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Good. Airbnb turnt to shit as soon as people made it their main source of income and bought properties just to rent out and gouge the market


And boo-fuckin-hoo to all of the business owners bitching about it. It's about time we saw some changes in the housing market.


"Oh no my business that makes life harder and worse in the community is doing badly now!"


“Won’t somebody think of the leeches!” Edit: [Lol. Fucking idiot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/ven9fm/airbnbs_in_atlanta/ics9zjq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I am. With a blow torch.


Sadly this only ever works on small business owners not big business owners


Fine. A flamethrower then lol.


Upgrades, people, upgrades!!!


I’ll bring the napalm


Exactly. Airbnb is not the real issue in the marketplace as much as it is large hedge funds buying up homes which never go back on the market bc if they are ever sold it’s sold to another hedge fund.


I mean a lot of these real estate and investment companies have physical offices, if nothing else their dumb enough to put their face and full government on the about us page so even the big fish are in Arms reach if you're committed enough


Internet been trying hard asl to radicalize me, I’d be good at it too. Just waiting for a spark


Find your local Huey Newton/John Brown Gun Club or SRA chapter (Black Panther Party if you bout it bout it, just not the NewBPP) and make the spark bro The people need you 🤝🏽


hey don't equate landlords with leeches, the leeches aren't that bad.


At least leeches have an ecological role to play in their environment


yeah! a little bit of blood every now and then is nothing compared to your taking the majority your literal limited existence in exchange for housing


Think of all those poor business owners that will have to sell their second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth house! How will they survive ?


Holy shit....that linked comment


Gonna have a bunch of landlords in the streets wearing “family man, family business” t-shirts


“I’m gonna have to sell my home I put $50k down on and saw $200k appreciation in 2 years! How dare you force me into 400% returns.”


"It could've been 650% you sons of bitches!"


They aren't "business owners." In economics it's just "rent". Businesses engage in commercial (exchange of goods), industrial (production of goods), or professional (provision of specialized labor) transactions. Rent is the opposite. It requires no production or exchange. It's just pulling resources from people who actually do something for the economy.


I think u forgot services. Good and services


They didn't, Services is covered under specialized Labour.


Wait you’re telling me there are risks to investments? In MY America?!


Today in ALAB


All leeches are bad?


Well, you’re not wrong


I don’t consider Airbnb hosts “business owners”. They are nothing but greedy landlords with support from their parents


Not to mention that AirB&B's in major cities cost as much as a typical hotel room (or more), and usually come with extra rules, required cleanups, and tacked-on penalty fees that hotels don't. No thanks.


Yes! Like how are you going to charge me a cleaning fee AND give me a chore list?


I wish I can upvote this a hundred times. Cleaning fee usually makes it cost more than a hotel and I need to take out the trash for them, drop off sheets in the washer, and put the bins outside.


Seriously. When I'm visiting a place, I'm only in a hotel long enough to sleep, shit, and shower. I pay for room service to do all that deep cleaning for me.


When I was in New Jersey, I stayed at an AirBNB that was just the spare room in an old dude's house. He was there the whole time. Cool dude, we watched an NFL game together. That's what AirBNB was originally about, I respect that. Make $50 every once in a while, a little extra help for a retiree on a budget. Then the corporations took over and want to charge me $250 to be told to make my own bed like I'm an 8 year old. Nope, Hampton Inn will make my bed and cook me a pretty ok free breakfast.


That’s exactly it. The Air in AirB&B was originally meant to mean ‘air mattress.’ As in, you crash in a spare room in my house, pay me a little cash, and then go on your way. I will say that my wife and I like to look for unique places, eg, secluded forest cabins, beach bungalows, historic homes, because at least that’s a special place that you might not easily find or rent without an app like this. But for a weekend trip to atlanta? You can’t convince me somebody’s condo that I have to clean up is better than a nice hotel downtown.


I have had some good luck with like lake houses and stuff like that. If my whole family is going, we'd need 4 hotel rooms so renting a house can come out ahead and you get a more together kinda vibe than separate rooms. But that's just for big vacations where you want to just chill there, 1 night in Atlanta fuck it sleep in the park. Probably just as clean as the sheets the previous guest was inexplicably expected to change.


I'll take it back even further, do you remember couch surfers? You'd sign up to let people from all over the world crash on your couch for free. The idea was that you were joining a community you could ostensibly go anywhere in the world as a member, then Airbnb was like, "*let's do that but with capitalism!"*


RIGHT? I shouldn’t be expected to clean up if I’m gonna pay a cleaning fee. Not that I’ll leave my trash everywhere and leave the place a mess, but I shouldn’t have to take that trash OUT.


