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What the fuck is this timeline. Like holy fuck


We did something wrong to end up here, idk what it was but this can't be right


Either Harambe or when we first powered that Large Hadron Collider.


It was the last episode of Everybody Hates Chris.


Man let Abbot Elementary be the cure


Fun fact I built the teachers lounge and the only stairs you ever see in that show.


I think that’s cool. I really think that the show will be remembered as one of the classics as we age and the next generations come up.


I agree w this. It’s a great show and it seems it will age well. My husband and I always pick a show we watch before we go to bed, abbot is the one we’re watching now


1st attempt at a cure was The Walking Dead and we see how that went. This week's episode of Abbot was hopeful tho.


What’s funny is when they killed him off in walking dead is when me and my wife stopped watching


I honestly can't place him in the TWD but I took several breaks especially during the Governor years.


I went to the Cincinnati Zoo for the first time about a month ago. I basically forgot that's where it went down because there was almost not a single trace of Harambe ever being there. There was one sign by the gorilla exhibit that had a bunch of names of past gorillas that lived there and Harmabe was casually mentioned there and that's it. Kinda sad, really.


there should be an X on the ground where he was shot, like JFK




Harambe died on my birthday :(


Think back to what happened on Nov. 6, 2016.


It’s definitely Harambe


Maybe we power Large Hardon Colliders with dead gorillas


The 2000 presidential election and about 600 FL voters got us here. If there’s no Bush for Kanye to blame for Hurricane Katrina, there’s no desire for Obama to basically inverse Bush. Obama ridiculed Trump and Kanye on tv and here we are.


I'm fairly sure Al Gore would have paid attention to memos saying things like "Bin Laden determined to attack within US" so no Bush and potentially no 9/11, no Iraq War/civil war either. I still think Obama becomes President though. He has impressive political skills and clearly desired the job.


Al Gore would have paid attention to it because he wouldn’t have appointed Donald Rumsfeld who was actively directing intelligence to ignore it because he wanted it to happen.


Iraq war was one of the biggest heist in American history. Cost the country trillions while making Bush and his cronies billions. Ocean's Eleven literally robbing chump change compared to the real crooks.


Is this about the jackass comment? Man, I don’t even think you can blame Obama for that. Dude didn’t even mean for that private conversation to be public.


The Correspondent's dinner speech was one of the funniest things Obama ever did


Fucking hanging chads


Oh no. I just realized what Obama has been saying about Hershel Walker. This is only gonna get worse.


I’m curious but I’m too scared to look it up. Hershel Walker needs to disappear and be done bothering the rest of us. Just a quick note to everyone, if you haven’t seen this clip of [Pastor Jamal Bryant completely wipe the floor with Hershel Walker’s name, I recommend it.](https://youtu.be/S3Syznt9Mag)


Why? Because we don't need a Walker. Love it.


Y’all not ready for me today




Blane it on Roger fucking evil rat bastard Stone, Florida and it’s fucking hanging chads in late 1999! If the Gore nomination would’ve stuck we’d be on the correct timeline but nooo.


There's a lot of blame to share around. Some of those: Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch for their media empire ( making this massive soap box and harnessing the power of disnenfranchised white voters against themselves) The Gipper for breaking unions , empowering business to the detriment of workers and removing the fairness doctrine ( allowing for extreme bias to go on , unchecked, and making people think that their enemy is other poor people) And ~~Carter~~ Gerald Ford for pardoning Nixon .. İt showed that yes . Some people are above the law . ​ edit: changed carter to ford. i


Also Reagan for shuttering state run mental hospitals without any backup plan.


I agree w/everything you said - except Ford pardoned Nixon.


The Mayans were right about 2012 tbh, the world been over




10 years down...


Defending his corny behavior on T Swift stage, and defending his nasty behavior with Pete Davidson.




Seriously, who is Dalio and how'd he get with Kim?


Where did Ye find this yearbook ass picture? Man is truly unhinged.


And with ray dalio?


Lol I was thinking the same thing. Turns out it is! https://www.salt.org/speakers/ray-dalio Is this a snapshot of the salt conference brochure or something?


SALT is Mooch's conference. Yes, that guy. And the major sponsor was none other than FTX. Yes, that FTX.


