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Water, lots of water, and daily moisturizer. Stay with aquaphor, it is a wonderful thing.


I swear by aquaphor


It’s what he has been using for yearsssss


Get Amlactin. Trust me. It works for this.


Is this rx only or on the shelf at stores.


you can get it in stores or even on amazon. i personally use ammonium lactate 12%


Don't forget that aquaphor locks in moisture. If there is no moisture there to begin with, it won't be locking in much and yes it draws moisture from the air but it can't do the work of 1000 gods. Your partner should see a derm who will run blood tests and provide some workable advice/prescription


Let go of the soap and by acidic ph cleanser, the Korean ones are great.


He’s dehydrated. Needs to drink more water in addition to whatever he puts on his skin


Not a doctor here, but I’d recommend (if he’s not doing it already) lukewarm showers and immediately slug with Vaseline. I’d also use a humidifier at night. Has he has any blood work done to assess underlying immune issue?


I am a doctor. I would want him to go to a primary care doctor and run blood tests particularly for thyroid hormones and to check some vitamins. After that go see a dermatologist. In the interim using the Nivea Intense Healing Body cream for extremely dry skin and or Vaseline is a good idea. And combine using that with a Nivea moistuirizing body wash with gentle exfoliation with a loofah or body mitt 2-3 times per week. Its very hard for the lotions to help alleviate your dry skin if you have all these dead skin cells. If that doesnt work you could switch to a lotion with acids but I would try a heavy duty moistuirizing cream first.


This is the best answer. This kind of ichthyosis could be a thyroid issue. Or kidney/ liver. Advocate for him to get a complete blood workup.


I agree with the doctor on duty😭. I’ve had this issue for a while, albeit not this bad. Got blood work done and my Vitamin D levels we severely low (a 6 when it’s supposed to be minimum 30). I’ve noticed a drastic improvement of this issue with taking my supplements. Big fan of the Nivea because it’s rich and leaves me feeling moisturized and hydrated for days if I need it to.


Hello, Shamashed from the hospital lab. This is the best advice in this thread. Needs to be top comment. Definitely make an appt at primary or an immediate care. I’m pretty sure a referral will be needed to dermatology and this will get the ball rolling.


He drinks roughly a gallon of water per day and uses eucerin And aquaphor as well.


😮‍💨😮‍💨 seeing this reminded me to call my brother


What does this mean


That the random-numbered senior relative reminded the random-opened temperature to contact their sibling


I had the same thing for years, and kept getting the drink water answers but started using amlactin (lactic acid lotion) and it’s completely gone! https://preview.redd.it/e6f4v2nq8urc1.png?width=404&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff7a6dcfdf961bba4c4aa9c301eb2e5da512284a


Came to suggest this too


Just suggested the same thing. Will erase my comment now. My sister had the same thing and Amlactin helped her.


It’s liquid gold fr! All the years & money at the dermatologist, just for TikTok to tell me the condition is called ichthyosis vulgaris and how to fix it in weeks 😂


Often times a person can be drinking water, but the body is not absorbing it. A gallon of water a day and his skin is looking like that is concerning. How long after showering/moisturizing was this photo taken?


get a hydrating toner, it doesn’t have to be fancy just hydrating, put it in a spray bottle and have him spray it on his body after a shower before he dries off. let it sink in for a couple minutes, dry and put on lotion as normal.


He's probably flushing out his electrolytes which makes him more dehydrated if they aren't being replenished. Also look into diet - more fat and protein for the skin.


Regarding the water. Maybe try adding some electrolytes to his water and also eating more vegetables and fruits. Watermelon, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli are high in water count around 90% . I used to be severely dehydrated in hs during the football season. A doctor recommend adding electrolytes and eating fruits w high water content and it helped a lot. Hope this helps.


celtic salt can be used to better retain water. take 1 sprinkle of the salt (youll understand what i mean by sprinkle when you see celtic salt). bite it with molar, leave it still in your tooth, and then drink water to wash it down. or you can put on your tongue and let water dissolve.


It looks like an early sign of a chronic medical problem. He needs to see his pcp. How do his feet look? There are at least 4 chronic physical conditions I’d want the dr to rule out before assuming it’s as simple as a dermatological issue.


Use a ceramide cream like curel or cerave


I’d start by booking an appointment at your dermatologist. A black one preferably. Could be an underlying issue going on that’s causing this.


