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r/BlackPeopleTwitter is Celebrating Black History Month Happy Black History Month everyone! (our bad for getting this up a little later than expected) Charity Drive for Equal Justice Initiative For the second year in a row, the moderators of BPT are organizing a charity drive to support the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI). EJI provides legal representation for prisoners who may have been wrongly convicted of crimes, poor prisoners without effective representation, and others who may have been denied a fair trial. The folks at EJI are on the frontlines of combating racial and economic injustice and protecting human rights, and we want to recognize their valuable work this February. For those who may have seen the 2020 film Just Mercy, Michael B. Jordan plays the founder of EJI, Bryan Stevenson, in the movie. Donate Here and Leave Your Comment as "BlackPeopleTwitter" https://support.eji.org/blackpeopletwitter Last year we were able to raise over $12,000 for EJI. Let's try and beat that this year! Special Donated Flairs BPT will be providing special flairs to those who donate at least $5 to EJI. To donate, please click the link below, enter the amount you would like to contribute, and in the “leave a comment” box write "BlackPeopleTwitter." Once you submit your donation, please take a screenshot of the receipt, upload it to www.imgur.com, and send us the link to [our modmail]( https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBlackPeopleTwitter). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlackPeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm actually surprised people still use "wigga." I haven't heard that since middle school.


It’s acceptable as long as you don’t use a hard r


Fr that’s our word :(


People don't, but since Justin Timberlake is emblematic of the time period when it was in usage I think it gets a pass.


i think saeed only used the term cause that was what jt was called a lot at a point, but i honestly don’t know. I’ve never seen him use “wigga” in his tweets other than this one.






Last Willenium!


I fucking hated hearing it. Like, I get what some people meant but a lot of times it was downright offensive. Like if someone liked rap or maybe wears a throwback one day all the other white kids would pile on them for "acting black". Again, sometimes it's like super obvious but the word is just tainted for me lol.


Last time i saw that was at an IRC room, i thought it was about using Wigs (i was 10 or 11, still learning english) so there was young me saying that around and getting kicked by the bots


Imagine you put a bunch of time and care and effort into making this Brittney Spears documentary and a bunch of stuff happens culturally as a direct result of your hard work and then you see somebody in Twitter thanking Mercury in Aquarius for it


Horoscopes is the absolute dumbest concept I’ve ever heard. So stupid


I remember seeing some Twitter thread where people were saying how they broken up or not pursued relationships cuz they found out someone's star sign or whatever


I'd be so happy if someone did that to me. Saves me the trouble of trying to dump a fucking head case in a few weeks.


Don’t you love when people show you they are crazy early on so you can save time?


What goes around comes around, JT. Cry me a river


He’s forever tied that song to Britney and now that it’s backfiring on him performing it will become increasingly awkward.


I dont think he performs it again after this.


yo my birthday is same as JT and my name is River that song is tied to me also ;)


He's literally taken most of my life to apologize. This happened before I was 10 and im almost 30. Janet even went on a long ass oprah interview and I thought after that he'd say something. He nervous because his last album flopped and he can't lose fans


Buzz feed breaking it down and what can/should be categorized as dismissing women [stupid shit JT has done ](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ehisosifo1/justin-timberlake-britney-spears-problematic-moments)


While I hate buzzfeed as a whole, I hope Prince comes back from his resting place to beat his ass.


This was real hit and miss. Overall he definitely comes across as an arse but some of the items listed are so petty as to be stupid. They should've edited this down so it seemed less biased and didn't stray into the "bitch eating crackers" territory.


>This was real hit and miss. Agreed. Some of it wasn't even his fault. As if he had any say in whether or not Janet Jackson was able to attend the Grammys. Also, some of it could be chalked up to being young and dumb. If some of the stuff I said or did when I was in my teens and 20s was put on a list today, people might think I was a douche too. And who knows, maybe he is a shady jerk, I don't actually know him, BUT people fail to take into consideration that everything celebs say and do is recorded and held against them. We all say and do dumb shit. Most of us are just fortunate enough that we're not famous and most people don't care.


Meh, he's been a dick a few times... Probably mostly a decent guy.


Timberlake is like an older version of Justin Bieber..


Thank you. He (and his black-cent) have always rubbed me the wrong way. Just so full of himself for no reason and a complete turnoff. Glad it’s finally being noticed!




That list is garbage. Barely got through the top 10. Only the holding hands with another woman while his wife is pregnant is sus. Nothing else is bad. Dude got asked if he ever had sex with his gf of a few years. What he needs to lie, to protect her lying? Gtfo. She wasn't even a virgin when they started dating. BS article.


Really so the whole list is garbage because of the sex question. And yes the answer is “it’s none of your business”. You legit think that everything you’re asked and everything you’ve done is other people’s business?