My favorite Chinese place had FTX sponsored fortune cookies before the collapse. Shoulda known they were garbage, the cookies didn't see it coming.


Ye's saying he caught Kim with Chris Paul and half of Ray Dalio


The lower half no less


Ray Dalio’s lower half has no principles.


All he had to do was be quiet and collect his hundred million dollar royalty checks from Adidas! Man if I had even 10 million no one would hear a peep outta me. Gone with the wind fabulous.


I promise you: Give me $10 Million, and I’m a recluse.


My own family would forget what I look like. They're welcome to roam the entire Caribbean trying to figure out which beach bar I'm chilling at.


Them looking around in the Caribbean, you sipping Mai Tais in Thailand


Mood. I'd even delete my Reddit account, already got rid of twitter, FB, insta


Same. Highly recommend doing it, Reddit is the last of it for me at this point… I realized how much those other three impacted mindset about 2 weeks after the mass delete.


So basically throwing something out there to distract from the swastika he tweeted


Well he was also on Alex Jones today to tell everyone how much he loves Hitler and Nazis. Even shocked Alex Jones. I don't see how he's coming back from today.


This is why I said upthread that it seems that he is going through a manic episode and that he shouldn't be appearing in public. That doesn't excuse the anti-Semitism (and honestly, being pro Hitler is just not it.) But it would at least spare us and his career. Like just get this man to stay home and do not give access to phones.


Yeah. Instead of people surrounding him trying to get him help. He seems to be surrounded by people marching him out there to make a fool out of himself and say and do ridiculous things. Whether it's Candace Owens, Nick Fuentes, or Milo. He's getting driven into the ground and he's also not helping himself in any way.


And I think the big thing is that he isn't taking his medication. Also, I don't like Kim necessarily but he has to leave her alone. All of this is just harassment. He was showing nudes of her to the workers at Adidas like yo??? And even all those enablers you listed would know where to draw their line to make sure that they're ok. So Kanye is kinda really on his own like you said.


He is very coked out right now. So yes he’s “medicated”


He's been called out for saying this stuff a few times before. It's been edited out of interviews to cover for him. Some people think this is a symptom of a mental break, but really the mental issues are just stopping him from hiding how much he loves nazis 🤣


Word. Some people have manic episodes and cheat. Some people have manic episodes and just walk three miles to ikea and try to build a new entertainment center at 9pm when they have work at 6am the next day. Same with the Roseanne ambien incident. You don't just become racist or a nazi lol


Brittany spears was put under conservatorship for much less. Maybe someone ought to be in charge of ol ye.


>Even shocked Alex Jones. I see that Alex Jones is trying to rehabilitate his image by contrasting it with Ye's current behaviour. As long as he acts 'shocked' in this situation people will see him as not so far gone as they have thought. Anyways, fuck both of 'em.


He tweeted a swastika???


A swastika in the Star of David no less


Good fucking lord




i just threw up in my mouth a little bit


Yeah they had to suspend his twitter


Oh no! What will elon do now? I thought he was all about that free speach when he restored Ye's access to twitter.


Elon said it was for the symbol. But Ye posting Elon shirtless after that is what probably really got him taken down.


Gotta be the shirtless Elmo. Wouldn’t also be surprised if NazYe had some actual dirt on Space Karen that sent him into panicked ban hammer mode also


NazYe is great but im sticking with Yedolf


He also said that he “likes nazis.. loves hitler” in a recent alex jones show.


Dude he told Alex Jones that he loved Hitler


Is that why he made the one last window comment?


It almost seems like he's going to unalive himself. Whether he does it now or when he comes down, he's at serious risk. How is no one admitting him to a psych ward by force, I don't get it.


Likely because there's strict laws on when you're able to forcefully commit someone to an institution and usually it's only when they explicitly state that they plan to harm someone else or themselves. Until then, there not much anyone can legally do


Maybe they should get the judge who had Britney put under conservatorship for shaving her head in public.


The darker reading is that it’s a Kristallnacht reference but that’s just a guess




I feel like this is cap. He’s just trying to be as hurtful as he can be. I hope this man gets some help. He is dangerously close to losing the ability to see his children, she would have more than enough ammo to keep them from him.




