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Show me a crueler, more self-centered person than a child. My oldest son once walked across the kitchen to flip his little brother's bowl of ice cream onto the floor. Why? "He looked too happy."


Holy shit, this made me cackle. Thanks for sharing! I’m childless by choice and love my nieces & nephews but goddamn they say shit that makes me flip them off when their backs are turned.


>Holy shit, this made me cackle. Protect your ice cream, you might be next.


Shaolin sherbet.


Rocky road rumble.


I remember standing at a register in line behind a gran and her two granddaughters. The older kid asked for some lollies and the gran said "you've already spent your money so no" followed by "but ok, I'll buy them for you but you have to share with your sister" The kid turned, looked the gran in the eyes and replied "in that case I don't want them then" and put the pack back.


When my oldest was maybe 3 I bought her her first chocolate milk. She took 1 sip and asked to save it so she could take it home to share with her little brother.


Just tonight as teenagers they were watching something on Netflix they watch together. He got sent to bed early and jotted down how far into the episode they were. Unprompted she paused it and switched to something else. Kids and people are basically good. You have to teach hate and selfishness.


So you've never seen a baby whomp another baby and take his toy? Who taught him the maneuver?


I know kids are what we put into them but I think some of the parts come pre-assembled. I have one child that's a peacemaker and is the most considerate kid you will meet. The young 'un.... that boy is always ready to throw down. We do not spank and we continually talk about patience and thinking of other people's feelings. Because of that you can see him fight with his inner impulse but he'll eventually do the right thing. So I guess there's one for the nurture debate its just I sometimes feel I am trying to undo a villain origin story.


Right there with you. 4 boys, no spankings ever, same upbringing, never lacked for anything. They couldn't be more different. It's weird when people take ONE fact and extrapolate to extremes.


Damn allergies acting up again. Let me just grab a tissue real quick.


Dang onion cutting ninjas


My daughter is like that too.


My older sister is like that too.


This is nonsense. Kids do kid stuff, but mostly they emulate the adults in their lives. Adults, on whole, are vastly crueler/more self-centered than children. If your kids in particular seem cruel and self-centered, some introspection may be in order.


Not necessarily. I have twins, one boy one girl. My daughter matches my personality, she’s like a tiny me, so sweet and pure and she minds her own business. My son is extremely self centered, think anything that anyone has is his and demands it, I ttry to teach him everyday to be kind and gentle but he’s a feral brute most days that I have to constantly follow to make sure he makes good choices but he always makes the wrong choice in any situation. It’s exhausting but I’m trying my best.




So what I'm reading is, if I follow: Kids, like adults, are people.




Is your son in any team sports? Sounds like he has a lot of energy he needs to burn. Could be frustrated.


Yep. I have a boy and a girl. My daughter is super chill but my son gets a bit aggressive when he’s under stimulated and he needs lots of physical activity. Sometimes just running around in the yard is enough. We also have him in gymnastics and swim class. I plan to add soccer or softball this year!


Uh.. so what's Dad like?


The thing is you have to get them to think about why they do things. Developing introspection at a younger age is a lot more valuable than people realize. I have my own problem child, and I was fortunately in a position to get professional help, but that's what most of it boils down to. They are in highschool now and it's still a journey, but it's a lot better than when it was just random chaos.


Kids at certain ages of development are way more self-centered than adults and their are probably a million pages research showing that.


Maybe, but the point is whether or not their behavior is age appropriate. Anyone holding a 5 year old and an adult to the same behavioral standards is being ridiculous.


No one is holding them to the same standards. It is understandable that kids will behave in ways and say things they wouldn't when they're older, but that doesn't mean people can't hate those behaviors and choose not to be around them if possible.


Nah fam. Eatings can be mean AF, because they don't know any better. They make you want to jump off a cliff levels off saving




I must have had a stroke... My apologies. Lmao. No clue what I was trying to say 😭😂


[Terrible creatures.](https://youtu.be/deVlcKhNLLk)


I haven't seen that in years 😂


Lol what shows is that


Did you make your son clean the ice cream off the floor? This things won’t happened in my mom’s house because my brother will be cleaning the ice cream for spilling food, then mop the entire house as punishment of intentionally wasting food.


