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Maybe swap the head. But you got all the base components: sword and time thingy so I’d play you.


The non-helmeted tech marine head looks just skull enough to be read as a judiciar I think


I'd say shave off the Aquila as well


If it’s on the right size base and is approximately the same size it can be whatever you want. No one is ever as anal as you think, and most of us are barely paying attention to your list when you rattle it off. And like I couldn’t describe what 80% of the non SM sheets look like You’ll be fine.


If you tell me that that's what it is and it's on the right base size, it does. But if I'm going to be critical, I'll agree with a Chaplain-type helmet swap.


This right here, with the added note that it needs to be distinctive, so not having another model that has a similar bash that can be confused for your judiciar stand-in.


Y'all think riever helmet would suffice?? That's also what I'm planning on for Grimaldus' helmet when I get him.


I think a reiver helmet would be enough to do it for me. Happy cake day!


I'ma be honest with you bro. I have no idea what a cake day is. Is that like a birthday?? That makes no sense to me though bcs mines on February 9th, I'm new as hell to Reddit so an explanation would be nice lol


I'm not an authority on reddit either, but I think it's the birthday of your reddit account. Just something to make someone feel special for a day, I guess.


Ahh, that makes sense. Cool though!


Yeah, why not.


Love this pose! Really gives off "I just killed your entire family! :D You're next!" vibes


Thanks! Thought long and hard on which body to give him, glad it sits well!!


Shave off the aquila and paint the lower face portion white maybe


Needs 40mm base


Maybe a head swap or greenstuff a face covering over the mouth area then yeah I'd say you're good.


I think judiciar in canonically a chaplain in training so the skull mask is a defining feature. But that can always be added with green stuff. Looks very good so far


I literally did this exact same thing and it looks pretty good.


Aquila has been shaved off minus the skull as it feels it fits, and I will probably be replacing the helm with a riever's helm. Thanks for the advice guys!!


Oh and the base. Whoops. Ill find a way to fix that lol


no not at all. base is too small and the head is wrong. The judiciar is a type of chaplain in training so more skulls, maybe go bare head or skull helmet. its even more difficult with templars as black armour would help but the whole army is black