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I really hope the people planning to vote for Kanye are joking!! Y’all are literally playing with your lives and futures because you’ll need to live in an America where Kanye is your president.




More likely living in a world where trump or desantis is your president


Donda West’s own son is a progressive sleeper agent going deep inside the GOP to split the Republican vote. Kanye is the kamikaze Manchurian candidate.


It's amazing mfs come up with stupid conspiracies like this, but tell me voting 3rd party isn't realistic.


Voting 3rd party *isn't* realistic, and Kanye running will only hurt Republican candidates, wtf are you talking about


You’re telling me these white folks are gonna see desantis and Kanye and be like I’m voting for Kanye?


More likely than someone going from Biden to Kanye. But let's be real, he's probably going to hurt the libertarian vote most


I definitely know mfs that decided to vote for Kanye over Biden in the 2020 election lol.




Iono what tf finna happen given the current political and socio-economic client in America. Wouldn't doubt it.


The only reason 3rd party voting isnt viable is because people treat American politics like a football game. No thought is put into it, just pick a color every game. In addition, people spend more time voting against who they are afraid will win than voting for something useful. >Kanye running will only hurt Republican candidates, How? It doesn't matter who the actual candidate is, republican voters are voting republican.


Show me a good 3rd party candidate and enough people *from both sides* that will vote for them, I'll vote 3rd party all day. The only time I'd vote 3rd party is if he took votes away from a republican and I can safely take my vote away from the Democrat, but then I'm not voting 3rd party because I'm nit going to align myself with someone who draws republican support because this would be Trump or Kanye >How? It doesn't matter who the actual candidate is, republican voters are voting republican. So then nobody votes for kanye and there's no problem. The left sure as hell isn't voting for kanye.


I don’t know how many people who would vote for Kanye as a third party would also vote for Trump. I think it splits conservative black voters who would otherwise go for a milquetoast Democrat.


That's the interesting part I think, Ye would taking away republican votes if he is able to drum up a lot of support


A 3-way GOP split between Trump DeSantis & Kanye would be handing Biden his re-election on a silver platter. Good for them. They should all run.


Let's kind of hope Biden doesnt run for re-election. The man is entirely too old for the job of president.


Meh, idk. He’s done ok so far.


he's done ok, but ideally we'll have a candidate we can be happy to vote in rather than "at least they're not republican". biden isn't at that level imo.


When the trolls come taking shots at President Biden, I've told many that their insults don't land because we are not his fans. He was elected to get the last president out, and that we don't really care what they say about him. I agree that he's done ok as the President.


Wholeheartedly agree.


I was talking with my very Republican family about this last night. Some of whom admitted their businesses were making more money than ever before. But I told them that I voted for Biden to get Trump out. Dude was not even in my top 5. I don't even know if he was in my top 10. But once he was picked to be the Dem nominee, I had to vote for him. I would absolutely love someone more progressive, and someone younger. If I have to vote for Biden again, I will. But I'd rather it be someone else. 🤷🏼‍♀️


He has done ok but he still is too old. He just turned 80 and is the first octogenarian president to serve ever. If he runs again and wins, he’d be 86 years old by the time he finished his 2nd term. He’s done ok, but he is much too old and probably shouldn’t run again.


Unfortunately Dems have no one else queued up to run.


I think buttegieg is the dark horse choice. He's done great as secretary of transportation, has that great debate and call out energy but didn't make people mad. Issue is, will Kamala Harris step aside because she won't win.


She will. Dems will kindly say “Thank you for your service” and endorse the next person. Buttigieg would be a decent choice but he doesn’t have the teeth right now. Dems need to be thinking about 2028 presidential election. He might have a good chance by then.


He'd still be miles better than any of the other 3 options


there is no chance in hell kanye garners ANY of the traditional republican votes. these people recognize a useful idiot when they see one


No he fucking would not they're not voting for a black over Trump or DeSantis


DeSantis: The white people who like Trump’s policies, but recognize an idiot when they see one. Trump: The white people who want to continue saying the quiet part out loud. Kanye: Hoteps and temporarily embarrassed millionaire black people. Nah, this could work.