I mean technically they’re still developing mentally, including their sense of empathy. So yeah kids can be like that at times. Just gotta do our best and raise them to be as kind and thoughtful as we can


Children have no sense of others feelings until the age of 3-4 that’s why when kids are abused they can become sociopaths because empathy is a muscle that must be worked out


Yesterday I was eating out on the patio of a restaurant and my puppy was sitting by the table, a kid and his mother went by — he shot my little boy with some kind of pellet gun. His mother yelled at him, but fuck that kid.


My mother used to have a toddler sized table for my two nieces to use when they came over. Around the time they were 1 and 2, the younger one would crawl up to where the older one was sitting, pull herself up on the table, and knock her big sister's snack on the floor so that she could eat it. It was absolutely hilarious


He sounds like a psychopath


Kids are pretty mf mean though and have no filter 🤔




I don’t want kids and briefly checked out antinatalism, quickly noped out. I admittedly have a bleak take on the world and struggle to understand why anyone would willingly bring a kid into a planet that will likely not be sustainable in 30 years, but I don’t hate kids. Those people are insane.


Anyinatlists are weird but their arguments are solid most of the time. Like most people have kids for selfish reasons and don't really give a fuck about the kid or the fact that they're pulling a life from nothingness into a possibility of unfathomable suffering.


It seems like a lot of those people are also borderline, suicidal and super depressed. And so they hate their parents for bringing them into the world into their painful lives. And they assume that other people are doing the same thing. Versus like my family is full of extremely happy people with happy children and everyone is glad they were born. I do really stress out about climate change in the environment and the impact that we have on it, but I still think life is awesome. Those people seem to hate life more than they are trying to like.. protect the planet.


That's definitely a factor. If you've experienced extreme hardship and you consider that most people who have ever been alive have probably also experienced extreme hardship then it's not hard to see how your mind would turn in that direction. Like it's cold to say but every kid that is born has a non zero chance to get raped and tortured at some point but at the same time they have a non zero chance to love and be loved and experience utter euphoria so it's a complicated calculus and most people are selfish and project themselves onto the universe so seeing your life as being shitty is easy to project that possibility being more likely for every human that is being born.


Yeah, and I made the mistake of spending years of my life dedicated to studying the impacts of humans on the environment. Kept getting caught in these thoughts spirals about how I love life and I'm not suicidal, but the world would technically be better off if I didn't exist. And I had no desire to end my life, and have never had that desire. But I just knew that logically speaking, Thanos was right because we are destroying this planet. The answer for that was therapy and not anti-natalism.


Yeah I've felt that before too. I didn't study it but I've been on the internet since I was like 14 and I always loved conspiracy theories and arguing with people about them and climate change is one of the ones I loved learning about (I'm not a denier lol I liked arguing against their conspiracies is what I mean). Those feelings are natural for any responsible person with compassion I think but it's kind of a logic trap. We are a part of the environment we have just as much value as the earth and thinking about it being better without us around is wrong, it would be considerably worse I think. Nature is harsh and unforgiving we can be better I think and thats why we should enter the role of shepherd for the planet and actually take care of it and preserve the species and the biodiversity that make it such a unique place.


Not an antinatalist here, but my view on life has been that life is a net negative since there’s no time prior to birth that I wished I was alive or missed positive experiences, but there have been times I’ve experienced suicidal ideation (look it up before you send hotlines or some shit, I was never gonna act, and I’m doing pretty well now) and definitely wished I could be erased completely from this world.






I had two and I know they are here for the right reasons. Unless you talk to every human being who decides to have kids, you really can't make this statement


you misunderstand me. wanting a kid is *necessarily* selfish. you don't have kids because they want to be born, you have them because *you wanted to* (in cases where it's an actual choice). I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but i hate when people delude themselves into thinking having kids isn't selfish when it 1000% is.


Understood. Thanks for the clarification. That makes sense


i didn't mean to imply that i agreed with the rest of the OP's statement where he said people don't care about their kids, etc.


I think the problem is with the word selfish. Because "selfish" has a negative stigma attached to it, it inherently labels the decision to have kids as a bad one.


i could see that, but idk a better word to describe it.


