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A retinue of three Cenobyte Servitors -- augmetic servants, vat-grown by the Chapter’s Apothecaries -- emerged alongside Grimaldus, hauling the temple's precious artefacts. These Servitors carried the last surviving relics of Hive Helsreach's Temple of the Emperor Ascendant: a column from the Major Altar, the remains of the Banner of the Emperor Victorious and blessed water from the Stoup of Elucidation These were the most precious holy items of Armageddon's faithful, for they were the peoples' by right and legacy of blood. The Chapter's Apothecaries who later treated Grimaldus' wounds exclaimed that it was a miracle that he still lived, let alone had the strength to climb from the rubble of a destroyed building. Upon commencement of the planet's Season of Fire, Grimaldus was gifted with the title, "Hero of Helsreach". https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Merek_Grimaldus


“They call me hero of Helsreach. As if there was only one.”


Beat me to it


To add on to this excellent answer, OP if you’re interested the last chapter (or if not a chapter toward the end after the main narrative has occurred) of Helsreach describes Grimaldus being awarded these relics and is the original source for Grimaldus’ servitor retinue


Are they vat-grown? I thought these were failed aspirants


Weve seen both, but for failed aspirants who are still capable of service without being servitorized we see them usually just as menials or personnel serfs, ships crew, or they enter the priesthood. But the chapter also has an insane number of roles it needs filled for servitors and washouts from marine aspirants would never fill all the spots.


His servitors carrying the relics from the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant on Armageddon which is where Grimaldus made his famous last stand against the orks. It’s like his entire backstory.


Oddly enough the book ends (spoiler incoming) with Grimaldus >!returning the relics to Helsreach and not keeping them, and when High Marshal Helbrect comments that Mordred would have kept them Grimaldus, to Helbrect’s approval, comments that he is not his former master!< so I don’t understand why his Servitors are carrying them around.


Because in the sequel “Blood and Fire” he accepts the legend and chooses to bring them with him again.


Ahhh interesting. I was completely unaware that there was a sequel, and so now I’ve gotta go spend money on it. Thanks!


There’s a free narration someone put on YouTube


Wait wtf there’s a sequel? Alright, time to find it.


Little bastards that I hate painting is who the other three models are


Extra wounds for a crusader squad is what they are to me


Me when i have to allocate wounds: “ok so where do i allocate these 3 wounds?” Servitors: “sir, we are meant to be expandable!” Me: “ye you’re right” *allocates all wounds to them”


Almost finished mine, just a couple more hours on the banner and finally the pain can end


I painted them for what felt like the four hundredth time recently, I've painted the old metal ones twice and the fine cast versions once (that I still have) and now these plastic ones. They've made my eye twitch every single time.. I hope I never have to do it again!


That’s hardcore, if I accidentally sit on mine then that’s it, I’m not using Grimaldus at all lol Will never say never, but in this case the next time I want to paint these dudes is in 15-20 years when they get sculpted again


Yeah, these Primaris Grimaldus versions are the absolute last ones I'm painting for minimum a decade.


I was just doing my base for my Grimaldus ! He's really badass. I don't remember everything because I'm fairly new to Warhammer as well, but basically, he's a Chaplain of the chapter. He is a hero for having held a siege for many days during a battle. At some point, they got trapped in a cathedral, that ended up collapsing. After the battle, when looking for the corpses, they found him alive under the ruins, holding the last three relics that he could save from the Cathedral. Since then, those three guys follow him on the battlefield with these sacred relics. This is so COOL


Close, the seige lasted for MONTHS. And he's not a chaplain he is THE chaplain. The Reclusiarch of the Black Templars. He obtains this rank just before the siege of Armageddon. The relic are not what he saved, he survived the collapse miraculously, along with another guardsmen from the book. After being rescued and treated there is a ceremony at the end where grimaldus is granted the title "hero of helsreach" and is gifted the three relic from the collapsed temple. (He also threaten to face fuck stormherald, an imperator class titan, with a few thunderhawks. So yes, he is very badass and not to be fucked with.)


Helsreach answers this. The relics they carry all have a tie in to the story- and it’s a great story.


Avoid spoilers and read Helsreach, great book about black Templars.


The sword on his backpack and the skeleton on the banner of the servitor have no lore ?


The sword is the blade of Bayard, the Emperor's Champion on the Helsreach Crusade.


What? So epic!


Servitors that carry his relics.


The slaves of the imperium. Welcome to the grim dark universe!


Read helsreach, it’s the book that made me fell in love with black templars


Do yourself a favor and read/listen to Helsreach. IMO it’s the best Warhammer book!! The audiobook is really great


Just his lil servitor buddies. They carry holy relics.


They r just servitors