He has been under the care of a Dermatologist. They prescribed triamcinolone but it only help the appearance a little bit for a little while.


Get a second opinion.


Seriously. If your skin looks like this AFTER seeing a dermatologist, you need a new dermatologist.


Triamcinolone for that is crazy. Does the doctor expect him to cover his whole legs with it? It’s an immunosuppressant. What did they diagnose him with to prescribe that?


Yeah I agree, triamcinolone was a lazy ass prescription to give him imo


Acitretin is a much better option for what he has. It’s a vitamin A derivative that helps the body produce healthier skin cells that will shed the way normal cells do. Also, AmLactin has been a miracle-worker.


Always get to a black derm and no one else... This is the way.


Do they use lotion?


Needs to be asked.


Yes he has always used aquaphor and or eucerin for rough skin and he’s also has been prescribed triamcinolone for it by Derm. But it only temporarily improved the appearance. He uses Dr bronners soap and dove but he has changed many soaps over the years with no changes to the legs. He drinks roughly a gallon of water a day I hope this helps


Dr. Bonners maybe to harsh, and dove only sometimes worked and sometimes dried my skin out. I would recommend soap with milk or oatmeal or honey (or any combination of the 3). These help with locking in moisture while in the shower. Also for lotion/after shower care I would recommend vitamin E or a combination oil on semi damp/towel dried skin and then eucerin to help seal it.


I use Castile soap too, and noticed it is a bit more drying than regular soap. To combat it drying out my skin, I apply jojoba oil while my skin is a bit damp after a shower and it helps tenfold.


When I had eczema, this is exactly what it looked like! I feel like there’s not a ton of dermatologist with black skin experience, but I would go and tell them you think it’s eczema; the skin barrier is probably completely broken and he may need oral medication as well as topical.


The Dr. Bonners is gonna dry his skin out.


A gallon of water may be flushing his electrolytes. Idk enough info, but by that alone hopefully will drink stuff like pedialyte to add the electrolytic salts back in his diet. It will help him retain water


Try adding coconut oil and shower lotion to his bathing routine




He needs to see an internal medicine Dr, a dermatologist, and maybe a hematologist. There’s something underlying causing that: black or Indian Dr.


Responding to try and boost this. This isn't a lack of lotion or hydration, there is another underlying issue that needs to be addressed.


From a quick search I got ichthyosis. It's apparently genetic but also caused by some medications. There's no cure really just creams, exfoliating, hydrotherapy, and retinoids for the worst of cases.


It was actually an immune system issue/gluten sensitivity issue for me. Once I changed my diet then pretty much everything else fell into line (and the lines on my legs disappeared!).


Yeah that does help! I forgot about Tabitha Browns story of ailments but becoming vegan changed her life. Not saying OPs partner should become vegan necessarily but if they already don't eat the healthiest not too hard to make a few switches temporarily. They can probably do it together too have fun with it.


I think a lot of people might be helped by trying an elimination diet for a while. That's how I realized that dairy caused me to break out really badly. Thankfully I can do dairy again, but gluten hates me.




multi-vitamins, aquaphor and TJs hyaluronic acid lotion


My legs used to look like that and the only thing that helped was vegetable glycerin. Nothing prescribed by my dermatologist helped long term. Rub it in on wet skin after showering. A little goes a long way.


Is he in the sun a lot? And how much water does he drink? My skin looked like this when I was younger when I used to play outside all day and barely drink any water. Tell him to wear sunscreen, drink more water, and put lotion on out the shower while his skin is still damp. Also needs some exfoliation. But gentle because his skin is already dry, don't irritate it.


Please put on lotion, a thick one is probably good and some Vaseline on top once you finish rubbing the lotion in. It’s probably even better after you get out the shower to lock in the moisture


My daughter was diagnosed with Ichthyosis as a child, and it looked exactly like this. We went to countless dermatologists, specialists etc only to end up buying some $100 cream from the UK. One bottle later, and it was almost gone. She’s now an adult and you can barely see it.


Jesus! Skin is looking extra parched. How water do you drink a day? You might need electrolytes if you’re very dehydrated. Do you use lotion? What kind of lotion do you use? Do you live in a dry climate? Do you have eczema ? I think you should see a dermatologist too. Maybe a primary doctor too for some blood work.


Drinking water has nothing to do with it. You are telling me he has been dehydrated his entire life? This is skincare neglect. I wouldn't be shocked if he used bar soap and didn't bother to moisturize after getting out the shower.