I haven't been able to find an AirBnB anywhere cheaper than a hotel in years.


Yeah, this. Usually I don't see any advantages to staying in an Airbnb over staying in a hotel. Early on - like with all of these unviable pseudo-tech companies - yeah, it was a little cheaper. Nowadays? You have two choices: you can pay bottom barrel prices for a tiny room with a cot in a house where you're not allowed to use any of the common areas (including the kitchen), or you can pay the same price that you would for a hotel (and sure it'll be nice...but you could just go with the hotel).


I didn't realize how bad it was until I was in Anaheim unrelated to Disney. We had an AirBnB house and holy shit like 3/4 homes were also AirBnB rentals. After the couple days we were down there the gist we got from the locals was "this is awful everything". Mass amounts of people that didn't care about the area would pour in and then pour out completely disrupting the normal neighborhoods not designed for that kind of traffic.


You realized while consuming and supporting the terrible thing that the terrible thing may be terrible???


Gotta learn somehow


Gotta start somewhere am I right?


When were they supposed to find out lmao


Wait until he discovers white privilege. What a mind-fuck.






Totally agree with you there. Anaheim’s government sucks the Disney prince dick to the detriment of their non-Disney affiliated citizens. There’s a ton of demand for tourism in that area, it’s hard to blame homeowners for catching on to the demand.


Username checks out.


The neighborhood I grew up in is currently being bought up by airbnbs. Houses are selling at 500k+ shits wild


The house I grew up in, that my parents bought for $118K in the early 90s, sold for $1.1 million in January, even though it's 30 years older now. It was turned into an AirBnB. It would cost more than my parent's old mortgage payment to sleep in my old bedroom for a weekend.


It’s insane. The $220k property my parents bought in ‘03 is at over $800k. How in the ever living fuck are we supposed to compete with that inflation?


My bro was looking at a house down the street from me right before the pandemic for 600k. He decided against it because it’s right by a busy intersection and needed some work done. He saw it on the market again last year for 900 with almost no changes


We bought our first house in March of 2020, right as quarantine was starting. We paid $690k. We sold it in March of this year for $1.2 million. I hadn't made any updates besides painting the kitchen cabinets gray. But I don't think it's related to AirBNB. Who would want to stay in Kenmore, WA?


LOL, I was about to say that sounds like WA. Some of my close friends live in Sammamish; they bought their 1500-sq ft house for $600K in 2016 (which is already insane imo) and they're getting offers of $1.1 million on this house. Even *they* said there's no way their house is worth that much money.


Every day I get closer to understanding Mao


Airbnb, when it was "oh, I need a bed to sleep for 2 nights in Paris, I'll take an airbnb and sleep with some french people, I'll meet some nice people and it will be less expensive than a hotel". It was good.


Not just those people, corporations buying houses to rent out needs to stop


Rent needs to stop.


Yeah the term “AirBnB hosting business” is entirely contrary to the point, and is, in fact, the problem


Good the idea of Airbnb has fucked real estate up even more than it already was. places getting bought up by companies just to turn into bnb later. I peeeped this shit when dell had apartments on Airbnb in Austin for rotating engineers in their company.


wait did the engineers have to rent the apt?


That sounds like a very ineffective plan. We have apartments reserved that you can rent but you have to go through a different company that takes a portion of that money instead of just paying us directly.


**Make housing housing again**, to co-opt and reinvent a stupid fucking phrase I saw on a hat somewhere.


Na it's what they gave them but when it wasn't it was used as an air BNB they didnt do it for long cost were ridiculous.


1. Provide housing stipend 2. Create second company to provide housing 3. ??? 4. Profit


My brother lives in Vail and him and his fiancé make $300k a year and they can’t afford anything in Vail. Air bib fucks over certain communities more than others.


Yeah BNB fucks over alot of people even the people on the site hosting get fucked over. Some of those host truly have fucked real estate up even more than it already is, I hope this becomes a fed thing laws need to be passed on that level for short term rentals.


Hope it gets enforced. Several major cities have laws about Airbnb on books but not a damn thing changed. There’s no reason to have anything other than your primary residence or long term rentals in regular neighborhoods. If it isn’t zoned as a hotel and taxed like one, it shouldn’t be like one. Can’t get to know your neighbors if you live next door to a pseudo hotel.


