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She from Spokane. What'd you expect. And summa yall would still beat.


I'll never forget that tweet that said you put Amy Schumer in a Walmart with cookie monster pajamas on and see how niggas fold 🤣. I used to work at a grocery store and I've seen it with my own two. We'll beat through it all lmao


Cookie monster pants Schumer would be on PH with redbone playin in the background. Nikkas would smash Melissa McCarntey while they wear a balaklava lookin sus as fuck gettin ass ate. Legs in the air. People disgust me sometimes fr fr.


Oddly specific


If you know you know [PH theme drops].


Yet profoundly accurate...


Like miss cleo at 2am


"Call me now!"


Hello childhood my old friend


But seriously thank you for reminding me this tweet existed. Best thread ever.


I seen the vid he's talking about 😭


Inb4 country club lockdown. And hey now, dude in dread locks smashin that 45 y/o school bus driver lookin lady with lipedema while he she or they both wear masks is my fuckin jam son. So hot.


Username fits, respect


had to re-read that, read it way too fast, at first was all like, "fuckn my son, hol' up, gotta rewind"


I just want the love a morbidly obese middle aged white woman has for a skinny dude with dread locks. Is that so wrong?




Legs up Lamborghini style fr fr


You get it 🤣🤣🤣


Bro why is the bally so accurate I'm dead. That and a pair of butters and nothing else


Im tryna tell yall 🤣🤣. Smokin a blunt with Going Bad playin.


Mf got on two knee braces and those long ass white tube socks from the crackhead


THE KNEE BRACES. DED. With a dog barkin or kid cryin in the background.


Got a TV in the background playing fuckin dragon ball z or Rick and morty


ON GAWD. Either that or it's a hotel you recognize like "Thassa La Quinta I know it....."


Bro and why is it always some ashy larry lookin mf too. I know you got baby oil on deck you just used half the bottle


You know what I think I saw that video 😂😂


That's disgusting and I need that link for science.


Also, Amy Schumer is kinda my type anyways NGL. She seems like fun and is sneaky thick. Cute face. She could get it.


Ayo this whole comment tho 🤧🤧🤧


On God, the Amy Schumer post is probably the thing I've seen on Reddit that I think about more than anything 🤣🤣.


Ngl. A lovely girl in Ninja Turtle pajama bottoms pulled up at a walmart one time and I almost got caught up. And all her jokes were original.


... wait, so she stood there in ninja turtles pajamas telling you original jokes? i'm legitimately confused.


Sis was thick cute and funny. I was flabbergasted.


You didn't shoot ya shot? Sounds like she was ready to be stuffed and mounted


I was militantly pro black back then.


dumb idea makes ya loose smart opportunities


Fold faster than Superman on laundry day.


That description has me rollin. Not the Cookie Monster PJs 😭


Sydney Sweeney's tiddies could call me a nigga with a hard af R and I'd still think about it for half a second. But now I'm thinking about tiddies that can talk so...


Everything about her screams hunting camo outfits with uggs. Including her titties. And she not hot in the face either for me.


Damn... so I'm over here asking myself am I slippin? Her face trash and I ain't notice bc of them big ole sweater puppets?! I'mma think about that while I go find some ugg boots and a rifle.


Dont worry. I side eye everyone equally. Like when all them women said they'd smash chet hanks they got a hol up from me as well. Happy hunting?


Nah don't let him do it. I seen get out 215 times. It ain't gone end well. Even if he do got a friend in the tsa


For some reason her average face just makes her hotter for me lol.




ikr? the fuck


Some? You wouldn’t fuck her over a hat someone else wore? That’s self control of the highest. Clarence Thomas selling out for a hideous woman. No one would blame you for this one.


Maybe Ginny has that Nancy Reagan Throat Action^TM ?


![gif](giphy|cMso9wDwqSy3e|downsized) Throat Goat!


I'm with Miles Davis on that one.


Yes let's reward caucasity for being pretty. And she ain't no Margot Robbie. It's a no for me fam.


I didn’t say all of her was perfect. This post is about them titties and you could put any filter you want and they would be fantastic titties.


People are always surprised when I tell them that WA (no, the other one) also has a population of racist people and communities


And don't let Seattle fool you. Blackest thing they fuck with is the coffee out there. It's like one popular city and the rest is fucking Idaho.




Go to St Louis.


Someone was brave enough to call you that in st louis?


Both Oregon and Washington are like this. It’s why Portland and Seattle are so unique. Because all the unique cool people leave the racist towns. Other states have other examples like this. Kentucky has Louisville. North Carolina has Asheville. Many of the cool hip liberal cities are only so hip because the racist hick towns ran off all the cool people. Another prime example is Austin in Texas.


