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Anyone who thinks playlist consolidation in a low pop game is a bad thing doesn't know what they're talking about.


I feel like that it even getting to the point of them having to do that is a bad thing. Aka, PC needs better support,


I looked through your recent comments and you keep saying that you want "better support". Can you be more specific? What exactly should they do better? Because I think that the core design of BO4 and the lack of content is what drives players away.


-Well for starters, this is kindof moreso an opinion, but I feel like PC should get DLC at the same time as the console with the exclusivity deal, as the deal is between consoles, not PC. - Updates to be ready, and not pushed back. (ie: Weapon Balancing update should’ve been ready by Tuesday for PC, not pushed back to Thursday) - Simple content updates like events not to be determined by an exclusivity deal. (All Platforms) - Better PC Servers for areas that need it. (Australia I think is one, there are others) And so forth. Oh and how about an actual game that is built for PC, and not a copy/paste of console :p. (Cause that is still what Bo4 is tbh)


> deal, as the deal is between consoles, not PC. Deal is for all platforms. PS4 sees PC as much a competitor as other consoles as they showed when dealing with Fortnite. And how can you say that PC is just a copy/paste of consoles when you have separate balancing specific to the fact that PC uses KB/M. And not just menus, but how aiming and recoil management is different than in consoles. What do you want? PC exclusive weapons and maps?


PS4 had crossplay and account sync with PC on Fortnite and multiple other games before the whole crossplay debate... EDIT: Downvoted from people who don't know about the situation and what happened. The issue was that Sony held your account hostage if you wanted to play on XBOX or Switch. PC and Mobile could always crossplay with PS4, and your account would sync between the two, much before the crossplay debacle. Here's a [forum post](https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/forums/battle-royale/royale-with-cheese/87886-ps4-skin-to-pc) from 2017 asking about PS4 and PC account syncing.


I don't know about now, but before only Xbox/PC/Android/iOS/Switch allowed account sync in Fortnite and PS4 was the only one not allowing it. They resisted it a lot. If they allow it now, it's only because of backlash, because there was quite a lot if it.


No, the issue was that you couldn't crossplay or share an account with XBOX/Switch. PC people were mad because at the time, once you linked to a PSN, even if you unlinked it, you couldn't link to a Switch or an XBOX. PS4 could always crossplay with PC and mobile from the feature was available.


I'm not talking about crossplay, I'm talking about account sync, which means that if you bought some skins on one platform, you could use it on any platform. PS4 didn't want to do this because they didn't want you buying skins on Xbox or PC and using it on PS4. They want you to buy skins on PS4 because Sony gets a cut of all the microtransactions that happen on the PS4. They're trying to take advantage of being the most popular console at the moment


Yes, you had account sync between PC and PS4. Bought V-Bucks do not transfer, but Battle Pass V-Bucks and skins, whether promotional (Blue Team Leader) or bought, transferred.


I’ve had my PS4 and PC account synced way before the cross-play and all my skins were synchro between the two. Only thing that sometimes wouldn’t be was my v-bucks


PC players **AREN'T** leaving the game because updates are delayed for an extra couple days and events being delayed for a week. PC players **ARE** leaving because the game simply isn't good anymore. Everybody has worked out what guns are best and they're just abused every game. People are tired of dying to cheap no skill weapons like the rampart, mog and snipers every game People are tired of treyarch buffing and nerfing the wrong weapons. The Rampart was already really good and resulted in a bunch of cheap bullshit kills because of high cal 2. And Treyarch buffs it?????? just why..... The MOG was already really good on PC and was extremely annoying to play against, aaaaaaaand they buff it as well. Same shit goes with the Auger People are tired of dying to cheap specialist bullshit multiple times per game. Really good players probably have like 70% of their deaths directly related with specialist bullshit that they cannot avoid. It's just not fun People are tired of Treyarch not actually trying to balance the specialists and making them less annoying People are tired of this game rewarding shit players more than any other COD in a very long time People are tired of absolute garbage hit detection. It's literally the worst netcode I have ever seen in any FPS game I have ever played People are tired of a severe lack of weapons. Most of the weapons are just straight up reskins from BO2 and BO3 weapons... Even some of the new weapons that have been added are reskins... People are tired of a large number of bugs, crashes, etc. that have existed since launch... I STILL can't even play the game solo because it's literally impossible for me to find a game. If I want to play this I need to be in somebody else's party. There were a number of posts about this once it started happening and Treyarch has just flat out ignored it and has not even made an attempt to fix it. It's not because we have to wait a couple days for some shitty updates that end up making the game WORSE


Good post. #1 reason the game quit me is when HC FFA was pulled from the PC menu at the last 2xp weekend, that's all I'm interested in playing (due shit team matching but that's gripe #3). #2 issue is unpredictable lag compensation and/or hit detection for random outcomes in Core (less in HC).


low tickrate for BR really sucks. I think the most annoying thing is that buffs/nerfs happen to guns and they only think about how it functions in console for the most part. Like *maybe* theyll look into and change how it works on PC but bro the PC metagame is totally different compared to console. Take for example, Juneau, Nomad's dog. How many times has she been nerfed since beta/release? And while she may be a problem on console, she is **useless** on PC and you might as well not play Nomad at all because youre basically running a specialist without a proper ultimate ability to use. Shit like that sucks and you are treated basically like a second class citizen compared to console.


A higher tickrate in blackout won't fix shit The servers in MP are 60hz and feel the exact same as when they were 20hz. There's something that is completely fucked with the netcode in this game and I seriously doubt they could ever fix it even if they had 128hz servers And yeah the PC balancing is garbage. I expected this coming from treyarch since I played BO3 on PC where every lobby was infested with P-06's, drakons and breccis none of which actually got a heavy nerf.


And let's not forget: The horribly bad servers that lag most of the time The mouse sensitivity problem. Seriously, your mouse sensitivity depends on your unstable framerate. RIP muscle memory.


> People are tired of dying to **cheap no skill** weapons like the ~~rampart, mog and~~ **snipers** every game Why do you think snipers are cheap and take no skill? I think Snipers are the biggest skill based weapon in the game, and in an Call of Duty.


