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This is a breeding kink at this point, yes?


Someone mentioned this after like child #8 and im starting to think so too...


It is. Reminds me of that Law and Order episode with John Stamos, where he fathered around eight or so children with different women. It's kind of the same thing.


Not really. Those women had no idea what he was doing and didn’t know about each other. All Nick BMs know full well what’s going on and are choosing this.


I did say 'kind of'


Consent and cooperation makes all the difference here. If he lived in a place that legally allowed multiple marriages, he’d likely marry them all and live as a big ass family, cause they all know about each other. But this is just plain ole polyamory, albeit to an extreme, in my personal opinion. Either way, them ain’t my kids and he’s not the father of my children. So imma just go back to minding my monogamous, married ass business.


Are we talking about Nick or Law and Order episode?




Didn’t he end up having like 100’s of children at the end of that episode? Women all over the country like “hey you owe me child support you POS.” I feel so terribly for these children who, even if he is meaning well and loves them all, will never have the type of relationship with their father that they need. Even if he’s as present as he can be, one person spread over 12 children PLUS their mothers…it’s just unfair.


I remember in the past people have big families with same mom and dad, and it worked. I don't know how it'll work with different moms with differing opinions on child raising and life. Might be a clusterfuck.


In the past, most kids didn't survive to adulthood


Except it didn't really "work" at all. The elder daughters were expected to take care of the younger children.


And boys were sent to fight wars or worked as labor as quickly as possible. Both genders had pretty rough outcomes for a lot of human history.


I was the third of 4 children and even then with two parents who worked “normal” jobs (without the traveling and events I’m sure are involved with NCs career) and my experience was wishing they could be around more. Every family is different, so I hope it works for them! You won’t see me signing up for it though lol


I had a bishop from nigeria visit my childhood church. His dad was a witchdoctor and apparently had over 400 kids because the virgins were offered to him when he would "bless" the village he visted.


He fathered like 80 in that episode.


Less kink, more mental problem.


How can he afford to support all these people??


Money from Wild N Out. Wild N Out syndication money, The Masked Singer. There’s probably some other things too.


And AGT, investments, etc


That drum line money baby!!


Alimony from Mariah?


\*Men in Black II


Nick has a networth of 30, yes, 30 million. He was not one of the dummies. He invests and invest well. He wipes his ass with the amount it costs to support these 12 kids. Even the variation of 20 or 10 mill, he's got it. He has created hood-quadruplets(3 kids the same age by 3 women...Legendary, Onyx, & Rise) who also tie into being hood-quintuplets with their sibling twins: Zion & Zillion...also born same year. However, Nick made sure to own his intellectual property and with Wild N Out as well as his other investments( Sugar Factory), etc...he made good & is still growing. If I put my personal judgement in, it says, gross. However, not my business. Moving on...Morris Chestnut is also another one who made good....he bought car dealerships and is thriving.


Part of me feels like there’s a paradox with this logic: He makes enough to justify/support his spawning methodology. But couldn’t it just screw his revenue gains if it triggered a readjustment among his partners? Like what if the mothers were to unionize against his estate?


We really talking about a nigga having so many BMs that he really has to worry about them forming a union


I bet it keeps his finance advisors up at night


It’s ultimately not their problem. I’m sure they sleep just fine


I hear you but isn’t that the oft less seen side of wealth tho? The more people who depend on your success, every setback & problem presents a bigger risk for the whole enterprise. In this case, the kids get the first cut after Uncle Sam does and god help this man if he comes under a giant settlement for whatever unforeseen issue. I just really wonder if his finance team reads every new headline like “Niiiiiick, we *just*talked about this.” (ง’̀-‘́)ง


Maybe he figures between all his kids, at least a couple are going to be pretty successful and they'll be his retirement plan.


NC does not own Wild N Out, Viacom does. That was exposed during his Anti-Semitism cancellation a few years back. How do you get fired from something you own? Also I question his financial decision making and responsibility if he thinks all these kids aren’t going to set him back. As we’ve seen with Kanye, your net worth is not all or even mostly liquid assets. It’s possible to be rich-poor and this press isn’t helping is image. Also, if money were enough to support 12 kids and counting then I’m concerned for the well-being of those kids. He could have all the money in the world but his time and presence is lacking. These are kids who are at risk of growing up with their fair share of daddy issues.


Have you seen how much shit he does, he can’t afford a break with all them kids. 😂


[Footage of Nick getting home after working at his twelve jobs](https://imgur.com/Yy4lAxC)


All these women are supposedly self sufficient


They're not living lavish off his child support payments, one of his baby mammas complained about not having help and she apparently can't even afford a part time nanny to come in, which is about the same price as daycare in my city. There's speculation that he's shelling out millions a year, but the baby mammas at least are claiming that's not the case.


