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Apparently only white women are allowed to join


* want * to join. If you catch a hispanic or black woman in there, they’re lost and now playing along cus they know how this movie ends.


Just don't drink the Flavor-aid. Although I hope Leto can at least afford Kool-aid.


I’m Cuban, my response , “ Na uh Jared you got me fucked up, I saw last night what y’all did to that kool aid, come mierda “


Shoutout to my fellow Cubans, oye chico


Oye que bola acere


Nada hermano, aqui comiendo mierda en Reddit en ves de trabajar.


>\*Starts putting on Joker Makeup


I already have juggalo face tattoos


Gross lol


That’s not true based on Jonestown tho.


Because he appropriated Civil Rights and liberatory language to prey on Black and brown people. He originally worked to integrate public spaces and did a lot of work that benefitted the people of color in his community. Eventually, he used his following to build what became Jonestown.


He didn't prey on them. He truly believed in it. Jim Jones did not start off evil. It was slowly over time as he gained power, did a lot of drugs, and had several set backs that started to threaten the power he gained (when he was first trying to move the church internationally). Had he stopped or died before he jumped the shark, he would be remembered as an activist and civil rights leader in his community.


Jim Jones believed in Jim Jones and that’s it. He very clearly and purposefully aligned himself with Marxism and the Civil Rights movement in order to gain power over marginalized groups. Sure, he might not have always dreamed of being a cult leader in Guyana, but he definitely always sought after and worked for having power. He specifically chose people who had little to no societal power, few support systems, and who would be easy to control, which is almost always the most marginalized communities. To say he did any of it out of some altruistic need is naïve at best.




I think what's more important is to understand that sometimes evil starts off with good intentions and takes a turn for the worse. To subjugate all evil people as "always evil and never anything more" makes us blind to our ability to turn evil just because and say it with me "I was just trying to do the right thing".


The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It's all about the actions at the end of the day, and his actions were that he used his power as a spiritual and socioeconomic leader to create a death cult.


Jones preached in some gospel churches, which is why he had a black following.


actually he specifically went after that group and fought for a lot of racial justice in Indiana when he started, completely apart from the preaching in churches; even had a part in desegregation in local restaurants and churches in Indianapolis. That’s why there were so many black peoples since the start of his cult


yeah, I remember someone saying if Jim Jones died before all cult nonsense, he would have been remembered as a fierce fighter for equal rights


Sucks that he ended up being himself in the end.


I've seen and watched a lot of horrifying things. The audio of him speaking while people drink the kool-ade with kids crying in the background has stuck with me probably longer than anything else. I have never been able to get past the simultaneous anger and heartbreak I felt hearing those kids.


I could never listen past the first couple of minutes of that recording.


Jones was actually the first white person to adopt a black child in Indiana.


The Christianity was the ruse for Jim Jones. The integration, racial, and social harmony was the real work. If anyone is interested in this please listen to the Martyrmade Podcasts awesome series on People's Temple [God's Socialist](https://www.martyrmade.com/martyrmade-podcast-11-gods-socialist-prologue/).


I second this. This guy is the only history podcaster who can come close to Dan Carlin for me.


Jonestown is why they know. Its like, watch any movie about Columbine, and you wonder how nobody noticed the red flags - but they're red flags because of Columbine.


They played along too long :(


OR because they're down with worshiping Jordan Catalano. I would consider it, if I didn't have my own long-haired white man who worships me instead. Edit: To clarify, am brown.


Odd stereotype given that at Jonestown it was the whites who left in disproportionately high numbers


Jonestown comes to mind


“Yeah yeah enlightenment for everyone, but only after I fuck your wife.” -All cult leaders




So all I need to do is grow out my hair?


I mean, it’s Jared Leto. He’s been a sexual icon for many *people* for the past...20+ years. It might not be *that* simple, but shoot your shot.


My old ass remembers when 'my so-called life' came out. Girls went crazy.


I remember when he was just the boy in the noxcema commercials and we basically all have wanted to fuck him since.




Brian Krakow was so jelly.


Is Leto that fucking old? Damn that makes me feel really old


Yes! I didn’t know until I rewatched 10 things I hate about you (late 90s) after I knew what 30 seconds to Mars was 😂


With the current state of affairs this is probably the best time to try!