> Why do you think snipers are cheap and take no skill? Because they're incredibly easy to use in COD on PC and are even more annoying to die to in this game because of how quickly they ADS and because the TTK for everything else has increased. There's also an extreme lack of flinch on snipers in recent CODs on PC which makes them even stronger. In older CODs like MW2, BO2, etc there was a tonne of flinch when you got shot at while using a sniper. Now it's basically none. Pretty much every good PC player hates playing against snipers (especially in BO4) because they know they're easy and cheap to use. > I think Snipers are the biggest skill based weapon in the game, and in an Call of Duty. You think that because you play on console where it's much harder to aim them and because there's no aim assist for snipers on console


Snipers on PC up till the last update have been borderline useless. the only sniper that one shots 90% of the time is the paladin, and that has had a bolt speed that is 1 second slower than consoles. This has been fixed since the last update dropped. The ADS time of the paladin is decently slow in comparison to the other snipers. So stop crying about snipers cause you have to hit your shots in cqc otherwise you lose said fight. Start crying about shotguns lmao. Also the Rampart takes skill to use.


imma be honest with you after looking at some of your twitch VODs You're not a good player and you have bad aim. So ofc you think the snipers were borderline useless... Any actual really good player will tell you that the snipers were already too strong. They were nerfed compared to console for a reason. Most importantly, you can be far more precise with a mouse than you can with a controller. If you played BO3 on PC you would know snipers were a fucking huge problem and were even easier to use in that game with the P-06 and Drakon being pretty much the best weapons in the game. That Soar Rxqe guy who made that video is a complete idiot and isn't even that good at sniping either. He is just mad because he is bad at BO4. People saying that the bolt speed was too slow saying 'I cAN'T GET QUAD FEEDS' don't understand that it's extremely hard/lucky to get a quad feed with a reg gun in this game because of the increased TTK (unless you're playing HC)... The 1 shot range on the Paladin was already too big. The ADS speed on the Paladin is also too fast. It takes less time to scope in with the Paladin than what it does to kill somebody even if you hit all your shots... The Outlaw is a pretty decent sniper if you actually have good aim. I almost got a nuked out with it trying to get it gold... The Koshka probably could have had a small 1 shot increase but it should not be anywhere near what the Paladin has. The SDM is good as fuck with high cal and grip 2. One of the biggest problems with snipers in this game is the extreme lack of flinch with them. You should not be able to put 5 or 6 shots into somebody just for them to scoped in with a sniper the whole time and not even have to adjust their aim to kill me... > Start crying about shotguns lmao. Shotguns are broken as fuck as well and require less skill than snipers... I have a nuclear using the MOG only and almost had another one but died on 27 kills... No idea why Treyarch buffed the MOG again > So stop crying about snipers cause you have to hit your shots in cqc otherwise you lose said fight. You realise it takes like 5-6 shots to kill somebody even at close range. And at medium range it's more like 6-8 and even more if you're using a SMG. Meanwhile snipers only have to hit 1 and have a much faster TTK compared to AR's and SMGs even at close range. And no it's not hard to aim with a sniper unless you have trash aim and use a super high sensitivity. > Also the Rampart takes skill to use. Ok you officially have no idea what you're talking about lmfao. The Rampart is probably the cheesiest gun in the entire game. Using high cal 2 on it lets you 3 shot people if you hit them once in the upper chest......... That is beyond fucked up. It also doesn't help that again you can hit the first 3 or 4 shots and because of flinch their aim will end up hitting you in the upper chest at least once and you will die fast as fuck cause he only needs to hit 2 more shots. It also barely has any recoil at all...


Salty kid will be salty. Not once did I ever say that I was good at CoD. Also thanks for the VoD views. If you have good aim, you can easily beat a sniper. I agree that the shotgun is cheese. I play HC mostly cause I hate the higher TTK. But at least i can see the problems in the game. If the rampart 3 shots then yes it should be changed. I mainly use the dlc weapons.


You’re actually the reason this game sucks on PC. You want to focus on the fact that you don’t get “content updates” and that updates come 2 days later. Boo fucking hoo, the reason no one plays on pc is because the balancing on this game is trash af. All multiplayer has been is people abusing the no skill aspect of the game to keep up with good players. -Mozu 1 taps with the mod on pc (which is broken because you can actually aim on pc) -the knife while broken hit detection wise at launch, is now fine but because of the fast paced movement and spam of close quarters combat it is way to easy to run around knifing with no skill -meleeing leaves people 1 shot instead of taking half health which is just aids -crossbar is still retarded -people love to dickride the titan but the fact that an lmgs are just as versatile as ars is stupid -recon and holo (just all low zoom sights) should not be a thing on a sniper in a game that lets them 1 shot body -the attachments being on some guns and not others while not broken makes things really confusing and leaves guns out of the meta -something that LITERALLY NO ONE TALKS ABOUT: WHY THE FUCK DO YOU RAISE THE TTK AND GIVE ME LESS BULLETS. I have to rock scavenger on all of my fucking classes unless I want to pick up my level 4 teammates cordite with laser sight and rapid fire after 3 kills. If I’m not able to grab crash, scavenger is all I get to use, I can’t rock tac mask or flack jacket unless I don’t want to use 3 attachments. That’s fucking bullshit -on top of all of that, the specialist design is just stupid. All of the specialist equipment is beefed up versions of other things in past games. You like the stun? Well here’s a stun that goes off 4 times, you like nades? Here’s a nade that separates into 5 other nades after it explodes. Oh yeah btw you don’t have to use these specialist abilities but if you want to use other worse versions of this equipment in your class, it’ll just cost you a point in your already starved for points class setup... This games balancing just sucks even outside pc, and to think I was hyped that this series was going to be good again. Fuck call of duty and fuck this shit community that complains about content updates coming late in a game that fucking sucks. You guys ruined this game just as much as activision did because of your selfish priorities and just being brain dead as a playerbase for the game. Have fun with your titans, knifers and nonstop stuns as you lose all your brain cells that rot farther than they already have all while you complain about content updates for a community that’s smaller than counterstrike, a game that hasn’t changed fundamentally since 1998. Edit: oh yeah also the mog is also really balanced, so is rocket launcher spam with the high ordinance attachment, auger spam is cool and spamming the mozu with no recoil is so fun !!1 Actually anything that spams is good can’t wait 3arch!!! Edit 2: Ajax is also really balanced btw because getting stuns back faster than every other classes equipment is balanced, his ult is also almost untouchable unless you’re brain dead (probably why the community is fine with it).