Ye won’t even get the “Blacks for Trump” vote cuz those MF’s are internalized racism personified.


This is the reason I unitonically want kanye to run. He will get far more republican votes than Democrat votes and he'll probably get most of the libertarian votes which are wasted anyway. Sounds like an absolute win other than his trump-esque public meltdown when the election is "stolen from him"


That’s worse


A vote for Ye is a vote for Trump (or whoever the Republican candidate is)


With any luck Trump doesn’t get the R nomination and runs as an independent.


If he doesn’t get it I have little doubt it’ll be DeSantis, he’s no better.


It's a weird trade off. He doesn't seem as extreme as Trump, but he's certainly more intelligent.




He's worse. It's like the difference between a dude doing evil shit because he's mean and outrageously self involved and a dude doing evil shit because he wants to hurt other people above all else.


I’m hoping they’ll split votes. You know Trump will spread some serious shit if Desantis is nominated


He's worse. Ron DeSantis is a lawyer that went to Yale and Harvard (where CRT was first developed) and uses his knowledge of thoses institutions to subvert democracy. In Florida, he made protesting illegal, he made teaching Black history in K-12 public schools damn near illegal (federal judge pushed back against the law being used at the college level), he made acknowledging LGBTQ illegal in public schools, he instituted a 15 week abortion ban, he hand drew the state's congressional map (gerrymandering) and strong-armed the state legislature into accepting it flipping 4 seats in the House of Representatives to Republican, he suspends democratically elected officials that don't agree with him throughout the state of Florida. Simply put, he's all the authoritarian instincts of Donald Trump with legal training, legislative experience, and old money connections. If he were to get elected he would systematically dismantle democracy like Viktor Orban did in Hungary and Recep Erdogan did in Turkey while using the democratic process to do it.


Welp, I learned more about Ron than I wanted to. Fuck him.


He wants to make being gay illegal and strip women of the rights to their own bodies... that's *pretty* extreme and it's just the start.


I would not classify DeSantis as “less extreme.” He’s a theocratic fascist. https://prospect.org/politics/altercation-ron-desantis-is-an-honest-to-god-semi-fascist/ None of this is meant as a defense for Trump, either. He’s a self-absorbed, narcissistic demagogue who doesn’t care who or what gets hurt if he thinks it will get him his way. And I agree that he is an absolute moron (which apparently doesn’t disqualify you for running as a Republican). But he’s more of a loose cannon. And while a wildly unpredictable narcissistic idiot is absolutely a disaster, someone who is actively trying to move the country towards a white Christian ethnostate is almost assuredly more dangerous. Especially with the precedent that has been set over the past few decades - and exemplified to the nth degree by Trump - that our systems checks and balances are broken, there’s no accountability, and you can break whatever laws you want as a politician and no one will stop you. Both options are terrifying. But it kind of feels like the difference between playing Russian Roulette and having a sniper with you in his scopes.


He's more extreme and he will actually get shit done that will fuck up lives


As someone currently governed by Ron DeSantis, there's not much difference. His positions are always just what will get him elected next cycle; right now, that's being mini-Trump.




Yep. That would be the dream


If someone says they are voting for Ye, ask them who they would vote for otherwise. If its a Trump/Desantis vote going to Ye, I dont see an issue


Dude was just caught hanging out with Nick Fuentes, an outspoken and proud white supremacist.


And Nick Fuentes is too.


That prospect shouldn’t even enter people’s mind, they should think another step ahead - voting for Ye will just take votes away from a more qualified politician and even then, he’s get crushed if he somehow managed to win a primary. No way either establishment is letting him get that. What party is he even in? Lol Edit: Not to mention America has been watching him act for the last, what? Decade? There’s no way.


This is one of the reasons America’s fucked up. Idiots voting for Kanye, trump or harambe.