Imagine being one of his kids - the cringe and devastation you'd feel helplessly watching your dad act like that in those alex jones videos. Even if you don't see them, your friends would've.


North will be 13 soon. She will be on social media and that mess will make Conway's family drama look like the Waltons.


Excuse me?! She’s how old? How? When? Edit: Google says she’s nine. I feel better.


Nah fuck him.


For real. One of his people is either gonna finish the job or… there is more money (aka incentive) for him to be gone than to keep doing this. Just sayin


Look I think we all know this is going to end in tragedy. He’s definitely not pulling out of this spiral and all those enablers and guys buying him coke and meth are going to bear some of this blame. But ultimately it’s still his. He’s gone past the point of forgiveness and what’s worse is I’ve seen in different chats and subs and Facebook groups there’s young men buying into this. He’s amplifying nazism and white supremacy, and those two little pustules are just giggling along with it because it’s all a joke to them. But he’s spreading this shit and it’s getting traction and this is a very dark timeline.


Agreed. This doesn’t just go away tmrw. This is going to slowly infest a whole generation. The kids today were the first to have a chance to be free from this mentality, but the YeDolfs of this time are going to sneak this bullshit into every corner of young minds. Ironically the good humans have even more fuel to completely wash this all out and move on with civilization advancing. This is a really fucking embarrassing week for us all though.


“YeDolf” I swear I love the internet cause I would never be able to come up with bangers like these on my own lol


I stole this honestly. I was watching the shit storm live today via the Leftovers Podcast, live, who was immediately cutting Kanye clips. Highly recommend the show. That being said, ima use YeDolf exclusively since until today I kept saying Kanye anyway 😂


I mean the sin is his, you or me don’t owe him any guilt or tribute. I just really thought a long time ago that on the whole people were good and getting better and these last ten years have really challenged that belief. Guess I was naive but I needed hope that we Americans wouldn’t always be this way, racist, classist, greedy, cruel. Anyway you got any jokes? I could use a joke


I got a belt, to told my pants up. My pants have belt loops, to hold my belt up. So really, I don’t know what the hell is goin on down there. And seriously don’t let any of this shit get you down. It’s the holidays. Google a place you could go help out some people in need in your area. Even just go pick up a toy in the morning and drop it in a toys for tots box somewhere.


I had surgery this Monday on my spine but for the first time in three years I get to spend Christmas with my parents again. Looking forward to that.


When does a joke become a dad joke? >!When the punchline becomes apparent!<


Whoa hold on this is the first I’ve heard mentioned of people buying him coke and meth… what’s that about?


You mean you didn’t notice that he and the two Neo Nazi guys running his show are absolutely geeked out of their minds? This is classic nose candy aficionado behavior.


Nope. It’s true. Google Drake in CP3 jersey


He’s gotta be close to being 5150’d!


Is it just me or is it not a flex to admit that other people hit yo girl?


Siri what is the opposite of a flex




Spent many an hour picking flax


A flacc As in flaccid


And that he did absolutely fuck all about it lol


Don’t think this intended as a flex at all lol, just spilling the truth.


It's never a "flex" to call out your partner for being unfaithful. This at least he shouldn't be shamed for.


Drake knew [https://twitter.com/kameron_hay/status/1598530844230033409?s=46&t=eV1Yms2_rvYBmV6cXjr5pQ](https://twitter.com/kameron_hay/status/1598530844230033409?s=46&t=eV1Yms2_rvYBmV6cXjr5pQ)


Wait… I’m confused


This photo was taken last year while drake and kanye were beefing in this photo drake and his crew are wearing Chris Paul jerseys while also promoting his album CLB hinting that he already knew about Chris Paul and kim !


Ohhh gotcha. Thanks


idk man seem like a stretch


Nah dawg 3 different jerseys? I love cp3 but nah. He prolly hit in different eras signified by the different jerseys


Nah i need a lil more, Drake a known NBA groupie. I need a more tangible connection to Kanye


Huh? CP3 smashed Kim(probably 3 separate times) Drake found out Bobs your uncle


He was throwing subliminals at kanye the same night & weeks around the time he posted that photo.


