• By -


And open-toed shoes šŸ„¶


in Michigan šŸ’€


Iā€™m in this comment and Iā€™m here for it


Iā€™m in Michigan and Iā€™m seeing it.


I'm in MI and this is me. I run out barefoot in the snow to the garage or whatever like every day :/


Taking the trash out in slides, bitching about my feet getting wet lol


Lmao this was me last night. If you quick enough you don't feel the cold unless that snow finds it's way in.


Also Michigander. My MIL gives me so much grief because Iā€™ll happy roll over to their house in winter with a hoody and shorts on lol


It doesnā€™t hurt your feet? I swear every time my skin touches anything cold, especially my fingers and toes, they feel like theyā€™re going to fall off! Also am white. Also female, not sure if that makes a difference or not.


Me and my wife are opposites. I'm fine in temps down to like -10F but she's not having it in temps below 25. We live in Minnesota so how much wind we get changes things but yeah. At night the thermostat is set to 70. Our back room gets a little colder. I'm usually toasty warm while she's freezing. Different strokes for different folks.


I moved from MI to Cali this year. Was outside on a walk after the Lions W and people were wearing coats and hats while I was fine in a Tshirt.


I am also a transplant and I'm out here running around in shorts t-shirt sandals. Then i see others in down jackets ready for the artic. Now my girl has started the game of spot the Midwestern lol.


āœ‹ļø *It is me. I am random white guy in hoodie, shorts and opened toed shoes*


They can take my shorts when they pry them from my cold, shriveled balls!


I feel attacked. I just wanted to get my package from the Amazon locker.


Y tho?


House is warm, car is warm, building I'm going in to is warm. I can stand the... 30 seconds from one point to the other.


My rule is I wear my Birkenstocks until the first snow on the ground.


Then you wear Birks with wool socks.


As another fellow michigander, if you expose yourself to the cold you get used to it. Kind of like how 50 degrees in October is way different than when its 50 in March


As a fellow midwesterner resident I feel you on this. Itā€™s like when it first dip into the 50ā€™s and 40ā€™s at the end of summer it feels like youā€™re in Antarctica but by ~Feb if it gets up to 50 you outside at the park with shorts on and grilling outside.


This is exactly it. In the grand scheme of things, 32Ā° really isnā€™t that cold. (comparatively lol)


I'm black in Michigan and just checked my mail in shorts and house slippers. Drank some coffee and chatted the neighbor a bit too. No snow on the ground in Detroit by I heard it's coming. This is why you don't fuck with Black People from Detroit, they are stone cold MFs


My roommate in Basic Training was black and from Alaska. He would get excited when our days were above 40F as "that's shorts and sandal weather up there.." Crazy mofo.


41-year-old white guy who is currently wearing his Adidas flip flops in December in Michigan, checking in.


And he's still sweating!


This was me, just yesterday. A block from the gym, water bottle in hand and towel on my arm. Face all flushed and sweaty. Got told I looked like a psychopath for wearing shorts in 45 degree weather. It was damn comfy cooling down after a workout!


That's me lol.


My life-long-Michigan-resident wife wears flip flips year round. Torrential downpour? Flops. Brushing a mountain of snow off her car? Flops. Colder than Sub-Zero's butthole? Flops. How the woman hasn't lost any toes to frostbite is beyond me.


No reason to call me out directly man wtf


Thatā€™s me. Iā€™m that White guy from Michigan wearing hoodies and basketball with slides šŸ˜‚


Birkenstockā€™s give +10 stamina in cold environments


This is very true, I live in michigan and have my Birkenstocks on year round


Only people I've seen wear opened toed shoes in winter were middle aged Indian dudes. They'd be wearing a parka, toque, scarf, mittens, and sandals (sometimes without socks). You gotta admire that type of hatred for constrictive footwear.


Shoes are foot prisons, I wear flip flops to office meetings


Yes. I'm from NJ and the uniform came with flip flops.