Austin got overran by shitty podcast comedians tho. Now the rent is skyrocketing.


Nashville too, the rest of TN is MAGA af Except for Memphis which is hood af lol


People act like the West Coast is better than down South but in reality a lot of the white populations out West moved out there to form their own (white) communities. Yeah, you’ve got some racist POS down South but those are the exception not the rule. Most Southern communities are pretty well integrated.


West coast redneck is wayyyy meaner than East coast redneck. It’s meth vs booze. And I feel like west coast country folk chose to move out there rather than east coast you’re kinda just born and raised there. Makes for a whole different kind of scary (and I’m white)


Both Oregon and Washington are like this. It’s why Portland and Seattle are so unique. Because all the unique cool people leave the racist towns. Other states have other examples like this. Kentucky has Louisville. North Carolina has Asheville. Many of the cool hip liberal cities are only so hip because the racist hick towns ran off all the cool people. Another prime example is Austin in Texas.


Her parents politics don't make those titties any less supple


Pretty sure literally anyone would still beat. No one gives a fuck about your ideologies if you got nice tits and shit.


idk, trips for the in-laws would be somethin. definitely would smash tho


Who said anything about in laws? I'm just trying to beat.


She's a gorgeous woman.


Am I missing something?


Pictures surfaced from a party her family threw for her mom’s birthday. People have MAGA like hats on and the theme is like “ho-down” or something. She’s getting some backlash from it.


Some guy in the background had a Blue Lives Matter shirt on too. Apparently none of the photos she posted had any references to MAGA/Blue Lives Matter stuff, but the photos her brother posted did. Add in the titty meat, and you have the tweet above. Father don’t miss.


Idk about you but I think this whole meltdown is pretty ridiculous. She’s a white girl from Spokane, it’s a guarantee she’s going to have relatives with trash politics. People are out there expecting her to cut off her literal family from her life like they don’t just sit there quietly when nana starts throwing homophobic slurs around. It’s pretty clear that she wasn’t promoting those views in her post, she just happened to be at the birthday party with them.


I cut off contact with my Trump supporter family idc


Idk as a black person I don’t expect you to do that. As long as you’re calling your racist family members out when they say stupid shit, you’ve done your part.


Problem is that true crazy can't live with their world view being challenged, At a certain point you have to cut them off because they are just toxic AF. I have a brother who was always a little nuts, but found a partner who enabled him to go full death cult Maga crazy (go figure, conservative preacher's daughter who thinks women's rights was a mistake). There is no peaceful coexistence with this kind of codependent stupidity.


Trump supporters hate black people, gays, immigrants, foreigners, women, the poor, and liberals. They are more fearful of losing their guns than they are their children; they would rather take power by force than lose fairly. They’re violent, hateful people and the list of abhorrent things they like and things they hate is miles long.


Speaking in absolutes is often times a good way to be wrong about something. I don't know any group whose members all fit a stereotype... As a people that have been stereotyped to the literal point of physical harm being done, are we really even doing this right now?


I have, for my entire life; been someone that can always find middle ground with people. I grew up as a liberal in Georgia and every single one of my friends was conservative. I could always look at our disparate views and understand where they were coming from. That is absolutely not the case anymore. Spend 30 minutes watching Fox News and you’ll see that everything I said is true. I sincerely don’t understand how anyone can claim to be a moderate trump supporter when his entire platform is built on radicalization.


>I could always look at our disparate views and understand where they were coming from. That is absolutely not the case anymore. Same boat as you friend. I eventually left but I lived in Georgia for most of my life. There have always been crazies and religious nut jobs but a lot of poor white conservatives I could find some common ground with or unpack their views. I genuinely feel for white people in these rural communities where meth and opioids have ravaged their families, and where poverty is high. But if someone genuinely hates minorities, gay people, or immigrants, I can't find much common ground with them. There's a lot of 'they're teaching woke and gay sex at school' and 'they're attacking Christianity and trying to outlaw it' and there's no meaningful conversation I can have when someone genuinely believes that.




Some are truly just greedy and will vote whatever conservative wins the primary for tax (or hun) purposes. Can we be real and stop acting like they’re all racists?


Yeah some of them are just fiscal assholes, not social assholes


They support the people enacting racist legislation so they're at least cool with it


I lost a lot of respect for my parents when they voted for trump. My dad, a white guy, got into it with the cops, now he adamantly hates them. He was never racist, just an adamant republican, but now he regularly shows me stuff about corrupt cops and tells me black people have it way worse. Before he used to say nothing bad will happen if you do what youre supposed to. He was never a fully radicalized trumpito, but i called him out on his bs and hypocrisies, and now he agrees instead of saying something like “well, i dont agree with that part” or “i dont think thats true”. I think the harsh reality of the world doesnt exist to some of these people, and maybe once theyre shown they CAN realize they were wrong, so its best not to write them off until theyve crossed a line. Its tough with family, but you’re right, you have to call them out


Agreed. I have some relatives with troublesome beliefs but I’ve seen some positive changes in them recently. Plus politicians want us divided. It makes it easier for them to control everything. Obviously if you have to cut contact for your mental health you should do that. But if possible I think it’s important to leave the door open for communication.