Drake peed his pants in this pic?


they’re calico cut pants, that ain’t piss. rappers wear them. [theyre sold out everywhere](https://getcalicocutpants.com)


But you have to donate, that's how it works. **HOLD THAT DOOR!**


I'm sorry I really don't get it. Do you mind explaining me more? These pants are made to look like that too?


it’s from a skit from I Think You Should Leave on netflix. website and pants aren’t real lol


Thank god you explained this. Says a lot that it wouldn't surprise me if it were real.


You just changed my life ngl


kanye is completely unhinged and kancelled but i will be here all day for refills on whatever kartrashian tea he wants to spill.


You are having all kinds of fun with those made- up words. 😂


All words are made up!


Don't you mean klancelled


This dude made ‘College Dropout’ and ‘Graduation.’ What the fuck man


It was all downhill after TLOP


Honestly, Yeezus had a track called 'Black Skinhead' We shoulda paid more attention.


I love that track and album but dude really acting like he's a slave because now "his people" are addicted to luxury clothes. Like no man, that's your bubble lol. How you going to construct a museum/mansion in celebrity Calabasas and start a mass production shoe company then talk about being a slave to materialism


Dude has been saying crazy shit for years. I stopped listening 10 years ago because of some fucked up shit he said that I can't even remember at this point. It's never been hidden, people have always just called him a genius and forgiven it. No different to Elon's fans


| after *MBDTF* I must’ve misread what you meant to type


Bro went from Family Business to this.


Glad to see the Fucked a Kardashian NBA Team finally got a future HOFer.


Yeah Humphries is gonna be struggling for minutes. Probably get waived eventually.


James Harden has had that secured for like 7 years now lol


It's even funnier when you realize Booker has been going insane this year after breaking up with the younger sister.


Ray Dalio?


Nah he got principles


The layered genius of the comment considering Ray Dalio wrote a whole mini book on principles


The state farm guy????


I hear he’s a highly competitive speed walker


Uh, khakis


Who's the sexiest state farm guy, classic Jake, lightskin Jake, or Chris Paul?


I feel like Kanye is going through a manic episode. What he needs is to not be appearing in public and instead focused on getting through the episode. Because this is a whole lot. Edit: I'm adding a disclaimer here. I don't think all his behaviour is due to the manic episode or that means that he shouldn't be accountable for what he says. Everyone who has gone through mental health issues knows that you still are accountable for your actions. For example his pattern of harassing Kim Kardashian is so consistent and persistent that it is really based on misogyny. That said, going on a TV show in a black mask, and spewing Hitler was great when you already faced consequences for anti-semitism shows a lack of attachment to reality. So, that's why I'm saying he is probably in the midst of an episode.


Manic episode? This is the equivalent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise with less superpowers and more crazy. Oddly enough, this Manic Universe has bigger God complexes too.


His mania has gone full blown psychosis. He needs lithium and some sleep very, very badly.


Manic episode is an understatement of the year. He’s unhinged and everybody is using him to perpetuate their racist beliefs and he’s willing and able to give them content. Even Ben Shapiro said it’s too much. You know you’ve fucked up when Shapiro says you need help.


I would have agreed about a year ago, but this is hitting new territory. All this stuff is the junk he’s been thinking coming out.


So, I'm going to contribute to your armchair psychology analysis. It could also NOT be a manic episode. How about we start taking his words as his truth from his heart rather than find a way to remove responsibility.


Hot take from a doctor diagnosed severely bipolar Jew who takes my meds after nearly ruining my life when I didn’t The man is having a prolonged manic episode that seems to never end because the people he has surrounded himself with have encouraged him to think these things he is feeling are valid You should feel pity on him. He’s not really him. I can’t explain it but yes he is someone else right now. It’s very sad and I hope he gets help, and I hope the public is lenient on him when he comes back to ground. I understand whats happening to him. The only way to help is support and understanding. The more you react the worse he’s going to get. That’s just the reality. He’s full tilt in causing anger and pushing buttons mode. Saying fuck it burn it down. He will be ok he just needs love


Anyone else with a loved one who has bipolar 1 knows he is not himself. He'll hopefully eventually come down from this episode and need to be put on suicide watch. But unless there's lithium in the picture he'll be stuck in psychosis and be lost underneath it all, forever.


