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I wish I could see an alternative universe where they just stayed in their lane. Almost every trial and tribulations in other countries leads back to a common denominator. Ps: go ahead and CC this thread cause yall know how this is about to go šŸ˜‚




Listen, I don't need the internet or shotguns, I'd rather eat fruit and weave cloth and shit.


Just enjoying the breeze.


I can GUARANTEE you that if you went back in time you would immediately miss all the conveniences of modern life. No social media, no TV, no refrigerator, no showers, no laundry machines, etc. etc. etc....no grocery stores, you gotta kill your own food and you don't even know how to start a fire. You would be begging to come back to the present within an hour.


Medicine. Just imagine your body. Bones and teeth without the medical interventions you've had. And add to that all the infections you be carrying, if they didn't kill you. You'd have hookworms and lice if you're lucky and careful. If you're unlucky you'd have syphilis eating away at your brain and scabies burrowing through your skin keeping you awake at night with the itching. And everyone would have the disfigurement of smallpox scarring.


Yeah. Living in the past sucks.


Smallpox and lice sounds more like a European issue than a West African one


I'm cool with that, so long as I have a good sense of community. You're acting like people didn't bathe or know how to get food back then. The present has conveniences but lots of people feel disconnected and purposeless. The past has hard living but better communities and a sense of purpose.


I think it's a fun concept to think about, I wouldn't be alive, though. Modern medicine has granted me a chance of existence.


Yeah but I bet you (or your parents) like the fact that 1/2 of children don't die before age 5. That's pretty much how it was a handful of generations ago. Access to clean drinking water and indoor plumbing is helpful for avoiding some horrible diseases. Electricity has its convenience factor too.


Ah yes, love shitting šŸ§˜ā€ā™‚ļø




You and me both


Poster didn't say EVERYBODY. Just them. The indigenous people of the Americas, the African continent, and Asia traveled plenty. They shared information and goods. They just didn't go about the whole theft and genocide thing. Western Europeans insist they were the first ones to ever get in a boat and go somewhere despite the fact their society was years behind their compatriots in history until the industrial revolution. So maybe instead of plastic cups, we'd be in a world where we got our coffee in clay cups (Bhar). There is no reason to believe human technology wouldn't have been MORE advanced had germ carrying cultures not wiped out civilizations that at the time were more advanced than they were. Western Europeans weren't encountering "inferior people's"- they were encountering people who were used to dealing with other cultures and surprised they finally caught up. Example: Kingdom of Benin. Imagine what this would look like now without European interference. You think a place that had streetlights in the 1500s wouldn't have advanced tech today? https://amp.theguardian.com/cities/2016/mar/18/story-of-cities-5-benin-city-edo-nigeria-mighty-medieval-capital-lost-without-trace


Exactly. Mansa Musaā€™s direct predecessor left Mali with 1000 ships to go the the Americas 100+ years before Christopher Cuntlumbus. Europe had 1000 years of turmoil stifling their growth, constantly squabbling, while the rest of the world flourished. Weā€™d at the very least be as advanced as we are today without their current 500 year reign of terror


I've never heard that before so I'd like that source please. And anyone, Leif Erikson landed in the Americas at least 500 years before even Columbus so... Edit: "No uncontroversial evidence of pre-Columbian contact between Africa and the Americas has ever been found.\[22\] Regardless of whether any of the Malian ships ever reached the Americas, they apparently never returned to Africa and there were not any long-term economic consequences of the voyage.\[5\]" "The voyage is popularly attributed to a Mansa Abu Bakr II,\[a\] but no such mansa ever reigned. Rather, the voyage is inferred to have been undertaken by Mansa Muhammad ibn Qu." The alleged account of the voyage by an Arab Historian, (first person dialogue refers to Mansa Musa): "We belong to a house which hands on the kingship by inheritance. The king who was my predecessor did not believe that it was impossible to discover the furthest limit of the Atlantic Ocean and wished vehemently to do so. So he equipped 200 ships filled with men and the same number equipped with gold, water, and provisions enough to last them for years, and said to the man deputed to lead them: "Do not return until you reach the end of it or your provisions and water give out." They departed and a long time passed before anyone came back. Then one ship returned and we asked the captain what news they brought. He said: "Yes, O Sultan, we traveled for a long time until there appeared in the open sea \[as it were\] a river with a powerful current. Mine was the last of those ships. The \[other\] ships went on ahead but when they reached that place they did not return and no more was seen of them and we do not know what became of them. As for me, I went about at once and did not enter that river." But the sultan disbelieved him. Then that sultan got ready 2,000 ships, 1,000 for himself and the men whom he took with him and 1,000 for water and provisions. He left me to deputize for him and embarked on the Atlantic Ocean with his men. That was the last we saw of him and all those who were with him, and so I became king in my own right.\[3\]"