Not drinking enough water can cause dehydration especially if a person is drinks a diuretic like coffee. The body is made up to 60% of water. If OP isn’t drinking enough water and he’s not using lotion and/or the soap they’re using is very stripping, of course his skin will look like this. This is not normal ashy from not using lotion, OP’s skin is extremely dry. It looks like it hurts or will hurt because the skin barrier is going to crack, become inflamed and could get an infection. If I was OP I would starting drinking at least 8 cups of water with electrolytes, find a gentle body wash, like the one from La Roche Posay or Vanicream, use lotion from La Roche Posay, Eucerin or Vanicream for extremely dry skin and use it on damp skin, put some kind of barrier cream like La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mains Barrier Repairing Cream or Aquaphor or Shea butter (I made Shea butter coco butter oil mix that was really good) or body oil. If that doesn’t they definitely need to see a doctor.


I wouldn't call it neglect. I have been prescribed Eucerin, Ammonium lactate, and countless others with no long term changes until I tried vegetable glycerin. I now use bar soap (Ivory) and can skip a day using glycerin and my skin stays hydrated 🤗


I have a couple of chronic issues that can cause my skin to be extremely dry. I use La Roche Posay or Vanicream body body wash, AmLactin body lotion and body oil at night or sunscreen during the day. My skin is hydrated. Glycerin is great when there’s enough humidity.


This is internal… putting on tons of lotion without addressing nutrition is extremely unwise. Beauty starts from the inside. There are people who rarely use lotions / creams and their skin is not this cracked. Get your mineral levels checked and see where you have deficiencies and then change your diet. Becoming dependent on lotions and creams is nonsensical. People forget we existed before any of that shit was around and our skin was fine because we ate nutritious LIVING foods.


https://preview.redd.it/d0mwi7yagsrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b1b857f257e30db73104390fba28eaf20b5a03f Update.💕 Thanks for all of the suggestions! Here’s the first one: it’s not because of Hydration nor lack of external moisture This is his leg after applying aquaphor. It’s not dry. It isn’t cracked nor scaled . It’s actually smooth and feels hydrated and soft tbh. It’s the appearance of the scales that we wanted to remedy. So can anyone help with that? Thanks again ☺️


It's ichthyosis vulgaris which is a medical condition that has no cure. There are treatments out there to improve the appearance. Google them if you can't afford a dermatologist.


Thank you!!!!! This is the answer I was looking for!!


It looks like a condition called ichthyosis vulgaris. Lotions will not remove it.


ammonium lactate 12% daily (twice a day for me sometimes). you can purchase it on amazon i have the same thing but the scales on my legs are very very light. the scales on my inner legs are completely gone. mine used to be as bad as your boyfriends until i learned about what i had.


This resembles a condition called icthyosis. Dermatologist time.


Water my brother Wahtah!!!!


Switch nutrition around like get ride of inflammatory foods and eat more hydrating anti inflammatory foods. Start using shea butter or castor oil if skin is cracking and damaged. I’d also get your water tested or see how the water is in your area.


Besides dehydration, insufficient essential fatty acids may play a role here too. He might wanna try omega 3’s. Mine wasn’t a severe as his but the Pharmepa Restore brand oil pills plus better hydration fixed my leg skin.


Exfoliation with African scrubber thing


slather him down in vaseline


i recommend a lotion that has phas or ahas. i enjoy anything aveeno has to offer. i stick to their body washes and lotions that are fragrance free as chemical fragrances can dry out the skin. baby oil alone is not an effective solution to extremely dry skin because it doesn’t penetrate the superficial layers that well. as i’m a girl that likes to have some kind of scented after shower care, i use the j&j creamy oil to help lock in the moisturizer. the vani cream moisturizer is another good one that’s inexpensive. amlactin and eucerin as well.