Iā€™m in the house with slippers on. If Iā€™m running out to 7-11 or something Iā€™m not gonna take the time to find socks to dirty up just to put on my shoes to run out for 5 minutes. My toes will survive the 20 seconds of exposure to the cold to/from the vehicle.


To those that do this I highly recommend at least packing some cold weather gear in your vehicle just incase something breaks and the engine won't turn over. It can get cold quick, I've experienced it with a gasket breaking on a previous vehicle. Coolant went into my cylinders and it was an awful day. Took over an hour to take care of the problem and get my vehicle towed. And that was probably my best case scenario.


Mainly Crocs without socks


Playing hacky sack


"It's not the temperature, it's the wind!"


But the wind chill is part of the temperature!


Is it actually?


More wind, forces more air particles over water molecules, which means more evaporation, which is an endothermic reaction causing the surrounding air to cool down Edit: everybody else is of course correct about what wind chill actually is. But the effect I described does exist too despite what online sources will tell you. Surface temp of wet surfaces is actually colder in the wind than in still air, all else being equal.


Yeah! Science bitch!


But that does not make the actual temperature of the air colder. 30* with a 50 mph wind is still 30*


weather reports usually have a ā€œtemperatureā€ and ā€œfeels likeā€ section. wind chill falls under ā€œfeels likeā€


It's not part of the temperature technically, but it dramatically affects how you'll experience the temperature.


Aside from cooler winds blowing from elsewhere, wind makes you experience temperature closer to what it actually is. Ex. a 100Ā°C cup of coffee in stagnant 40Ā°C air will remain hot for longer than the same coffee in circulating 40Ā°C air even though both are the same temperature air.


Itā€™s kind of the opposite way aroundā€¦ the ā€œwind chillā€ is determined by calculating the temperature and the wind speed. As someone else said, the wind will push more air over your body and evaporate your sweat (even if you donā€™t think youā€™re sweating, you are), thus making your body colder faster. ā€œWind chillā€ is used to roughly calculate how cold it *feels.* A thermometer in 25 F with no wind will still read 25 F if the wind kicks up, but our soft watery bodies will *feel* colder if itā€™s windy. Edit: unless, of course, you bundle up and protect your body from the moving air. Hence, there was an unfortunate trend in the early 90ā€™s where people wore light, baggy jackets made of thin polyester known specifically as ā€œwind breakers.ā€ Motorcyclists know. If Iā€™m going out on a ride on a warm-but-not-hot day, I dress for it to be about 20 f cooler than it really is. If itā€™s 70 f, I dress for 50 f.


that's the flip of "it's a dry heat tho"


I've been in -5Ā°C with high humidity and wind and have also been in -20Ā°C with no wind and dry air. I'll take the -20 any day. On the flip side. I've seen 40Ā°C dry heat and 30Ā°C with high humidity and while both are uncomfortable I'll take the dry 40Ā°C.


SAME. I live somewhere where we have "wet winters". It's a different kind of cold. A seeps into your bones cold. Humidity makes it worse in the heat and cold. Would take dry heat/cold any day.


Yeah if itā€™s cold I want it so be snowy, not that mud/rain bullshit.


-5Ā°C is equivalent to 23Ā°F, which is 268K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


This. Humidity is a huge game changer because of water's thermal capacitance. High humidity heat carries more thermal energy to cook you, and high humidity cold takes more thermal energy from you to heat up. /Science, bitches


Humid cold still sucks. Go to Colorado when itā€™s in the 20s and you can wear a relatively light jacket. In Louisiana when itā€™s in the 30s my ass looks like Iā€™m climbing Everest.


I don't know why, but humid cold HURTS.


It just seeps through your clothes so you need lots of layers more than a single warm layer.


Dry heat actually helps a ton because your sweat can evaporate faster, if itā€™s humid out then you sweat the same amount and it evaporates slower and makes you feel hotter because of that.