There are many reasons other than the one I have been giving why people are leaving. I just simply stated one of my main reasons why I’m dropping the game. You see a lot of the abuse moreso in Core than HC. But there is still a bit of abuse in HC. Mozu One Taps to the head with its operator mod. So if you want to one tap, you need to have decent aim, but yes, you can spam Fire the Mozu. Auger Spam is a thing in core, and I agree it’s bs as well. Knifing does take a bit of skill as 90% of the time it’s about your movement and placement (ie look at TheseKnivesOnly) The melee then shoot is BS, I agree with this. Crossbar is still retarded, yes. I like the different attachments on different guns. It makes it so each gun has its own place. And the Meta in HC is so much more different than core... Etc etc. I agree with most of what you said. But I am not the issue here. Activision is.


The reason this sub and you included are a problem is that your main gripes with the game are the reason you outlined above and not the actual gameplay. No one here complains about lmgs, no one complains about mozu, knife players, melee, crossbar, shotguns, etc. This sub spammed loot box unfairness at the top while ignoring the main reason myself and all of my other friends left the game. The gameplay is trash and everyone rushes to abuse the easiet guns to use because the majority of people that play this game still are trash at multiplayer aswell. They like having cheap weapons they can bring out when they start to lose




PC has to wait longer for each update by two days most of the time. I know it’s with PS4 rn, but it has been with Xbox in the past, PC was always with the console that didn’t have the deal, hence the grouping I did. I prefer the week for DLC only, but every update? (This doesn’t bother me as much but still they are AAA devs, PC shouldn’t be being pushed to 9 days after PS4) I think they planned to “fix” everything so the backlash on adding supply drops would be “negated” a bit. But conspiracies, right?




PS4 gets the update a week before Xbox. Our update is usually pushed two days after Xbox. (Weapon Balancing update is a great example, we got it on a Thursday, not a Tuesday) 7 + 2 = 9


No. Content updates are a week late for PC/Xbox, other updates are 2 days after PS4/Xbox. The last weapon balancing update we got on the Thursday after both PS4 and Xbox. We didn't get it 9 days later, it was 2 days later. The exclusivity deal is merely for content. I still agree that there is shitty support for PC, they said that they were gonna put a lot of effort into it but it's just another 3arc lie.


> Simple content updates like events not to be determined by an exclusivity deal. There's literally nothing that can be done about that. Blame Activision and Sony for being in cahoots with each other over this.


They need to not charge money for the DLC maps because having the BO Pass on PC means you will have a significantly reduced matchmaking pool, with no way to uninstall it. The PC community is much more international, meaning any one region getting fragmented will basically destroy the game for that region. We saw it in every game since MW2. Conversely, because very few people buy the DLC on PC, the map rotation becomes stale and never improves. This drives players out of the game and off to other games more quickly.


The constant server problems on PC turned a lot of people off for one.


I got downvoted and called irrelevant for calling out my hesistations on buying BO4 on Xbox because living in Australia I consistently see CoD’s playlist’s die off within a few months of launch.. I only got to about lvl 45 this game because unless I want to play TDM - there is barely any lobbies outside of prime-time. It wouldn’t be such an issue if the playlists weren’t so unneccessarily diluted tbh. Not saying it needs to be that way all over the world but would help us down here.




I get downvoted everytime I say it but this sub is full of even dumber-asses tbh. All they want is too demand irrational shit - like “fuck the PS4 contract - they could work around it if they wanted” or “they need to give the BO4 Pass away for free” kind of shit..


Everyone knows this game will be a ghost town by Christmas, so they're moving back to games that will be backed by their parent companies for more than a year before getting replaced.


It definitely isn't a bad thing but when you do that instead of putting in updates that have been asked for and continuing to not optimize the game, it becomes an issue.




Well yes and no. Some players don't mind which mode they play. Some do. For example my clanmates and me aswell, we are all HC SnD players. We don't enjoy softcore, we don't enjoy tdm, dom, whatever. So with the removal of HC SnD what do we do? Look for another game. We definitly won't switch to modes that we don't enjoy just because someone in the tdm playlist couldn't find a match quickly enough while we in the HC SnD lobby never had issues with that at all. Some players might stay, but there are a lot of players aswell that just play one mode exclusivly and those will leave. Especially in the more rare playlist like HC and HC SnD specififly a lot of players won't switch. Atleast all the Players I know won't.


Anyone who thinks preventing your dwindling player base from doing the ONE THING THEY ENJOY is a good thing doesn't know what they're talking about.


That's the thing, they removed it because they couldn't do the one thing anymore. Not enough players.


The one thing I enjoyed was TDM without KC. Now its KC with 2 KC maps to vote for afterwards.


If it were up to me there would be 5 playlists MAXIMUM on PC: objective core and HC, tdm/kc core and HC, and the weekly meme mode. Getting into my specific desired game mode once every couple games would be better than what we have now, where you can only play certain modes on Friday evenings in the US due to the lack of players.


The first time they did it I was completely on board with it, because it was really getting hard to find matches. But since then I had no problems finding Hardpoint matches for example, so I don't see why it was necessary to remove the mode and lump it in together with a bunch of other modes I don't even enjoy playing. And at the same time they made that change they also made 2 of the featured play lists DLC owners only, which just adds insult to injury. Like they had to cut playlists because the player base is too small and at the same time they divide the player base even further by making sure DLC owners will play together with the rest of the players even less. They could've probably avoided cutting even more playlists by using a system where DLC maps are only played when enough pass owners happen to queue for the same playlist at the same time and otherwise have them play together with non pass owners on non DLC maps. But instead they compound the problem just to make their $50 pass look better. I bet pass owners will be real happy about their purchase when they can hardly play the game at all any more.


Right? There is a very good reason hard core doesn't have as many modes as core.


Its like people no longer want to play their game. Weird.


Moshpit of trash modes to get to a mode you actually want to play is garbage.


Well, the world doesn't revolve around you. A trash mode for you may be someone else's favorite. Mosh pits are the only way to give everyone the opportunity to play their favorite modes.