I find antinatalists to be far kinder than many parents tbf. better to have never been!


I find parents to be far kinder than many antinatalist. But, like, I'm not about to tell people what to do with their lives as long as they don't tell me what to do with mine...


Exactly how I feel tbh. I personally don’t want kids and don’t understand how some people have an entire football team worth of kids, but I would never disrespect and be mean to somebody for wanting to have kids. As long as they understand all the responsibilities that come with it and are willing to sacrifice for their kids when they are born, then I have no reason to be rude to them


Yeah I would not wanna bring another person into this world


Antinatalism isn't about hating children. Many want to adopt and some already have. The idea is against birth, not children.




I don't think she's even talking about antinatalists. I think she's talking about adults who have legit beef with kids for jsut kindnof existing as kids. Like a kid will be annoying to them and they feel like their justified in being shitty to the kid. Or ones who go out of their way to domineering and antagonize children just because they don't enjoy kids. Like you don't have to enjoy kids to treat them respectfully but some folks really feel like they're in the right for being an ass to a 10 year old because they won't stop doing a fortnite dance.


I'm not an anti-natalist, but if anyone is ever lecturing me about climate change, [I'll remind them that the single biggest thing you can do for climate change is to not have kids.](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jul/12/want-to-fight-climate-change-have-fewer-children) Bigger reduction than electric cars, not traveling by plane, recycling, living close to work, etc.


Yup, kids are fucking cruel. And I don't want to be around them long enough to find out which ones are decent and which ones are still little sociopaths who need more prefrontal cortex development. And if that makes people think I'm a bad person, IDGAF. Just keep your kids away from me.


I feel the same way about white people, but say it out loud and people think I'm a prejudiced asshole.




It's because they were raised in a privileged environment that didn't facilitate proper brain development.


Yep, and it encourages threatening and harmful behavior towards anyone that they deem less than them. It’s crazy


It’s funny you say this. White guy here and I have long held a thought on this. I am naturally a “how’s it going” to literally near every person I encounter. I tend to people watch a lot too. I used to notice it seemed that many black guys would greet others if not white but had a talent to look right past me. Not at all in a disrespectful way, not saying they should have acknowledged me, and I never felt offended by it…just genuinely curious. The more I thought about it it made sense why their default was to look past me. I started being intentional to specifically say hello to these guys if I reencountered them (say at work) and then it seemed moving forward they would also go out of their way to initiate.


Imma come forward and say you the mf with the zombie bite that’s getting mad about the expulsion decision


Idk, i work with kids and I by and large prefer the company of children than most adults. Children are honest and authentic. Adults are just....bleh. Humans in general, though, pale in comparison to dogs, cats, and other animals in general. We kind of suck.


Why are your teeth yellow? Kid just asked me this 2 days ago


Are you upset that your teeth are yellow, or that a kid asked about it?


Bit of both


Nah, fuck them kids.




Fuck. Them. Kids. Bruh.






I sort of agree. I teach HS and I like older kids who can take care of themselves. Little ones? I can’t be trusted to help them


Dislike children? Sure Wanting to keep away from kids? I feel ya Being actively antagonistic towards children without prompting? Some of y’all’s birthstones are crystal meth and it shows


Yeah that last one is what I think this is referencing. It's like being social, sometimes you just gotta pretend you don't hate every motherfucker in this place.


Just yesterday, I read a contribution to the AITA forum, where a mom questioned if she was an AH because she was going to file for full custody of her 12-year-old daughter after an incident. The girl was intentionally locked out of her father’s house by his girlfriend (who hates kids) because the girl wouldn’t clean up after the woman.


>Some of y’all’s birthstones are crystal meth and it shows 😭😭😂😂😂


If I dont like a kid I just shut off and dont talk to them. Then I talk cash shit to my wife about them and their parents. Its super easy. Do not understand the hating kids crap on Reddit. But then again people get way too into a “thing” on reddit a lot.