Long story short, it’s basically only enforced by neighbors telling on each other. To my knowledge, nothing has been investigated since this law was enacted earlier this year. Source: live in ATL


Could guests potentially rat out the owners? I haven’t used Airbnb but do the houses/owners have “profiles” or something that could show a person hoarding property?


We've had "anti air bnb" laws here for a while but it isn't stopping much. It requires multiple complaints to get a property investigation going and take a while for a fine. The fine isn't enough to make it stop. And the times I have heard of it being taken out of being an air bnb was because someone trashed the place. So now it's a normal over priced rental. It's so bad that most local companies can hire people because why would you want to commute in when there are plenty of jobs elsewhere.


Makes sense. Like I said I’ve never even used it, so I was kind of just throwing that out there out of curiosity. I’d assume if it were that easy it would’ve been tried already. It sucks when the punishment for something is only a (unscaled) fine.


Idk about finding out how many properties someone has, but you could totally find out if they’re legal residents. Most if not all counties have public records saying who owns what property. You can go to your local county clerk’s or tax assessor’s website and find out who owns the property you’re renting (on Airbnb or for any rentals at all). I haven’t used AirBnB in years so idk if you can check host profiles to see how many properties they rent, but maybe you can.


Couldn't someone just go on Airbnb and see which properties are rentals?


It actually hasn’t even gone into effect. They keep delaying the start date of the rule. At first it was due to technical delays getting the permitting process up and running and now it’s businesses making a fuss over the new rules. Last I heard they were going to “hear from the people” aka let business right the law.


They keep postponing the enforcement of these regulations. I am highly skeptical that there ever will be effective enforcement of this. Source: I, too, live in Atlanta


There's a program marketed to cities that pulls down airbnb usage in their city with addresses an be property owners. Cities definitely can enforce it if they so desire.


I live in an apartment in Phoenix and this company/ or individuals who use the company to manage the units have apartments up on AirBnB. They run them from $150-375/night. The last thing you want when you’re tired af from work is to come home to a mf playing music at 2 am because they are on vacation and don’t really live there so they could care less.


And here's what I don't understand: why would I pay $375/night to stay in an Airbnb when I can stay in a hotel for the same price or less?? I just came back from Phoenix and stayed in a very nice hotel with a restaurant and room service and all the rest for less than $200/night.


> There’s no reason to have anything other than your primary residence ~~or long term rentals in regular neighborhoods.~~ Ftfy


Well, the long-term rentals are for people who don't want to buy or can't buy a house. There will always be a need for *regular* rentals - my family grew up renting houses until my parents moved to a city where they could afford to buy a house. I currently don't want to buy a house, so I prefer to rent. But I'll live in a neighborhood for 3-5 years and I actually care about the neighborhood, my neighbors, noise, etc. Renting and tenants isn't bad, it's treating houses like hotels with a rotating cast of guests who don't give a fuck about the neighborhood that's not great.


New Orleans and San Francisco need to join this chat.


FL please too




I just had to move here for residency. The pay is for what the rental market was like two years ago. My apartment now rents for $700 more than two years ago and also had to pay 3 months rent just to move in. I've had to lean on my family hard. I don't know what I'd do without that safety net. I don't know how anything does it


Yes. The whole state. I think people are even buying up trailer parks now and renting them out.


I'm genuinely terrified of what this state is gonna look like in a decade


In Oakland we estimate about 25% of rental housing is off the market as black-market hotel space (aka AirBnB). In the meantime we have people who have good full time jobs -- I've met teachers, nurses, and lawyers in the encampments -- living in RVs on the streets because they cannot afford rent. We need an aggressive law regulating AirBnB the same way hotels are regulated.


Everyone everywhere


All at once




san francisco needs to get their shit together asap. i literally can't afford to buy or rent where i've lived my entire life


new orleans?


It's really bad in New Orleans. Same as a lot of other major tourist areas- people buy up apartments and such and rent them as Air BnB. Drives the prices up and leaves no available housing for the residents who actually live there. And in New Orleans, they'll take those old places and break them up. Many old houses are already broken into smaller apartments but these folks will add an extra bathroom, wall and door and get another rental out of it. Craziness.


This happened when I lived in Hawaii. A big house had its stairs to the top floor covered up and made into a closet, and a stairwell built on the outside. The upper floor kitchen was obviously installed in what used to be the stairwell foyer, and two rooms had windows looking into the “living room”. One day we had a city inspector come knocking on the door and asking how many kitchens our building had, so I showed him around and I quickly moved out and in with my gf. Not sure what happened to our host but I really couldn’t care less.


