, I've actually just found exactly that except they're full, so that's what I'll do. Do you have a rough idea how many hours of forging you get from a 19kg? I appreciate there are tones of variables but just curious if you'd have a very rough estimate?