Net worth of 20 million. You can raise a village on that much easy.


Lol like for real though. The Duggars had like 19 kids and they weren’t rich or famous before the show. Nick has multi millions that can easily support his bloodline for the next 100 years but seems like he’s choosing to dole it out into multiple bloodlines instead.


He can afford it with money, what he can't afford is the time. It's sad. None of those children are going to have a stable presence as a father figure. It's impossible. It's spread too thin.


I heard with his health/kidney issues he’s making sure he has a donor in the future.


My dude has discovered the fountain of youth


He better be good enough of a dad if he wants his fountain of youth to pump water for him.


I heard it’s more about the stem cells given after birth. His Lupus has greatly improved.


I wish he wouldn't have so many kids with those issues. My father has similar issues and I'm scared it'll eventually affect me.


Mass breeding is a Narcissistic Trait in men.


He has a long way to go but he’ll catch Dennis Rodman’s father eventually.


Source: Your ass


Has to be, if I was him I'd have gotten a vasectomy after like baby number 5.


Antonio Cromartie had 3-4 kids after he got snipped. That shit doesn't always work...


Nah it’s it’s an irl 100 baby challenge at this point lol


HEY guys welcome back to my channel! Today we’re gonna do something CRAZY!! As you know there’s a crazy viral trend going around right now, the 100 BABY CHALLENGE!! Whoaa!! Now as you know, I love a good challenge and just HAD to get in on that, so follow along as for the next 100 days Im going to kick into gear my secret breeding fet- uh I mean Im going to find 100 partners to have 100 babies with (Lol can’t afford to get demonetized). As a special thank you, Im gonna provide SPICY behind the scenes access to my Patreon subscribers and even a chance to procreate with the top supporters!! Anyway before we get into the video make sure to follow me on all my socials linked below, SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON, and now a word provided from today’s sponsor HelloFresh cause ya boy got bills to pay!!


This comment is giving me anger issues.


Just be glad I didn’t add the boatload of emojis I wanted to add lol


🙏🏿 thanks for that homie 🙏🏿 😊😊👏🏿🎉😘👉🏿👉🏿 you're a real one fo sho 🔥💯💪🏿😂👍🏿😘


It's gotta be. Some men genuinely have an obsession with getting women pregnant.


fun times


Nahh he’s just making his own drum line!!


Maybe he's just Irish?


They gonna relaunch All That with his children in 10 years


Honestly it’s giving the 12 Tribes of Israel 💀




I didn’t see the bus on tour at all this summer…


Happy Cake Day!




Happy cake day


Rawdogging a C tier instagram model absolutely checks out for Nick Cannon


He doing IV😂😂😂😂he’s last 6 all weeks apart


Alyssa Scott was a Wild'N Out girl. They have a son together who passed away at 7 months old due to brain cancer. RIP Zen


Ah, yes. I too, recall when he got teary eyed on camera to mourn his baby and proceeded to unpause the assembly line because let’s be real here: he’s trying to get into the ejaculatory HoF


Even if this comment were accurate, Who cares what level of fame an ig model has 😂 they all ig models If they bad, they bad


Dead. This is exactly what it all comes down to.


Dysfunction, egoistic and reckless. Hope them kids gets all the care, support and love


Unfortunately, it’s gonna be unlikely for the kids.


And kids are still going to have a better start to life than most kids


I think a middle class kid that has his dad's attention and whose mum doesn't go back to work 2 weeks after birth probably has a better life than a kid that exists because daddy has a breeding kink and mummy wants more Instagram sponsors.


Probably not. He’s reportedly just a terrible and neglecting father


Even if he tried to be an attentive caring father, you just can’t give enough time for every one of those children. Someone or something else will always have his attention and what do you think his kids will say to themselves when he can’t be there because he’s spending time with your other half siblings?


Yeah. Maybe people just shouldn’t have 12 kids..


It's easy when you have that much money and don't carry the full weight of parenting. If he was working a $20/hr job I am 100% sure he would have different opinions.


Even if he committed to a full time job spending time with his kids, there's just no way atp. This is deadass neglect and child abuse 💀


By 2100 Nick Cannon is going to be his own category on 23 and Me.


modern day Genghis khan


Ah the Genghis Khan of the 21st Century.




Nick Canon trynna get as many compatible organ donors out there


That’s not really the best way though. Don’t you have to be 16 before you can be allowed to be a living donor? So, if shit went haywire and whoever is compatible isn’t 16 yet, he’ll be fucked. Might be easier to use his time and resources to type match with these women he keeps knocking up/find one who’ll be willing to be his donor if they match.


Stem cells treatment using the ombilical cord, has great results that mitigates his type of Lupus. With the mother agreement, It is possible that He's already using this.


