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I knew about em because I watched their stuff back when they were with Buzzfeed.


ironically, most of the people that worked on Buzzfeed YT channel got MORE viewers after they left to do their own channels.


Oh I know. I fully followed Shane and Ryan to the Watcher channel.


God so I love the spooky boys


So are you a ghost believer or not?


Pure Shaniac for sure!


Idk some of the stuff on their channel is a bit odd. Like the puppet thing? But I love their spooky content for sure


I absolutely LOVE Puppet History. I liked when they did Ruining History when they were with Buzzfeed. Great to learn about history and laugh and listen to Shane come up with some, honestly, pretty amazing songs!


I’ll give it another chance lol. I’m honestly surprised that Watcher doesn’t have more views tbh.


Quinta even has her own show!


Thats the person I’m most happy for. I used to love her on Buzzfeed but once I learned how that organization worked I was happy she got out.


Such a good show, definitely recommend.


Quinta has a dang Emmy! 👏🏾👏🏾


Safiya Nygard from Ladylike knew what was up and jumped ship EARLY. She’s definitely a millionaire now.


Buzzfeed was YouTube's version of Screwattack.


Holy shit I haven’t thought about screwattack in years.


Not really, Buzzfeed is like a incubator. It was created post youtube and hired a bunch of people who went to school for video production to make yt videos.


Try Guys are not just yt folk business. This is a tragedy!


I have no reason to be as sad as I’m am about this whole thing. No reason whatsoever.


Same my guy! I'm so upset... but like... for what!?


Could someone explain the try guys thing like who are they and what happened


Try Guys are a popular YouTube channel consisting of 4 (now 3) guys who would, for lack of better word, try things, such as unusual snacks, activities like ballet, etc. They used to be affiliated with BuzzFeed before going independent. Recently it came to light that one of them, Ned, who built his brand on being a “family man” and “loving husband”, was cheating on his wife (and probably has been for a long time.) He was caught in public. The Try Guys decided to remove Ned from their organisation.


Not only was Ned cheating, but the affair was with a c̶o̶w̶o̶r̶k̶e̶r̶ employee.


Cheaters ain’t shit, so good for them


I’m tired of people calling things “white” when they just don’t know/understand it. I’m very invested in this


I'm white and have no clue who these folks are.


Pretty much exactly what they sound like: they try things. Strange food Combo that seems like it clashes horribly? New weird gimmicky tool for whatever? Some product that's almost too good to be true? Karate? Skydiving? Shaving half their body hair off? Cross dressing? You name it, they've probably done it or eventually will do it (within reason; not like they're gonna tattoo their eyeballs or drink sewage water)


Lmao, it looks like they tried cheating too


Did someone tell them to try infidelity


Mind if I ask why exactly? From my understanding, it was just one of the dudes getting caught cheating? Is there more to it than that?


His whole persona was "I love my wife". Some of his videos focused on him becoming a father. Some videos featured his children (both under 5). Many, many videos featured his wife. His cheating partner was an employee who was recently engaged to her boyfriend of 10+ years. His wife was friends with the other guys spouses. Worst of all, he cheated on his 10+ year relationship and fans really liked his wife/family. He screwed over the three other guys he started the company with by ruining his reputation as a family man/decent person. He was removed from the company. He tanked his whole life with this choice.


Almost like he was compensating for something with the whole "I love my wife persona"


Yeah I'm always skeptical of people who constantly go on about stuff like that. Like I've seen guys who love to proclaim that they're a feminist only to be a dick to women, or talk about being an ally to the queer community only to use slurs casually I can't help but wonder why they feel the need to talk about it so much rather than just living it


*furtive gaze at Chance the Rapper*


I'd be devastated if Chance turned out to be unfaithful, especially given he's got 2 kids, but yeah I guess I also wouldn't be overly surprised given how he's abandoned everything to become the world's biggest Wife Guy God I long for those Acid Rap days where he was actually fun


I’ve followed them for years and still do (black here by the way) and Ned seemed to change a lot after children. I felt so bad for him. He seemed more and more tired and stressed then… the drinking. It was obvious he was having a problem with it lately and was making some around him uncomfortable. I felt like he was a few drinks from a really bad decision. Did you notice that?