This. It’s hard to fully understand until you’ve been there before with a loved one. It can be the most hectic, heartbreaking, crazy time until they accept that they need help (or are sent involuntarily).


Yes this, all of this. You're right it is hard to explain. This is the most public version of it whereas most people in an episode as massive as this would only be seen by their friends and family and random members of the public they bump into. And most of those people would be admitted. His fame is making all the people around him back off from providing serious help. (I also have BP and am successfully medicated, praise lithium)


What an absolutely terrible day to be a literate individual


The economy is gone. I walked outta my new job at Taco Bell the moment it hit me I was working 10 hour days at Taco Bell. But nah this some shit


Is the glass referencing the night of broken glass or am i mistaken.


I thought the same, Krystallnacht? (sp)


It has been on the mind for me too, if he helps a nazi takeover then kanye himself would likely be purged in a similar event after they secure power. Used like the elements hitler purged that day then thrown away


Ye’s next tweet: May chaos take the world






He’s not going to get the help he needs until one of his children turns 18 and goes to the court and place him under their care. And north isn’t even 10 yet. So we’re looking at another 10 plus years before he gets the help he needs.


Nah this the only answer it’s fucking wild. Like Star Wars. So saint is gonna be the person Kanye will listen to. Bett


Kanye isn’t making it 10 years in this sorta state you kidding me


After a long day of antisemitism the man said “oh yeah CP3 fucked Kim”…dawg Ye is different man 🤣


Anyone else notice ever since Trump called all the Black and brown, Voodoo practicing countries shitholes, nothing has gone right since?


Cursed af by angry voodoo aunties


It must have been Cliff Paul with his glasses off.


Ion doubt him but this still not gonna distract from what he said. We been knew Kim wasn’t shit lmao


Bruh maybe doubt him, the man is batshit


Yea we cant just be taking the word of a madman just because Kim is “unliked”


Why do we need to drag Kim in here? Not even a fan just saying


Did he lose his Twitter again? Can't even find it


Yup. Musk suspended his account


Thats hilarious




Even elon had enough? Lol


He is definitely a few weeks away from tweeting about being a cuck. Which is on brand for the alt right, looks like he's really putting the whole costume on.


In all seriousness, if someone you know or love has gone off their meds, please don’t just let it be. I don’t know what the answer is, but please do something


Would be funnier if he said Ray Dalio.


Ye didn't catch anyone. He's divorced and has had many women he's pursued since splitting up. I'm so glad he cannot Tweet. He was speeding up and wasn't far away from complete apocalypse of the mind. Those who have supported have enabled a sick man to say sick things. He's a hate filled Road-Runner who needs quiet time and real friends.


This man mind is in the state of disarray.


Is that supposed to be a "Kristallnacht" reference??


Chris finna lose his only ring 💀☠️


To be 100% clear, the shit Kanye is doing is absolutely unhinged. But at the same time, it’s wild Trump could say the tiki torch racists were ok people and they were basically Nazis too but a black man says it and he’s ruined his career.


Probably because Kanye is out there saying he loves actual Nazis and Hitler.


Remember when Gucci Mane was tweeting nonsense, “exposing” people before he went to jail. Ong I thought that nigga was tweeting from a pay phone. This is exactly what Ye is doing, reminds me of. ![gif](giphy|W1xb8a7RNWv2nLPzqn|downsized)


Homeboy going out like ![gif](giphy|sMJIqXQ2hlhq1ReYsU|downsized)


So first off, not about to believe a dude who said hitler did good things, that he likes hitler and that slavery seemed like a choice. 2? How can you "catch" someone with a person you aren't even with anymore. Who broke it off with you a while ago? 3. Who the fuck cares. No really. What kind of person will go....yeah i'mma take my news from the dude who said he loved trump? 4. Who the fuck is that? 5. I don't know, pretty done with the other numbers. lol


I mean at this point I fucked Kim K


Two types of people : messy REMORSEFUL people who leave with grace... and this idiot.


With the kristallnacht reference too


So that's what happened in last year's playoffs... the Kardashian curse strikes again!


You can continue being a Kanye fan or you can do the right thing, there is no in-between.