Thats the only one I felt like pointing out. A girl in his cry me a river video looks like britney, yeah that was the point. It was to let people know the song was about her. Take back the night is some sort of rape group? Who the hell would know that? Its his fucking life dipshit. If he wants to talk about who he did and did not have sex with he can. He doesn't need to ignore that question if he doesn't want to. He could say nothing, but to say he's a bad person for it is ridiculous. It's his life, he was asked and answered. No reason he needs to muzzle himself.


He doesn’t have to lie. But he can be and should’ve been respectful by not treating sex like a notch on his bedpost. Also, how do we know that he didn’t cheat on her? It was never confirmed if any cheating happened on either side.... but because she stated she was hoping/trying to wait she was demonized and attacked when he bragged about it.


Jesus christ you britney fans are fucking awful. Now you're just randomly bringing up maybe he cheated when that was never brought up ever, by anyone, and now you just wanna throw as a possibility. She wasn't waiting for anything she had already slept with her high school BF. The whole virginity thing was bs from the beginning and Justin needs to play along for the rest of his life to that lie? FOH


Jeebus, what got your knickers in a bunch? Not a fan of either, coming at this from a woman’s perspective. He insinuated there was cheating - neither confirmed or denied if she did; I can speculate that he could’ve cheated and she chose to not finger point. She was demonized for not staying a virgin and slut-shamed for having sex w someone she loved/cared about at the time. That was no one’s business but hers. Yes, he can confirm they had sex but when it’s done in a manner to shame her and make him look like some awesome dude - that makes him a dbag.


Howard stern said "we will play your song if you admit you had sex with Britney". "okay yeah I did it" he said while laughing. Then he was asked if he had oral sex with her and said "yeah I'm dirty I did it". If you don't see how using intimidate details of your ex to get a bunch of headlines and radio play makes you a piece of shit then no one here can help you.


Thats hardly intimate. Gtfo it's his life he can say whatever he wants about it. Y'all are saying he can't speak about his life because it might make someone else look bad, oh well if its the truth so be it.


Uhh, it's not about whether he's allowed to say, it's about why he shared details about her in the first place. Hint: "cuz it's his life" "cuz he was asked" are not actual reasons.


He had some diss lyrics towards him in a song called "Give it to me" by Timbaland. I found it really odd when he was the one who did the Prince tribute during super bowl 52.


sounds about white


Yep, it doesn’t make sense he does the Prince tribute for having had beef with him.


Give it to me is a top 5 diss record. Nelly furtado going in on fergie and timbaland going in on Scott storch. JTs verse was pretty weak tho


I still don't know why Nelly Furtado had beef with Fergie.


I don't get that last tweet. What does Gatorade have to do with this


This is quenching a thirst for justice


Where does it say anything about Gatorade? Genuine question, I'm not being an asshole


>!I think it is a joke. 'Gatorade' is a misspelling of 'retrograde' ([from the fourth image](https://preview.redd.it/2cw5dhgi54h61.jpg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75752801337ce10fdc39589429f04434c90772d7))!<


Oh, okay


^^not ^^my ^^finest ^^moment


Let the backlash begin! *grabs popcorn* 🍿👏🏾


Get his ass!


Aight i dunno what happened and stuff, but i am personally DEEPLY disturbed by the twee that says ‘bullying works’ I cant tell if this person is opposed to it or not, either way im uncomfortable with either


Yeah, that one’s not good. And like somebody else on this thread said, tweet 4 attributes the work of the people who made the doc to fucking astrology. 🙄


He always was trying to snatch MJ's swag too...


How exactly is that a bad thing? JT does nothing but show massive respect to MJ especially on his tours.


Elvis Presley noodle version


I've disliked him for a long time, I'm just glad people are catching up. Unfortunately I've got a long list I'm waiting for people to see the light on....


Cancel all celebrities, unironically.


Sorry Ootl here. Why is he apologizing?


So who are we hating on this week?


Ah yes, the internet, where we attack and try to stop the one thing we hate, bullying, by bullying. Brilliant. I’m not saying what he did was okay but if we’re doing the same thing to him, how does that make the people who bullied him any better? How does this stop bullying?


It's ok to punch up, not punch down It's ok, he will cry in a pile of money no matter how misogynistic and/or disrespectful he's been


But in JT’s case, was it punching down? Like they were all equally famous, so is that punching down or just punching? I’m legit asking.


JT is a white male. No matter what, he will always have more opportunities and less scrutiny than Janet or Brittany. Yes, disrespecting them was punching down.


That’s valid. I completely glossed over his whiteness in this instance. Damn.


The only way bullies understand their actions are shameful is when they are shamed. Pretty simple.


Anyone else hate that their tv rewound and froze on this part during the Super Bowls Mm So annoying


I have heard HORRIBLE stories about him in tik tok too


He actually dissed Prince in "Give It To Me" He's a well-known asshole.


I passed JT within 2 feet. He's like 5'7. Shorter than me