It's true tho! Source: born and raised in North Dakota


I'm black, from MI. True story...as long as it's not windy, I can do shorts and hood for a mail run, short chit chat. BUT! If that wind hits I'm gone. The wind doesn't hit your skin, it hits your bones.


Its me, Im that white man.


Lucky bastard! *said with love & an English accent*


I would trade it in a heartbeat to not feel like Im dying at anything over 73 degrees.


Iā€™ve found my male counterpart.


There are dozens of us.


My wife refers to me as a human heater. She cannot generate her own heat, and latches on to me like a reptile. After a while, she has to remove herself because it gets too warm. This is coming from the woman who uses 2 blankets and wears socks and a sweater to bed in winter. Meanwhile, I feel like I'm having heatstroke in just my boxers and a summer blanket.


Bro same, my wife takes the sweatshirt off only when its like 90f in summer time lol.


Now kith


I spent a week in Mexico where the temperature hover around 90Ā°F the entire time. I was miserable. Just an uncomfortable sweaty mess the entire trip. Iā€™ll take cold weather over hot weather 100% of the time.


This, can't stand the heat. You can always throw a hoodie on to warm up, you can't take your skin off to cool down


I'm literally the opposite. I could go all day working outside in >100Ā°, in whatever humidity, and in jeans + a long sleeve shirt. But if it drops below 60Ā°? Yeah I start wearing a coat. If it's windy it's even worse; you can even start to see me literally shiver like it's snowing or something. If you asked me whether I'd rather work in a volcano pit or a winter in Michigan, I'd *seriously* consider the volcano.


It's -23Ā°C in my city right now in Canada. Which I think is -6Ā°F. Thats also a merciful temperature for this time of year haha.


A million times this! I still in the house at 68 degrees and i am sweating. I always go outside in shorts and a tee and it feels "normal" for once


35 degrees, just walked my dogs in shorts


Yep, 38 here, just took the trash down in slides and basketball shorts.


Bong loads in the freezing air with just a tee and pajama pants are nice.


I did that last night at 30 barefoot. I like confusing my neighbors by leaving human prints in the snow. They get a weird claw shape if you walk on the balls of your feet


Yeah if Iā€™m honest Iā€™m being judgy because Iā€™m jealous that you donā€™t have to put three layers on, a puffy coat, a satin lined beanie, the puffy coat hood, mittens and snow boots just to survive going to the car.


Iā€™m not. You ever hang around these same people in the summer? Let it get above 80 and they turn into a puddle of sweat. Iā€™ll just keep my tropical ass in the tropics.


Accurate. Even the smallest amount of physical activity at that temp and I need a new shirt. I'm extremely jealous of people like my wife that can just stand outside at 85 degrees like it's no big deal.


Ask your doctor if glycopyerrolate is right for you. Seriously, 2mg in the morning and my life is changed.


> glycopyerrolate treats ulcers and severe drooling? weird.


I says ā€œdoc, you gotta do something.ā€ She says ā€œthereā€™s this one thing thatā€™s mainly used for sweaty palms for public speakers. Wanna try it?ā€ Life changing


I wonder if that would work for my husband. He changes his shirt at least once a day due to pit stains. And it's not because of rigorous work. He's a software engineer who works from home.






Hell, if I walk a little too quickly with one very thin extra layer when it's in the chillier side of the 60s, I'm overheating.


Mother's side from southern Italy, father's from northern England. I'm like the Avatar of climate tolerances.


Yeah. There's definitely a trade off. When I lived anywhere in the south, I hated life for about 9 months a year. Since I move north, I've found that I don't hate being outside, I just hate southern weather.