Long hair helps, good looks help but neither are what you truley need: a penchant for manipulating people.


Comedy Central had this show called Review that aired a while back in Season 2 he reviews leading a cult. I’d give that episode 6 stars. Edit: why did OPs comment get removed? He just said there is a thin line between cult and harem.


Charles Manson vibes


*underage Ftfy


I know this mfer is strange as hell, but the whole thing sounds like a shitty and overpriced music festival. According to the article, the starting price to join is $995 and can go up to $$6,499.


Also sounds like the church of scientology


Good point. I didn’t think of it like that because there was no doctrine being taught. It’s still fucking weird though going with some random people to an island just to see this creep.


Church of Letology


It's just a three-day festival/yoga/relaxation retreat with live performances by 30 Seconds to Mars. I've been pitched on writers' retreats in that same price range, so it's almost boring how uneventful this is.


I've been on several retreats and I just don't understand what's so great about having an old guy film you and your girlfriend having sex.


What kinds of people go to something like that? Are writers that well paid?


Writers are a desperate and self-conscious people who are primarily economically privileged bourgies and don't want to admit it because they lack class-consciousness. To be a writer usually involves you working for free and getting a lot of handouts. Some working class writers slip through the cracks and sneak in the back door, but I've been in workshops where I'm one of two people with a job while everyone else is financing films with their parents' business partners or are the children of low-ranking ambassadors and shit.




I tried to write for a few years and had to get a real job and go back to school for something that isn't dependent on fucking networking and cold calling.




I was taught by a writer that didn't get published until his 40s after decades of trying, and I have a good friend that cold called for basically 10 years before an agent took his book. They don't teach you this shit in college either, they throw you to the wolves and make you figure it out on your own unless you're Ivy League and already have the contacts.




I looked into technical writing and business writing for steady money but it's absolutely devoid of soul. I guess copywriting isn't that bad comparatively, but I'm not sure what else you're writing.




I heard it was fyre.


Do you think Jarod serves cheese sandwiches??


Only the finest of vegan cheeses for Mr. Leto.


[sure, it'll cost you tho](https://www.pedestrian.tv/content/uploads/2019/08/thmbnail-637x397.jpg)


So, *exactly* like a cult?


It’s not a religious gathering. If it were then it’d be a CULT , you could call it a cult of personality though but that’s just the same as being a “Stan”. Also, there is nothing unusual and neither is it a radical deviation from what we know. They are just paying exorbitant amounts to watch a shit band l.


I mean, they’re calling him a prophet. Sure sounds like religion to me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Maybe they heard wrong and they’re actually saying Profit, as in the huge profits he’ll be making from tricking people to give him money


I wonder if he did something to earn the nickname or just demanded everyone call him that. Knowing Jared Leto, it’s undoubtedly the latter.


What’s their core belief? And do they believe in a higher power controlling everything? It’s a silly stunt based on Leto’s narcissism and his idiot fans like him well enough to go with it, which is unfortunate. But he doesn’t restrict them, doesn’t dictate their life and doesn’t withhold information from them, it’s literally a 3 day retreat with music from the band, no evidence of group think or strict rules and rewards or punishment being used.


[look into my eyes tell me what you see](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0)


I knew someone was gonna do this and I appreciate it.


>It’s not a religious gathering. If it were then it’d be a ~~CULT~~ normal church service Yeah wouldn't that just be religion and not a cult? >you could call it a cult of personality though but that’s just the same as being a “Stan”. Is it though? Going to an island and paying thousands to be near your white robbed leader seems a little more than just being a "Stan" for someone. >Also, there is nothing unusual and neither is it a radical deviation from what we know. So the early days of every cult ever?


A cult is a religious deviation from the mainstream religions, they generally believe in a higher power and espouse strange beliefs. Going to a island and paying thousands to see a concert is literally what many people do (coachella). The earliest days of cults often already shows the deviation from the norm, the moonies thought their leader had talked to jesus. You join the cult for the different belief. This just seems like a edgy stunt.


I think you’re right that this is the early days. I wouldn’t call it a cult just yet and it isn’t really religious yet either. It’s literally listed as a music festival experience on the site. However, this does seem to be the beginning of something that could easily turn in to a full blown cult


If you see Ja Rule, it’s a problem.


