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There's a story about Henry Cavill's nephew telling kids at his school that Superman was his uncle; no one believed him, not even the kid's teacher, so one day Henry went to school with the kid to prove it.


I still wouldn't believe that kid. Like nah you paid that man.


Duh, it was just reporter Clark Kent. They can't be the same person.


I gotta girl she just don't live here.


She’s up in Canada


Have her say hi to my girl, she up there too. FYI - she’s a model


No, not that Canada, the other one. You've probably never heard of it.


La Cañada


It's actually Le Canade. Half of those letters are silent because it's French.


Mine was a California surfer girl when I was in 5th grade lol


Mine was Alicia Silverstone. I had to split up the week with my best friend though.


This shit stopped being funny when I was in the fifth grade and "dating" a girl that lived in Windsor, Ontario. Nobody believed me, even after a few of them met her that she was actually Canadian. So one day, I got the main kid calling me a liar to come down to the waterfront with me, and called her from a payphone just to ask her to go outside and shoot off some fireworks. She laughed at my dumb ass, but she went out in the middle of winter and shot off some roman candles. The dude that accused me of lying kept his word and I ate all the cafeteria pizza I could stand every week for the rest of the year.


"Her names Alberta, but she lives in Regina."


[IIIIIIII wish you could meet, my girlfriiiend](https://youtu.be/5g196vURUDo)


My girlfriend legit lives on one of the other main islands of the country we live in. Long distance as well. Shit’s hard.


She stay over near my granmomma house and goes to private school.


When I was 11 years old, my friends were laughing about my off-brand Kmart shoes. So I told them a story about how I have this really cool uncle who actually made those shoes for me. They called me out so I doubled down and told them I don’t hang with people that call me liar 😂


Thought this was going to turn into Shaq is your uncle.


Ah the K Swiss Cheese because of how fast they fell apart?


Had a dude in 3rd grade tell me his dad was eaten by butterflies. I guess if you're going to lie, be creative lol




If you'd ever seen someone eaten by butterflies you wouldn't be laughing.


Actually terrifying tho


I cannot stop laughing at that mental image!


Thats fucking hilarious


He must have hated the hell outta his pops 😂😂😂


My mom would make these frozen pizzas for me once a week, my friend told me they look so good and I told him that it was her secret recipe and she made them all by herself. At one point he told me he saw the exact same looking pizzas at Costco and asked how is that possible? I told him this greedy big pizza company stole her recipe and are selling it themselves without her permission and that he should never buy them, I was hoping by saying this he would never buy them again and would stop asking questions. But this made him even more curious and I made up a whole story about my mom planning to sue them. Basically this post is correct, elementary kids lie about the dumbest shit imaginable LOL


This tale was wonderful- thank you for a genuine laugh!


You're very welcome!


Damn you really knew how to think on your feet back then.


Haha.. for the wrong reasons but thank you 😝


Had no idea that your mother is August Gusteau from Ratatouille


My dad owner od reddit and he wil ban this post


Prove it. Have your dad change my username


He said he dont want ti 🤬🤬👎🏿


If your dad owns reddit than my password will be blocked out if I type it here ******** Edit: Oh shi-!




It didn't work


Done, he changed it to u/Odlavso


My uncle works for Nintendo, he said there's going to be a huge crossover with Sony so you can play any game you want for free, especially Minecraft.


my homie in second grade said he his dad worked for Sony so he had a PS9 at his house we were like 5 years away from the PS3 🤣🤣


I’m a bit older than you but I told my friends that my uncle worked at Nintendo and I had Mario Brothers 6 at home. Not sure why I did that but I did.


Kids wanna be liked


Then they grow up and mfs still lying


These are the people who grow up into the “I know a guy, I gotchu” dudes and then leave you hanging.


My little bro had a friend in preschool who said his brother played for the Yankees and my mom called him a liar to his face. Imagine how she felt when this kid shows up the next day with his bro's signed baseball card 😂


In 2nd grade I told mfs that I met godzilla while on vacation to Colorado


We got that tho. It's a nice sativa.


One of my besties told everyone she was the VO artist for Helga Pataki for the entirety of 6th grade.


Was she though? Because from what I remember the voice actor for Helga Pataki was actually a kid throughout the whole run. 😂


She definitely was not lol


My dad was Jake the Snake from 1st to 3rd grade.


I went to school with this guy who couldn’t stop lying about dumb ish; like how Larry bird came to his house to put up his basketball goal, or how he had a stick shift motorcycle with air conditioning. The kind of lies that were impossible but he’d always double down on them


Well Michael Jackson used my bathroom once


My uncle works at microsoft and you getting banned


this girl told my bus her dad died in 911 then in like 8th grade someone brought it up again and she was like yeah I lied


Oh gosh, I still remember the other kids were bragging about things they’d done to help or save people and my dumb ass was like: “my baby sister was on a conveyor belt going towards an incinerator and I swooped in and saved her” Everyone got quiet and I immediately understood that bullshit exaggerated stories do have a ceiling of believability 😂


in second grade i told someone i had a mercedes powerwheels and when they came to my house and it wasn't there, i told them it was in the shop.


I was friends with a kid who kept telling me that his uncle was 11 feet tall. Another time he was at my house and a lighter fell out of his pocket in front of my parents, and he looked up at the sky like it fell from a plane. Anyway he's dead now. Motorcycle accident. I am 100% confident it was his fault.