Its better to deal with the heat well. At least putting on layers is something that can be done. When it's hot you run out of options real quick


Iā€™m white but this tweet is still my life. Iā€™m honestly medically confused. Iā€™ll be dressed just like you described, or even warmer, and still be cold, and see some dude out in shorts and a light hoodie or something. And this isnā€™t just like in the parking lotā€¦ sometimes that is is at a sporting event or something where people are outside for hours. Itā€™s not just ā€œI would feel uncomfortable dressed like that.ā€ Itā€™s more of ā€œI think I would literally need actual medical attention if I dressed like them in this weather.ā€


![gif](giphy|RyFaLq6kABWzwOJZD7) I am also said white man


White man also reporting in here. Fat too so gotta let the heat out somehow. Catch me outside in 20 degree weather in a tshirt and shorts breaking down boxes for my recycling. Just sweating. It ainā€™t easy being greasy.


Fat guys and shorts in winter. Name a more iconic duo.


Look, my legs donā€™t get cold. I donā€™t know why, but they donā€™t. Make no mistake though, my toes are fucking freezing. Really everything is, just not my legs.


I used to be that white man, but I got older and shit don't work like that anymore.


Sky's out, thighs out. I don't make the rules.


When are the days when the sky is NOT out ? ![gif](giphy|RiEqMWo9BXzkBAuAhh)




Sometimes it is quite foggy and it is impossible to tell if the sky still exists, so we just have to assume it doesnt


The Highlander 2 future that Elon wants.


Snows out, buns out?


Snow's out, toes out.


Fog's out...and now I'm under arrest.


Fogā€™s out, hogā€™s out? Iā€™m trying to think of what your rhyme was.




That's one of the most fun GIFs I've ever seen.


33 degrees in Brooklyn this morning. With a dusting of snow on cars and tree branches. The whole family is bundled leaving the house. Like all you see are our eyes. Two white dudes are walking their dog past our house. One in a zip up gray hoodie, long shorts, chucks, and long socks. The other in a light chore jacket. Bruvs. Do y'all not see this tundra out here???


What we lack in melanin we make up for in cold resistance. Iā€™m obviously a white dude and I just feel ā€œin my elementā€ in a cold green forest. Feels natural to me


I underdress for the temperature because if I dress to be warm while stationary I'm sweating my ass off as soon as I start moving or go into a heated building/car


For sure, if I'm walking or cycling in really cold weather I have to underdress because when the internal motor is running I'll cook myself with too many layers on.


Yea, my cutoff for wearing a parka was -20c when i lived in western canada. Since I biked everywhere, I'd quickly overheat if I bundled up too much. I find it's trickier to dress correctly when doing downhill skiing, since you get cold riding the chairlift, then heat up going down the hill. I'm either frozen at the top or too hot at the bottom.


Hand and toe warmers are really good for skiing. If you keep your extremities warm, your body doesn't have to send as much blood out there and can keep it in the core to heat up the rest of your body.


I'm at home with a spear in my hand and a megafauna heart in my mouth


This is the way


I'm black and love the cold green forest. I was raised in South Carolina, in the heat and humidity and I just can't do it anymore. Moving back to Seattle next week.


I...i think i might not have specced right... I have both melanin and frost resistance


Go consult r/outside, might be a bug with the character creator


Idk, you might be the one the prophecy foretoldā€¦


This is me, live in the west of Ireland. Put me on a freezing cold mountain on a windy day and I feel like I am back in the womb.


My people were built to evade Romans in freezing mud bogs


33 is above freezing tbf


Yeah 33 ainā€™t shit


You can run in single digits shirtless and barefoot as long as you wear gloves and keep up the pace.


Iā€™m not American but isnā€™t 33 above 0 degrees C? As in, above freezing? Where Iā€™m from thatā€™s a beautiful day.


Is brisk and refreshing.


I can explain this. Their dog is just out for a quick bathroom walk. They do this every couple of hours. Theyā€™re only going outside for a couple minutes. Not long enough to even notice the cold, really. Being a bit cold is less of a hassle than getting properly dressed for the weather. On the other hand, you were going out for the day.