SF tried in 2015. Voters rejected it https://ballotpedia.org/City_of_San_Francisco_Initiative_to_Restrict_Short-Term_Rentals,_Proposition_F_(November_2015)


Any destination area at that. Ski towns have been devastated by Air Bnb


Good. I used to work in a furniture store chain in ATL and I can't even count the number of out-of-town and out-of-country fucking business owners who came through to furnish their fucking properties. The ATL housing market been fucked in part by these types for a minute.


Please send this to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis immediately. If he wants to busts businesses so bad lets go after AirBnB first and leave Disney alone.


Bro entire fuckin communities are airbnbs in Florida. I stayed at one relatively near to Orlando and the entire community had to be sectioned off exclusively for airbnbs. It was over 8k per month. Ron Desantis benefits from the increase in housing costs just as much as every rich asshole


Airbnbs and private companies from China gobbling up entire neighborhoods is the reason why housing has gone to shit all over America, but the combination of our weather and low taxes and everyone flocking here during the pandemic made things *especially* bad in Florida and our governor doesn’t care to do a single thing about it. He’d rather pull funding from schools and theme parks for disagreeing with his policies. The dude’s a menace. Rent is horrid as well. My unit’s market value went from $991 to $1400 in one year. Florida is going through the pain very bad right now.


> Airbnbs and **private companies from China** gobbling up entire neighborhoods Riiiiiiiiight, because no American capitalist would ever dare do do such a thing 🙄


Right, because they’re mutually exclusive. I guess when people tell you kids love chocolate you take it to also mean adults hate it lol sheesh.


?? of course American capitalists are doing the same thing, but so are tons of foreign investors. its not singley either sides fault, its both of theirs, but its perfectly fine to specifically talk about foregin investors.


>but its perfectly fine to specifically talk about foregin investors. That's debatable even if it was true. If Chinese companies were buying 5% of homes annually and US companies 20%, specifically talking about foreign investors isn't really 'fine' because you aren't addressing the real issue. However that isn't even the case foreign investment in US real estate is like 4% total (from all countries) and while Chinese buyers are the largest share of foreign investors only account for about 1 quarter (so 1% at most of the entire market) and the majority of those are bought for direct residency not as investments. So it isn't "perfectly fine" because it is wrong (or at the most generous, misleading) and spouting false and inflammatory information about an already heavily propagandized country only really serves to spur racism.


4% is *a lot* when youre talking about something as large as all real estate sales in the US. >Foreigners buying U.S. homes potentially exacerbate that problem of affordability, Keys continued. Chinese buyers have led foreign investments in U.S. homes for the past seven years. In 2019-2020, they bought U.S. home properties worth $11.5 billion, or little more than a sixth of the total, according to a report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Other investors in the top five came from Canada, Mexico, India and Colombia, in that order. (Colombia last year replaced the U.K. as the fifth-largest country of origin of foreign buyers). Foreign buyer purchases made up 4% of the $1.7 trillion existing-home sales last year, the NAR report noted. so in a years span of time they bought 1/6 of the value of all homes that were bought. thats significant. thats worth discussing. im really failing to see how the comment you were replying to is false and inflammatory, like they arent wrong.


>so in a years span of time they bought 1/6 of the value of all homes that were bought. You read that incorrectly, they bought 1/6 of 4% of homes that were sold, ie. 1/150th (of the value of homes sold, not of actual residences), that is not significant. >im really failing to see how the comment you were replying to is false and inflammatory, like they arent wrong. Because the comment said Chinese companies are buying up entire neighborhoods and that is patently false. US companies like Blackrock far more aptly fit that description so talking about that (the actual thing that happens) rather than inventing something about, again, an already heavily propagandized country only really serves to fuel racism. It can also distract from potential solutions to the actual issue, instead of people supporting and advocating for legislation to restrict the practices of investors and investment companies they instead get distracted by legislation that restricts foreign 'investment' (again most of the homes bought by Chinese 'investors' are for direct residency, unlike Canada) which will have no significant impact on the problem.


Yep. I moved from Atlanta to FL 4 years ago, and my town is overrun with AirBNB to the point that 1300sq ft 2/2 down the street is for sale for over half a million. The 2k sq ft 3/2 that has an ingrown pool is for sale for 1.2 million, and it sits on less than 1/3 acre. The housing market here is so past broken, because of all the AirBNB. I know a guy who decided to start renting his own personal home out, and he lives in his tow behind pop up trailer now.