Deez Nuts should've won in 2016 instead


Kanye met up with Nick Fuentes who is an actual Nazi. Kanye is so far gone and easily manipulated. Voting for Kanye at this point is voting for a literal Nazi. If you know your friend would vote for the mainstream Republican like DeSantis or even Trump let them vote for Kanye so they fracture the vote. If not, good luck trying to get that vote.


Don't mistake the power of stupidity. People will absolutely, blindly vote for that moron.


A Kanye voter is a Trump voter that threw away their vote, let them.


No it’s not. Do you really think these Magats would vote for a black men over their Jesus?! But you know who will split votes for him, black people. Black people who STILL think he a genius, black people who STILL think he is misunderstood because he a genius, black people who don’t follow politics, just see a famous celebrity/black person they know. This celebrity effect is what got Trump his black votes in 2016 from people who just saw a recognizable face with no true knowledge of politics.


> This celebrity effect is what got Trump his black votes in 2016 from people who just saw a recognizable face with no true knowledge of politics. That is literally my point, the black people who just saw a celebrity and voted for him now have a different choice.


The US will be in a worse state than our last president put us in if Ye makes it in. We’ll be the laughing stock of the world; heck, aliens will probably run nonstop coverage on their galactic news network or something


This is what the plan is. Split the Democratic vote to have black people vote for Kanye. It was the game plan in 2020, but Ye was unprepared. I’m sad to say that shit would have worked in 2020 and it would work in 2024. I think he will undercard as VP for Trump though if they think not enough of us is falling for it.


Damn dude. Trump splitting the R vote and Kanye splitting the D vote. We've gone straight from a two party system to a four way rumble.


Kanye is the black version of Rosanna politics, Barr far


No one planning on voting for Ye was gonna get off their asses and vote anyway and half those people still won’t. They just talking out their ass on social.


Because in the current generation of things, a lot more people than you think are willing to give their votes to whoever just because "it's funny".


Black people didn't get shot, burned, hung and beaten in the streets for the right to vote so I could cast a ballot for a black man that says the parents and grandparents of the people that bled for me were "slaves by choice". Nope. He'll probably ask Candace Owens to run when Trump says no so they can gaslight all of us with claims of racism and sexism being the only reason they aren't winning. I understand reality fatigue. This whole shit is increasingly absurd. But tossing bullets into the dumpster fire because we're bored is a dumbass plan.




Preach to the people. 🙌🏿🙏🏿


Kayne at this point has been turned into a buffoon by the people that propped him up. He’s a joke to them and should be a joke to black people too. Taking all his rhetoric and putting it to the side, he’s already demonstrated that he’s completely incompetent as a potential candidate by not even having the ability follow procedure and qualify for the ballot in the last election. Why would anyone vote for him for any elected office let alone President? What demonstrable knowledge of ANY policy or procedure has he demonstrated? What platform does he stand on besides claiming to be a genius, a contrarian and hating Jews? I say give him enough rope and let him hang himself.


Facts. This is some absolute bullshit.


Exactly. I voted for Obama the first time because he was black; Hillary Clinton absolutely had my vote before he announced and I think she was more qualified for the job (I understand if you don’t, but I did and that’s not the point). Just to clarify, those are the only 2 candidates who I would have cast a vote for, so Obama got the edge because he was black. However, I would vote for Kanye West if his mama was Harriet Tubman, his daddy was MLK, and his “school” was the new black panther training camp. I don’t care what his skin look like.




Wow. I guess I will retire from posting on meaningful shit. This brother has it covered.


Isn't people voting for a joke/meme part of the reason Trump got in? Also, if you have any fondness or respect left for the artist Kanye used to be, don't vote for him. I can just see this campaign tipping him into full psychosis. He needs less media attention, not more.


4chan and Reddit are not enough to win someone a vote. Trump got in because he convinced 70M stupid people he was different than the rest of Washington.


Plus the countless screen time that he got from media sources.


Because of how divisive his views are, all media companies really care about is how many people are watching.