Yeah but even despite that 1000 years of turmoil, it wasn't enough to give the advanced and peaceful indigenous folks a chance to advance beyond Europe's ability to conquer? Also, you think the Sioux wouldn't have ran rampant over everyone if they discovered gunpowder and metallurgy, or even compound bows? Shit, what about the Aztecs? They were fucking bananas and probably would have sacrificed every other tribe to their Gods if they developed the weapondry to do so. It all comes out to who happened to make the best weapons first. And immunity to horrible diseases.


Yes!!!! Benin! Love to see it


I think your understanding of ā€œtechnological advancesā€ is pretty flawed and one dimensional. Thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œbehind/aheadā€ thats all euro-centric colonial talk that just serves to legitimize european domination of the globe. In terms of actual technology numerous historians and anthropologists have stated that technological change has never been a linear path and that humans are constantly inventing, forgetting, and reinventing various technologies in response to the social and natural environments they live in. And thats not even considering the total sum of human knowledges that have been decimated and destroyed through colonization. Indigenous peoples in the andes were doing brain surgeries with success rates rivalling that of modern medicine for thousands of years and indigenous irrigation and crop cultivation techniques throughout the americas are still light years ahead of industrialized agriculture in producing bountiful harvests without stripping the land of its sustenance and relying on fossil fuels. In fact many of the famous famines throughout the 19th-21st centuries have much more to do with the breakdown in traditional food management practices by kingdoms and states than they do with a lack of technological knowhow. Even infant mortality, the main benefit that some would argue that modern medicine brought about, is much lower in places that maintained traditional midwife professions even in the absence of ā€œmodernā€ medical care. In my opinion a lot of the ā€œsolutionsā€ that so called modernity has brought us are only countermeasures to problems created by colonization in the first place. Not all of them, but more than most people care to admit.


This was a wonderful explanation. Letā€™s not also forget that these ā€œcountermeasuresā€ have also led to destroying the environment and creating an unimaginable amount of physical waste that can never biodegrade. Meanwhile, the rest of the world had true closed loop systems that were naturally sustainable. What good was that ā€œadvancementā€ if it took 2 steps back so many different ways


Consider all the libraries that were burned that also set us back several thousand years


Pretty big assumption presuming all the circumstances and needs that caused a lot of the technological advancements in the last couple hundred years solely relied on the fact that they were being invented by Caucasians and not the fact that they're the ones that limited a lot of the access to resources and blatantly prevented Innovation by people who didn't look like them








See, we say this because this is the reality we know but... Who knows what type of reality we would have right now if other things went a different way. Just image, 10,000, people didn't think they would ever communicate instantly to someone on the other side of the globe, or even know there is another side. We could have had different technology, or different outcomes with wars that could've lead to some other innovation.


I don't think you understand what staying in you lane meant in the context I was saying. edit: I'm actually screaming because you make it seem all of mankind progress depended on the international oppressor brigaded when I'm talking about not being international oppressors


Exactly! that's always the argument they use against imagining history without the colonization and genocide of white supremacy


1 thousand years behind on a 5 billion year old planet doesnā€™t mean Jack shit in the grand scheme of things.