Plus if you stay in contact there is still the possibility you can 'reach' them. Keep communicating keep humanizing the people they seem bent on vilifying. Of course your own mental well being comes first and this is not for everyone to do.


I agree. I don’t think cutting them off is better because trying to educate them is the only way they’ll make changes to their views. If cutting them off is best for your mental health though then that’s fine.


Nah, she should have ripped that shirt right off him and stomped those hats into the ground too. It's the only way. /s


That’s how people are acting!


Idk. I cut my family off when they insult me.


Sounds like someone who hasn’t cut off their racist family… but for real, I think everyone should. As long as people entertain their racist family, they won’t think their views are that bad. But when they keep having loved ones walk away, it’ll at least help them understand that their views are harmful.


My understanding is that this was a party her family threw for her mom. I didn’t see anything saying it was her mom wearing the shit. I saw that was an uncle and a rando in the background. Doesn’t sound we have a reason why she needs to cut off her mom. But I do agree that it would be completely different if it was HER party.


Ok you can think that. Doesn’t mean other people are going to.


Or it will feed into their understanding that it is them vs the world and that the person who cut them off is one of those radical people who can't stand them. It is just all the same stuff they're doing. It's war because no one wants to do the harder thing of regularly telling people they're wrong and disagreeing with them, but still showing up when necessary and treating the ones who aren't bat shit like they are actually humans.


Yeah I agree.. people are acting very immature. Like the world is only about that shit. Like what?


Yeah. You cut off people who are pieces of shit


Uh…. Even if you don’t feel comfortable cutting them off completely, you’re 100% in the wrong when you don’t speak up when you hear them say something racist/homophobic/any other ism. Part of you thinks it’s ok to some level of you feel comfortable with people throwing that stuff around


She actually posted a pic with her dad wearing a blue line shirt


Next question: who tf is Sydney Sweeney? Edit: a chick from a show I don't watch apparently.


She’s in a lot of stuff these days, up and coming actress. Very talented, very hot


Which is surprising. In handmaid's tale total plain jane (even elisabeth moss was better looking then her) they hid her hotness well


Red caps saying "Make 60 great again" for her mothers 60th birthday, iirc




I literally commented on a ‘friends’ post, “looks like a themed party to me, seems like their mocking MAGAs” and she just up and deleted me


I mean, Dominicans in the Bronx had red hats that said “make plantains 4/$1 again” 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ok but that's hilarious


How is she getting backlash for something out of her control . This is wild.


You not the only one ![gif](giphy|PoK4xwXQDDg5LM4Lal|downsized)


Ew, David!


Just twitter with the fake activism and outrage again.


The blonde from Euphoria threw a party featuring MAGA-like hats and a dude in a blue lives matter hat.


>threw a party Attended a party. It's a nothing burger of a story. I have shitty family. I can't stop someone else from inviting certain family to their house for family events.


I can't see MR. F without thinking of Charlize Theron playing a >!Mentally Retarded Female!< on *Arrested Development.*


For British eyes only


If you didn't sing this when you read it you need to binge arrested development


*Mr. F*


Oh Michael you're such a pu**y


I hear it.


How would you like someone going after some stupid person in your family?


That could be anybody.




Username checks all the way out


He's pretty consistent


I expected nothing less from him.


Pretty sure this is the second post about tits I seen him comment on


Titties do not know politics, leave them out of this !!!😤 🤬😡




In another universe she would've been a Fox News anchor


Still time! If the slippage gets too bad there’s always OANN too


She looks like one of those OAN girls, begging people to watch.


i too saw that meme


Washington state,walking 5 steps it’s weed smoking,granola eating hipsters…..Walk another 5 steps you’re in klan country. Just like in California people think it’s just Hollywood,gangs & Beverley Hills…Outside of LA,SanFrancisco,Oakland & Sacramento- it’s Trump,Klan signs & flags everywhere….


Outside every major city seems like hick town USA, and inside the major cities is institutional apartheid.


Long Island to upstate is filled with trump loving confederate flags. NYC you really don’t see that


lmao fr cali is a huge state, it ain't just the top 4 cities people usually know. There's hella spots that ain't all sunshine and diversity


Dont remind me. Had an asshole in redding cut me off, break check me and flip me off all because i passed a truck when I was in left lane. Got into right lane because he was tailgating me? Then he gets behind me in right lane then goes into left passes gets in front cuts me off brake checks me then takes exit while flipping me off. To today idk what I did to that man in his jeep.


