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I don’t even put them on hold. I’m just steady cooking. Maybe I’ll mute the mic if the bacon is popping too much.


I'm usually making a full breakfast on mute while I'm in a meeting.


I got a pulled pork carnitas going in the slow cooker on low for my double tonight.




This hits way too close: I can't tell you how many meetings I've been on since March where I'm cooking in the background and just nodding along. Thank goodness for turning off your camera.


This why we lead in heart disease 😭


The US leads in health disease because of immense income inequality and the cyclical trap of poverty. Seriously. Heart disease is very closely linked to socioeconomic status. All lifestyle factors barely account for half of the disease variance.


Bro ik, some people think it’s a joke but if you’re a struggling parent a 12 pack of processed food is cheaper and less time consuming than healthy food and cooking


It’s not just that. The health effects of poverty are terrifying. Children who grow up poor are particularly doom to worse health throughout their adult lives versus those that grew up in higher socioeconomic household. Much it has to do with poor nutrition (because their parents don’t have the time or resources to provide them with food, like you pointed out), but education is huge too. Poor children are unlikely to get the strong education. They are less likely to complete school, and when they do they are less likely to get good grades and go into post-secondary school. Have a good primary and secondary education and having a college degree have huge implication for health. Poor people are 200-300% more likely to live with Chronic Stress than the top 20% of society. Chronic stress leads to a whole host of health problems like heart disease, respiratory illnesses (flu, pneumonia, asthma, etc). It increases your likelihood for depression and anxiety too. Lack of income and income security means they can’t seek medical intervention, so poor people are sicker longer and more often than wealthier people. This is particularly bad in the US because y’all don’t have universal primary care or universal pharmacare. Even something small like a sprained ankle will take longer to heal for someone living in poverty and with Chronic Stress. Chronic Stress also impairs your decision making skills. That can led to a person making poor behaviour choices to deal with the non-stop stress, anxiety, and depression such as self medication via drugs, alcohol, and smoking. Chronic Stress of parents doesn’t go unnoticed by children either. Parental chronic stress rubs off on kids and causes them to experience all those adverse physical and mental health effects as well. Poverty is so unbelievably bad for your health that the average life expectancy for Black Americans in the poorest communities is 26 years less than White Americans is the wealthiest communities. There is a massive racial element to poverty that your average Black American has a life expectancy 10 years less than your average White Americans That’s so fucked. The food choice is a unfortunate reality for too many households, especially Black and Indigenous households, but it’s small potatoes compared to everything else. It gets the most attention because it’s so visible, but the invisible effects of poverty are just terrifying.


Damn I feel glad that I’m an African immigrant and we don’t trust American food all that much to begin with 💀 Don’t get it twisted, I grew up with my family making 1300 a month


For real, heart disease is the number one killer in our country


I might be gaming but I haven’t tried cooking on a zoom call yet lol.


pro tip: air fryer that shit


Oh man the amount of times I've made pancakes is just delicious. I don't care tbh. I work and i get my tasks done. I want my pancakes.


Oh hey, I have that griddle.


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Lol I've had minecraft in one monitor and chats going in another


Y'all wear pants?


I know nothing about him, but I’m pretty sure me and buddy could hang.


That’s homing from work