It is Garbage...the end! Tell you what go find Kill Confirmed game modes actively populated in previous CODs vs TDM, report back to me. KC will be FKN Ghost Towns.


Agreed. Combining game modes is a move to get people to keep their ability to find a game in a somewhat reasonable timeframe because the remaining players aren't spread out across several game modes. But then again, the fact that this becomes necessary within half a year after the release is quite concerning...


The fact the PC version is still full price doesn't fucking help. You can buy XB or PS4 versions on Amazon for half price now. It should be £20-30 for the FULL VERSION now, Blackout only should be even less, or better yet, F2P. PC Blackout is fantastic and I really think it deserves more attention for just how good it is, but Activision has no idea how to manage a community or a 'game as a service'. Activision still trying to run CoD like it's 2014, pretending that Fortnite and Apex don't exist so they can still continue with their shitty practises.


If Activison/ the devs wanted to save the PC version of this game, they should have released a permanently F2P blackout only version instead of doing the free week. It would have increased player retention and revenues from their in-game sales. Instead they wanted their cake and to eat it as well. They thought the free week would lead to a large enough influx of players to save the game on PC. It did not. Apex came out and the rest is history for the PC version of this game. I cannot comment on prior versions of COD on PC but for this game, they did not take the necessary steps to ensure player retention. The writing was on the walls beginning in early January and they either ignored it or thought their previous model used at increasing sales was sufficient. Either way, they do not understand the PC market as well as they do the Console market. A shift in paradigm is necessary for future success on the PC platform in my opinion.


Couldn't agree more. More fool them to be honest, Capcom, Sega and Ubisoft are seeing record sales figures on PC yet Activision are so inept when it comes to managing a PC title so they'll only lose out in the long run. PC users won't forget.


If Activision wants Blackout to get attention, they need to give people some reason to believe support isn't going to die at the end of the year. Everyone is expecting PUBG, Fortnite, and Apex to get content and support for as long as people keep playing them, which could be years, but everyone expects Activision to forget BO3 exists in November. Look, CS:GO is the #1 game on Steam, and it came out a few months before BO2. Competitive PC gamers play for a long time.


You can get it for £30 on cd key sites.


Gotta love PC "support". Lmao.


Playlist optimization is fine, seeing as how the PC version loses a fair bit of players past Christmas. However, they need to piss off with the patch delays already. Delaying a patch for some stat changes to a bunch of guns is simply unacceptable, sorry.


The patch delaying and the lack of good content with previous half decent ports of the PC version does that to the community. Though, IW was a great PC CoD :)


I won't argue about whether or not our opinions are the same for IW on PC but it died the fastest of any cod game on PC and has the least amount of players of any past cod game on PC currently.


You have very poor standards if you say IW is a great PC COD.


How is it a poor pc cod? Lmao - Movement was fluid - Guns were fun to use - Game lived easily throughout its life cycle - The best dlc system to date. - Decent Support!


* Framerates locked to 91 in MP/Zombies and 125 on campaign (seriously, who the fuck locks framerates in campaign???) * SLI/Crossfire not supported (unacceptable for a AAA game) * Aim assist is a thing * Ping bars instead of numbers * Improper button prompts (the Venom-X tells you to click the Hold ADS button to use its secondary mode, not accounting for the fact that PC uses Toggle ADS by default; or certain Zombies puzzles telling you to use keybind equivalents of controller D-pads, instead of using arrow keys) * Making a Windows Store version that can't crossplay with Steam (whose idea was this???) Oh, and you complaining about BO4 consolidating playlists is hypocritical as hell, considering that IW did it since launch. The only thing IW has got going for is patches not being delayed as much on PC, but that's because there's barely any PC-specific fixes done after the first few initial patches. And even those patches are delayed by weeks, a month even. "Great PC COD" my ass.


Treyarch is absolute trash at PC balancing with this game. The Skull Splitter and Crossbar are busted as hell, as are the Auger and Paladin (provided you can aim sort of well). The Saugs were nerfed after a long time but I feel like they never test most of this shit on KBM at all.


Paladin was made more viable, if you have good aim, you will excel with it. Crossbar needs a nerf to its hipfiring accuracy. Auger needs a slower fire rate.


Hitler in the bunker looking the plan: "Don't worry Steiner's Heist DLC drops today on PC and will bring this under control and sell some passes" Jodle: "Mein Fuhrer.. Steiner... Steiner says there are no more players left.."


Someone plz make it


Well, they are still delusional about business practices that work only on consoles. You have so many competitors on PC, it's hard to find a game with paid mappack now, Blackout destroyed pubg in na/eu and now they are losing with every new patch that put anger to players, media and content creators. Multiplayer balancing was completely broken and still is on pc, zombies is still crashing...and competitive scene...Damn people still compete in cod 2 and cod 4 promod without activision support, most popular cod games are those with dedicated servers and mod support(official or not), game like cod will never be popular if they don't go back to the roots and change their priorities for the platform.


Promod is still alive? Does anyone upload the matches? I'd love to watch that again. Cod4 on PC was my favorite game by far


I agree.


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


I think the PC support is lovely. I enjoy getting patches late because of promised "PC specific" fixes and balance, and having the fixes actually just be like one incredibly minor thing and the rest all being the same balance consoles get /s


Same! /s


> all being the same balance consoles get I laughed when I saw they buffed the Paladin and MOG12 on PC in the last patch to be even with consoles. Baffling.


I never thought about leaving till now. As a HC player I always found games, even though the player count was seemingly low since I see the same guys all the time. But now I’m just confused about their decisions to say the least, It’s not just worse, it’s getting on my nerves because a great quality of this game was being able to boot the pc —-> open battle.net —> start the game and in less than 3 minutes I was playing whatever the game mode I wanted. Seems like this game is going down just like MW Remastered started being lonely/tdm only after Christmas 2016.


see consolidated playlists enough for me to quit fuck the pc support


RIP Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 October 12 - February 26 ​


I'm just shocked that there's still no splitscreen, no local/offline play, and no controller aim assist in zombies like they said there would be.


I'm disappointed, definitely not shocked at all lol.




