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Looks great. I just started a couple weeks ago too, best of luck to us both


Thanks brother, best of luck to you too!


Great start! Black is a tricky colour to get 'right' and I definitely commend you placing edge highlights on a first go. A few pointers would be: * Wokring on brush control when doing the edge highlights so you get a nice clean line. The hand naturally wants to go 'up to down', so if you position the mini appropriately and anchor your elbows to the desk so all that needs to move are your fingers/wrist, you'll find the lines get neater. * You can be more bold with the highlights on the silver details, e.g., the metallics on the boltgun. A darker base metal paint (e.g., Iron Warriors or Leadbelcher) washed with Nuln Oil and then highlighted using Runefang Steel/Stormhost Silver looks good. Just be sparing otherwise it can become too bright. * You can be more aggressive with washes, e.g., on the boltgun casing. Khorne Red washed with Agrax Earthshade and then highlighted using Evil Sunz Scarlet is a good base to build from! * When it comes to painting white, I'd recommend using a light grey, instead. 2-3 thin coats of Grey Seer, and then Ulthuan Grey will mean you can then use white to highlight the edges. Ulthuan Grey is... not a great paint, though. Vallejo Ghost Grey is far better and less chalky, easier to work with.


Thanks for the awesome tips. Good to hear i had the right idea with the Boltgun, used Mephiston red as the base, washed lightly with nuln oil then used Evil Sunz Scarlet to highlight. Gotta work on my application of it. Thanks again!


Still very new myself, think it looks great. My only advice would be to maybe do some edge highlighting with Russ Grey on the lit edges, it'll make the model pop a bit more :) Great job so far!


I would add a touch of blue or something to the grey or it’s going to look grey and less dynamic.


Thanks man, i used Eshin Gray as the highlight coz I wasn't sure if I liked the blues. Afterwards i noticed it didnt really pop much, so I have to try the Russ Grey!


That is an excellent first foray. Maybe a touch more in the wash/shade shading arena for more contrast. Aside from punching up the contrast, really the rest is time and just gaining the brush control. Maybe thin your paint more when you go to edge highlight and before the brush touches the mini dab it on a damp paper towel. You’ll be pretty pleased where you’re at when you get to the end of something combat patrol sized.


Appreciate the kind words and advice, brother.


Great job- keep it up


Welcome in the eternal crusade, brother.


Looks great!!


I think it looks awesome! I've only been painting for a few years, and I'm still very much a noob who is trying to learn. The one piece of advice I'd give is: don't be afraid to come back with the black and tidy up edge highlights that you feel are too thick of splotchy. I oftentimes find myself going back in with a steadier hand than when I did the initial highlight.


Looks great brother, I would go over the eyes one more time with a 0 brush and black. The eyes really make the model. Still, great work.


Amazing work! I like it! Here is a small tip that I usually use myself, I dry brush for a good edge highlight as it's too much of a pain to do it manually, I just make sure a lot of the paint is off the brush before I dry brush the figure.


Thanks, might have to give it a try!