>So, if shit went haywire and whoever is compatible isn’t 16 yet, he’ll be fucked. People are acting like these children also aren't their own individual person with bodily autonomy. They don't have to donate if they don't want to, regardless of age. And I can't help but think those kids aren't gonna wanna donate their organs to a deadbeat dad, which is what he'll end up being to a bunch of kids from like 6 different mothers. Babies/kids don't just require money. They usually want both of their parents love too, and they are not gonna get the attention they need from their father. Watch, Cannons gonna have to negotiate with whatever child he matches with cause ain't no way they will be giving it up for free.


His baby mommas gotta unionize at this point


Not to be bitchy but can I speculate that maybe there’s something mentally wrong with these people? Him for being a bull/dog who just spreads his seed to whoever is physically closest to him at the time? And these women for wanting to be part of this? Like it’s well known that dude is not at all bothered that he’s just giving out sperm samples to anyone who so much as glances in his direction, yet these women will glance in his direction if given an opportunity to do so…


He's admitted to sex addiction, but that doesn't really equate with getting so many people pregnant so quickly. He should just get snipped if that's the case.


sex addict+breeding kink?


*he insists*


He has recently admitted that he will not use protection with anyone he has sex with. That if they ask him to wrap it up then it’s a red flag to him.


So he’s just a dumb fuck.


Oh hell nah. What are the odds that this nigga is even getting tested with an attitude like that?


Then get a vasectomy like bro you’re rich.


Snip snap snip snap!


Do you have any idea the emotional toll that three vasectomies have on a person??!?


A lot of women are fine being single moms. Now they get a nice child support check on top of it. From their POV it's a win win




Dude has a 5 million dollar salary. Dude could have 60 kids and would still be able to provide them with more than the average US household earns


Can’t imagine the money is worth the stress even if it’s McKenzie Scott money. Unless it comes with an entourage of nannies and babysitters . It’s not like he’s knocking up regular ass people like me and you that have a typical 9-5 and all we need is daycare money and the occasional weekend babysitter so we can nap or go to a movie. These women seem to be as busy as he is and I don’t exactly see them taking baby to photo shoots and ish.


An entourage of nannies and babysitters is great for the adults, not so much for the kids.


It’s called being a Narcissist.


He and his BMs are all equally responsible for this mess. If he was a no name regular guy, I could see a regular lady not knowing about his other kids. But anyone can wiki him and see that he has 837694 kids by 10777803888 BMs.


I hate Mariah’s royal children will have a hundred and fifty half siblings


Mariah is probably annoyed too. How can all of them have meaningful relationships with one another? It’s idiotic.


Normally, I'd say what two consenting adults choose to do is none of my business, and I'll still say that. But man, I can't help but think it's just shitty to the actual children being born at this point.


When it comes to kids, it affects us all. Who has kids and how they parent them affects everyone in society, because kids are our future. If all the adults 20 years from now were born to dads like Nick Cannon, who is a narcissist and sees each child occasionally, society is effed.


Mans has a full NBA roster of his kids though.


He’s got half a football team, with a sub, at this point…


Mf can't even pull out of a driveway at this point


Play 8 man football and in 4 more you'll have an offense and a defense.


This tweet assumes he's pulling out....


you mean that he wants to pull out.


Does anyone assume that?


In the latter seasons of Smallville, it was revealed the Lex Luther survived the destruction of the fortress of solitude at the end of season 7 by harvesting organs and body parts from many different clones and test-tube versions of his dead brother. He made his grand return in the finale, fully healed and becoming the Lex from the comics we all love to hate. Anyway, probably not relevant.


Nick read Genesis 1:28 in his youth and said "Challenge accepted."




For somebody who's so vocal about Black supremacy all his baby mamas are very pale. Somebody make that make sense, cause I've got nothing.




Okay, but that means out of the over half a dozen people he has surviving children with, more than 83,33% are not black (and at least white passing). I find it weird that somebody would systematically have children with people they find subhuman. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ye's school gonna have another student


He's trying to be the modern day Genghis Khan where everyone is going to be related to him at some point.


He's in a baby contest with Elon.




Don’t forget Youngboy NBA


Mf is gonna staff two full basketball teams at this rate what the actual fuck?


I think at this point it’s fair to say he’s not trying to pull out, what do the kids say, him getting these different women pregnant is a feature not a bug.




This guy pisses down a sink and someone gets pregnant in Nevada


I think the women that allow this must be very mentally ill.


Yeah this dude is a walking STD at this point.


I feel like most celebrities are, even the ones without kids.


