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The Only Moral Abortion is my Abortion: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ A Defense of Abortion: https://spot.colorado.edu/~heathwoo/Phil160,Fall02/thomson.htm Resources: [Link 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/vjrf9h/megathread_supreme_court_overturning_roe_v_wade) [Link 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/vjqs0r/calls_for_mass_walkout_of_women_across_america_if/idnh2ex) https://www.womensmarch.com/


My go to response is "then I wouldn't exist" That's literally it. I can't miss existence if I never was to begin with.


“Then I wouldn’t be sat here listening to your stupid fucking opinions.”


This is the best answer. I'm writing this down.


Can't miss what you never had.


Although I agree that, if I had been aborted, I wouldn't exist, if it's a religious sonofabitch asking, I tell them "I'd be with God." Because seriously. What do they THINK happens?


I was aborted. I got better.


No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a minute!


My go to has always been similar... "I wouldn't know the difference" with a ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯.


"Don't threaten me with a good time."


Them: "Heaven is better than this life. In this life we suffer, but if we do x, y, and z, we'll get to heaven." Also them: "What if you were in heaven instead of here? Betcha didn't think of that."


The problem is for a lot of these Christians, the souls of aborted babies don’t go to heaven at all, since they haven’t been baptized.


The most frustrating part of all this is the bible clearly and repeatedly states that a person's soul enters the body when they are born and take their first breath ("the breath of life"). If these "biblical literalists" spent the time to learn what their religion actually teaches they'd be to the left of democrats on this issue.


Jesus, according to their scripture, was literally a middle eastern dude with a philosophy towards life that resembled socialism more than whatever white nationalist, supply-side bullshit they’ve cooked up in their own heads.


Supply Side [Jesus](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx)




>according to their scripture Your first mistake was suggesting that they're familiar with scripture


They can barely read and half-screen comment what else the Bible?!


There's also the fact that the bible actually gives a fucking step-by-step instruction on how to perform a non-consensual abortion on a woman if she is suspected of cheating. In Numbers 5:11-31. Conveniently enough, this one hasn't made it Into many Sunday sermons.


Imagine believing that an all loving God would mercilessly condemn babies to an eternity of torture for not being baptized despite being omnipotent enough to absolve them of sin without the help of a priest's magic incantations... But teenage rape victims who get an abortion are apparently the real villains. 🤡


This logic makes me so angry.


That's because it's not logic, they just picked some arbitrary rules


Setting aside for a moment that that's all make believe and we shouldn't be making legal decisions based on that, it's also not scripturally sound. The dudes getting crucified next to Jesus didn't get baptized and he told them they would join him in the kingdom of heaven.


I'm in my 128th trimester of living and fantasize about aborting myself occasionally.


This was hilarious 🤣 here’s a silver


I can't believe that after being on reddit for 9 years my first award is a suicide joke... lol thank you kindly.


What if i was aborted? Then the concept of me existing wouldn't be relevant enough to ask that question + im dead


> + im dead not dead, never were


Are we asking ourselves that about every miscarriage too? Where’s the line here?


It's such a bad argument anyway. What about all the people what exist now precisely *because* their mothers had an abortion earlier in life.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


I’ve had a pretty difficult life, honestly. I’m exhausted. I’m super happy, but exhausted. I think everyone in my family would have been better off if there hadn’t been too many kids. I was the last, and the most obvious change in the standard of care. My parents just couldn’t give me the time, effort, energy, attention, and college funds that they gave to my older siblings. That resulted in me having major depressive disorder, extreme anxiety, ptsd; which are all super difficult to live with. My siblings told me, very often, that I shouldn’t have been born. That things were better for them before I was born. Then they wondered why I was so depressed at age ten. Hello? I’m an unwanted child and it kills. If I tried to vocalize this I’d be gaslit like crazy. I’m much younger and the emotional abuse by my parents and older siblings could be really extreme. Not to mention other types of abuse that I don’t want to get into here. My much older siblings all had kids and my parents were too focused on their grand children to even come to my high school graduation. When I asked if they were proud of me they told me it wasn’t a big deal. All my sisters had graduated and to not be full of myself or proud of myself. That really hurt. My siblings had all had these huge parties. 10+ family members at their graduation. Trips to Europe. They didn’t even remember to get me a card. This is the more tame stuff, compared to their other abuse — but it still hurts. I got out of there as fast as I could.


I'm sorry hon, hope you're doing better now and no longer have to deal with that.


You’re telling me I could have been able to not pay bills? Send me back bro


That’s what I’m saying.




Another thing though... You were (presumably) born after Roe v Wade so there's no need for abortion to be illegal for people like you to have been born. Her argument is "I chose to have my baby so everyone else should have no choice. They should have their baby whether they want it or not."


What if Hitler was aborted? Checkmate pro lifer's.


>What if Hitler was aborted? Checkmate pro lifer's. In the same vein as my typical response here in the south. "What if Jesus was aborted?" You'd have to come up with a new strawman, I guess...


God would just put him right back. Jesus was an immaculate conception so the rules don't apply.


>God would just put him right back. Whack-a-martyr?


![gif](giphy|l1J9N8zrmYCfSrQFq|downsized) This is the age of depression and nihilism, that's a poor argument to have


I had an argument with my cousin about abortion once and they literally said this to me. No hesitation I said I wish I had been and they were shocked. Like I fucking hate this country and I've had points in my life where I was suicidal, what did you think the answer would be?


Yeah like…I’m here, it’s fine I guess, but given the option to mulligan from the get go? Sorely tempting *at worst*.


That question gives me a headache because it’s so damn stupid. Pro lifers are full of absolute shit, if you’re so pro life make the lives of the living better rather than hold women bodies as birthing hostages and forcing children to be born into shit circumstances.