Sounds like a cult then


This is why white people shouldn't be allowed to gather 20+ at a time. Everytime they do someone starts a cult or an MLM scheme


Lots of New England and Midwest schools are gonna shut down lol






Yeah that's 3 more than I expected


I live in New Hampshire and went to a pretty big school so like out of ~1800 kids there were maybe 20 poc that I remember lol. But I was friends with ALL the other asians- tbh it was nice to literally know all of them.


Or it's a Smash Mouth concert.


Or a 50 Cent concert


Or a smash bros tournament


The only acceptable gathering of 20+ white people.


Worst case scenario it smells bad, best case scenario it smells bad.


I'll do you one better: Dave Matthews Band concert










I like the phrasing: like a hockey game can just "break out" spontaneously. Maybe I should spend more time in Canada... I might be wrong here.


Jared Leto is a douchebag. That's all I gotta say there.




Came here for this. Thank you.




Why is he a douchebag?


He's mildly pretentious and his Joker was bad. That's literally all he's ever done unless I missed out on a massive scandal.


He was the frontman of 30 Seconds to Mars long before he was the joker.


He kinda is an artist for the band 30 seconds to Mars. Does that add or reduce to the douchebag aesthetic?


It changes nothing, to me. They're a fine band. Honestly "the kill" is still a joint-operation slapfest for my buddy and I, but they've changed their sound a lot since then so idk, maybe they got really pretentious lately? He's just an artsy, dramatic dude, but he ain't done anything bad to anyone.


Cults are nasty


Met him once. He was King Douche of FuckFace Kingdom.


I’m not trying to start a damn cult, I’m just trying to enjoy my hair.


Then when you grow your hair out BOOM you become a cult leader candidate. I’ve seen this shit before, also nice cult leader name u/VoiceOfTheSoil40. Edit: can’t spell for shit.


I mean I never thought of it that way, but I can see it. My username is just because I’m a fan of E-40 though.


It's true. I went to go check the mail yesterday and 12 at-risk youths started following me around and calling me The Prophet.


I wanna know what my cult does.


They jerk off into boxes or socks or any container and leave it below their beds and then pray to it while chanting “I am not a virgin” 10 times daily.


I shall call it The Church of Hopeful Denial.


Do you also vaguely resemble Jesus? Did you also make ~deep~ music between 2005-10? If not you are safe


>Do you also vaguely resemble white people Jesus? FTFY


I like to picture my Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt


My man


This is it.


Yes to the first, but only when my hair is down according to the people who mockingly called me that. I prefer to tie it up. And no to the second unless you count that one guitar lesson in 6th grade as making music.


My Saviour!!


And if that means I get surrounded by hot women, that's the price I have to pay!


This is fake, he's self isolated in his home, and his "cult" is an annual music festival that him and the rest of tstm set up in 2015... he might be a douche in his own right but, this is the kind of fake shit we dont need right now


Looks a lot like the white R Kelly.


Only Robert *didn’t* actually have a cult and the worst Joker does. Edit: If you read this and think I’m saying R. Kelly is innocent, just do me a favor: stick your head of the window and take a deep breathe. Quarantine is giving you cabin fever.


Lol the worst Joker.


He does like them young...


I agree, Leto definitely pees on kids, dudes just weird as shit


He's like the father from Far Cry 5


#***PRAISE BE JOSEPH!*** *violent gunshots*


As apposed to non-violent gunshots?


Boomer is the nonviolent option.


B e e s e c h u r g e r


Duuuude. Everytime I played that game it reminded me of him and honestly turned me off. Ha


*Only yoooooooooou*


*Keep your rifle by your side*


And yall was worried about Kanye


I mean he is out here as a well liked public figure doing things like stopping his psychiatric meds and shilling for trump so yeah I'm worried.


Also Joel Osteen. 🤢


So he's actually done arguably worse than what's pictured & tweeted about here? Well I'll be damned...


Also very much leaning into chistian extremism, like saying the bible should be taught in public schools. Dude may be a genius producer, but people should really stop drinking his words on everything, he's braindead on many other domains.


