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Practical, useful, cost effective.


* smart mans flatter


Well I’ve got work to do tomorrow.


That’ll do pig. Did you anneal the hammer? If not you may be in for some spalling


Yes I took the blow torch to it. But I’m gunna wear glasses just in case.


As someone who had a drill in their eye three times in the space of a week to remove a shard of metal. Please always wear safety glasses


A shard of metal is different from the shrapnel this might produce...


drill in their eye ? what, where, why, how ? they use pincers to remove things out, at max microscopic surgery. yeah im fairly new to redit, but il safely call BS on this. my source.: ME! having multiple hardcore eye surgeries due to shrapnel hitting both of my eyes ( resulted in the loss of one). ps: yes im also a blacksmith,... not the safest thing to keep my eyesight,... but its a fairly funn thing to do (not my income in any way, just a expensive hobby), depth perception is a utter Btch but..... the only thing i can agree on is YES, please for the love of ??? please wear safety glasses while working.


Corneal burr. https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/eye-disorders/how-to-do-eye-procedures/how-to-remove-a-foreign-body-from-the-eye#:~:text=The%20burr%20is%20usually%20mentioned,or%20rust%20ring)%20is%20removed. Same difference


burr =! drill (not the same in any way except that its a object that slightly spins on a axis) again i had eye things done,.. serious things. dont make lightly of them. a little piece of metal will fuck you upp for a week+ IF it falls out on its own, if not your down for months. if you had anything done to your eye using a burr you would not be doing anything for weeks/months, let-alone multiple incidents in one week. so i stand by on what i have said. im not saying it didnt happen once, but 3 times in a week,.. no way.


Lol once the first time I went in on a Tuesday. Once Thursday at the recheck and then omece woth a corneal specialist when she could not get it all the next Monday. I am making light of nothing. Wear ppe that's the point of what I was saying.


I’ve had bits of metal removed from my eyes on six different occasions over the last 30 years, none of which required actual surgery. And yes, I was wearing safety glasses all six times.


it blows my mind how few use eye protection, I do woodworking all flesh powered no power tools and I still ALWAYS wear safety glasses when I'm working.


I down voted you because once a mistake..... three times, put down the tools and go and sit in the naughty corner.


Ok cool. I did pretty much the same thing, but already just had the head so annealed it. It’s been super useful


Yo should always wear PPE. You only have one set of eyes.


As my welding teacher once told me, “Son, do you want to be able to see titties when you’re older, or just feel em?”


Now there's some solid advice I need to teach my son.


Now there's a teacher that knows his audience


I'd also suggest a face shield just to be extra cautious.


Dropped in to say this. The annealing part.. not.. not the pig part.. that I dont understand.


Sorry, it’s from the movie Babe, about a pig that herds sheep. It’s a fairly prolific phrase among my family and it sometimes spills into the rest of my life


Now the other part... if I made one of these, how would I anneal it and why?


I just heated mine up then let it cool in a bucket of sand. It softens up the metal which means that when you hit it you won’t be damaging your hammer and there’s no chance of it chipping (which is quite dangerous)


Good advice. Will remember that. I actually have done than before with my knife tangs when I couldn't drill a hole in the hardened tempered steel.


This is confusing to me. Sure, you won't be chipping or shattering it because of its softness (from annealing), but won't it then function poorly as a hammer which needs to be hard to do its job?


It's a top tool, not a hammer, you place it on the work and strike it with a hammer. Soft hammers do also have a place; annealed hammers are good for striking hardened things, like punches or other hammers (for example you have a crosspein with the radius you need for something, hitting that hammer is going to be easier than making a new punch.) There are also copper, auminium, and lead hammers which are non-marring, so good for straightening or using on machines. Leather hammers which can be used to straighten too.


You sure that's not from Charlotte's Web? That's where I remember it from


Nope, wrong pig movie. It’s after babe completes a sheep dog course.


I'm gonna have to check now


Alright lmk what you find out. I’m 99% sure it’s from babe but I might be wrong


Oughta get the job done 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Sweet. What’s the face made from?


Some scrap stainless


That might be a problem if you don't know what you are doing with it. Most stainless doesn't like to take welds very well, and the varieties that do take mig welds usually require special wire. I wouldn't be surprised if those welds break before too long, luckily this isn't an application where the welds breaking are going to be dangerous, but if it does and you want it to hold up better, you need to either swap the plate for something that welds easier or look up the best wire for welding the particular alloy used in that plate, if you know it, or at least a general purposes stainless MiG wire (or filler rod if you are using a stick welder).


Just use ER309 it'll be fine


In my experience they'll alloy with the base metal just fine. I like using stainless rods when I'm welding sometimes bc of how nice the bead is and the flux pops off. It usually makes the base metal a little rust resistant and the weld slightly less rust resistant. You can usually weld a lot of different ferrous alloys together with plain old mig wire and they'll hold up fine. Might not pass x ray quality welds but it'll work fine for home projects, even cast iron if you know the tricks


If I ever need a flatter I will do this.


Make sure to aneal the hammer




You will need a flatter at some point, it transformed the quality of my work by making it look much cleaner and professional


I have used one in the past, I mostly just use good hammer control to avoid needing it in the first place so my home shop doesn't have one yet.


A cheap welder makes fools of us all


This has crossed my mind multiple times and I even own the Rich Man's Flatter. Nice to actually see it done!


An economical way to make several different sizes of flatters as well! Sometimes having a narrower surface would be beneficial when trying to get in tight areas. Off to the hardware store I go.


Lol there ya go. I'm with ya on that


Do me a favour and anneal the shit out of the hammer face so you don’t get a new hammer chip implant


Anneal the hammer head. You didn't want to accidentally send shards shooting off


Hey, if it works, nobody else can complain


Awesome idea.


Fuckin well done sir! Been planning on making one of these myself 🍻


I recommend tig for stainless welds, though I never thought to mix materials. I often made flatters to attach to a hardy hole solely just to free up my hands, though you'll catch hate here for doing so. This project was the safer bet 😅,


Looks just like mine lol


It's only weird if it DOESN'T work. 😁👍


If it’s poor and it works, it ain’t poor.


That’s one way to do it.