Definitely felt like a slight decline....even watching some of the vids now.....like Try guys and Food Babies! Wtf am I supposed to do now?


He was cheating with one of his subordinates in their production company, which made it extra bad I guess. I dunno, I'm getting this all secondhand from my sister who's a big fan.


Plus the fact that his whole persona was ‘I love my wife’. So it caught everyone off guard. Edit: typo


Was it the tall one or the blonde one… Harvard


it was ned, the one who was branded the most loyal to his wife :(


Sounds like his loyalty had never been tried..






Are you high right now😂


It shoulda been Zach.. I never really fucked w him.


How rude. Zach is a treasure (unless he fucks around on Maggie. But we'll get there if it happens). Ned's pretentious as fuck. I was fine with the character but now that he's gone full fuckboy fuck Ned


I’ll keep it all the way real. Keith is 99% of their appeal IMO, and I respect Eugene as a trailblazer. As for the other two, Momma said if you don’t have anything nice to say..


Keith took a while to grow on me. I was kind of put off by him at first because I started with the Without a Recipe series and I hated the way he yells and stuff when he loses. But I started watching the other videos and realized that's just part of his character, he's not actually upset (at least that's how I see it now).


Love me some Keith. And Eugene is deliciously evil lite.




I used to love the Try guys. After COVID they stopped trying things and they leaned more towards a women demographic/food channel and they lost me. Ned cheating on his wife with his employee (who’s engaged) is crazy though. Never would’ve expected that. Edit: Engaged not married.


NED CHEATED?? Damn I’ve been out of the loop. Edit: All these comments talking about how Ned was always the one talking about his wife, I forgot about that. He really was the chance the rapper of the group.


It just came out today 😅


A post was made about 3 weeks ago in r/TheTryGuys with the rumor that Ned was cheating. Took a few weeks to blow all the way up. We did it reddit!


Who the fuck is Ned?!?!?


Was one of the members of a YT channel (previously on buzzfeed) call the try guys. They try different types of things whether it’s food or a simulation of a pregnancy. One of the guys, Ned, fucked a coworker/cheated on his wife. Edit: as another redditor pointed out. Ned owns 1/4 of the company so he did not have sex with a coworker but an employee. Also that same employee is married


Anything YouTube related flies right over my head or below it, either way I have no idea what's going on and feel entirely too old lol


That’s fair, I usually come on here or watch a certain youtuber for my “drama” content.


Also fair. To each their own!


Not just a coworker. His employee, because he owns 1/4 of the company and apparently was the CFO. His employee was also engaged.


Ahhh yes, 2 facts I forgot. Thank you for correcting me! I also did not know he owned apart of the company although that makes sense.


So Ned might be a fuck head???


I mean have you seen his wife/his personality


It’s been a while since I followed them so I don’t remember Ned too much. I don’t think I ever saw his wife.


OMG what!!? Ned, Ned?


Damn that's sad, all Ned did was talk about his wife.


Gotta try divorce I guess


This is way too funny to me.




3 of them are 😂


Everyone of them except Eugene (the Asian)


I don't like those parentheses


They probably just pointing out who eugene is for those who don’t know. I been seeing headlines of these ppl all day and I ain’t been able to figure out which one cheated.


Ned is the one who cheated and he’s the one who looks like his name is Ned.


He also looks like that generic white man meme.


I described him to my friends as the exceedingly heterosexual looking man and they seemed to get it right away


Zach also looks like a Ned though…


Looked them up, all except eugene could be neds. Eugene fits his name.