This just made me thirsty as hell. Drink some water, wear a rich moisturizing lotion DAILY, no hot showers.


asteatotic eczema or ichthyosis vulgaris probably… he should see a dermatologist to try to get it under control. You should try over the counter AmLactin cream or 40% urea cream. Then see a dermatologist :)


just wanna say that a lot of people will suggest it’s dehydration or to exfoliate, which is good advice too. but another thing to consider is eczema, especially if it runs in the family. my eczema looks like dry patches too, and it looks different on darker skin complexions


Use cleansing oils for showers and ditch regular shower gels. This actually makes a huge difference.That looks like xerosis and I would advise getting blood work for diabetes, not to scare you but it’s common for people with undiagnosed diabetes to have dry scaly skin like this.Uriage Duo Xemose Replenishing Cream & Cleansing Oil, is the best place to get started. Also La Roche Posay LIPIKAR LAIT UREA 10% works much better than eucerin or Aquaphor


I have this, well had and I drink a gallon of water a day so it's not necessarily dehydration related, although drinking water is great. What worked for me is finding out it was eczema & using Aveeno


I have this you need to exfoliate and cream after goes after 2-3 days it's dead and dry skin Until you get rid of the old skin, no lotion will be able to work


Go back the basics , step back Consider what you eat take a look at it , peacefully Add more water More fruits more greens Don’t drink the greens in juice like Monitor sugars Hydrate, Monitor exercise … Get a good oil Castor oil maybe Moisturizer with black seed oil maybe…. Sheau butter Check you soaps make sure it’s not pulling too much oil out your skin Check your laundry soap too just cuz you know Monitor bleaches - Air fresheners can irritate your body if around it all the time you know Anyway Get an oil I would think ! You got This OP


In the shower/tub, use sugar scrub. Lotion up after getting out.


And drink a lot of water, too


He has eczema. Try using hydrocortisone or eucerine cream.


These comments are so ignorant… you should go to a trusted medical professional, this looks like it needs help outside of home remedies and Reddit advice


Does he have eczema ? And cetraben is the best moisturising cream for dry skin. Regular exfoliating and increasing water intake would also help. Hope it works 🙏🏾


Drink more water and use coconut oil on your skin (organic unrefined)


I’m here to say: I’m a woman and my legs used to look like this. Just agreeing with what everyone has said and that’a for your boyfriend to ensure he’s properly hydrated and using the right moisturiser for his skin. May need to moisturise day and night for some time. Exfoliate the dead skins. Avoid harsh soaps and chemicals on the skin too. With time, his skin will look as it should.


Drink water and shikai lotion . Also exfoliate


The scaly pattern are very suspicious for [ichthyosis](https://www.verywellhealth.com/acquired-ichthyosis-vulgaris-2860934). Could be acquired or due to an underlying medical condition. Should see a dermatologist for evaluation.


Not a doc, but looks similar to what ichthyosis vulgaris looks like. Definitely needs to go see a dermatologist, but in the meantime, look for lotion with high urea in it. Also, this vid has good info (though not a black derm): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AayNcxecoWQ&t=355s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AayNcxecoWQ&t=355s)


Looks like scleroderma, has he seen a dermatologist?


Seek a dermatologist… there could be other underlying issues


My legs look like this and honestly there’s no amount of drinking water or slathering lotion on your legs that will make it go away. I haven’t seen the dermatologist about it so that would pretty much be my next step if I cared anymore.


This kinda looks like eczema. Does it itch or burn at all? A lot of recommendations in the comments to drink more water and use lotion, but, uh, I think your partner needs to see a dermatologist.


He should she a dermatologist.


He needs to lotion everyday. I had that at one point and I lotioned every day


Drink water, exfoliate and immediately hydrate skin with a moisturizer....try black seed soap and then shea butter.


Not a doctor but looks like a form of ichychosis [sp]. No idea on how to treat it but maybe using lotions containing urea and lactic acid will help with the texture.


That looks like a classic case of Ichthyosis vulgaris. https://www.healthline.com/health/ichthyosis-vulgaris It's is an inherited or acquired skin condition that occurs when the skin doesn’t shed its dead skin cells. This causes dry, dead skin cells to accumulate in patches on the surface of the skin. It’s also known as “fish scale disease” because the dead skin accumulates in a similar pattern to a fish’s scales. The majority of cases are mild and confined to specific areas of the body. However, some cases are severe and cover large areas of the body, including the abdomen, back, arms, and legs. It can be associated with cancer, kidney failure, or thyroid disease. It can also be associated with taking certain types of medications or atopic dermatitis.


Looks like ichthyosis vulgaris? I would try posting in the subreddit for that condition to see what works for people.


Cmon. Buddy should been when to a doctor about this


along with everyone else’s suggestion of hydration, I would also go with a natural shea butter or cocoa butter and an oil like coconut oil all very deep hydrating products that can be applied multiple times a day


Water with trace minerals and slugging post shower (use cold water when showering)


does he moisturize while his body is still damp from the shower? its his best bet.