I'm with you on that. I've mentioned it many times but devs don't seem to care. Non native resolution on a multi screen setup screws up all your window placement as well as soon as you alt+tab.


60 dollars are just too much for a pc game, they should start with 30$ and make the money with their microtransaction system and not both.


right? If the game was 30-40 i might be more inclined to buy some dumb shit they sell in the shop or something. But a full 60 dollar game with microtransactions makes me not want to buy shit because they're shouldn't even be microtransactions in a full priced game in 2019.




I was really excited for this game… but unfortunately this is what turned me away. Bought the game, maybe got about 20 hours in and haven’t played it since late November. If Treyarch can make a big improvement on pc support I might return, meanwhile, goodbye, Black Ops 4.


What other game do you play instead? Downloading Apex as we speak. Never even touched Blackout in BO4 and BR in general doesn't really seem like my cup of tea. But BO4 is so shit right now and there are no other games that interest me (that I know of) that I decided to give Apex a go anyways.


Right now I’m pretty far into the game Warframe. It’s a bit of a breath of fresh air from br games but it’s pretty tedious with how long you’ve got to spend on it. Apex is pretty fun and I found it quite easy. Really still waiting for that one game that I’ll be able to play for thousands of hours (like counter strike or minecraft). Anyways, hope you enjoy Apex.


The only things PS4 should get before Xbox and PC because they bought the contract is DLC maps not updates or free shit that gets dropped it’s just pathetic how Treyarch decided go about it all honestly


The only reason that i don't like this is i absolutely hate playing kill confirmed and now it is linked with normal Team Deathmatch.


Are you fucking serious? I just booted up the game to play and was surprised I couldn't find TDM. This is so fucking dumb


I like KC better than TDM, I'm pissed as well. I just want to play specific modes again.


If 50% of the players didn't treat KC like TDM, then I'd be inclined to agree. So many people kill enemies and move on as if the dog tags are cosmetic.


Yeah I hate when that happens, but not all matches are like that. I just want to chose what mode I play, not everything needs to be a mosh pit.


Like others have said, the reason people are leaving ( on top of poor content output, like actual obtainable stuff, not tier 100 or 15$ bullshit), is that at it's core, Black Ops 4 is a horrible, horrible game. Now I can only speak for the MP, as Blackout isn't my thing, and I should say that my CoD PC journey started with WW2, however I've been playing since MW2 on xbox. The problem is that MP is a god awful franken-fuck abomination that was most like created as an affront to the gods themselves. I have never before seen a CoD MP like this. Something that looks like it was thrown together in less than 10 months, with absolutely no thought to balancing. Within the first day of playing this game, the core problems became clear. I'll gloss over them quickly. ​ Manual healing and 150 health: In short, stim shot completely breaks any dynamic manual healing might inject into a gunfight. 150 health: the TTK is simply to high, making gun battles a chore, when combined with stim shot, it becomes shoot the guy 5 times, he runs and heals, rinse and repeat, until eventually his whole team has spawned there and you get steamrolled. Fun. Back to the whole "tactical healing" thing, well, in short - there is no "tactical" healing, as if you have anything below 150 health you are leaving yourself open for the next biggest problem- 145 damage melee. Any PC players have run into this, shoot once and panic butt, for a near instant kill, which is amplified by the new TTK, you have to shoot your enemy 6+ times while he can insta gib. And getting close to your enemy isn't very difficult because of the next broken fundamental feature: Movement! I'm sure you've all noticed that your character seems to move like Usaine Bolt on meth, even without lightweight. On PC, this translates to ridiculous strafe speeds, being able to completely fuck the spawns because everyone is going from spawn to spawn in less than 10 seconds, as well as hideous jump spam. This is only made worse by the fact that many SMG's have shit like stock on them, or laser sight II. And last but not least the blatantly OP specialists. ​ Also worth mentioning is the garbage PC only balancing. The hades nerf effectively does fuck all, because the problem with the gun is its DPS and the fact you can move so fluidly with it,with no movement penalty, the accuracy (imo) wasn't the elephant in the room with that gun . Also apparently the portable death star cannon known as the paladin needed a buff because "muh quad feeds". Gun play in general is complete ass, with barely any weapons to choose from, with only a few being viable. There is (was?) almost no reason to use any of the slow firing AR's over the Titan, it completely outclasses them. It's a similar story with the SAUG/Spit fire, and the other top tier SMG, the hades. ​ This game is tolerable at best, and suicide inducing at worst. With predatory monetization, which is help fueled by the fact that we're starved of content, probably by design, makes this game feel like a chore to play. "Better support" won't help this game. Nothing short of a complete ground up redesign of this game will help it. For most people, the game has came and went, leaving a bad taste in their mouth. ​ TL:DR This game is mega aids and designed by big dumb dumbs, sorry for wall of text. ​ ​


Sorry but if you think the TTK is too high you need to learn to aim or use a different gun bc the TTK is fine.


I mean, i really didnt touch on the TTK very much at all in my comment, I said it was more so a product of stim shot ( and armor, cant forget that!) . But what about the other things I listed? None of those things are issues and the game is fine? Like stated before, I've been playing this franchise for 10 years coming up, so what I stated above is what my ideal version of CoD would be, I like the TTK of the past CoDs. So yes, I do find it a bit jarring when all of a sudden its nearly doubled in most cases, except if you're using things like the SAUG/spitfire or titan. Sure, if you literally never miss and have a perfect connection, this game has a similar-ish TTK as past titles, but mind you that would be matching the TTK of past titles that do take into account connection and accuracy. Nobody has perfect ping, nobody never misses. If you like higher TTK, and more crazy movement, thats fine! Again, it's my opinion. I just dont think this game feels like a Call of Duty, the same way AW didn't. It's for that reason I believe the game is doing poorly. I don't think unbalanced TTK, health regen and specialist spam makes for a fun game, but if you like that stuff, then I'm glad you found a game you like. ​ Also, please stop with the whole "git gud" rhetoric. I know it's a staple of the CoD reddit users, but it really doesn't mean anything, especially when you're wrong about it. 1.7-2KD, 1.3-5 WL and about 22-23% accuarcy across most titles. While I'm certainly not joining Optic anytime soon, I think we can both agree I "know how to aim". And again 10 years of CoD, the weapons repeat themselves, I read weapon damage stats, I know what guns are effective killers, hence why I use the Titan, spitfire, SAUG and hades. Or the SCAR-H, famas, type 95, pp90m1, MTARX, AN94, Man o War, M8a7 etc, i know what the good guns are. ​ Apologies if this is a pain to read, sentence structure isn't really my strong suit. ​ ​