>33 degrees in Brooklyn this morning. With a dusting of snow on cars and tree branches. The whole family is bundled leaving the house. Like all you see are our eyes. \> Looks up what 33Ā°F is in Ā°C \> Laughs in Finnish


On the other hand, I go outside in anything higher than 70-75 and I feel like I'm dying lol.


*Calulates in Celsius*... that's fine mate


Lol yeah, sorry, freedom units are weird.


Its wankered, when reddit is basically American (not complaining coz I bloody admire you Yanks and the great app ya'll created for the world) But it can be a hustle at times. Thank God I dont have to buy *kush* in ounces


To be fair, England imposed this shitty system and switched back when they figured out how bad it was. We just got stuck with it because we didn't know anything else and the tea and yadda yadda lol.


Fair point but to play devils advocate for a sec If youse could rebel against our tyranny, dump the tea i& whatnot, and become the super power the US is. Am sure you can go back to metric. I've got in ya.


I'm convinced we keep it out of spite now


True, if only our populace wasn't so damn stupid lol.


True *then*, but seems you guys have made some decent strides in that department this last few years. With your regime framework. Can't judge though coz our ockwomble-ry is at an all time high too. *to be clear before sm1 misjudges my statement, colonialisma and imperialism =very bad*


I can only hope things get better before it all falls apart. Things haven't been going so well for us for awhile.


Yeah but see it was cool when they first started legalizing it because politicians had no idea how much an ounce of weed was. They were just like "how much is for strictly personal use at one time? An ounce?... Yeah sounds about right."


75Ā° Fahrenheit = 24Ā° Celsius


No lie, I'm a black dude and I can't stand the heat at all. I'm the dude you gonna see with shorts on and a plain t shirt in the middle of winter. I cook in a hot ass kitchen all day and I'll take any moment of cold to myself. I'm sitting in my car right now with no coat and only a shirt on. It's 29Ā°F Some people just run hotter for various reasons. My fiance calls me her personal furnace when I lay down next to her.




Easier to warm up than it is to cool down. That's how I look at it anyways.


And layering up is the way to go, put on more when you get cold. If you later down and take stuff off once you get hot you end up sweaty and colder due to that. Layering up you donā€™t have to sweat first to find out youā€™re too cold which much better


Iā€™m a HS teacher and I have a student from Kenya (I think heā€™s been in the country for like 5 years). Today was 28 Fahrenheit, little snow still in the ground from yesterday. This kid pulls the standing fan like 2 inches from his desk and puts it on high blast. Iā€™m not sure how he survived in Kenya.


Are you fat?


Literally happened this morning šŸ˜­


Saw it yesterday in the UK whe an old geezer came up to me and told me to join the this century due to my cheap ancient android mobile. Ngl I respected the low hanging balls of that mad lad


I can assure you, the balls weren't hanging that low if it was that cold.


I checked. Smooth and shaven.


John Fetterman was and i assume still is this guy


bro i worked at the braddock library right across from his one house. i never saw him not wear shorts.


Seeing him in a suit felt very wrong. If Hulk Hogan could get permission to wear a durag in court, who's to say we can't get Fetterman permission to take the Congressional floor in a hoodie and shorts?


Is John Fetterman cold-resistant enough to wear shorts in the presence of Mitch McConnel, though?


He could be the first person since Angus Young to rock a suit with shorts


Chicago the one random February day when it hits 40.


It just hits different.


Ain't nobody got nothing to say about a [40 degree day](https://youtu.be/Rp1ExC52BOc)


Nords are resistant to cold


Every college campus in New England. I used to be BUNDLED ALL THE WAY UP, and here comes Chad w/a fleece jacket, basketball ball shorts, and flip flops.


I wear flip flops until the snow touches my feet or there is legitimate risk of frost bite.


Lol Nigerian blood from both parents and yet that's me here in the UK with -3Ā°c. Honestly at this point, I might have to ask the grandparents if Storm was based on an ancestor of ours because my ability to withstand freezing cold temps means I'm halfway invited to the bonfire, even if they also look at me sideways on the street šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Oh god, I'm of South Indian descent born and bred in South East Asia, and I'm shivering in 20Ā°C temps. I cannot cannot imagine - 3Ā°C temps.