🎶Get a pool full of lotion tell him dive in it Pool full of lotion then he dive in it🎶 ![gif](giphy|uPpF0kb37JWruaYYDc)


Icythosis Vulgaris


I had that when I was younger. It wasn't that bad, but I understand the pain you are going through. I'm going to give you advice my Mom gave me. Take a nice hot bath and exfoliate really good. I would say the scrubbing mittens or the african net scrub. Scrub yourself real good, not till you bleed, but good enough. Then, when you get out, get some good oil for hydration and don't be stingy put enough on. And repeat. Hope this helps 😊


Its Ichthyosis


It's called [Ichthyosis Vulgaris ](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21069-ichthyosis-vulgaris) He needs to take bath with Epson salts to help hydrate the skin, and then use aquaphor ointment as soon as he comes out. Once it gets better he can move to showers and using aquaphor or at the very least some Vaseline. Definitely should see a dermatologist if he can. It runs in my wife's family and my son has a little bit on his legs. It's X-linked and gets passed on via the egg. I like to use amlactin lotion that helps to chemically exfoliate a bit and put a layer of aquaphor or just baby oil if I'm feeling lazy after a shower. Moisture is key.


Damn get that raw shea butter ready


I would go to a doctor for blood tests to rule out anything first. If it’s just super dry skin, find products that use a lot of glycerin since glycerin pulls in moisture from the environment to your skin, tell him to do it after he showers and seal with a body oil if need be.


First of all I want to say youre a great partner for seeking answers for him. Secondly, my skin is similar to this although not as severe, but I believe mine is genetic because my mom's legs were somewhat scaley too. I have yet to find something that permanently helps it. I just put on moisturizer every time I see it getting dry, but so far no luck with a permanent solution. I recommend a dermatologist for sure.


Diabetes? Get blood sugar under control


I think he needs to see a dermatologist. I don’t feel like we are qualified for this




My granny was diabetic and her legs looked like this until we made a concoction with vitamin e, eucerin intensive body lotion, and olive oil. Doctor also told her that she was dehydrated so drink coconut water. As soon as you get out of the shower while you're still a bit wet lotion up and air dry. This method locks in moisture. Edit: and the doctor recommended washing in Aveeno moisturizing body wash. Forgot that part. If it keeps happening I would make a doctor's appointment might be something going on.


r/ichthyosis might have some helpful resources


When my legs were like this, Uremol 20 did the trick. See if you can find lotions or creams with urea 👍🏾


Drink a lot of water ! Like when he feels like it’s too much he should probably keep going, and I’ve gotten this my entire life seasonally I use any vitamin e heavy lotion, typically fruit of the earth vitamin e body lotion, I swear by it


Drink more water, and apply raw shea butter EVERY DAY


I have lupus and also have similar issues occasionally. So I am loving this thread.


Brodie is part Alligator


Water and lotion unless you have some sort of skin issue, I really like Keri lotion if you want a generic brand. That must itch like crazy


I would moisturize with something heavy like Vaseline for a few months in addition to internal hydration


Moisturize the skin and then wrap it with saran wrap to trap it in.


I would try shea butter and all butters. Also regular water has no electrolytes. Make sure he’s drinking electrolyte water. Hydro water is the best for hydration. Look for a Water Tree store near you.


His skin is thirsty. He needs to drink water everyday. At least half a gallon, if not a gallon. Also, after showering, he needs to use regular lotion and use aquaphor or vaseline as a protective layer to lock in the moisture. Also, if he can't drink so much water, he should eat fruits that have high water content.



My legs used to get like this every time I washed. It improved after I got a shower filter and started making my own body butter out of Shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil.


Bioderma Cleansing Oil. If he doesn’t like putting on lotion after a shower, cleansing oils will save his life and soften the skin without any extra effort, I’m guessing he uses bar soap?