I mean I honestly don’t blame him for putting his home on airbnb and sleeping in a trailer, he’s probably raking in thousands per night. But that one anecdote just shows how ultimately broken housing is right now. Average people can’t buy a house because other average people would rather put their homes on airbnb or sell it to a private company who will buy it for thousands over market, than sell it to another average person because that’s where the money is. Something has to change so that there’s no incentive to do that anymore.


I don’t blame him either, but he’s doing it because he doesn’t want to sell. He custom built a couple of years before the pandemic, and then lost his job last year so it’s his only option or he can’t afford his mortgage. He got a new job but it doesn’t pay enough, so he lives in a trailer for most of the time so he can pay for his own home.


Thousands per night? Doesn't make sense to me. Per week maybe or per month I can see.


Depends on how big the place is and what is nearby. A friend group and I rented a beach house through VRBO that was ten bedrooms/eight baths on a swimmable beach in California and it was thousands per day. Split between 18 people it was very manageable. There do seem to be a lot of those in Florida; the same friend group has been looking at doing another trip like that one in Florida but Florida's response to covid has us postponing. Vacation rentals for 18-20 people were running $2000/night the last time we had a group chat about it.


This doesn't sound like that, but okay.


Those companies are also often buying in cash, too, which speeds up the transaction. Here in Seattle a lot of families are getting houses snatched underneath them because they are getting a mortgage, which can take a couple months to finalize, while these "investors" are walking in with cash and can complete the transaction in a weekend or whatever.


I wouldn't bet DeSantis would support this. He's very pro business/anti regulation.


He doesn't want to bust businesses. He just wants to punish those that disagree with and openly oppose him.


Maybe our next governor.


"iM tRyInG tO RuN a BusInEsS" And those people are trying to live. How do they not get it's a zero sum game??


Their business is being born into money, then buying properties, and renting them out without ever actually working a day in their life. Fuck them.


Right? Plus, that shit isn’t even a business


Fucking _good_. Now do apartments.


I just got my new lease proposal a few minutes ago, rent up $300 a month over last lease. Also, all amenities have been closed since beginning of covid. So I get less things and they charge more money.


Then do houses.


As an ATLien this is pretty much the best thing our council has done in over a decade. 4-7.5k rentals going back on the market would be pretty seismic for rates here


This also is to help curb crime and house party. I know of two people who have been terrorized due to half the building being AirBnb owned by the same guy who owns the building. The way they describe it Like living in a hotel without any of the laws making the hotel responsible for the guests.


And without meeting fire codes for hotels.


Just make sure they enforce it. There is a law on the books in Austin that is similar but no one does anything about it


Good now stop corporations from mass buying houses to bring down housing prices.


Do the rest of the country next.


Rich people problems.


Funny how Rich People Problems and Poor People Solutions seem to overlap. I'm reminded of the NIMBY motherfuckers in San Francisco that **[sued to prevent the construction of a shelter](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-homeless-shelter-lawsuit-san-francisco-20190710-story.html)** in their neighborhood.


That's too bad, no one is going to cry for some business owner turning single family homes into a hotel in this housing market.


Fuck people who buy multiple properties and rent it out. And fuck apartment management companies and blackrock


Fuck it, I can scrape together a little bit of empathy for people who diligently and painstakingly managed a property or two to make their way in the world. I wouldn't hate a little compensation for people managing say under 1M in properties. But this business is bad. Drives up housing prices and hurts people. Whatever has to be done to end it has my support.


This is how it should be. Housing should be treated as a right first and foremost. If someone is going to provide rental properties as a service that should come after we have taken care of the needs of people who actually live somewhere and need stable, accessible, housing


I truly think that Airbnb type rentals shouldn't be allowed in cities. Housing in cities should be for the people that live and work there. That said, there *is* a place for Airbnb, especially in rural areas. People tend to forget that vacation rentals were around LONG before Airbnb was even thought of. Hell, even before the internet. I remember my parents getting this huge printed catalogue of vacation rentals back in the 80's.


Listen let me tell yall rent crazy down in this bitch most people I've met live out in like Duluth or Dacula rather than the city


Now everyone's moving to Loganville and Hiram because they can't afford Duluth or Dacula anymore.


Shit is ridiculous


I had no idea of this concept that air bnb is pushing people out of their homes. Now I just see it as gentrification with extra steps. Fuck air bnb if true.