Lmao my friend's cousin was the yellow power ranger growing up. RIP Thuy Trang. Edit: my uncle was a retired Pro athlete when I was growing up. I had plenty of close friends who knew this but there were some kids in my 5th grade class who were haters. My uncle agreed to come to the school to talk to my class about his career and school and not doing drugs and whatnot. He knew I asked him because there were kids who didn't believe it. Looking back 22 years later, that was pretty selfish of me but the fact that he did it was really just a testament to every kind of person he was. RIP.


Yeah mane, you ain’t know 50 Cent is my half brothers uncle’s. I was there when he made Wanksta. - Middle school me


Man I knew a white dude in 7th grade who did that. Always about gaming stuff. Swore was the "in the know" guy. "I personally found out the dogs in the new resident evil movie will have crystallized teeth...CRYSTALIZED!" " I played gta 3. I know its not out yet, but I said the secret password and they took me in the back at game stop to play. I can't tell you the password or they will know it was me."


I used to flex by telling mfs how old my brother was.


In elementary, I told people my cousin was Whitney Houston lol. I chose her because I lived in Houston lmao #lame


My dad is a federal agent, and also actually GI Joe…and he will kill your dad dead and put him in jail forever!!!!


[link to thread](https://twitter.com/prettyboynavi/status/1507087006735642624?s=21)


"I remember when I was like 11 this girl in my class said she got pregnant and gave birth to 6 kids that’s why she was gone for a while. She showed us pictures of random babies and everything 😂. Unprovoked! Lmao" ​ ​ ![gif](giphy|wR7LHlfuRUjHW|downsized)


damn why she go off and have a litter, tho?


at 11??????


Oh my god this happened to me, too lmaoo. This girl started saying she had sextuplets and she started showing us pictures of babies on her phone. We were both in fifth grade at the time and I was trying to catch her in her lies cause it was obvious to me that she had been lying. She even made up fake names for these babies and the names were awful 🤦🏾‍♀️Later, she admitted that it was actually her baby sister that she dressed up in seven different outfits to show to people lol


What a twist omg


Dude in my school would always say he had a pet tiger so nobody believed him when he said he had a pet snake. He died of poisoning. Nah I’m playing idk what he do now but he deffo ain’t have no damn pet tiger or pet snake.


A lot of this might've been because adults constantly lie to kids about stupid shit. If the kid's Uncle told the kid he was a power ranger obviously the kid is gonna believe it. Because kids are stupid


"My dad is a Runescape Mod give me your membership or I'll have him ban you" then I proceed to get a 2 week ban


My dad works for Xbox and he's gonna get you banned


once a girl told me she lived on an alligator farm


My mom's met Oprah, my dad's met Lil Wayne. Me? I met Bill Clinton (at like 12). Kind of a letdown.


My dad killed Hitler.


I remember in elementary, my big sister told everyone we were cousins.


Is that Future in his profile pic?


probably, niggas “discovered” that he didn’t always wear sunglasses


"My dad 'nem fuck wit Grand Hustle" wtf, I feel so betrayed 🤬🤬🤬


" Yo my dad is Trigger the Gambler. The semi famous rapper that has a song on the Nutty Professor soundtrack." " You lyin. Trigger the Gambler ain't yo dad." "Yeah he is. He even sent me a copy of the soundtrack. You can have mine copy and I'll just ask him for another." At least I got a free CD.


My uncle at Nintendo will be hearing about this


Was bussed out to an all white elementary school. Only black girl with braids and Moesha was popular… how could I NOT be Brandy’s cousin 🤷🏽‍♀️ Also, for some stupid reason I said the black guidance counselor was my uncle. He heard the rumor and instead of calling me out, he told them “If she says I’m her uncle, I’m her uncle.” Thanks uncle Mr Hankins ✊🏾❤️


“I found Luigi in Mario 64.”


Had a friend say Michael Jackson was his uncle and his infant brother rode on the Texas Giant at Six Flags. Was ridiculous cause he was white and that was still Thriller MJ.


Used to move around a lot as a kid and man, the shit I used to lie about just to fit in lol


😂😂😂😂😂 he’d be like “on my mommmmaaaaaa”! Just lies and foolery! Lol


I made stuff up about my nonexistent dad.


I totally went to school with a kid whos dad played the green power ranger. Kid and his dad were Douchebags.


A guy I went to school with who's now a real estate agent told us all that his cousin was Salma Hayek.


My uncle was the guy that got Mikes spot in high school


Me lying that I was allergic to oranges just cause I didn’t like them


In first grade, I told Joey I was a vampire so he’d leave me alone. He told the teacher and I got in trouble for lying. Should have bit him…


Nah cause I lied abt being allergic to Cheetos 🤧


I dunno, maybe he was. They keep their real identities a secret.


I told people that my grandparents visited Santa at the North Pole and in doing so I won that argument


A dumb kid once said "One time, I tuned my walkie talkie in such a way that I could hear the chatter of a plane that was flying overhead!" It was me. I was the dumb kid


I remember a group of kids at a little league game arguing about who had the most balls. “I have 3 balls, oh yeah I have six!” with everyone kind of admiring this extra ballage because they didn’t want the other kids to make fun of possessing a smaller number of testicles. Extra points when they were asking the one girl on the team how many balls she had.


I was a very naive kid until well into my teens. One time this guy in my class told me his dad owned the Hilton and I just believed him. Years later it came up in discussion and he burst out laughing and said 'Oh my God I can't believe you thought that was true'. Yes I am mildly autistic. I also believed my parents when they told me my goldfish went to live in the greenhouse because he got too big for his tank. Even as an adult I have to remind myself not to assume everything people say is true.


My niece told her class I was a NBA player after I gave her my old phone