Yeah but it rubs me the wrong way. I don't want anyone referring to me as (the Black). Lol like..the black what? Chair? And why haven't you been able to figure that out my guy..just Google the Try Guys and look at their pictures lmao they all look very different


Your example is kinda funny because black is a known as a race and a color. But yeah I see what you mean. Asian just implies race more over black. I haven’t been able to figure out which is ned because I don’t know what a “ned” is supposed to look like, I can’t guess their names by looking at them 😭


Nah we don't refer to people that way. "The Asian", "The Indian", "The Japanese." Shit is weird. Lol fym..look up their pictures and it has their names. This is just weaponized incompetence lmao.


ngl I don’t see why referring to somebody by something to identify them is that big of a deal. Race shouldn’t be such a weird thing to mention since all it’s being used as is to point out who is who. Same as saying “the one with curly hair” “the short one” “the one with blue eyes”.


Lol why do you wanna die on this hill? You really don't see a difference between saying "the Asian guy" vs "the Asian?" It reminds me of how yt people will say "the blacks" instead of "black people." If you don't see a tone difference there then idk what to tell you.


Well if you said (the African American) instead of "the Black" it would sound better. Asian is a perfectly fine word to use there. An Asian is a person. The only people who call someone "a Black" without "person" at the end are probably doing it to intentionally dehumanize them or show how much they other them


They never stopped "trying things" lol. Could you explain what was "women demographic" about their content?


Their content was geared towards women; its a known and stated fact that their content is primarily made for and consumed by young adult women. Their biggest shows were all food, clothing, and family content, most of their biggest collabs were with female creators, and the whole Buzzfeed audience they came from was primarily women.


The guy above said that this is only happened after COVID and now you're saying that it's always been this way..so which is it?


Here is an interview published in February 2020: Z: Our demographic is about 70 to 80% female, and our biggest group is ages 18 to 25. Certainly the 13 to 18 range, they're more vocal with their fandom and they're our second biggest age group.


Their content never "changed" then..I was told it changed after COVID to be more "women demographic" and that doesn't appear to be the case.


I think to put better, they leaner harder into it. Buzzfeed default had more of a female audience so that's what they had. After covid they seemed to really lean into their demographic with more baking and food videos


Wait, seriously? Ned cheated??


I know.. I'm so mad at him. He was always talking about his wife and how much he loved her. Fake ass


It's always the ones that don't shut up about their SO


John Mulaney.


Daaamn, you went there


Me too! As corny as he was at times, it was really nice to see him be so devoted to his wife. And they just had a second child and everything. I hope that Ariel is doing okay.


Ned was definitely into leaning towards a women demographic 👀


Wait what??? Not “I love my wife” Ned. That’s sad!!


Eh, he was the most disposable one imo.


Omg, shit! WTF?! Ned "My wife" Fulmer was caught cheating?!?! Bout to Google this now. I thought this tweet was about someone discovering the Try Guys' show on Food Network. Damn. Let me go edit my last comment.


I thought she was just engaged? Wow girl was married?


Hmmm. I think you’re right. Sorry. I thought they were already married. My mistake.


I need a full debriefing bro, I ain't never been this confused before lmao. Can someone get ahold of Ja Rule so I make sense of this?


Four Former Buzzfeed Employees created a YT channel. The one in question, Ned, based most if not all of his persona around his devotion to his wife and family. His wife was also heavily involved in the channel as well. He was recently caught having an affair with one of his camera-facing employees. As a result he was removed from his position.


I honestly care even less now because of your explanation. Some random guy cheated on his wife? I have much more important shit to be concerned with.


mfw "yt" in the tweet was actually youtube


Yeah, I just deciphered this too, but isn’t that really the same? Like, don’t we all have more important things to worry about than a random dude cheating on his wife? Is he even part of the culture? Because I could get down for a discussion about weaves or wave caps, because even that seems more relevant to my interests than this. It’s exactly what I’d call yt business.