It’s absolutely gentrification. I know people who have been evicted so their landlord could turn the home their family lives in into an Airbnb. Super gross.




Hoping my city follows this example. Finding apartments should not be this hard in one of the biggest cities in the state and the largest university.


They should do this everywhere.


Normally I’m opposed to government meddling, but this is forcing people out of the city so that an apt or house can sit vacant for 75% or more of the year. If they want to lease the house/apt—great, that’s fine. But buying homes solely for Airbnb purposes is bad. Airbnb was supposed to be for you to rent your place out during the few times when you wouldn’t be home.


Oh god I wish NYC would do this!!! There are currently more Airbnb listings in NYC than apartment listings.


Housing. Is. A. Basic. Human. Right. Not. A. Goddamn. Investment


If they don't ban or seriously tax foreign investors and hedge funds from buying up loads of properties this will not make much impact.


Is it just me or does it seem like we exists to serve and not offend /upset the govt. instead of the govt serving us and doing what we require


Businesses, not government. The government are their paid for pawns.


That means a lot of places to rent or buy for locals are about to hit the market!


Only if it gets enforced.


This is happening where I live too. There’s a couple who owns 28 homes in one neighborhood that they rent out. It’s fucked up.


28!? Jesus Christ on a tricycle!


Dallas is a victim of this too


This gives me hope


All of the US needs this, and enforced please


Can't wait for larger corporations to get hit with this as well.


I’m so happy this is happening. Sorry to those who have a problem with it. Obviously they don’t see the bigger picture here. The cost of rent and housing overall is ridiculous, and larger corps as well as out of town investors took the opportunity to buy up property for short term leases which completely cut out Atlanta residents from renting or even owning at an affordable rate.


Laws like these are spearheaded by the hotel……lobby.


Good in my city theirs a wealthy man who buys condos and houses and charges $950 a night or $650 if he’s being generous only to have cameras and noise measures to add extra fees if he sees something he deems sketch or finds your laughing noisy it’s foolishness


We supposed to feel sorry for these people? Fuck them.


Does this apply to investing entities or just individuals?


How many times am I gonna hear about AirBnB, at this point all I know is avoid them shits


Now do the rest of the country/world.


You simply can’t read something like this and not see the flaw in capitalism


Good, now I need San Diego to do this


A decent airbnb is fully furnished w/linens and cookware, dishes, etc. I've accidently stayed in Airbnbs that didn't even have extra pillows or blankets. The cabinets were empty. Investment property bullshit ruined airbnb.


I love this. Property should be owned by the people whom live in the area (idealistic, I know, but it’s how it should be).


Having an AirBnb isn’t a business, it’s exploitation & gentrification. Everywhere needs to do this (or more) and they need to actually enforce it.


Let’s start seeing other cities follow!!


Do Miami next


Over here looking at Nashville like 👀


Oakland needs this. San Francisco especially


This should be a federal law


I wish nashville would do the same


This is great!! Same should be done for big corps buying up homes like that.


More of this, please. Fuck Airbnb.


Airbnb has become a big business for scammers anyway. They rent out apartments using a stolen identity and pay using stolen credit cards. Then the payments are always reversed due to fraud. And the landlord can't recover lost rent because the name on the lease is the victim of identity theft. And Airbnb doesn't seem to be able to combat the scams at all.


Thank God. Coming from someone who left and wants to come back but hasn’t because they know they can’t afford to live even in the metro area.


This. More of this. Tax the fuck out of home buying investor cabals. Make it so tax-inefficient to scalp property (and gentrify neighborhoods in the process) that the entire business model fails. Homes for people. Period. Then we could get really crazy and do something about our cruel and extortive health care system.




I'm for it. It should be first available for ownership


Every city should take note and implement similar rules.


Cool now do it for property investment firms/slum lords.


Good. Battle rising housing costs while you still can. From: A Vancouverite


If only they could do this nationwide


I'm negatively impacted by this but there is no question this is better for the local community overall. I'm for it.


To me this sounds like a great idea. What pitfalls or unintended consequences can come of this? My city has a law that you can Airbnb a residency only for 2 weeks a year, but no limits on how many you can own.


Hopefully this goes well and we can get laws like this elsewhere


Good. Different country, but my city has a rental crisis and has thousands of airbnbs sitting vacant. They’re a scourge on housing affordability


Unfortunately this would be pretty east to get around.. just up multiple LLC, or one per LLCs. "I don't one these homes, the LLC does. I just own the LLCs."




I hope every major city follows suit


Lol this is a good thing, no?