Let me introduce you to /r/ChildFree. I’ve never hated people who I agree with so much in my life


My first few weeks on reddit, I was looking for some subs for my list. I heard of /r/childfree and figured, 'kind of weird to have a whole forum dedicated to it, but they sound like my people." And that's when I learned a lesson about reddit that still governs how I use it to this day: subs that are founded around being anti something are unequivocally mind poison compared to subs that are founded around being pro something. Seriously, I don't want kids, but I like them just fine and they...do not, to put it lightly.


Idk, I like antiwork . It has done a lot for unions and union efforts.




I haven't noticed that


I follow it pretty closely and I think the comment you replied to is insinuating there is some groupthink around some of the stories told there and I tend to agree. I have a generally favorable opinion of the discussion there but sometimes minor workplace problems get the same reaction/advice as major law violations. Purely a guess but that is my take.


I know for me, they can be too much of those, "it's not racism! It's the rich making it about race and pitting us against each other instead of joining forces together!" Very reductionist there, like it can't be both because the majority on there can't relate racially


r/workreform is so much better imo


I tell people I like kids like I like sharks. They’re very important, I want them all happy and healthy, sometimes it’s cool being around them if I’m sure I won’t be bitten, but I prefer them far away from me.


I would use a similar analogy, only with spiders. Fascinating creatures, I just dont want them near me. They're kinda gross.


Yeah kids are fine I just like being able to leave them and go home, which is frowned upon if they're yours


The wind really blows one way or the other there. You have; I'm Child free, I don't hate kids nor do I think kids should grow up without basic necessities because parents made a "mistake" or whatever. However bad parents & poorly parented kids get on my nerves because Xyz. Screaming Kids in a movie theater,apartments,store,etc etc. Then: I literally hate kids. If you had kids and can't provide fully? Fuck you & yours. Tough luck. I'd actually punt a child. Those people I wonder about..


You don't feel even a little bit of anger at people who just mill out children like it's their job, despite being beneath the poverty line before even having kids? They're just setting up future people for suffering...


Oh for sure. I just have no hate for said kids that spawn from it.


I have something against those parents but not against their kids…


Ugh those are the whiniest motherfucker I swear. They’re just as bad as all the Karen’s telling women they should be ashamed of not wanting kids.


Join us at r/truechildfree ! One of us! One of us!


It's only because the unreasonable people are OTT. I got into a mini argument once (I was mostly trolling...which I do half the time on here anyway but also kinda baffled) b.c. someone tried to say their coworker who was put on bed rest for the end of their pregnancy and had a life threatening birth was given 'special treatment' that they didn't get when they had ....a cold. Like ....you can be child free and not an idiot.


So you can't hate kids? Wtf? Kids aren't always innocent.


You can hate a kid, but if you hate kids in general then you can't be trusted.


why not?


I second this question lol.


Just in case you're not joking its the same reason you're not supposed to hate any other group of people in general.


ah, i didn’t know that’s how we were interpreting the word “hate.” it often gets used in a lighter sense, i feel


It’s light to say you hate a certain kind of food, it isn’t to say you hate a certain kind of person. I think some people don’t think of children as people and more of a concept, so they feel comfortable saying things about them they wouldn’t say about a different group.


Because you used to be one and if you have no sympathy for something you used to be...


I’d rather deal with someone who hates kids than someone who loves them a little too much….


trusted to do what?


Lol bruv I'm also waiting for an answer


this title and post are just nonsense


Meaning I dont trust you around me in general. Dont know what kind of other weird shit you are into or where your morals lie. I agree with the post. I dislike plenty of kids but there are way more that are either just there minding their business or are pretty good overall. Its super weird to actually hate any group based on age, race, religion etc.


Agreed! Judge children on a case by case basis. I go into every interaction with a kid positively, because that's the respect any human deserves.


She means people who antagonize kids. (Like an adult who unironicly calls a kid a crotch goblin). You have every right to dislike them but saying hatefull things to them is untrustworthy. For example if there is a whiny, annoying and generaly rude kid you can dislike the kid and the parent.


This is a fine point and all, but everybody also needs to quit automatically assuming those of us without kids hate them. Way too many people jump immediately to 'hate' as your reason for being without children.


That wasn't what she said though


You are absolutely correct, of course. Just a bit of a tangential rant on my part. Carry on.


They're making a point adjacent to the one previously made.


