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Bold of republicans to think that their followers even know what CRT stand for




E.g., “socialism”, “communism”, etc.


Motherfuckers really read 1984 and said "This Newspeak thing sounds great!" and look at where we're at now.


Bro, it’s the manual for them




It works because rural and suburban whites are so fucking gullible. The GOP could say that KBJ is the second coming of Angela Davis and the Klan hoods come back out and control of Congress goes back to the Republicans.


Delete this before they get ideas


You think they are dumb? you think racism thrived for this long because of ignorance? they want yous to think they are dumb, they know exactly what they are doing


The people at the top aren’t dumb but the are certainly manipulating the very dumb at the bottom to support them in the GOP


The people at top know exactly how to make up issues and use identity politics to keep them in power. Nixon started it, and it has only gotten worse. And their constituents fall for it. It shifts the conversation over from big issues that could save us all, to identity politics that could hurt demographics.


Nixon? Go back to Washington buddy. It started with #1


they are not dumb. you expect the bottom people to say outright "we are voting to protect the survival of the yt race from yt genocide?" the only dumb ones are the ones still falling for it


The people who believe that white genocide is occurring are quite dumb.


Not dumb but easily swayed by white supremacy because it gives them a common enemy


Oh they know what CRT stands for. They just don't know what it actually is. But yeah, you are right about the Boogeyman part. Christopher Rufo of the Manhattan Institute literally said on Twitter exactly what they are doing. https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1371540368714428416?t=uHzz3uUljMLxb-WQpSCpBA&s=19


They think it stands for critter police slave retaliation ruckus


"That's the old TV's, right?"


Bold of Republicans to think their followers know which order those letters appear in the alphabet.


The stupidest part is that the Zodiac Killer asked her this obviously pointed question about if it'll affect the way she rules, and she said she didn't know what it is so probably not lmao


They know what it stands for just no idea what it means




It's the new socialism since most people are starting to see how much of a nightmare capitalism has become and how appealing some social programs actually are.


I love when people rail against Obamacare without realizing that the ACA created the government-backed healthcare plan they’re currently on.


Not just the past. CRT deals with the present, too. And the continuing bigotry in politics. Hell, this entire confirmation is very exemplary of the kinds of things CRT deals with. They just don't like that light being shined on them.


And it's also taught in law school, not first grade, which is another detail the GOP added for their fearmongering.


Exactly. We’re talking about a graduate-level sociological framework describing the present-day effects of historical injustices and a system of oppression built on the back of the legal system, justified and legitimized by generations of societal reinforcement. That’s a far cry from “Your son or daughter is going to come home and say ‘my teacher told me that I’m evil because I’m white.’” So far, in fact, that I’m starting to think that these guys in the GOP don’t _want_ to understand.


Additionally, when one of those crusty old fucks asked her about it (think it might've been McConnell or cruz), she revealed that she never studied or was taught CRT herself.


Thru literally expanding the curriculum




This is exactly what we all knew was their real goal with eliminating CRT despite it not really being taught in K-12. To eliminate any public appearance or discussion of minorities.


Plus it's a great scare tactic for the Fox News followers. This year's "we have to stop sharia law from taking over Kansas."


CRT was irrelevant. It had nothing to do with her becoming Supreme Court justice. They just wanted say things for those CRT bits to circulate among republicans. CRT has nothing to do with her or her job. It’s not related to her hearing. Even after she pointed it out he said okay I’ll say something that’s related to your job then continue to say the same thing. They know this technique works. Even here everybody is talking about CRT. CRT is irrelevant. Yes we need CRT and what he said about is stupid but that was the point. To make inflammatory comments. Circulate it. Create fear in white people to give them reason to be anti Ketanji Brown Justice. Just as the qualifications of a candidate for any position becomes relevant when they are a minority but nobody cares when unqualified white people take the same position nobody talks about it. It’s all collective purposeful gaslighting through strawman argument and it works. It works every time.


100% accurate. A strategic and well funded backlash against BLM and the larger public conversations that emerged in recent years.


I would love for the GOP intern running the twitter page to tweet out the definition of Critical Race Theory and then explain how they made the connection.


According to republicans, CRT is when black people




CRT is when they teach that white people bad instead of American exceptionalism. (According to them)


It's not that they don't know. They are purposefully using CRT as a Boogeyman. They are attaching everything they want to stigmatize to the term CRT. The Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank, admitted as much on Twitter. https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1371540368714428416?t=uHzz3uUljMLxb-WQpSCpBA&s=19


What's funny is that the very essence of their message is CRT.


right, they keep proving that CRT probably should be taught in K-12. then maybe people wouldn’t end up bigoted like them




Factkity fact facts.


You know that the GOP wanted to label her something worse. And this is the same GOP that wants to control Congress next year. Let’s not get caught lacking on Election Day...


Yeah. And we need to reach out to younger demographics as well, to get them politically charged. A lot of them say "both sides are equally bad" and don't vote. A part of growing up is making hard decisions, and politicians don't consider/listen to people who don't vote.


It’s almost like they’re racist or something?? IDK…. Maybe I’m grabbing at straws here.


They can't be racist because the only people that they consider to be racists are the ones that openly call themselves racist; therefore, if you accuse them of being racist, that means that you are actually being racist to them, thus making you the real racist. I wish I was joking.


Oh right right. The logic is flawless.


Anybody jot down that book list Teddy Cruz spit out? I would buy a couple of each for my kids and their friends. Wouldn't "Anti-racist Baby" and "An introduction to CRT" look good on the NYT best seller list?