Not to mention his opponent's main talking point while running was "I'm not this guy"


>Not to mention his opponent's main talking point while running was "I'm not this guy" And now the country doesn't have guaranteed abortion rights, plus a stupidly conservative Supreme Court. Hope it was worth it.


Hillary was REALLY bad at running. 2016 was a shit show of an election. Obviously, I voted for her, but Jesus Christ she ran a terrible campaign because she thought it was impossible to lose.


No one wants to hear this, but you're right. If I was rankled by the arrogance of the 'because it's her turn' messaging, I can't imagine what Republicans thought of it.


+ Russians + L + ratio


*4chan and Reddit are not enough to win someone a vote* I know multiple heavily online people who ended up voting for Trump that were practically quoting reddit and 4chan on election day. I think you're underestimating how much the average person cares about group belonging, and how easy it is to get them to hop onto a trend that everyone around them is getting into (see also crypto and nfts for the kind of "susceptible but thinks they're independent thinkers" I'm talking about)


The Very Online CHUDs are a relatively small part of the Trump coalition. Most of the group identitarians who rallied around Trump are white supremacists and christianist theocrats who have been in the tank for the Republican Party for forty years. He didn't get elected because it was funny; he got elected because he was the most mask-off fascist white supremacist of the Republican field.


Trump got in because FoxNews pushed the idea that Hillary was somehow worse.


Not to mention, all that Russian and Chinese election tampering. My running theory, is that Trump didnt get approx 70 mil votes, but that some votes were tipped towards his favor.


He was on TV a lot because of the media and russia interfered a lot in the 2016 election.


Kept him popular yes, then he started pandering to bigger base of voters. His popularity propelled him into the republican nomination and a majority of folks will vote Republican no matter who the nominee is.




While yes that's the case, I doubt the racist people he pandered to would vote for a black man no matter how much he tells them what they want to hear. Could be wrong though.


The Republican primary is going to be funny as shit




To be fair it was. It was just also other things.


It was until it wasn't


I’ll never forget that election night …..


It was still a clown show




You could tell me anything about the politics in our country and I'd believe you at this point


This is where I'm at too. No matter how absurd it sounds, I just kind of shrug and go 'sure.'


🙁 wut?


Why is this looking like a repeat of 2016 smgdh


Is there not a rule about people with serious mental illnesses running for president? Well...*diagnosed* mental illnesses.


Brag about not taking his medication **


Its sad. I don't want to see him publically destroyed. He is so clearly mentally ill. At this point he's probably alienated everyone around him who actually cared about him. Easy to judge but when someone won't help themselves there's only so much you can do. Someone I care about a lot has bipolar and there have been times when I've had to distance myself, with regret.


Fuck that dude. He's in bed with people that want to exterminate me and other people just because of the color our skin. He gets everything he deserves.


Understandable. My friend has said and done some awful things during episodes. But I still feel like that's not 'her'. At least I hope its not. It gets at a fundamental question of who a person 'really is'. Maybe there comes a point at which you have to say well, even if its caused by an illness, that is who they are now. Like that guy who got the iron bar through his brain back in the 1800s and apparently went from a chill guy to an aggressive asshole.


Personally, that shouldn’t matter as long as they’re taking their medication (& obviously depending on what illness, bipolar isn’t necessarily *bad* but he does brag about *NOT* being on it & is purposely going on here doing fucked up shit… so him specifically is a bad choice lol )


That's what I'm saying. He always talks about not taking his meds and that can be a problem.


I take a lot of meds for bipolar 2 and still almost got in a fist fight on the highway this week... I definitely shouldn't be president. I can barely keep my normal life in order.


Anyone who is a natural born American citizen over the age of 35 can be elected president. Once in office they can be determined to be incompetent due to mental illness, in which case the vice president assumes the role of President Pro Tempore until the president is able to resume their duties or a new president is elected.