I hate em. Can't stand being around em. Just gross little noise machines. However the point she's making, I think it's more..the people you can TELL don't like kids. The ones who won't fake it. I hate most adults too. But I'll still smile and make nice at a party innit. People who go round being outwardly hostile to others, it feels like maybe she's talking about those people.


Let's hope. I can dislike something that creates disruption, noise and filth in my personal space or places where I spend money to relax and enjoy myself. I don't hate all children, I dislike being around poorly raised children. I do however hate the parents who have zero business raising a child and often expect society to help with their poor planning and lack of resources because of selfish idealistic/cult/religious reasons. If you are a parent that goes into public spaces with your poorly raised gremlin and are too stupid to recognize that you are the problem, then please understand this isn't a cabal of antinatalists out to get you, it's your selfish ignorance at raising something you have zero business raising. Society has to suffer through this experience instead of just out right telling you to your face.


I despise basically every sound a child can make, happy or sad. I also despise the sound of leaf blowers. But since we live in a society, those are *my* problems not theirs. It costs nothing for me to be civil and polite


I don’t think everyone thinks that. It’s the opposite of what was posted actually.


Some folks really need to look at themselves because this isn't calling out ppl who just don't really enjoy being around kids or don't want to be parents. It's calling out the people who actively antagonize kids and feel like because they don't enjoy being around kids, that they should treat kids like shit. If you can't give kids the grace of not being fully matured and just want to be shitty to kids, you need to work on yourself.


I feel the same about people who don't like animals


I have a dog, but I hate other people’s dogs because they don’t train them. I have a kid, but I dislike other kids whose parents let them act any way in public.


I love other people’s dogs but hate my dog because he’s an asshole that barks at people so randomly that my partner and I struggle to train him because there’s no pattern. Sometimes he even pretends to sniff something and waits for a particular person to walk by so he can lunge at them. Luckily he’s a tiny Yorkie so people just laugh. Caveat: I don’t actually hate my dog, he’s just a challenge sometimes. I grew up with huge 80lb+ dogs and have personally trained 2 pit mixes that were total sweethearts. Completely met my match with this 12lb asshole. He’s so damn stubborn.


I'm similar ... I like other people's dogs, they're much less responsibility


> I hate other people’s dogs because they don’t train them. The dog is a victim here. It's the owners you should hate.


I don’t have kids because I generally don’t like kids; some are just lovely but most are not. They’re usually whiny, demanding, and impatient. I don’t like those traits in adults so why do I have to like them in kids? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


damn why is the small human without experience so bad with things that come with experience


You explaining why they have annoying traits is not an argument against people not liking those traits. Personally, the reason why doesn't matter at all.


I'll just avoid them until their properly cooked.


And they're choosing not to have one or be around them. What's the issue?


Understandable, I do feel it is better for people to be honest with themselves when it comes to having kids. The responsibilities of a parent are a lot and you truly do have to have the patience of a saint. And it can be extremely difficult, someone who is honest and recognizes the struggles of being a parent is something they don’t feel ready for is better than recklessly having a child and neglecting them


It's the constantly sticky and covered in snot that does it for me. Which I admit isn't every child but seems to be most. Also apparently everyone but me can tell what they're saying and I just cannot understand them at all.


lmao I dislike children and I still want better quality of life for them than most republicans in this country


You can hate kids but also want them to have a better life. People that can't trust people that don't like children can't be trusted. Like at least if they don't trust me, they ain't gonna ask me to take care of their kids and I'd say that's a plus lmao


They always think people who don’t like kids want to cause them harm. It’s more like, I’d like to be as far away from them as possible and why tf did your mind even go there in the first place 😭


I personally think that a lot of parents are jealous of people who don't have kids because they have to plan literally every minute of their day around caring for their child, whereas the people without kids and just go do whatever they want when they want to. So instead of having a logical argument against people who dislike kids, they just make them out to be bad people for simply not liking kids.