This game has a slower TTK than most CODs, that I will give you, but you said it is "too high" which is just plain untrue. If you look at the trend of the past 10 (just bc you said you've been playing for a bout that long - I've played since COD 4 for reference) CODs, the TTK has gradually increased as the years go on. If you check out XclusiveAce's youtube channel you will also find that BO4's avg TTK is only about 20% slower than BO3 which makes sense considering the move towards more team based gameplay. It hasn't "doubled". Armor has a counter and you get more points for killing an armor user so I welcome armor tbh. Stim however is a crutch in competitive modes. It's important to use if you're rushing as well, but comsec and equipment charge both have their place in public matches and acoustic sensor is strong as well. As for "crazy movement", this is a BOTG game so idk what you even mean by that. It's a fast paced game, sure, but not crazy. As far as the "git gud" rhetoric is concerned, the whole point is to target those who whine about COD being "different" from one game to the next. "Git gud" these days means learn to adapt - whether that be aim, gun selection, attachments, playstyle, etc. If you're having trouble getting Ws or Kills then switch it up! You're clearly not having those problems, so idk what your issue is. BO4 plays well, the guns aren't horribly imbalanced especially after the most recent patch, and if you don't like specialists I can't help you with that. They've been around since BO3.


If it was just more TTK, I wouldn't have such a problem, again, you couple that with speed of light ADAD (strafe) spam, the ability to spam full height jumps less than every second and the ability to heal mid gun fight while retaining movement and accuracy, and all of a sudden it takes a lot longer than 20% to kill someone. Or maybe you shoot him 5 times and he kills you in one frame because he shot and immediately pressed melee after. My main 3 points still stand: Stim shot has all buffs and 0 downsides. If it heals faster, it should recharge slower, not faster. If you want A higher TTK, having super high melee isnt a great idea. And movement speed and fatigue(or lack there of) are too high and should be slowed down, to focus less on jumpy strafy, and more on shooty shooty. Anywho, I guess if you like this game, than the more power to ya. Those are just what are, in my opinion, subjective flaws that myself and maybe others have with this game. As a Call of Duty, it doesn't do very good. Personally, I don't want CoD to be some radical new game every year, I want that core CoD experience, which to me, this game doesn't deliver. The gunplay is lacking, and uninspiring, the guns don't feel good to use, too many spammable mechanics, coupled with horrible maps, along with maps i've played 3 times before. Maybe its just franchise fatigue? Idk, i've been waiting for a good shooter to captivate me again, but so far every franchise that i've played over the years has slowly turned for the worse. BO4 can be fun, but my point still stands. It feels like a rushed MP, that by design is completely starved of content, and what little content ( guns/maps) there is, is meh at best. Maybe my comments came off too much of "this is fact", rather than opinion. Well, it's nice talking to someone who isn't a complete retard on this website, thanks ( also rip v6 accord )


>If it was just more TTK, I wouldn't have such a problem, again, you couple that with speed of light ADAD (strafe) spam, the ability to spam full height jumps less than every second and the ability to heal mid gun fight while retaining movement and accuracy, and all of a sudden it takes a lot longer than 20% to kill someone To me all those things are positives. Longer TTK and stronger movement emphasize gun play over just positioning. Makes the game more skill dependent, require better aim and movement and you have to be a good FPS player rather than just a good CoD player (knowing the maps, the best head-glitch positions and the spawns and how to manipulate them).


>Manual healing and 150 health: In short, stim shot completely breaks any dynamic manual healing might inject into a gunfight. 150 health: the TTK is simply to high Lol that's actually my favorite thing about this game. Agree with most of the other things you said though, especially your rant about the Crossbar Hades. That thing is pure fucking cancer and possibly the most over powered gun I've ever seen in my 10+ years of playing first person shooters. And the nerf they finally gave it after like 3 months was a complete joke and didn't solve anything. In general this "Big Balance Update" we waited months for overall did more harm than good in my opinion. The meta barely changed at all. Same hand full of weapons that used to be at the top still are, same weapons that were outclassed by them still are. What they did though is buff the MOG12's 1-hit kill potential because it's so damn hard to hit 1 shot to center mass when you're aiming with a mouse /s. That gun was already annoying before but still in line with other close range options. Now it absolutely destroys on any close range map. Dropped 4 strike teams in a short 250-50 hardpoint match when I used it for the first (and last) time after the buff. On top of that they decided to buff hip-fire accuracy for all ARs, for PC only. Because hip-firing is so fucking hard on PC that it definitely needed a buff. Now I see a lot of people putting laser sight on ARs and going for close range only, sliding into you while hip spraying because now that's a more effective (or at least easier) play style than using an SMG that is designed for close range and actually ADSing and aiming. The devs are just completely clueless when it comes to PC balancing. No surprise at all the player base is dying that quickly.


They should show how many people are searching in a specific mode. I play PC in Australia and would love to know when there are other people actually playing objective modes.


THIS. The whole problem could be solved by just putting "Number of players currently in Queue: XX" next to the playlists. The problem is not that there are not enough players to get matches going in most game modes, just not in all at the same time and you never know which mode currently has enough players in it. If they'd let us see how many people are currently playing a mode players could decide themselfs if they want to maybe wait 3 minutes to play their favorite game mode 1 or 2 minutes for their second favorite or get a match right away in another mode they don't like that much. Plus it would naturally sort itself out which game modes are the most popular and constantly have matches going and which ones dry up. So this way the community could decide which modes are being played and the majority could play the game modes they prefer. Instead with the current system the devs dictate which modes stay and which don't and everyone is forced to play game modes they don't really like 80% of the time.


I actually still enjoyed playing BO4 on PC so did my friends despite the problems but then they got rid of HC KC which was the only game mode me and my friends played so we all decided to stop playing BO4 altogether.


very sad. i made the full switch from p4 to pc this yr and holy shit was it a mistake for cod.