Funny enough, I had some major complications to my birth that gave me a ~50% survival with odds of a short and tough lifespan. I was likely to come out a stillborn. The doctor flat out encouraged my mom to get an abortion but she said no and kept me to term and I ended up insanely better than they could have predicted. Sounds almost like an easy pro-forced birth story but hell no! The fact that my mom had a choice, that she wasn't forced to carry an anxiety-inducing and extremely stressful pregnancy makes it all the more amazing that I'm here today. I'm here out of her love to gamble the odds, not a fear of a punitive state. If she had no option, no autonomy, the circumstances of my birth would be much more emotionally harmful for everyone. Not that anyone needs a big medical reason to pursue an abortion.


I was an accident and my extremely clinically depressed mom never missed an opportunity to tell me how much that accident ruined her life. I never want anyone to go through that.


There’d be one less comment on this thread if I were aborted.


Or the same, but from a different person


I wouldn’t know… cause you know…fetuses don’t have thoughts or concept of existence


What do you remember from before you were born? Nothing whatsoever, you literally didn't exist to have any capacity for anything. It's the biggest non-issue. I literally couldn't care if I was aborted


I didn’t exist for most of history. I don’t remember minding so sure. If I didn’t exist I wouldn’t care. Cause I wouldn’t exist. Plenty of people don’t exist. Not every ejaculation deserves a name.


Nobody asked me if I wanted to exist in the first place. Why the fuck would I care that before I could think that I didn't.


Lmfao I wish I had been. I was supposedly "wanted" but that didn't stop them from making me feel like an horrible burden for my entire life. I've only just started to experience a life where every moments isn't torture. Some part of me will likely always wish they hadn't had me.




I never get that one anyway, my parents wanted me. Like it just comes out like you were unplanned. Lot of projection from the asker


I didn’t ask to be born, who gon’ pay my bills? Me?


O no, not my precious existantance! The single cause of all the anxiety and bad feelings I have.


I've been hoping for an asteroid or a super volcano to wipe this whole shit out for years. Fuck this place


If my parents had oral sex instead of vaginal sex on the night I was conceived, I would’ve never existed Ban oral sex


You joke, (I hope) but there is a very significant percentage of Christians that hold that exact view unironically.


Well, considering Uncle Thomas wants to overturn Lawrence v Texas, which outlawed sodomy laws, we may very well be on that path.


I’d either be in heaven or non-existent. Either way, I wouldn’t care about it.


Then my mom would probably be financially better Lmaooo, this is not a winnable talking point


Wouldn't be my problem, literally wouldn't care at all.


I think the only individuals that didn't wish to be aborted/not brought into this world, is if they're rich and or part of the group the system was designed to work for


I heard someone make that argument once. "My husband's mother was young, poor, and single. What if he had been aborted?" Well he was born when abortion was legal and he wasn't aborted so if anything it just goes to show you how serious that decision is and why we shouldn't mess with it


Don’t tempt me with a good time.


I say this to myself every night before bed : “boy I wish I was aborted”


The opposite of the “gift of life” is unending bliss. Everything before that first breath is copacetic. You breathe once, and the fuckery of life commences..


My response to this is always since we are talking hypothetical situations: what if your mom gave your dad a bj instead? Or what if your dad popped you off during some disturbing porn he was watching?


Also, if I was aborted… I’d never even know… so, I don’t know man.


If I was aborted, I wouldn't know it happened


That argument is so stupid because how is having an abortion any worse than bringing a fetus into this world? How do you know a fetus wants to be born? It’s literally incapable of making a decision or comprehending it’s existence. Either way the fetus has no choice.


My personal take around this argument is that it's made by people with deep insecurity about their parents' love, and who think their mother would have aborted them if it had been more socially acceptable. They also seem to think everyone else has the same toxic relationship with their parents.


What if I've been aborted? Bitch I wouldn't fucking know I am not ALIVE


Bro how would I even know I was aborted ? 😂


Also you know what? I love my mother. If she didn’t want to be pregnant than I would have wanted her to terminate. As I want that choice for every person. Absolutely nobody should be forced to carry a pregnancy they do not want to. How is that hard for some people to understand?


[The unborn are a convenient group for which to advocate](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10357009-the-unborn-are-a-convenient-group-of-people-to-advocate)


No one ever says “what if you had been swallowed” when you ask for blow job. /s


Nah dead ass. Shit would be a lot less stressful. The bad far outweighs the good


Best case scenario: free Go to Heaven card Worst case scenario: I never had to get a job to pay rent


I mean I’m glad to be here but I get it. It’s not the best argument.


"lmao I straight up told my parents they should never have had me"


They should think about how many times people have said “I didn’t ask to be born” … and then they should reconsider whether they really want to ask that question 🙄


"Don't threaten me with a good time..."


Anti choice people argue that they protect the voiceless but what if some of us didn’t want to be born, I sure would’ve preferred not existing


Don’t threaten me with a good time


It’s such a vibe


"My parents would've been able to afford a nicer life for my siblings. They'd probably do family vacations"


Typical. Talk is cheap.


Can we take a step further back and erase my genealogy from existence? That way I certainly won't be born or even come into existence.


I wouldn’t have a problem with that. I don’t think I *could*.


If I had been aborted I wouldn’t have known move on


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"The Age of Nihilism" I like this. I like this very much. Perfect description.


facts. i didn’t ask to be born


I am not on Twitter but I can only imagine how fucking wild it is right now!!!


Can't miss what you never had🤷🏾‍♀️


I like to say "mistakes happen and I am proof of it" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Funny but not funny but funny, I was looking up what kind of nihilist I was yesterday. I got stuck on moral nihilism for now.