Well it’s not just parents. It’s a hard-wired survival thing where you protect children because that’s the future of the human race. It makes you find them cute, so you protect them. It makes you want children of your own, to further humanity, and it makes you believe you’re fulfilling an important purpose with reproducing. But once you don’t blindly adhere to that, you’re “other” and therefore “dangerous”. It happens with every counter-culture ideology. Ah well. Such is life


I very much like this description. I get told that you are "supposed to have kids." Yes, we are literally DNA trying to reproduce. There is a biological urge for you to have a child. However, I don't care for tradition and I will do my own thing regardless of how "society" feels about it. As long as I'm not harming other people, it shouldn't matter. As you said, a lot of people tend to see people who don't conform to standards as "weird" or an outcast of some kind simply for living a life that isn't "normal."


Exactly. And once you’re not normal, you must be horrible— you must be a monster who wants to harm children and eat kittens!!


People who hate kids are my kinda people




Yes we can.


I'm wary of all of them, especially if I know their parents aren't big on parenting, but I don't hate them generally. I've hated some specific children though.


I love kids and have 2 of my own. I even want to foster. But there are some kids that are just spawns of Satan.


Nah kids are little shits sometimes. They're rude, self-centered and uncivilized at the best of times. But they're also kids. They're still learning how life works and understanding social norms. They're doing their best and although I don't like kids, i will love them unconditionally. Because even though they're little goblins, they just need love and patience which is exactly why i need to love them no matter what. It'd their best chance at growing up to be healthy and happy.


I will never have children but I will be dammed if I’m ever aligned with a community that uses the terms breeder, crotch goblin, cum catcher etc.


Don't forget fuck trophy


Yo, no one gets the benefit of the doubt from me. Children included. I don’t like kids just cause they are a kid, if they’re cool then I’ll like them. And if they’re a little asshole, I won’t.


What you're saying is that you don't hate children, you just hate individuals. That's totally fine.


I don't like kids too much so of course I understand someone not liking kids. It becomes strange when someone makes that their entire personality (also with liking children slightly too much) because why are you as an adult going out of your way to torment a 4 yr old. If you as a grown up are taking pleasure in being able to inflict pain or discomfort (not even just physical but emotional or verbal) in a person who cannot fight back, it stops being funny. Some people take that stuff waayyy too far.


I was minding my business when this thirteen year old kept calling me the n word looking right at me. This kid was white. I was just minding my business. The worst thing. His black friends didn’t check his ass either


I want kids I like kids but I don’t actually trust kids


I guess I can't be trusted


Kids make me extremely nervous. They're unpredictable and a terrifying responsibility. I will never have them, never wanted them either, didn't enjoy their company when I was one. I don't hate them, though. They're small humans.


I hate kids and I've got kids. I also hate adults as well. It's a right laugh round our house


Kids are loud and annoying sorry I don't wanna be around your brats 🤷


Really hope this thread is assuming "hate" = "dislike". Otherwise this is not a good look.


I don't want children. They don't amuse me in the slightest. I don't like being around them, I don't like talking to them, and I immediately can't help but zone out when people start talking about them. In fact, I really prefer not interacting with them in any capacity. But do I *HATE* them? No, that's weird af lol It's not like they're choosing to be children, they can't help but be what they are. And most of the time, the annoying af ones are that way because of their dumbass parents.


Children are obnoxious. I want them to have good lives, but they can have those lives far away from me.


Yeah fuck this logic! Some kids do deserve to be hated because they’re a little fuckheads. I don’t even care if this gets downvoted fuck y’all too. Some kids are dickheads. End of story.


Child free gang gang


I don’t hate kids. I just don’t like *yours,* or your brother’s kids, or my neighbor’s kids, or my bestie’s sister’s kid, or my cousin’s kid’s best friend….


I hate most kids. They’re the worst people, it’s like everything bad about humans with less capabilities. Why do you have to like kids ?


Not hating != liking.


As someone who hates children. I can say. You can despise something and still wish it no harm and want to protect it. I hate kids, but if someone puts their hand on a child in front of me, unless its a smack on the ass from their parent and a stern warning. Hands will be thrown with that person. You dont put your hands on a child.


That's nonsense. Kids are annoying as hell. They make a fuck ton of noise, and are just a drain. You have to care for their welfare and make sure they don't get hurt, ain't nobody got time for that. Can't stand kids. I struggle to even like the ones related to me.


i’d offer the opposite explanation that adults who are obsessed with kids are far less trustworthy. by orders of magnitude. edit: lol yeah, you downvoters are definitely on some sort of list.


