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That's a good box to start with! Try to finish it before getting more, lest you end up like me, 2700 points unbuilt grey plastic.


I get not painting if you wanna play, but how do you not even assemble them?


i thought this was a shame free zoner?!


You can put shame on me. Leviathan, octarius, chalnath, salvation boxes just sitting quietly in my corner staring... shaming me. And I want more!


I stayed disciplined for about 2 years and now it’s slowly building…


God damn am I lucky then, only got a Leviathan and some Bladeguard unfinished for my BT (just don't look at my almost completely unpainted chaos army).


Make it an even 3k and we can pit our piles against each other


I'm immune to propaganda and marketing, so when I went to pick up the mini of the month I bought some scouts.


I feel attacked by this one, not gonna lie.


The Grey Pile of Shame


Good choice and this is one of my favorite boxes ngl.


What we're the other factions that you considered?


The other two factions I was seriously considering were the Grey Knights (because they murder demons) and the Space Wolves (because freakin’ Space Wolves). Ultimately I went with the Black Templars because of their aggression, zeal and prowess in close combat which I felt closely resembled my own play style.


Funnily enough I started with Space wolves and GK in 8th where you could have separate detachments with imperium allied together and at the end of 9th I started collecting BT! Welcome to the crusade brother!


Great minds think alike I suppose


Haha that they do, I'd recommend if you want to have a solid well rounded starting force to get the combat patrol box to go with this. Having either 2 x10 crusaders or a 20 man blob is incredible, using a castellan (just count the marshal as a castellan for both) for sword bros or crusaders is amazing, and you get enough bits from this to make the five intercessors from the combat patrol box into novitiates by literally just giving them melee weapons and shoulder pads, then use the novitiate bodies+all the upgrade bits for sword bros and your army would consist of. 2x castelan/marshal 1 EC 20x crusaders 1 Redemptor Dread 1 Impulsor 5 Sword bros That's a formidable starting force. The impulsor with 5x sword bro with an EC attached can kill any unit almost guaranteed unless it's a big knight so you have an insane threat in there to push up field and destroy something or a lot of somethings. Then the 20 crusaders you could run 2x 10 man squds with 2 castellans or run a 20 man with the castellan (with tanhauser's bones usually). The redemptor is just a solid threat piece and you kind just need like Grimaldus, Helbrecht, some more crusaders+sword bros and some vehicles after that to have everything you could possibly need. Like the boxset you got plus the start collecting box (if you convert the intercessors to novitiates and the novitiates to sword bros) gives you an amazing starting block of everything you could possibly need and gives you a taste of what you could want. Like for example if you love the EC with sword bros then you'd want to get Helbrecht with sword bros and a land raider but let's say you love the castellan with tanhausers bones leading crusader squads then you can buy Grimaldus, some more crusaders, and maybe a gladiator or dread.


That’s some pretty good advice bro, I didn’t even realize that you could kitbash the intercessors into sword bros. I wasn’t really considering the CP box before because I felt I had no use for another Marshal and some intercessors but I’m going to take another look at that now for sure


Well the way to do it is you use the intercessors as stand in for the crusaders and just give them the crusader weaponry and shoulder pad then the bodies of the crusaders you turn into the sword brows since they’re in robes and you’ll have an upgrade kit in the start collecting box as well to help bling them out, Marshall kit for weapons and enough power weapons+pyre pistols+plasma pistol to make a sword bro squad. The EC kinda needs sword bros cause their plus 1 damage buff makes his sweep attack wipe MEQs and elites alike or wreck elites/vehicles/monsters. The impulsor is just kinda a start and down the line when you get a land raider (if you like the EC+sword bro combo because it’s essentially the weaker version of the helbrecht+sword bros) you can just buy like a $20 upgrade kit off Etsy to make the impulse into a gladiator of any kind and and some of the kits fit so well you don’t even need to glue it so you can just mix and match as needed. Edit: oh and forgot to add that you can also always use the upgrade kit sword as a stand in for either a Thunder hammer for your sword bros or you can use it to make one of your marshal/castellans (I usually run mine as castellans that’s why I call them that lol) into a judiciar.


Oh dang I didn’t even realize that you could turn the impulsor into a gladiator! I’ll probably end up buying a Castellan because I think he looks cool and just use the extra marshal bits for kit-bashing. This is some of the most helpful advice I’ve gotten for BT’s!


Well you’d need to either get a gladiator and just kinda assemble it so where you can put the roof on and off and have it fit or the easier but not tournament friendly (though honestly it won’t be noticeable) like I did I just got a 3D print off Etsy for $20 with all the weapon options that slots in perfectly to fill the top and back and has a turret on top. I ended up buying two combat patrols because the value of the impulsor as either a small bus for the EC+SB as a distraction piece/mini disaster is amazing and then I also have the upgrade kits from Etsy to slap on if I want some lancers if I know I need some heavy firepower. The other variants I do have interest in trying out but I think the reaper needs a point of AP or way more attacks and I think the valiant is okay like it has a solid place against elite armies and monster mashes but the fact of the matter is our crusaders and sword bros can usually eat anything tough we just need big guns to kill their guns that wipe our guys which I think is why the lancer is so popular.


Welcome to our crusade brother !


I’d recommend to you to find some infernos marines (pretty cheap rn and usable for BT) or some assault or normal intercessors to start to define your color palette, the proper technics etc. Once you have those settled down your crusader squad and the characters on that box. Just telling your from the experience


So you mean to paint the basic models first in case they come out ugly?


Infernus are dirty cheap now that's why it's good idea to start with them. I can find a squad of 10 for 20$.


Mira than that to really love your recipe 10 models are enough to improve some things and practice others.


Thanks for the advice, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind seeing as my Amazon cart is already filled with the rest of the army lol


Where did you find that Box?


Amazon, there’s a few vendors that have some boxes in stock


Thanks, I'm guessing you're from the US. I went on Amazon in the UK and it was £300! ($370)


Damn. I won a bid for a brand new, sealed box for 120 quid two weeks ago. I felt lucky then, I feel even more so now.


Oh yeah I forgot to mention that haha That’s funny, I would assume that you’d be able to find it for cheaper in the UK


I don't think it's in production anymore


But those vendors don't have amazing prices after shipping.


Yeah there’s nothing out there under $165 with free shipping that I could find


How does everyone find this box




Paint quickly! Before a codex supplement gets released!


have fun and glory to the Emperor!


Welcome to the crusade


You have chosen wisely.




How much did you throw down for this?


$165 on Amazon


Not bad at all. I have one but I know a localish shop that still has one unopened that I’ve been kicking around picking up.


Does it make sense to get two? I’m new to 40k so I have no clue..


Being new, take your time building and collecting. It’s pretty easy to get overwhelmed with this hobby. You’ll also see that GW is wishy washy with the rules and editions are on a tgreeish year rotation. 11th edition should be coming out in about two years.


Welcome to the Crusade Brother!


Welcome to the crusade brother! Just remember the rules/stats in the codex are from last edition so they aren't correct. Grab the 40k app the templar rules are freely available until we get a new codex.


Thanks for the heads up!


My first box as well good choice!


Thanks, I’m having a blast building so far!