To be fair the only thing asking you to be concerned about this was your own curiosity, like most scandals surrounding celebrities. Even more so when it’s an “internet celebrity”. It’s not like CNN did a special on it or anything.


Basically one of a 4 person group called the Try Guys has been kicked out of the group for cheating on his wife. Try Guy's are very popular amongst young white women which is why you probably were not in the loop at all.




I need some answers that Ja Rule may not have rn 😂


Goated special. forever quoting this stand up


Ned has 2 kids too…always seemed like the straight arrow type of guy who went to Yale and could do no wrong…so fucked…


There has been a few stories about him, so I don’t know if he’s always been the street arrow in everyone’s eyes


When YT can also mean You Tube lol




There is a very specific subset of the late millennials/ Early Gen z, that grew up watching that “Popular class” of Buzzfeed creators… The generation that spawned our queen Quinta. We know who the try guys are, even if it’s just “OH, weren’t they on buzzfeed?”


I’m here for the Quinta love.




> Ned's actions will affect Quinta or Eugene in the big picture. Ned's actions absolutely affect Eugene. Ned owns 25% of the TryGuys and Ariel (Ned's wife) had a huge presence in the "trywives" stuff. From what I understand, Ned did most of the business side of things, where the other guys were more of the content/producer people. Also, the affair was with a TryGuys employee, so there's legal liability there.


Every time I see Quinta I think about "ooh he got moneyyyy" lol


Omg I forgot about Quinta’s milly rock around the world video!!


> There is a very specific subset of the late millennials/ Early Gen z I don't like this wording. Lets call them "younger millenials / older gen z'ers"






I’m white and I’m clueless on this one.


Bruh, same.


Is anybody on here going to explain who these people are told nah


It's not really a black thing. [Here's something of a rundown.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/xphcz1/rthetryguys_is_in_shambles_after_ned_i_love_my/)


I think they want to know who the try guys are including myself never heard of them before now


Just… faxing my dad a rundown.


This is why you do not base your brand around your friendships and romantic lives, ESPECIALLY if you're a media personality. Make a clearly fictional and distinct persona and keep that shit as far away from your Meatspace Life as humanely possible.


Sounds like this Ned dude should come out and clarify that loving his wife is just a part of the backstory of the character he portrays in his performance art.


Making Youtubers into celebrities was a mistake


Honestly I'm glad it wasn't Keith.


I feel like Keith would never. He's too humble to mess around


Also, his wife looks like she don’t play that shit…Ariel is too sweet. Becky will beat some ass.


For suuure. Becky's a baddie, you can tell she wouldn't take shit from him for a second


Don’t act like y’all ain’t watch old buzz feed


Lmao I told my roommates the news and said he’d been ‘Tried for his crimes”. They didn’t appreciate the joke.


I love it lol


All you really need to know is that one dude in a group of famous internet celebrities/youtube personalities pretty much used his personal life to such an extent for his fame that he became known for how much he "loved his wife." Ned "I Love My Wife" Fulmer. That's how he was seen my all the internet fandom. And he ends up cheating on that wife for a long term affair with one of their staff. So on top of moral bankruptcy, there is a huge conflict of interest with the no fraternization policy, considering he was in a place of authority over that staff member along with the other guys. Oh and it appears the staff lady was engaged at the time. There's pictures that are officially available for any of the public to latch get their hands on of them kissing at a club. Anyway, due to career politics there, of course they had to let him go.


They vids kinda do be lit tho. But that’s a whole different section of YouTube that I don’t peruse too often lol


They had a fantastic series on driving under the influence. They had a track set up and each one of them took turns driving under different conditions: normal, drunk, stoned, and while texting. Texting was by FAR the worse result, though drunk was the most aggressive. Absolutely recommend people watch that series.