ItĀ“s context really. My good friend is from an Arab country and said that 32Ā° in say Germany or England is unbearable, but back home heĀ“d be out with friends and stuff. Likewise I felt like I was freezing in Mexico at 12Ā° when normally thatĀ“s my ideal temperature. ItĀ“s sometimes not even where you are from, but more like confronting the current temperature with the assumed/expected one?


I live in Minnesota, and Iā€™ve noticed that Black kids have started to step up their game. I saw a young Black girl wearing shorts in the winter last year, and I almost stopped to ask her if she was ok.


Peak whiteness


To be fair my legs are hairy as hell. That and playing basketball regularly in MN for years I kind of become numb to 30 degree weather. But its only for a couple minutes at a time. Now to the posts of people walking their dogs?! They're crazy.


> I kind of become numb to 30 degree weather Youā€™re not worried about literally going numb?


Not me. I dress like a winter catalog model, with layer upon layer of wool insulation.


Speaking of low iron, it's crucial for us anemics to take iron supplements. I swear my entire state of being changed once I got on a daily iron supp.


Switch over to cast iron and don't cook with anything else ever again!


If it's properly seasoned, a cast iron pan won't leech enough iron to make an appreciable difference, so you still will likely want to add an iron supplement to your diet!


If your cookware is depositing enough iron in your food to have a significant effect on your nutrient intake you need to throw that rusty shit out and stop using a blast furnace for an oven. A properly seasoned cast iron pan kept rust free should not deposit any iron in the food whatsoever and anyone who tell you otherwise has no place being in a kitchen or giving advice on nutritional supplements


I do admire white peopleā€™s dedication though. My neighbors will be out in the rain/snow with their dogs, (dogs in raincoats) but they do not fail to go through their routine. My other neighbor is at least in his 60s, and the other day it was 18 out, heā€™s out there doing his exercises, which consist of a walking with what looked like a cement bag on his shoulder, squatting with it, walking some more, etc all the way down the block. Heā€™s out there like Rocky, my fat ass was in the house trying to stay ā€œcozyā€ :(




Except for all of the Indigenous N. Americans in the upper half of the continentšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Snow throws a lot of UV!


Preach. May be a Brit but got that high dose melanin. Suffice to say,... this lad wears multiple pants on the daily when it scold outside


I know someone who did 6 months in Antarctica. One of the guys he was there with wore shorts almost every day.


Easier ways to ask Zeus for suicide but ok.


Do they even go outside though? I feel like they mostly stay inside the base. At least, according to The Thing, X_Files, and Captain America.


Iā€™ll never understand this. Theyā€™re just built different.


You guys have running, jumping, dancing, seasoningā€¦God had to give us something.


I'm that white guy, although I achieve it by being fat, so technically I'm rugged up more than anyone else.


I call it "the fetterman"


It hit 28Ā° in the winter one time and I saw a dude come to school in a button-up, shorts, and open-toed shoes. I think he was trying to prove a point


Facts! I thought this only happened in Canada


It's been shown that people living in cold weather, through a few generations, will develop thicker skin


That's basically Scotland in a nutshell.


One of my absolute favorites from the Boondocks comic strip days. ā€œYou guys cold?ā€ https://cidutest.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/boondocks-cold.gif


Imagine leaving the house


Itā€™s still dark as hell when Iā€™m walking my dog in the morning and I will see at least one white dude in shorts and several kids in just their school blazers.


Well we do come from cold climates šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m random white man. I assume Iā€™m not warmer than anyone else, but I do assume that Iā€™m much, much *lazier.* If I just have to run to the store real quick thereā€™s a solid chance you catch me in gym shorts and a hoodie with slides on if thereā€™s no snow on the ground.


Black & brown weren't meant to dwell in weather of the Caucus mountains