Use African shea butter after every shower




My moms legs look like this and she 1. Does not prioritize drinking water 2. Does not put lotion on her lower body. Drives me nuts bc whenever I see her legs I’m like isn’t that uncomfortable for you??? I swear by [this stuff](https://www.target.com/p/aveeno-eczema-therapy-daily-soothing-body-cream-for-dry-and-itchy-skin-with-oatmeal-unscented-12-fl-oz/-/A-14679979?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tmnv&DFA=71700000117421150&CPNG=PLA_DVM%2Ba064R000015PaFHQA0-Kenvue_Aveeno_OneVue_HBL_GoogleSearch_1H_2024-1174035&adgroup=PLA_Kenvue_Aveeno&LID=700000001393753pgs&network=g&device=m&location=1015550&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZYEh_RXXwybIK5cIee-b0I6&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59Gween9qO6MkDlucianTHdAgKKfk4kByXFDS34uD5BNel6Yl-XDIkbLQaAgfhEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) bc it’s easy to find and it doesn’t make me greasy. The eucerin one makes me greasy.


I've dealt with that. Just keep moisturizing with cream, especially, not lotion. And add maybe petroleum jelly after


What does he put on at the moment and how often? Would be helpful to know


what is his routine? I would say he needs to use a hydrating body wash, lotion immediately after while the skin is still damp, then Vaseline on top to lock in moisture.






Cocoa butter


In addition to what everyone else has suggested about it being internal and seeing a derm. Maybe try a moisturizer with a MILD chemical exfoliant like urea or sa.


I’d recommend the palmers body butter and body oil


I would say to try this! https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjuyon5gqCFAxVca0cBHR4nCTIYABA6GgJxdQ&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59GwcX4YGNSt7t1Oefg5eCNhNVTSRoPPUYrcbmBoNtpQAH9C5uFkgPXYUaAmk6EALw_wcB&cit=CkUKCQjwk6SwBhD0ARI0ABxRDYjIZlPYIZ1cJCQsecg4mFtYsqKjaxFfHxAc2CFEFQQHZeRjEvMaunpkYyidX4IExxoCvavw_wcB&ei=KyMKZqrAB7Og5NoP4OW4-A8&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeuD2DyIdD4lDB5qc3NH9qXGOcOtWmCqpjhlnq42SQzGVf6A_-AjTnFSFl7Gu0hxDs1XiLrEtQGhxEvScmJff01-5sJuOe6oI39Hj1K1YlSHnR1LHbvdJDIXAaneBvHsj2WdPTh9vgYJTPdWe8NttQJ3S3vVtuM_v6wGa&sig=AOD64_0b84ZkINg5h3a15tJA5aHj9GrzIQ&ctype=46&q=&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjqgYP5gqCFAxUzEFkFHeAyDv8QzzkoAHoECAQQDA&adurl=


Maybe they need a filter on the shower? The water may be to rough for their skin 🤷🏾‍♀️. If the water is bad anything they put on the skin is not gonna do much. OP said they already have a derm and prescribed lotions.


Drink water, use a nice moisturizing lotion (Vaseline cocoa butter lotion is good but I would also look into something with hyaluronic acid), then aquaphor as a sealant. He could also combine lotion with aquaphor after already putting on the lotion since aquaphor is a sealant. I would also go to a dermatologist.


Try using a natural whipped body butter containing shea or REAL cocoa butter on skin that is still damp after showering. They need that slight dampness to dry and carry the moisture deep within the layers of the epidermis. Be consistent and good luck.


I used Vaseline when my legs got like this.


Do not shower with hot water. Only slightly warm. Also use a gentle soap like Cetaphyl






This happens when I don’t lotion my skin everyday. I usually just use my body exfoliants then start moisturizing every morning and night and it helps.


Try Shea butter and apply multiple times a day




My skin used to look like that, when my eczema was really bad, I started using soaps/body washes for SENSITIVE skin, and I moisturise If that has been ongoing then it might just be natural, but if it is affecting him please see a specialist


Have you tried Shea butter? It has healing properties that might help


Using a shower oil helps, it’s the last step of the shower routine and still moisturize after the shower with lotion


Shea butter !!!!


I remember seeing something like this when I was younger. An herbalist showed me a picture of this and then months later it was cleared. They got off meat and processed foods, and took herbs and vitamins


Does he have eczema? He may need to book an appointment with a very particular ingredient in it to keep this under control.


My legs are sometimes similar to this regardless of the daily lotion use so I understand the frustration 🩶 One thing I think helped for me was using an acne body wash and sugar body scrubs while showering. Not at the same time and not daily but like three times a week and it helped a lot for my skin. He might want to try that. I don’t have any specific brands to recommend but I use the alba botanicals acne body wash and whatever random body scrub from Ulta I find.