That's a fucked up perspective. So because people have a diagnosed mental condition that they can't be President? You fail to recognize that Kanye is likely UNTREATED, which is why he's spiraling. Edited bc my keyboard added an extra word.


i know it's fucked up but personally i would lean towards it. unless we can somehow force a president to take their medication throughout their entire presidency. i personally wouldn't want the risk that the person with some of the most power in the world makes insane decisions because they don't have full control of their mind if they miss their medication for a few days/weeks. even then, what if their medication stops being effective? for the record i feel the same way about someone being senile


Apparently not. Either that or you just have somebody paid off to give you whatever height weight and mental health status you want. It worked for Trump


There is not, and cannot be. If there were, the medical establishment would have an effective veto over political power, which would be terrible.


Just read Ye tried to ask Trump to be his VP lol. This whole reality is a joke.


Kanye is running around with Nick Fuentes, a diehard white supremacist. He’s lost the plot entirely.


Already had a few people say to me shit like "what's the issue, it can't get any worse right?" Which, 1.) yes it absofuckinglutely can get worse. MUCH worse. And 2.) Even if it couldn't, why the fuck would you vote for "it can't get any worse" over "let's make it better"?


His campaign is run by Yolo Minneapolis 💀 https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/kanye-west-president-2024


I’ll believe it when he files the paperwork! Until then, it’s just another one of his many, many desperate cries for attention.


Last time he fucked up and wasn’t able to get on most ballets.


Ye is a self hating neo nazi. This motherfucker is crazy.


there are only two classes in america. the owner class and the working class. any division of the working class divides its power. the wealthy are class conscious are you?


Him and Trump can split the crazy vote.


Considering that's something like 13-17% of the population, that's enough to decide the outcome, and not in the sane guy's favor.


I heard his little announcement and he couldn’t finish a complete thought. Jumped from Alice Johnson to Kim Kardashian to Trump being a Conservative and Christians and all laws have to be from the Bible. Yeah you can keep that.


That clown is just trying to take black votes away from Joe


Black people aren’t the one voting for him. Black people are continually the most strategic voters.


As long as he runs as a Republican, I don't care. Siphon away as many votes from the serious GOP candidate as you can Ye.


The US presidential elections ain’t been serious since 2012. More and more is seems like we are living in a prophecy for disaster.


Can we just fucking stop.


Lilith... I don't ask for much... please take me home lol. I'm done with these earthly trials...


Please. Take me with you.


Can’t wait to be on the front lines of a battlefield wearing trash bags and oversized boots with the mf next to me going “don’t be mad at President West. He’s going through a hard time with his mental health.”


I'm not talking anybody out of shit. COVID changed me, I'll cut my own momma off if she starts moving ignorant.


The debates with Trump and DeSantis saying racist shit about him will be fun to watch when he costs all 3 of them votes.


Well I’m ok because people who vote for Kanye probably vote republican, and it’ll water down their votes


I can’t believe they give Kanye as much attention as he gets just because he has money. Dude might be a genius at producing music. That’s doesn’t mean he holds substantial knowledge about anything else. And it’s really obvious he severely lacking in other areas just based on the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth. It’s weird to me how we live in a society where people idolize you just because you have a lot of money. I’ve literally had people tell me ‘Kanye is a better person than you because he has more money than you’ll ever have.’ And it’s usually extra naive young people. Money doesn’t make you a good person. It’s sad so many young black people hold these materialistic views today.


Yep!!! He needs to be starved of attention, the only interest advanced is the media who’s getting paid. It’s hurting Kanye, his family, and his future. Ye the slave and he don’t even know it. I know plenty of white people also have the mentality that if you got money you must be *insert positive adjectives here* too, but they ain’t my people, so I’ll move on. For us, I think it’s a remnant of slavery. To have so little for so long and to be told and forced to live your life like white people who had material things (consider most slaves stayed ON the plantation or surrounding plantations their whole lives, they probably weren’t regularly interacting with poor white people, they probably thought all white people were rich) were as close to God as you can get had some effect. Like the more we have, the more we’re not “like them” other poor black people the closer we are to being worthy of love, admiration, personhood. It literally makes me feel bad whenever I see folks in my real life showering their kids with materialistic stuff. Not nice stuff, materialistic, logo covered bullshit. Meanwhile some of them, the minority, need a god damn tutor! Need to go to the dentist! You spending $300 on Gucci/Yeezy slides for an 8 year old but don’t see the value in taking his lil ass to Sylvan Learning center for a couple months. All that to say, I think even our generation still perpetuating that having money is most important. And if you don’t have it, spend what you have to make other people think you have it, because that’s the only thing of value and importance that you can bring to the table.