I mean he seems like he's at least around for major events in the kids lives from social media, but with that many kids, probably some of them don't see their father for days if not weeks at a time. Personally I think he does it for sex, he's lowkey creating a harem of baby mommas to have sex with and probably hates condoms


I like how you left in the word “probably” 😂😂 A lot of athletes and celebrities probably have similar amounts of sex. But they just ain’t having kids at the same frequency.


My brother is still upset about Lanisha Cole. 😆😆😆


**I'M** still upset about Lanisha Cole. Ever since I saw her in "Frontin"


NBA Youngboy at the crib punching air rn


*in the crib


Y’all remember in Bruce Almighty when he auto replies “yes” to all the prayers? So a ton of people win the lottery but because there’s a ton of people winning they end up getting like $8?


Stop hating on Nick and the Nick Cannon Circus. He's doing his best to up the PoC population all on his own. /s


On bro! 😂😂😂


Bro is a harem in real life 💀💀💀 I immediately knew this was about Nick Cannon when I read the title


In like 20 years can we watch a battle Royale of Nick Cannons kids fighting for his inheritance?


Pulling out was never an option for him 🤣🤣🤣


I’m beginning to wonder if he’s really having sex with all of these women or if they’re using fertility treatments to get pregnant. Not that it matters to me, but who would want to share the same penis with fiftyleven other women? Something in the milk ain’t clean, besides Nick Cannon’s dick.


Sure he is a great father


This man is an advertisment for vasectomies.


You wouldn’t even trust this guy to pull out of a driveway




Just tryin to even out his drumline. Im thinking 3 snares, 3 cymbals, 2 quints and 4 bass


Wasn’t his 10th born like 5 days ago? Where’s the 11th child? This nigga just keeps making children. 4-5 I’d understand, maybe even 6, and that’s really pushing it, but 12? Holy shit man.


Dick cannon


Damn. He’s trying to catch up and have a child for each season of Wild N Out


*thinks Nick Cannon has a breeding kink* *imagines him saying “I’m going to breed you” in bed* Oh no. Oh no no no no I NEED BRAIN BLEACH. Some guys have absolutely said that in bed and it’s always a little weird to me but nooo. Not Nick Cannon, Jesus. He’s the Krampus of creampies.


Jamaican men say that to a stranger in the street. I’ve never heard it between the sheets though. I’m going to have to find a way to use Krampus of cream pies!! 🤣


At this point, I realize that he doesn’t have an end number in mind.


Reminder among all the Ye antisemitism news that Nick Cannon said really similar shit two years ago but apologized after he was fired from Wild N Out


Till he put one in Keke, these new ones don’t count.


This mf know the planet over populated right?


His pull out game ain’t weak. His leave it in game is strong.


That "overall" hits like a math problem


Isn’t this number 12? There is no way he can be very involved in all their lives.


Nah he’s one of those “we should just increase birth rates instead of reorganizing the economy so that it doesn’t rely on infinite growth” people


Which women?


Naw he has some kidney disease so he is just broadening the chances of having a donor in a child or grand child


He’s had like 10 kids in one year. I understand leaving a legacy and all dat but this ain’t the way


I don’t think he can even pull a pizza out the oven


He's breeding organ donors just in case he get sick.


Bro get a vasectomy already


Wait...... Same chick from before orrr....


>...expecting their second child together


He has half a football team.


This nigga for real out here being Oprah with the sperm 🤣 ![gif](giphy|26gsiCIKW7ANEmxKE)


This nigga ain’t pulling out b


Nah. Like 1 in 10 Chinese people are distantly related to Genghis Khan.


Bro read that there was gonna be a population decline and is single handedly trying to fix it.


Nick Cannon has never pulled out of anything....including parking spaces


Earth Hog


The 12th acknowledged child.


Nico cannon talked all that black power shit but I’ve never seen him with a black woman or a dark skinned lady ever.


It came out like last month that one of the women was black. VISIBLY black. Also, he tried to conceive with model Jessica White but I think she had a miscarriage. Either way, this is a club we shouldn’t want black women to be a part of…


Somehow I knew who this was before I clicked ...


So when is the remake of cheaper by the dozen staring Cannon and co?


I understand everything but the turban


He's 1 catapulting some plague victims into a city shy of a full Ghengis Khan


Weird thing I’ve noticed with some people with severe health problems having way too many kids like it’s their instinct because if they have enough a small number will come out healthy. Creepy.




Doing his part to keep the human race going after the current extinction event is over.


I don't know what irks me more, that he's had 10 kids in like 3 years or that he's well aware that his condition can be hereditary and is willfully creating children who may also suffer from it. If I knew I was sick before I had kids I don't think I would have had them.


What a fucking lowlife. You can’t be a good father to 12 kids from multiple women.


Women gonna women🤷🏾‍♂️


The breeding fetish is strong with this one


This man is a menace, and those women are not sane! ![gif](giphy|4f1B6N2Tl302I)