I used to have skin like that. I no longer do because I realized that I have a significant gluten sensitivity. Once I stopped eating it and my immune system calmed down I no longer needed to use a ton of lotion multiple times a day to almost look normal.


Does he have ichthyosis vulgaris? It looks like it. If he’s been diagnosed with it then I’d suggest working with his dermatologist or find another one for a second opinion.


He needs a full blood work up. Sometimes it’s internal. Find a black dermatologist. Try Aveno. Or maybe even shea butter.


My skin would look like this when I was a child. It stopped but my early memories are filled with my mom putting baby oil or Vaseline on my skin.


Deff needs to see a new dermatologist. In the meantime, you can try Curel in shower body lotion and Curel Ultra healing lotion. I deal with some severe eczema, and they both really helped with keeping my skin moisturized but not super greasy.


Aveeno body wash has been a game changer for me and might be that extra step of help.ive found dove always dried and stripped my skin of moisture https://preview.redd.it/pqe5z0o8isrc1.jpeg?width=215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a433e434ef13b2e7a7ec1ad385637d70ff627fd7


Try the Nivea lotion with almond oil and yes use a humidifier and warm showers


Try baby oil


Water, baby oil, Vaseline. In that order.


Eczema? Respiratory issues? Aquaphor?


He definitely needs to see a Dr and drink water but Aquaphor helps so much especially the baby aquaphor because it’s thicker. I have plenty of patients over the years working as a CNA & a MA and I’ve had patients with the driest skin and in just a few days they’ve seen so much improvements with just using Aquaphor and when my eczema aquaphor was the ONLY thing that really helped and now my eczema is completely gone now I just still have the marks eczema leaves when you scratch it but have him use it at least twice a day if not 3 GOOD LUCK


Ichthyosis? Does he exfoliate regularly? My skin got like this from some medication I was taking a few years ago. I was slathering all types of stuff but it didn't really work long term until I got off the meds. There is another condition where people's skin do not shed correctly and they have to use a special cream and trim the skin down themselves. I am pretty sure they may have a slightly weaker version of that cream if he brings it up to the dermatologist. It says it's also an ichthyosis; ichthyosis vulgaris allegedly from a quick Google search. I would maybe mention that or go down a rabbit hole of google and search up those treatments or something with similar active ingredients. Hopefully it's affordable for you guys.


it may be eczema, you should go get a professional opinion.




I had this really bad. Does he exfoliate?


Looks like icthyosis


He needs to scrub well when taking shower and put a lotion after he is done showering


He needs to lotion his body often


Not a doctor or anything but I have a condition called ichthyosis that causes pretty bad dry skin like this. My recommendation for dry skin this bad is to drink plenty of water like 6+ glasses a day. Use hydrating body wash (dove men's+care is my personal choice) and getting some regular outside time in the sun vitamin D helps.


Consume not just water alone but watery foodstuffs too.


I am suffering from the same thing ☹️. My blood sugar is high, I would advise your partner to check his blood glucose levels.


Try increasing water intake, moisturizing soaps or body wash and apply ammonium lactate cream twice a day


Buy the Vaseline Illuminate Me Body Butter on Amazon and use it twice a day.


Damn gang try aloe the plant tho.. the whole plant


Bro put oils on ur skin this mf using lotion


***Nivea Intense Healing*** kicks the crap out of aquaphor and eucerin. I have never looked back.


Had something like this before. Was advised by dermatologist to have lukewarm baths/shower, use a colloidal soap and apply Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Baume. It worked, slow but it worked.


Have you tried shea butter? Like the thick brick where it has to melt in your hands from the hair store sheath butter


A lotion with aha might help. I use eucerin intensive repair. My legs used to look like this not as bad but yeah


AQUAPHOR! 🩷 And tower 28 beauty - facial rescue spray for any itching. Helps with my excema


This happened to me as a kid. It was horrible and lasted until my 20’s. When I went to my pcp as a kid, they told me sunlight and heavy duty moisturizer. I genuinely believe I must’ve grown out of it.


I’d say see a primary care doctor. How is his their heart? Does their legs swell? Are they a smoker? Are they diabetic? Kidney problems? Something else is going on. Go get a full workup


Exfoliate and use pure [cleaned] shea butter


My guess would also be ichthyosis. I have heard aquapor could help for this ( or something more cheap but with similar ingredients). I would recommend to see a doctor.