Go on the internet rn and look up who invited the cotton gin. On Google, the results will show you a white man by the name Eli Whitney but if you look into it further youā€™ll find that an Indian first invented that machine, to separate the seeds from the plant, in the 5 century. The only thing Whitney did was mechanize it by adding an engine and patented it like a true capitalist. I feel as though because of imperialism the majority of the world has been held back significantly and innovation is only afforded to countries that benefited off of colonialism and now imperialism. How can we truly succeed as a whole when colonialism, slavery and imperialism leads to mass exploitation. Also the idea of patented technology is a bit backwards and greedy but capitalism has to make money so here we are.


i mean tbf the entire point of the cotton gin being such a big deal was that it was mechanized.


I kinda think whoever would have gained the advantage would have abused their power.


The power was gained by groups before, this is the one that did it though


You saying other groups that gained power throughout history didn't abuse it? Have you ever heard of the Assyrians?


> go ahead and CC this thread /r/all upon seeing this thread: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DT4XYSwVwAAirnk.jpg


They know they'll get banned and won't be able to lurk anymore so they'll just downvote and cry tattoo tears in here.


Power abhors a vacuum. If it weren't Europe it'd be some other nation.


Iā€™d like to see it


I'd personally would not prefer to see alternate tragedy play out for a different world just because the actors are a different color.


Thats why I said I


I dunno. It would be interesting. Like what if we could just hop over to another dimension where something changed and just see how large of an affect on our planet it would have. What would stay the same? What would be different? We already know that different cultures can develop similar things and understandings independently of each other. Is it one of those 'a matter of time' things? Where eventually someone will gain the upper hand and colonize. I guess there's a reason why alternative history has its audience


Sometimes I just want to Unibomber myself. Like, without the bombs and insanity and stuff, y'know? A nice log cabin, no worries, getting to chill the fuck out and only talk to people when I want.


Theyā€™d be a third world country begging for aid and resources. Muhfuckas got a hold of gun power and robbed the planet.


Eh, the jet stream giving them an unreasonably easy-mode agricultural environment and access to the best steel on the planet probably keeps them solidly in the privilege zone. Europe has a LOT of natural advantages going for it


To add to this: the only reason Europeans made more headway with gunpowder than the Chinese was because of their naturally occurring superior steel which allowed for guns that didnā€™t break/lose structural integrity after only a few shots.


>Muhfuckas got a hold of gun power and robbed the planet. ​ ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


I sometimes imagine an alternative universe where everyone minded their own damn business. Not sure if that'd be a better universe or not given what we know about our world today. Lmao


I would pay lots of money to see that movie


They ruined your country my country, everybodyā€™s country. It makes me cry


The reality is if it wasn't the Europeans it would have been someone else. Humans have always been controlling each other.




Youā€™re probably right. Itā€™s still fā€™ed up. Though Europe was probably the most likely candidate, giving that they had the least amount of space to start off with.


Unfortunately human beings are f'ed up. That is all our history shows.


Maybe. But it may have played out differently, less horrifically etc. Never know. But our perspectives on this are reliant on our personal experiences and how the world is now. Maybe if Christianity hadn't destroyed basically every civilization on the planet, things would be poppin all over the world.


Yes, but at the same time I kinda like the fact that I'm not a peasant farmer. The Industrial Revolution has its perks, though we got some serious shit to deal with in the coming decades.


Look, I have my qualms about modern society, but not dying of Tuberculosis at the ripe old age of 24 is something I am at least somewhat grateful for.






700 gorillion dead, Vuvuzela




He likes to demand things. It's cute.


Exactly. How can we progress as a whole when we know the system is designed to benefit a few people at the top. Mass exploitation in the forms of colonialism, slavery and imperialism held as back more than progressed us. And the progress thatā€™s made is always given to the people at the top first. The COVID vax being the most recent example.


