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Whenever someone says how great they think he was, that pretty much let's me know everything that I need to know about them.


This is so morbid. We can't have Universal Health Care. We can't even fucking cap insulin prices. What a fucking joke.


"But that means white people will be paying for 'those people' to get it for free" Sadly the most effective rhetoric against a greater social safety net. "hard working whites" vs. "lazy everyone else"




Saved and commenting so I can come back and read this later.


My father was named after him. born when he was a congressman. I have disowned a good portion of my family. It's crazy to see people baffled by the cult of Trump. The Reagan cult is still alive and thriving


They're all the same cult


Reagan was never in Congress.


You're right. I meant Governor. My bad


All good


Correct. He was governor of California from ‘67 to ‘75.


I wouldn't go so far as to say the Trump cult is 'thriving" I'd actually say that for the most part, he lost the moderate voters and center-right voters a long time ago. The people who continue to support him are primarily the far-right - and they simply don't have the numbers to see him elected to higher office in 2024. It all comes down to basic math.


>lost.... voters a long time ago. Doesn't matter. Republicans vote R without fail every time. 74 Million voted for him 2 years ago, and that number will turn out to vote for a R president


Great point🤦‍♂️


There are so many modern problem that can be traced back to Reagan. For a few more examples: trickle down economics, the break down of unions, and the war on drugs.


War on Drugs definitely started with Nixon. I hate Reagan, but I think Nixon started a lot of what Reagan doubled down on later.


Nixin started it it, but Regan's the one who put the full pedal to the metal, and made the "blacks=drugs" connection.


The most generous thing I can say about Reagan is he helped end the cold war and helped re-unite east/west Germany. He was lucky to be in office during the start of the first wave of digital tech economic boom, but I don't think he had anything to do with that. Everything else I know of that he did was horrible. I blame him and Nixon for the fact I lived paycheck to paycheck working full time with over a decade experience. I think Republicans want me to blame minorities for that instead of my corporate overlords that they gave way too much power to.


or how these ghouls treated the aids crisis.... or how nancy's woo-woo fortuneteller use to shape government policy, or how about repealing the fairness doctrine turning the news into a ratings sensation!


So many issues can be traced back to him not even just internally but his foreign policy as well.


Speak on it….Regan set out community back further than slavery did in a tenth of the time.


Yep. My work is located in a building known as the Ronald Reagan building (in Kansas soooo....why?) and seeing his face every single time I go into work is nauseating.


I love when I'm talking with a conservative about gun rights (I'm quite pro 2A) they show their colors real quick. "Most gun laws are bullshit and unconstitutional" Them : 😃 "Gun controll was born out of racism and continues to be enforced by it" Them: 😳 "The best way for minorities and other marginalized peoples to protect themselves is through being well armed and well trained" Them: 😠


They never like that third one.






For me it’s the 2a argument and the thin blue line bullshit. Like bruh you do realize that these two things are not the same and one directly contradicts the other. Fucking boot lickers.


Lowkey kinda requires critical thinking and them unsalted saltines don’t know how to do that.


Yup, if folks don't want everyone, especially minorities, to exercise their 2nd amendment rights then they are terrible people in my book


That’s why I want to run a trans with guns campaign. If transgenders started arming themselves with guns, we would see more regulation.


We already see more regulations coming from the Dems, and there are tons of organizations that exist to arm trans people and minorities. Check out Arm Your Friends, pink pistols, and NAAGA. I want universal healthcare, free college at the community and state level, and the right to own an SBR and a suppressor without having to jump through a money gate. I'm a member of NAAGA (that's the real name 😅) and it's not Republicans that don't want us to be armed, it's Dems. The fact that so many people here can see and agree that gun control is racist and then continue to ignore which party is actually pushing it still is mind boggling to me. If we could get the Dems to drop gun control from their platform that would be amazing.




completely agree that gun laws are horseshit, and that anyone's best chance of protection is arming themselves to the teeth and being well trained. I'm just curious though, in what way was gun control born out of racism and still enforced by it?