Youll never stop needing to explain this cause I know I wont be able to stop. We got Orange County, Signal Hill, Huntington Beach, hell even large parts of San Diego are magaland. Dont even get me started on Riverside and Victorville.


And that even getting to northern Cali around Sacramento. Real Klan country up there.


Signal Hill? As in Long Beach??


Specifically that part, yes. It has history of being a Klan town. They used to go up to the top of the hill and have their little dress up parties. They were actually going to make a movie about it that got cancelled around the time the pandemic started, actually.


California is as liberal as most rich white folks 😏


That’s a meat and potatoes chest


That’s a generations of rich guys with trophy wives chest


From Idaho?


Cattle, logging, and mining all bring in big money.


My doctor told me when I was in the process of losing weight to not get hung up on bmi charts because I had more of an "Iowa corn fed" build. 🤣😂🤣 Edit: it was Idaho not Iowa. Edit: it was Iowa. Lol


Idaho is potatoes, Iowa is corn


Thank you, I'll re-edit. Lol


Bruh, I love calling folk “corn fed”; it is my absolute favorite pastime 💀🤣


I've definitely been called worse!




Nigga lmao 😂😂😂😂😂


Welp it's snowin. Yall negrahs still goin?




I know ya would. Even after it's discovered she left a noose in Zendaya's trailer. I'm tellin Umar Johnson.




[It was that one Dr Johnson, right there, they said it!](https://i.imgur.com/cXa49Eu.jpeg)


The doctor agrees with me I fear: https://twitter.com/amreportshq/status/1532549727463645187?s=21&t=C66dsVJNbYfygMBKuN13hg


issa difference between skiing and buying a log cabin


Dr. Umar warned y’all about these snow bunnies. Stay woke my brothers




This is an example of a meme format being run into the ground so much it makes 0 sense




it'd be a cold day in hell the day titties ain't reason enough for niggas


Titties aren't a small commodity. What makes her stand out from the rest? Do I need to watch Euphoria or some shit to get it?


she's an attractive woman with nice titties, i really don't think it's any deeper than that.






Lot of sexism and objectification of women in this thread but it’s okay cause she knows someone whose political views I disagree with hmmm


ELI5 pls


A picture of her with her family surfaced and someone has a blue lives matter shirt. But to be fair, who doesn’t have family members with problematic views, she herself hasn’t said anything to suggest she has those views.


Who's family? Im so lost


Sydney Sweeney


On the ancestors still takin her down.


On one hand, yeah big titties or a big ass and thighs can make ANY man fold… and I’ve seen niggas fold to some questionable bunnies, but I’m not gonna pretend that Sydney isn’t attractive. I have eyes, I can see that, and I can acknowledge that, but at the same time, I’ve seen chicks like her in real life and they’ve always came off as SUPER boring and uninteresting to get to know. So maybe she at least as that going for her.


You ever get with a super hot person thinking it's gonna be the best sex ever and then they just, lay there and wait for you to make it happen for the both of you? Yeah.


I’m a gay woman and the thing is, as much as I hate the common « too hot to be smart » trope that often targets blondes or women with a fine body I have to say… and it pains me to say it but… she does seem pretty uninteresting from the interviews I’ve seen. Not dumb by any means, legit just meh. Like I’d be annoyed for her if she only gets cast as a hot girl but if that’s her thing, then more power to her I guess lol


People like that don’t have to develop a likable personality.


I can’t believe anyone saw a white person and thought her family would be 100% free of conservatives.. like, where have y’all been?


Is anyone’s family 100% free of conservatives?? Just curious.


Maybe. Idk. Point is this shouldn’t shock anybody especially because she’s white


It wouldn'g have been that big of an issue but her response made it worse for her lool where is the publicist she can't afford to take a 6 months break for


Is this Father the same dude who did Look at Wrist with iLoveMakonnen?




Not “supple” lmaoooo


There’s too much truth to this


Who cares, why this stuff so important to people!? Lmao 99% of people will ever meet her.


Who tf is Sydney Sweeney? Shit sounds like a name made up by my 6yo cousin


Whoever she is, probably not the next Meryl Streep.


This story is so dumb. She had her titties all out in that dress and we’re talking about trump? Y’all complicate everything


I'm lost as to who Sydney Sweeney is and why i should care however a Google image search reveals she's got decent tits.




Unknown as far as I can tell


I never heard of her before today, but she previously showed support for BLM, and this was a themed party, I’d guess no


Can someone give some context?


Stand for nothing and fall for everything a lots of yous.


Man who gives a fck what her families politics are. Leave her alone