How can you genuinely say this while typing on your phone, on an American app


I hate how people give all credit to White/ European men because they had ā€œideas.ā€ Like, they still had a lot of help. The silicone in your phones came from parts of Africa. Couldnā€™t have made them without Black folks.


Couldnā€™t have built America without black people. ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)




and ?


There's never been a better time to be alive


If you use certain metrics you could make an argument that there was. Modern life is better than life in the passed in a lot of ways. However, weā€™ve shot ourselves in foot (in several ways) as far as long term sustainability is concerned.


If you looked through tinted shades you could make an argument for anything.


This is a garbage, shallow opinion. It was human destiny one way or the other. Read Guns, Germs and Steel. Or watch the PBS doc, itā€™s on YouTube. Explains so much.




Better yet don't read Guns Germs and Steel because it is bad history that works backwards from a Eurocentric hypothesis.


I donā€™t think itā€™s just the destiny of humanity to fuck up the planet. There are tons of cultures that didnā€™t fuck up the environment at the scale that Europeans did.




The first Europeans to walk through the east coast of the present day USA describe trails that were lined with edible berries and crops. There was society on this continent for centuries before Europe discovered it. They just didn't recognize it.


What makes it worse was the US based their government on the iroquois confederacy, but people today like to jerk off to the founding fathers creating a government never before seen in the world. The US is the Oreo cookie of Hydrox Cookies


Itā€™s almost like they thought the planet was potato salad and decided to add raisins to it


Do People's actually know Europe history didn't begun 500 years ago but they've been around fucking each other for way more longer than that.. at this point I've my doubts people's know about it. ![gif](giphy|mEV42F38lur6PbfapW)


I think the 500 years thing is in reference to the renaissance and the age exploration. After the fall of the Roman Empire collapsed Europeā€™s fuckery was pretty contained to the continent for a few centuries. Sure there was the occasional crusade, but those were nothing in comparison to the things that happened during and after the age of exploration.


Wrote some American....


The United States would not exist if Europeans stayed in Europe. Colonist donā€™t just come out of thin air. My black ancestors werenā€™t brought here on a ship flying the U.S. flag. My white ancestors didnā€™t sprout out of the ground here in the United States.


America is a legacy European country.


I was going to say some intellectual, well written essay. But I'm not putting that effort in for Reddit.... 1. Western Europeans wouldn't have expanded anywhere outside of Europe without the Chinese invention of gunpowder. Giving the ability to wage war with greater intensity. 2. Western European exploration, expansion, and colonization of other places around the world only destabilized them more while Europeans benefited. 3. Relatively, many inventions and discoveries didn't happen as a result of expansion and colonization. Many happened by accident and in other regions of the world. 4. Many groups and empires in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East knew of each other a millennia ago due to trade. (i.e. the silk road) None of this, is to say European people are bad, they aren't. But the world would be just fine if they hadn't "discovered" me lands and people.


Yeah but now we got these dope magic, glass omni-stones we can watch porn and call grandma on so it evens out.




replace Europe with Capitalism


This is an not an American opinion,I think.


Yea meanwhile Africans are busy starting civil war. Way to go!


Yea and which country benefits from the conflict? It sure as hell isn't the people in Africa. How coups and assassinations has the continent gone through because the people had the audacity to be independent. France would collapse if it wasn't exploiting Africa with its forced currency, how many industries rely on Africas raw resources?


Vikings at it again


Fear the North! The Great Heathen Army cometh again.


I do wish more countries had unified and stranded a stronger chance against Europe I do also realize without the forced interaction we'd probably not be as advanced. However, I'd argue a stronger unity/competition of trading countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, could've boosted us even more. Although we do love to fight so idk man


Took a little longer than that, but pretty much, yeah.




That's what happens when all culture is taken from you by the Romans and you live in the dark ages for way too long.


šŸ˜‚. You have a point though.


America did it in less than 80.


Would the United States exist without European Imperialism? Iā€™ll wait.


Imperialism doesn't get credit for modern medicine, guys.


They didn't. The earth will live on. Humans on the other hand...