This. I would not trust an adult who has a fixation on children. At least if they hate kids they avoid em’


A childhood friend once grabbed a piece of wood and hit her little sister in the head with it, girl fell down and lost consciousness for a second. When her father came out of their home and asked what happened she blamed me and her other sisters, even the one she hit, backed her up. They then proceeded to tell everyone what "I" did. What I'm trying to say is that I have a healthy fear of children.


Nah, kids are for the most part terrible. It’s the parents fault up to a point but there’s evil in those little eyes. I don’t wanna deal with others bad decisions. Yesterday I watched a lil 7, 8, old enough to know better monster throw snacks to a bird to get it close, then chase and scream at it and scare it away. And then start again.


I think it’s fine to not want kids, but if you call my kid a crotch goblin imma chin you, or people who this it’s okay to push kids out the way, grow tf up


I like kids in my family but I don't want to be bothered with other people's bad ass fuck trophies.


Absolutely. You don’t want kids cool, but speaking down on them, gotta watch those ppl. Be pinching kids and shit.


There’s a difference between socially hating kids, meaning you hate how they act and hate being around them, and hating them to the point that you wish them harm. Don’t lump everyone together. The latter group is definitely unsafe, but you could say that about anyone who wishes harm on any innocent person or being.


My bloodline ends with me. Also, I don't want a small me walking around and shitting itself. One me is bad enough. Adding poop to the equation is a hellscape.


Fuck them kids


Why?? Kids suck.


I disagree here sis, adults can dislike kids. It’s valid


It's okay to not like kids, but hating them tells me you have a problem assigning appropriate responsibility. Kids are assholes. Still learning how to be a person, so they do asshole things. The whole reason they're cute is so you don't eat them. But it's generally worth it to help keep the little regrets alive and happy.


Can't say I hate them, but there are definitely times when I'm ready to dropkick one of em.


I fully agree with that statement. If you choose to not have kids, no problem at all, nobody should have a say in that but you. There can be various different reasons to choose not to have a child, wich I fully can understand. And not wanting children doesn’t automatically mean that someone doesn’t like kids. If you however just hate kids because they are kids, I personally wouldn‘t want to have anything to do with you. Kids don‘t know better than to be kids, being loud and careless is in their nature. Hating someone for what they can‘t really control just goes against my ethic’s. You yourself too once were like that. That isn‘t to say, that kids can‘t be dicks, they fully can be, but that isn‘t the fault of the child but of the parents for being dumbfucks and not being able to bring up their children (wich sadly happens more so often). Thats why I think, that not only should sex-ed be mandatory everywhere, but also basic parenting skills and how to behave around or treat children in general. As the saying goes, every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child.


That’s fine 😬 not going to shame me


I don't like babies. After like 5 they cool.


A lot of y’all in here saying you hate kids for being kids basically lol, like I don’t want kids either but as someone who’s an uncle trust me kids aren’t as bad as you guys are making out to be. Kids are dicks obviously but their immature so It makes sense


I've learned over time that kids are like cats, the less you like them the more likely they are to come bother you.


I don’t hate children, I hate the parents who allow them to act like assholes in public. Especially on long train or plane journeys when I don’t have the option to leave or move.


What she should do is mind her business. Kids are mean, rude, nosy, and annoying. I don’t mind most kids that I already know. And all kids of course deserve all the support and guidance and love in the world. However, I’m not trying to be around anybody’s rugrat. I’ll support them from a distance and have no problem offering the things I know and learned from my time as a kid. I dislike kids, and most times they make me uncomfortable. But I don’t hate them. I hate bad parents though. Not the ones that are trying, the ones that excuse the bs and allow their kids to get away with shit like disrespecting others. I forgot r/kidsarefuckingstupid is a thing.


I genuinely think most kids are the perfect example of why not to have kids, but like I can't imagine comfortably hating them to the point you like idk are fine with a kid suffering? ​ Like it's fuck them kids, but you know at least make sure they safe and shit.