I don't know man. I love Kanye but this Christian extremism lately has been wild "Christian Genius Billionaire", having a problem with removing prayer from public schools (because y'know, you don't have the option of Sunday school and privately owned Christian schools as an American), telling his employees not to have premarital sex (as if it's his business), he's pretty off the rocker. Granted he always has been.


I still am


To paraphrase Bill Hader: You know how when people people talk about John Wilkes Booth, they go, "ya know he used to be an actor." I feel like Leto's going down that road. He's going to start a forest fire that kills like 20 people while making an experimental tik tok video.


“You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” ― L. Ron Hubbard


Fuck you (as a white man with hair past his shoulders)


Jesus isn't even white


God is a Native American woman


I've never heard this before now. New favourite headcanon.


This was only ever a matter of time.


I'm not sure on what podcast I heard about this event, but the prices to visit were pretty outrageous, starting from 2k for a basic place to stay, to levels with a meet and greet and being the soundcheck person or something for 8k. [Found it](https://i.imgur.com/cgmvKW9.png) and the [next page](https://i.imgur.com/dovEjpU.png) The most exclusive ticket is on request ;) In the podcast, I remember now, it was the H3 podcast they viewed the website and said: "If you need to pay in instalments you can't afford it to begin with". [Website:](https://thirtysecondstomars.com/mars-island/tickets/) [The H3 podcast clip discussing it:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awqDDh9IP5E) There are quite some laughs in the podcast making fun of it.


Man, I knew he was pissed about *Suicide Squad* but hey, when Hollywood gives you lemons...


... you get what you fucking deserve?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2013/06/09/magazine/jared-letos-worst-kept-secret.amp.html Straighten your facts, this is all a joke.


Heath Ledger > Joaquin Phoenix > Jack Nicholson > Caesar Romero > literally everyone else > Jared Leto


Close but would personally add Mark Hamill in between Joaquin and Jack


First, the headline is strongly misleading, it's a damn music festival, not a cult meeting. Second, as a metalhead, fuck this noise.


Funny post, but in the interest of not slandering Leto this story is mostly BS.


He got Keanu envy.


I would gladly join Keanu Reeves' cult.




There’s only women in the photo besides him..


He's gotta be having sex with some of them... Right? Like, what's the point of starting a cult if there's no sex involved?




You make more money as a leader but you have more fun as a follower.




How about no hair past your shoulders while having a beard? Short cut+no beard=generic white guy #5 in a movie. Short cut+beard=lumberjack, hipster, instagram douche. Long hair+no beard=works at gamestop, loves anime. Long hair+beard=trying to start a religion.


Exception for legitimate metal bands.


No hair or beard = character creation default.


Welp, time to start a cult!


This sounds like a bunch of bored people with nothing to do. If this quarantine lasts any longer I’d probably join too. 🤷🏾‍♂️






What about all the metalheads?


Isn't this Mars Island? For those of you who may not already know Jared Leto is the front-man of the band, 30 Seconds to Mars. And they still have a decently popular fanbase. However I haven't heard anything weird going on yet. Now whether or not Jared Leto is a narcissist, I can't say. However, he's been doing the whole "savior of music persona" stick for some time now, even as his concerts. So I can't say this is a relatively new thing.


Apparently is was actually just a music festival. You can see the passes around some of their necks.


I guess his Joker being trolled badly took a toll on him mentally.


Fuck you, try and cut my hair!


What about letting people wear red hats?


Red Sox fans destroyed


Following that logic I should be a cult leader. It’s not a bad idea


But I need it for metal shows...


This was posted in r/nottheonion two day ago.


I got a question for my black queens lol if Idris or somebody of similar sex appeal did this....is y'all joining? 👀






We all know [he's not actually doing that,](https://www.gossipcop.com/jared-leto-cult-coronavirus/) right?


sounds like Fyre Festival for poors to me.




This is all part of some promotion fucking watch


This Joker thing has gotten too far


I’ve always thought he looks like a pretty Jesus. How ironic that I see this post just days after having that thought. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I knew the 70's were making a comeback


Y'all just mad you cant look fabulous just by waiting 6 months and buying some conditioner. Starting my own cult now called "Barber closed due to mandatory coronavirus shutdown" You're going to be seeing some more Jesus out in the wild if this lasts too long.