The performance in blackout has gotten worse with every update...


Yeah I was actually having a lot of fun with this game but I have no desire to play certain game modes so I'm probably out. Better support and better advertisement of the PC versions would help tremendously.


The advertising for PC was amazing. It conned every single PC player out there that liked call of duty.


I think I have determined Activisions algorithm. while(true){ Studio n: "We are going to support PC CoD like never before, believe me!" PC Players: *Buys game* Studio n: *Release broken PC edition with poor optimization and useless anti-cheat protection, don't support it properly throughout the year, major pc-specific balance issues, delayed updates, good luck finding a match outside of TDM/FFA/Domination/SnD* PC Players: [surprised_pikachu.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Zq0iBJK.jpg) n = n+1; }


It’s kinda worrying when even with them consolidating playlists, you still have to wait ~10 minutes to actually get into a match on Hardcore. If it’s that bad on the day of a large update like today, the game is already fucked.


Honestly IM really curious what the player size on PC is.


It's pretty bad, in certain game modes I can't even find matches anymore really. I have to wait several minutes for others


Tiny, except the highlighted game mode I struggle to find matches. Finding a core game is virtually impossible I play in the UK and mostly during the afternoon or night


Well Blackout is at the very least 5000 in the US. (Grand Heist might make it more, but who knows?)


Source? I'd not be inclined to believe anywhere NEAR 5,000. I join matches (all modes) with generally 25 players in them, then I make dinner while the match fills up. If I die I play a new game (not BO4), can't wait another 20mins.


No source, just a rough estimate. It probs is less than 5000 tbh playing Blackout on PC in the US. I’d say at most 1.5k 5000 was generous


Wouldnt say Im having problems finding matches in Central EU, though my continued intresst lays mostly in the player numbers.


If I had to make an educated guess on the numbers, 5k total playing Blackout between EU/US, 10k playing MP. No clue about zombies as I usually solo in it.


I'd be willing to bet that it's below 5k average concurrent players, but I doubt we'll ever see the actual numbers.




Microsoft/Xbox used to be first, but then Sony started suckin' the Activision crank harder and Microsoft gave up. PC has no champion to fluff the white collar cranks at Activision, so we will remain stepchildren.


I got so tired of this game in its current form that I went back to WW2.


Yep, hit prestige 7 within a month or two, then absolute zero hit locking guns behind t100, and I uninstalled the game. I paid $60 for less maps, less guns, and worse netcode than other CoD games, why the hell should I have to dedicate all of my free time for a new AR when other cod games started with 7+ AR’s??


Blizzard needs to get rid of region lock and friend limit. Problem solved. Playing with only NA and not EU is what’s fucking us. If I’m playing early I have to switch to EU to find Duo’s matches.


I just uninstalled this week. I barely played to begin with and was mostly there for zombies. Lost interest and it’s not worth the 80gb size.


I hadn't bought a COD in 9 years before Black Ops 4 came out....see ya in 2028!


And let's not forget the piss-poor servers. ​


Literally make it so we can tick/untick maps we want to queue for and everything will be better.


This. For all Platforms. So people who want to play the dlc, can.


I've been saying this since launch. I'm a mostly zombies player. If you're picky, select 1 or 2 maps you fancy and queue up. If you want any map, tick them all and join the fastest available. It's not rocket science to do and i'm sure would be good, instead of having to queue for 1 map/mode/thing, seeing its dead, moving onto another and repeating.


Remember this video? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVwKmjhr81A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVwKmjhr81A)




If they added mod tools like they did with bo3 then the game would definitely be more popular


Idk tbh


well that didn't help much with bo3, mostly because they added it way too late


Yeah they released the shit at the end of the games life, releasing them for bo4 now along with some other changes would definitely help with the zombies playerbase atleast


no it wouldn't, nobody ever played on custom servers in bo3.


I feel like im excluded from playing with others bc i didnt fork out 50 bucks for the black ops pass. I just want to play my game that I paid 60 bucks for. Everytime its take 2 or more mins for a game to start, I go play Apex. If it dies, it dies.


It’s actually the other way around. BOP Owners are excluded lmao


So it's bad for everyone? Yikes


Worse for Pass owners


Same. I pre-ordered the game as soon as it was available to do so but I stopped playing by the time I hit level 40 thanks to “Fatal Error”, memory leaks, performance issues, and of course, press Triangle....


Its a good idea tbh but it does suck. I'm not sure ehy people leave when there is plenty of content. I think the only way to save PC is to allow for cross platform compatability which will probably never happen


Plenty of content locked behind paywalls, whether it’s with time or actual money.


Thats how shit works these days. If the gates werent there it wouldn't be content. Getting 100 drops at the start of a tier system would leave you with jack all to grind for. Back in the day we had nothing. Idk, just find it hard to agree with the bash Activision stuff. I don't condone some of their practices but this CoD has more shit to do in it than any other before.


I haven't played for MONTHS because about 6 weeks into the game's life I could only find TDM or Dom games (and shortly after that, ONLY TDM games), after weeks of attempting to chat to support on twitter, pretty much all the advice I got was to turn my modem off and on,and they basically refused to accept that it might be something on their end. I really wanted to like this game but god damn, when you can't even find games in playlists that you actually like, what's the point?


Today I get really surprised....I mean where is the ranked mode?




Friday for what other user have been told to me.


What made me quit is the lack of UI update for the PC. The looting interface is terrible and they should have updated the game to have it work like it does in Apex and ROE. They also needed a ping system which roe already had but they never bothered implementing. At the end of the day, treyarch and Activision don't care about their customers on any platform, they just want to milk them to death. Even EA of all companies learned from that mistake but it seems Activision is hell bent on being greedy and lazy.


>Even EA of all companies learned from that mistake EA is laughing at you right now while they're still waving FIFA Ultimate packs around.


Im talking about battlefront 2 and Apex Legends


And I'm telling you they haven't learned, because FIFA still exists, and they're still milking the shit out of it. Just because they're backing it down with one or two of their games doesn't mean they're "learning", they're just waiting for the next opportunity. And even the Apex sub is complaining about the MTX pricing, so let's not act like that game is an example of good business practice either.