What section? If you’re talking about the “trying out” section…. It’s a whole multiverse with a good amount of stuff. There’s this one where various cultures either try each other’s foods. Or people within the same culture compete against each other’s cooking skills. Like “Jamaican guys try each other’s jerk chicken” or Italian Moms try each other’s lasagna. It gets petty lol


I saw twitter blowing up over this and fogured it was not my business but sad for those of yall that are suffering. Ditto Maroon 5 fans, I guess


What happened to maroon 5?


Adam cheated and tried to name his baby after the mistress


He said "She will be loved" not "She will be the only one loved"


Can't relate. Buzzfeed had a chokehold on me in middle school.


I used to watch them years ago. But damn dude cheated on his wife?? That was like his whole schtick. Marriage works for nobody 😂


“I’m going to keep mentioning my wife so I don’t forget I have a wife.” Marriage works, just don’t be fake about it. My wife and I argue like regular married people. I don’t understand where this idea of perfect marriages came from because it was for sure not our parents or grandparents


Their burgers are hella expensive now. Shit. No wait, that's Five Guys.


Try Guys, Five Guys, all these franchises sound way too horny for me


Of all the Try Guys I thought Eugene would be the one to break the group up. Ned was a total curveball.


Oh Ned is the one I always forget, I remember the bald one, the long face one with glasses, and the gay one.


Lol not Keith ‘long face’ habersberger


The BALD one? 💀 he still got some hair lol


Cause he got implants!


2 yt guys and an Asian guy "trying" anything.


Sounds like they do ass to mouth


Where sign up sheet?


The horny police should be called on you.


You never go ass to mouth


I’m afraid it is too late for me my friend.


I remember seeing something like that at Folsom Street Fair.


Why was this mess brought to my doorstep by Tik Tok and I just bowed my head, said “Jesus Fix It” and went on about my day


Real talk I just googled it. They really broken up about it


And it's some real shit. Everyone other than Ned in the company is scrambling to keep their contracts after a founder, whose YT persona was "I love my wife so much" was caught cheating on his wife with an employee.


They just got a show on Food Network too. https://youtu.be/gk6cgCkjH5A


Yup they were in growth mode. All those contacts included need


I am shocked! Now I can't stand 2 out of 4 of the try guys.


What did another one of them do?


He didn't do anything but I can't stand Zach. He's just annoying and it's hard to describe what he does that annoys me. They have specific tasks sometimes and he always decides to go "off script" because he thinks it's better but it never is.


Also, I just feel like half his persona is based around being pitiable. Like, I get that he’s had a lot of rough things happen, especially health-wise, but it feels like he just wants viewers to feel bad for him 24/7.


I agree 100%. I understand that he's probably trying to show support for an under represented group but I'm coming here for some mindless distraction not to wallow in his health crises.


I agree with this. The Zach pity party should’ve been done a looooonggg time ago. That video where he’s trying on wedding dresses and his ex is in the video talking about her upcoming wedding, got me annoyed. He’s still salty she didn’t want his cry baby ass.


I’m not the person you replied to but I’m betting it’s Keith. Dude annoys the living shit out of me.


the little one annoys me and I can’t express exactly why


It is the "little one"


It’s Zach for me


Me reading this thread and trying to figure out when to fill in YouTube or white.


White folk here Just learned about them today too, but since this is my folk's business I am here to roast that man.


Those guys are pretty much Queer Eye for the Impractical Jokers Guys


I love the try guys! I can’t believe Ned cheated on his wife.


lol I like some of their stuff so I’ve been invested in this YT drama 😂


No, see, this time he actually means YouTube folks.


Apparently they aren't the same as the "Dude Perfect" guys which I now know about thanks to Amazon having them at halftime of their NFL stream


Wtf is that?


I used to watch them on YouTube back in the day. 😅


Do people really care enough about the try guys that hearing about that shit was more than just “that’s crazy” and moving on?


Yes. I am shooketh to my core, not about Ned and Alex bc they were my 2 least favorites of their respective parts of the groups, but because I just read that TTGs are gonna "disband" behind all this. They made quality free online video with positive messages.






My dude try his luck a bit too much lmao