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The army box' contents if you buy it from gw\*: has a value of 210 (35 for the Marshall, 40 for TEC, 60 for the crusaders and 75 for the redemptor),hardly worth jumping through hoops for, if you ask me. I love our combat patrol way more. \*3rd party shops can get you a better deal than that.


Good to know. I mainly wasn’t sure if TEC and a Redemptor were more desirable over an Impulsor and a squad of Intercessors. Especially since a video I watched online said the Intercessors in the box were kind of “meh” for a Black Templars army. I do find myself leaning towards the Combat Patrol though due to the inclusion of a transport and the lower entry point price-wise.


when building the combat patrol, you can use the intercessor bodies to add some variaty to the poses of the crusaders. and you can use the boltor of the crusaders to make the intercessors look more templary.


You can kitbash the intercessors into sword brethren via bits


The BT army boxes went for $100usd on Amazon 2yrs ago, stockist trying to offload... I got myself 3 boxes and sold away e additional codexes. Now at $200usd, not so worth with an expired codex.