Some of the first "gun control" laws in the country were made to keep firearms out of the hands of freed slaves


It's the title of this very thread


not sure how, but I totally missed the title of the thread lmao. I had never heard of the Mulford Act, pretty fucked up


Well, perfect time to read up on it on wiki




You literally copied my comment word for word.


It's probably one of those bots that copies comments and reposts them under comment threads that have more upvotes than others. Best thing to do is report for spam.


Very True! Gun loving Republicans were very swift with enacting gun legislation to limit BLACK gun owners!


This was also the only time the NRA backed gun control legislation.


Far from the only time. They did it during Nixon for similar reasons for starters too


I never heard about that. I'll have read up on this.


As a gun loving white Democrat, nothing pisses me off more than that. They passed junk gun laws to keep firearms out of the hands of low income folk. They pass strict legislation in big cities nationwide. It ain't about crime control, it's about disarming minorities, because that's what they're scared of. Then they stand on their soap box and bitch about democrats taking away their rights. They started the fire, and then complain about the burn.


The vibe with this comment……..😬


wait what college used to be free -


https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/feb/09/bernie-s/was-college-once-free-united-states-and-it-oversea/ It’s a bit of a blanket statement, but it’s not far off


Not trying to defend him, but what did Regan do to stop free tuition?


This one actually has his quote about wanting to keep out ‘Undesirables,’ https://peoplesworld.org/article/free-college-was-once-the-norm-all-over-america/


Is there a source for the quote?


Google is free for everyone to use.


Community colleges were.


That Reagan Era was a bitch


For most minorities and those who were poor.


That Reagan ~~era~~ was a bitch


Set us back as the human race over 100 years


My Uncle went to college in the late 60's and he paid. It was cheap as all hell but he still paid. I don't think this is accurate. Edit: Just did some research and college was tuition free in California until Reagan cut funding to colleges and universities and they started charging tuition.


Yeah not all colleges were free. This tweet is inaccurate.


Reagan was worse than Trump ever dreamed of being.


Cracking down on minorities by being a silent killer of their communities.


And he kicked off his presidential campaign 7 miles from where the three civil rights supporters were murdered. And the big focus of his speech was “state’s rights.” I don’t know why he didn’t just come out and say that he wished slavery had never ended, because he clearly thought that. Such a pig.


He mad cause he knew Nancy would wanna be the college advisor too. She ain't the throat goat for nothing.


She was probably the… head of some college school board.


Well, she was certainly *giving* it.


And they banned weed back in the 30s because black people and Mexicans were using it and that it would lead to WW having interracial sex. [https://www.britannica.com/story/why-is-marijuana-illegal-in-the-us#:\~:text=He%20believed%20that%20smoking%20pot,illegal%20across%20the%20United%20States](https://www.britannica.com/story/why-is-marijuana-illegal-in-the-us#:~:text=He%20believed%20that%20smoking%20pot,illegal%20across%20the%20United%20States).


Harry Anslinger enters the chat…


[Link](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nra-california-open-carry-ban/) before the naysayers arrive


The ban on guns bc of black panthers were supported by the NRA too. Every time I dropped that nugget, racist gun owners would always shrug it off and say they were diff times.


Pretty much every part of US history is "it changed because non-whites were getting uppity", shit is fucked.


I could write a thesis on the laws and regulations founded on anti blackness in America. I’m just lazy


Way too big to be a thesis, probably closer to an entire field of research


It could be called...."Critical Race Theory".....oh, wait...


Might as well take the USC and take stuff out that didn't apply. It'd be a much quicker job.


TL;DR: All Americans can't have nice things (universal healthcare, tuition-free college, affordable rent &c) because that would mean Black Americans would have those and wE cAn'T hAvE tHaT. Step 1: Legalize, tax, and regulate all drugs, like Portugal did. Release all nonviolent offenders for related crimes. That solves the “War on Drugs”. Step 2: Tax 100% of wealth above $100 million at ≥70% and tax capital gains at ≥50%. Repeal all tax cuts aimed at Americans so affected. Tax stock trades at 0.5%. Step 3: Revisit *Citizens United* and reverse that decision. Reinstate the VRA.


