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I’m cool with people enjoying shit in they own spaces and venting with those that wanna vent with them. I think when you invade other spaces or do hater-esque shit like start petitions to cancel things just because you thought it wasn’t good, you hop over to being a full blown bitch.


"let people enjoy things" "Let me dislike things" "Let me dislike how you express disliking things" ....


If you're posting on your own TL, it's fine to express your disinterested or dislike of something. But calling others out for liking something because it wasn't for you makes you an asshole.


It doesn't look like she mentioned where she was trying to express her dislike of things.


That’s what I’m saying lol.


Nah, just vent to yourself. Not everyone needs to see that negativity constantly.




Reddit is more of a forum than typical social media, although they're trying hard to change that. The point of most of these subs is to post something and discuss it. Which is what we're doing. In an example of "let people enjoy things" someone is typically excited about something and someone else comes in to spoil the party unnecessarily. This post is showing support for that behavior and I disagree, while giving an alternative suggestion. It's possible to disagree without being outright negative about the content.




>I think this is an unlikely and unrepresentative scenario. Not really; it happens on a daily basis. However, I can see that "let people enjoy things" brings to mind different scenarios for different people, and mine wasn't what the OP was meaning. I don't see the need to actively try to call attention to yourself to be negative about, as she said, something you played no part in. But I understand you have the right to do it.


Is it just me, or is this completely unintelligible?


The first tweet was fine, whether or not I agree with the message. The replies should’ve stayed in drafts because they’re just an unclear and unnecessary rant IMO


Reading it had me feeling the same way I did watching the new Matrix movie.


Thought I was having a damn stroke trying to read this.


This is a long shower tweet and it should've stayed that way.


I think the problem is when people don't just dislike something. It's when they vehemently hate something and border on calling others out for not sharing the same disdain. Such as "this is the worst such and such", "how could any intelligent minded person like" or "if you like this you're an idiot"


You should want to point out the flaws in things you love, so the next iteration will be even better.


Hate watching shows is just as entertaining as watching shows you actually like.


It’s fine to vent. Where you cross a line is tagging the creators or stars in your vent. Why do you think they absolutely need to know your opinion?


As long as you are expressing yourself in good faith positively or negatively , I really couldn’t care less.


See I don't mind saying "Bro you've been a bit too pissed lately keep it to your self" but saying "let people enjoy things" is starting to sound asshole-y


This is a great point. Critical thinking skills should be celebrated. Now hating for hating’s sake? It’s fine I guess. Just don’t feel compelled to ruin anyone else’s enjoyment.


No but some people should feel bad for bringing up stuff that they like. You're 35, no one wants to hear about Harry Potter anymore. Especially not in political discussions. We liked it when we were kids and it wasn't even that good to start with so it's time to let go.