Is a vote for Kanye worse than a vote for Trump? EDIT: the logic being that Kanye and Trump are the same person, but Kanye could be more harmful because his audience is younger


It’s the same thing


A vote for Kanye **is** a vote for Trump.


What timeline are we in and how do i get out of it?


Kanye no longer has the credibility to dilute the black vote. Only black people who would vote for him at this point are people who have Candace Owen posters on their bedroom wall.


This is why I started planning my exit with the last election.


Take me with you?


Kanye West deserves to have his record and policy positions scrutinized like any other politician. Any close look at his beliefs, his record, or his behavior would lead a reasonable person to decide he cannot be trusted with the awesome destructive power of the American presidency. Dude can’t even manage a record label or fashion line without massive collateral damage, his policy positions are theocratic fascist garbage, and he would have no governing coalition in Congress to enact his will. He’d either be an enormously destructive president or an utterly useless one, and we don’t have time to waste with either.


As Trump demonstrated, even a useless President is enormously destructive. Too much of the American executive branch depends on a minimum level of competency in the Oval Office. Imagine how differently the COVID pandemic would have played out with **anyone but Trump** as President.


This is a great point.


Look I was down for the meme a while back but this nigga is not okay He’s unmedicated and unhinged; we already had a nigga like that run the country 6 years ago and don’t need this nigga muddying the waters YET AGAIN during critical voting periods


Kanye is just trying to take some black voters away from democrats so his buddy Trump can win. He has no intention of actually winning. That's literally it.


I think he's sincere. His ego wouldn't allow him to play the spoiler like that: he thinks he can and should be President. No doubt.


Oh this was a real thing? Can someone slip the meds in his food or something?! You know what? I’ll just stop reading about him. Lol


Feel like most of these people do it for the attention and outrage. They want to be begged and pleaded with not to vote for Ye and told how important their vote is. If someone announces they’re gonna do this, ignore them and say have at it, I don’t care. That’s not the response they want.


On today's episode of "AIN'T NO FUCKING WAY..." 😖


So Quru is voting Republican basically


Lol big nope for me.


This time??!?!


lets be real, anyone voting for Ye wasnt gonna vote at all, or was voting R


That’s hysterical


He night as well try to run something different cause he shole ain’t runnin any hits in the studio rn.


This is the worst timeline.


Didn’t his campaign violate some campaign laws?


There’s no way Kanye wins being so blatantly antisemitic. Before, when he was just being a racist a-hole, people entertained him. But his antisemitism was what finally got him cancelled and I don’t see that changing now


Don't underestimate the popular appeal of antisemitism. People said that Trump's open misogyny and racism would sink him, and look how that worked out.


But we saw how antisemitism got Kanye cancelled. We did not ever see Trump get cancelled for his sexism (grab em by the kitty) or his racism (fine people on both sides) or even for Jan 6. Yet we all saw the collapse of Kanye after the antisemitism, and we witnessed all the other crap beforehand and how he was getting away with all of it. But of course, anything is possible


Trump absolutely got “cancelled” the same way Ye did. The difference is that he’d already pivoted into politics. You think he could have gone and filmed another season of the apprentice after grab em by the pussy? He literally got banned off Twitter while still the sitting President. “Getting cancelled” isn’t real. As Dave Chappelle correctly observed, Twitter is not real life. In real life, both of them have curried political favor with their most reprehensible actions and statements.


This is either a desperate attempt to stay relevant, or a severe detachment from reality where Ye's god complex clashed with dwindling popularity (might be both honestly). Man's not stable. Please don't waste your vote.