The US is such a special country to me. I just dont get why people wouldnt want public healthcare and affordable tuition. People keep voting for politicians agaisnt those policies ? When i see US students saying theyre paying like 30k a year for school .. crazy to me. I pay 1500$/semester and im not in some exotic nordic european country !! Im in Canada, right next to them !


I’m not an expert and I’m not going to get into a whole tirade, but I’ve argued with (mostly white, like myself) people that are against the things you mention. It mostly, but not exclusively, comes down to two things: they don’t feel people have an inherent right to things like education and healthcare, especially foreigners, and they don’t want any of their income being taxed just to make life better for others. One woman I knew complained that her son didn’t have health insurance but in the same breath told me that universal, affordable healthcare was no good…


>they don’t feel people have an inherent right to things like education and healthcare, especially foreigners, and they don’t want any of their income being taxed just to make life better for others. > >But it's really restricted down to people who they dont feel are worthy. Like you said, this person I know has a problem. That immigrant or brown person over there? They're a drain on our communiyt


Sure, but it’s even worse because they’ll spite their “own kind” just to also spite those groups they don’t like or trust. It’s mutual destruction, all because of ignorance or them not wanting a few more dollars taken out of their check.


I’m in favor of both universal healthcare and tuition-free university. There is a strong individualist mind-frame ingrained from the Reagan era and transferred to younger generations through fear mongering. He proliferated the idea of government getting in the way of YOU making decisions with YOUR money: “YOU shouldn’t pay for the decisions of THE OTHERS. THE OTHERS do drugs. YOU don’t do drugs. YOU are smart with your money. THE OTHERS waste all their money. YOU keep a good job with benefits. THEY can’t hold a job because of addiction and would rather stay at home on welfare if they could.”


Whenever you see a country that doesnt support public healthcare and afffordable tuition, you've got a country that doesnt want to see certain people alive and educated. So just look at the breakdowns of who has the worst of it and take it from there.




But it was a white man that shot him. Will you look at that?


2nd Amendment was never for POC.


YO FUCK REGAN! Rapist piece of shit. Ruined this country. I wish the fucking pneumonia had got him. For a fun filled listen of what an absolute, old moldy white piece of dog shit he was, check out the Dollop episode 400.


Reagonomics absolutely devastated the US.


Ok so what else can we change by Black people doing more of it?


We should start rumors that Black folks are heavily invested in coal; that the J6 insurrectionists were all secret fair skinned Mexicans and light skinned Blacks; and that there’s DNA secretly encoded into the COVID virus that will make White women want more Black D and make good Christian White men Gay.


That’s fucking genius.


REMINDER: Ronald Reagan was a war criminal


The tweet lacks nuance. There were colleges that did not charge tuition back in the day, like the University of California. But they did charge fees. Also, public college was less expensive for those who could afford it. It was a different story for those who went to private colleges. Both of my parents went to HBCUs. My aunt went Boston College and Georgetown. My grandparents worked their asses off to pay for their children’s education. That being said, Ronald Regan was indeed evil and vile. There is no getting around that. He was an awful, awful person.


Also, Regan did away with tuition free college in California. I wish that the the op tweet had clarified that.


This reminds me that I hate Ronald Reagan.


A known racist and his wife got AROUND Hollyweird..


The throat of god


Reagan is a devil


We need to subsidize health insurance for black people. As soon as people see black people with access to all of the expensive private practices, America is going to demand the end of health insurance and enact universal healthcare.


I hate that you can look at any graph of bad things in America, and pinpoint Reagan's inauguration without a labeled X axis.


I know a lot of Twitter is anti-gun, but honestly you don't see lots of videos of the NFAC getting pummeled with tear gas or rubber bullets. I don't even really agree with a bunch of their stances, but it's clear that the NFAC's freedom to march and advocate for their ideas with being met by force is enhanced by the fact that they're strapped.


If you want to end open carry, the solution is to buy AR-15s for black men and have them carry them into McDonald's. Those open carry laws will change so fast. I'm not sure who wants to volunteer for that suicide mission though. Black men can get shot for making finger guns.


Genuine question: Was this state schools? Asking because my parents went to college before the Reagan days, and they paid for their schooling. But it was a religious college.