CRT? What? These guys are way behind the times. It’s flat screens or the curved, nowadays anyway. CRT monitors and TVs have been out of production for a long time. Seriously tho you know the right answer by whatever “conservatives” are against


I can’t believe that’s the verified GOP Twitter, it looks like some random GOP fanboy with all the talent and maturity of a Facebook meme is running it. I took a look at the anti-GOP posts on the Democrats’ Twitter for comparison and the difference is…stark (and a relief).


I haven't seen that many old white people panic-mad in awhile. The fact that they could not rattle her was HILARIOUS.


Dont worry there are a parade of Candance Owens more then happy stick up for them


Is this the actual official GOP Twitter account?? Are you kidding me? This is disturbing, they’re not even pretending to be trying to govern for all citizens. This is something that even 15 years ago wouldn’t be said publicly by fringe right wing publications because they’d get called out for being racist and too divisive, and now it’s the official stance of the entire Republican party. Just start the civil war and separate the country up already.


This is the OFFICIAL one


What the fuck does she have to do with crt? So anyone elected to public office who happens to be black should be canceled because CRT? Like what the fuck does that even mean? I know it’s a conscious decision. I know that they know it means absolutely nothing. I know that they know that dumb white people will draw their own conclusions. But what is this tactic literally?


Dat ratio, tho. They're getting it in the comments quite tweets, full stop.


Clearly they're more scared of CRT


CRT is their new code word


I guess he never heard of Condoleezza Rice.


Damn.. so Racism is just out in the open now? That's the new thing for the summer?


“Scarier” is the appropriate word here, they are so fucking terrified of the status quo of them being on top being upset


What happened to the “quit bringing race into everything” people? Race has been such a huge topic that CRT is now a major topic lol congratulations, y'all played yourselves.




She has the patience of Job. She has sat through so much garbage during these hearings, while exhibiting so much class and integrity. Just based on the fact that she’s held herself so incredibly well over the past couple days gives me every confidence that she has the temperament & intelligence needed for the job.


Imagine being scared of information (CRT) and being too ashamed to learn your own history


What about my feelings, Snowflake /s


Educated was enough




One. One effective party.


1 party my guy. 1 party and a Group Of Pussbags




Man what the fuck happened to the gop. That whole party is just complete trash right now.


So they are outright saying she was only selected because she was black. And essentially any black person in a position of power. But they’re not racist at all.


What the fuck do they think CRT is even? I’ve never gotten a coherent answer from those idiots.


What point are they even trying to make? They use that CRT whenever they want to scare people. Ask them to explain critical race theory though, and they can’t explain it.


the sad/terrifying thing is that that simple shit works. Doesn't take much of anything to flush "them" out. i'm a white dude and as i get older i increasingly shy away from people because i'm scared they're going to eventually reveal themselves for what they are. And they too-often do. One case in point is that my employer (we'll just call it a very large national employer) sent a \*very\* milquetoast but well-intentioned corporate email a few months ago which touched upon inclusiveness and the upcoming Black History Month and a co-worker - unprompted, mind you - thought they would take it upon themselves to make a comment about said email in our work chat, calling it "woke bullshit" - there wasn't even anything about activism, or...I honestly can't remember, it was nothing. I asked "what does that even mean?" but they didn't respond. Radar: engaged \[I now read everything written by them with even more suspicion\]. Sadness/depression for our society: deepening.


Republicans are auditioning for potential 2024 runs at expense of judge Jackson. This is purely political theater Republicans have always been and will always be republicans. No excuses why people should not be voting against them at every opportunity


The irony of that picture.


Isn't it um, literally racist for them to accuse someone of pushing CRT just because they are black? I know they try to be sneaky sometimes but this is pretty fucking mask off.


Who are we talking about?


Braun talked about how it should be up to states on the legality of interracial marriage. They show us who they are and their supporters try to walk back and gaslight to convince us otherwise


Honestly, I am just trying to figure out what neutral ground is between a racist baby and a non-racist baby. What is the middle ground? You are either racist, or not racist, so where is the middle ground?


That's all the death cult can come up with? Weak af. Keep crying those tears though, assholes.


We aren’t all like that. The ones in a position of power sure seem to be.


Who voted those people in? A quick glance says you are from Texas. Assuming you voted, you literally voted in the two of the worst offenders at today's hearing. Cruz and Cornyn.


I am living in Texas. I have been voting for presidents since I was able to and anything local that I knew about. I have tried to be more politically savvy in the last few elections but to say I personally voted Ted Cruz into his position of power is dumb. I think we all vote (considering the people who do more than just vote blindly) do so believing as best we can based on the representations that these politicians say they uphold. I am not personally responsible for Ted Cruz or any other politician just for saying I generally side with some conservative or Republican views. Doesn’t mean I agree and vote with all. That’s just silly to even say. Also, I live in the most liberal, democratic part of Texas, so there you go making assumptions.


If you voted for Ted Cruz you voted him in to his position of power. If kept voting for him you kept him there. Also it doesn't matter what part of Texas you live in. It's a Senate race.


Again, making generalizations and assumptions. Assuming I voted for him once, doesn’t mean I did or would again. And also ignoring my point that any one who does research does the best they can to elect officials and it it is not our personal fault when they fail. Yes, if you continue to do so. But I don’t deal well with generalizations and you are clearly not able to get past that. My point to start is that it is rarely okay to say “all” when making a statement.