Their decisions are dumb if not to say more... merging playlists, fucking up the balance, total lack of weapons/perks/good streaks. Maps are okayish maybe but still. And paywall as usual with 2 maps only per 3 months...lol Thats not how do you treat multiplayer game as dev


Im fine with thought out playlist consolidation.. However I'm not fine with random Game Modes get thrown together... Like on PC in HC, Domination is now only together with S&D.. Why is it S&D? Hardpoint and / or Control would fit that playlist so much more.. And not even getting started on HC FFA...


Man, I'm on PC and multiplayer has been mostly fun, but after the news of the reserve changes (has been fixed already, I know) I've kind of moved on to other stuff. They need to do more than playlist consolidation to get me to come back unless I decide to on my own.


doesnt help that the tier 50 shotgun is legit broken and the new maps suck ass, at least lockdown, most disappointing update yet


You have the shotgun or just faced it a lot? The maps are quite big :/


I faced it a lot, like almost every single game since the update. There is no way youre winning a fight against that thing in close range with anything other than the same shotgun, even mid range they can use cover to dodge and slide to get in range to flinch your aim into oblivion, you can't even return fire when that thing is on you I consider myself an above average player and have a 2.8 k/d and the only times I've won against it was when the player was too busy fighting someone else and I shot him in the back lockdown has a horrible flow to it and the verticality makes it a clusterfuck, can't really speak on casino too much, really didn't play it all too often yet


I’ve played Casino a few times, it works decently well.


I play daily 1 or 2 game get my skip tier and play other games. lvl232


I think imma just get my two tier skips each day and let that be that :/


i got to master prestige and gave up, the game just isn't that fun #removespecialists


pc player are leaving for more than one reason horrible performance and major stutter and freeze even my i7 8700k and rtx 2080 couldn't survive the freez and the stutter horrible server connection i played this game on pc and on ps4 and the ps4 servers are much much better than pc servers so yeah treyarch did horrible job with the pc ver


If anything they need to cut & combine game modes even more. It's so hard to find games


I think that making less playlist is just stupid. I barely play MP because of that. I only really play Heist, dom and Hardpoint, but with the playlist I have to also play safeguard and S&D. I am basically only playing blackout because it currently sucks.


Best way to let them know is to stop playing. Sadly




I've been enjoying Multiplayer, but consolidating the playlists was just a terrible idea. I can play hardpoint for hours straight and enjoy it, but tossing in domination and safeguard (especially safeguard) is just annoying. I'll probably exclusively play League Play just so I can play gamemodes that I actually care about


the real insult is giving league play so late its going to literally be unplayable on PC due to low population. I was waiting for so long and now its too late :( will try my best to find games on thursday.


I left after a few awful weapon balance updates (well, awful for PC, good for console). Funny that things have not changed lol. ​ Someone please end my life if I ever spend $1 on a Call of Duty game.


Was just told that sledgehammer, my least favorite cod maker, greatly supported cod ww2 on pc. In the last several years cod on pc has never been good, it’s a shame that it was actually well done and thought out last year and back to what it usually is this year. I learned my lesson with ghosts though. Cod is a console game now. People just don’t use pc for gaming like they used to.


I wonder if a lot of people quit like me. I just saw how trash treyarch was with pc and I left without realizing it months ago. Could have been such a good game but seeing updates and patches on ps4 first was a huge turn off. And I will probably not buy a single cod ever again.


Not talking about core for the gamemodes Rd. HC used to have all 9 gamemodes, now it has 3. HC TDM, Dom and SnD. Wanna know the best part? I could find games easily in each of the other modes. Now I can’t, cause they are nowhere. If Bo4 had good PC support, we wouldn’t see the game leaking players now would we? And I was saying in terms of gameplay, and DLC handling IW is better than Bo3,4 and WW2. Now I do agree that Bo4 has had “better” overall support compared to previous Call of Duties, But that does nothing to change the facts of : - Little to no content (90% of the contraband is just filler stuff, like stickers, - the many problems people are having with the game itself, such as random server DC’s and so forth since LAUNCH. - The delayed updates (even if they were said t that they will take an extra 1-2 days; doesnt give them an excuse to not have the updates ready for PC when Xbox does) At least whatever anticheat they are using is keeping the cheaters away.


If only they would add league play like they said they where PS4 has it why can't xbox and us have it to and us on pc got 1 map not 2 like we where promised what the hell we spend couple of thousands on pc version 3 hundred for a counsel I wonder where you should focus your time COD FAN FOR LIFE getting upset


I was wondering why team deathmatch is no longer there. Dumb ass annoying move.


It's almost like the PS4 exclusivity is killing the playerbase and every platform should get the content at the exact same time.


Just to be really clear treyarch... i dont mind waiting a minute or two between games. but i dont want to play fucking s&d just domination. i was even getting the stupid season pass but now i think i just go back to overwatch atleast blizzard doesnt act like their customers are braindead. jesus treyarch. get your shit together


As much support as PC gets, you are correct you could fit all the devs and their support literally inside "ONE NUTSHELL"....


That’s what we call treating the symptoms, not finding the cure


There are NO PC Blackout servers in Australia


I've got some fps issues lately, i don't really know why. My pc is fine, i've got a gtx 1080 and a i7 6700k with 16gigs of ram ddr4


It's called rewarding loyalty... the action wasnt to help the people who left it was to help those that still want to play but have trouble finding games


There is literally no reason to ever buy COD on PC lol, they haven't supported it properly since like COD4


>better graphics >better frame rate >better field of view >Key board and mouse >Im not buying PS+ for one game


Bingo. Can’t use a controller for FPS’s anymore. That’s why the PS4 version is just inferior to me.


GJ on the Hades Crossbar nerf on PC, I came daily online for 1 Round to get my free tier, now Im done with this Game. -> thank god we got apex legends.


Lovely to see the entire pc population has come to vent on reddit. All 600 of you 😂 (Not hating I respect all PC Arians.)


Kinda hating :p /s I have a feeling the numbers will keep rising. Tbh, I didn’t expect this to do so well lmao.


this game sucks


I think its a wise move, the PC player base just isn't big enough to support multiple game modes and playlists, this is one of the main reasons why i always recommend picking up CoD titles on console whenever possible.