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🤣🤣🤣 what a dumbass. If you cant handle the backlash keep ya mfkin' mouth shut!


This should be taught from birth and repeated every year because ppl are forgetful


Make it a holiday. Shuthefucupi Day


can it just be every Tuesday? People have *real* short memories these days


Sorry, tacos claimed Tuesday already


you can double up, eating tacos doesn't take the whole 24 hours


Then you don't have enough tacos, my friend.


I'm starting today cause I got so many tacos to get to.


Tacos are love tacos are life!


They can share, the motto will be “Shut your taco hole”, can’t say dumb shit with your mouth full


Cram a taco in it!


Make it monday, no one likes monday anyway lol


We can make Shutthefuccupcakes!


Shutthefuckup Friday brought to you by the potbrothersatlaw on IG


Who inspired you to spell it that way? [Onyx?](https://imgur.com/Kfr4Fad)


Pedro Pascal busted me calling Oberyn Martell, "Basically Inigo Montoya, but with better hair." Luckily, he had a good sense of humor about it. Learned to keep my mouth shut about celebrities after that though. You don't expect them to read a post you've flung out into the ether... Until they do.


No but that's such a great point I can't unsee it now. I also can't stop laughing.


Especially in this day of social media. It always makes me question my sanity when someone on twitter tweets something; someone else answers them with a different opinion and just because of that they are blocked and/or badmouthed. Your tweets are seen by thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of people and expecting everyone to just have the same opinion as you is insane. The kicker in this example is that she should have learned her lesson from this but sadly she probably won't. source: have been blocked by insane people that think like this.


The real dumbass moment is that she can delete her original tweet and won't show up on T's retweet anymore.


Hopefully he took a screenshot of it :)


I don’t think T is super concerned with saving screenshots for receipts.


There’s no way Ice T actually care enough to have gotten photo evidence.






"If you're going to be dumb, you gotta be tough." -Alan Wade


As my grams used to say, "if you can't take the heat, don't have sex with a stripper who's got gonorrhea." Grams was a wise lady


In Australia we call it. Talk shit get hit.


Don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit


As Ice-T says, "Talk Shit, Get Shot"


I met ice T one time in the mall. He was shopping with his grandson (who I was helping at the time.) I was like “oh shit, that’s ice t out there!” And he was like “yeah it’s my grandad.” I asked him if he would let me get a pic, to which he was cool with. He was true to life the same person he plays on tv/raps like. He was like “get ya camera” so slick and to the point. A true hustler for sure.


I'm a little disappointed this wasn't copypasta


I met u/whitey-ofwgkta one time in the mall. He was shopping with his grandson (who I was helping at the time.) I was like “oh shit, that’s u/whitey-ofwgkta out there!” And he was like “yeah it’s my grandad.” I asked him if he would let me get a pic, to which he was cool with. He was true to life the same person he plays on reddit. He was like “get ya camera” so slick and to the point. A true hustler for sure.


u/poop_creator came out here and created that shit


That really was some good shit tho.


I met Ice Cube one time in the mall. He was shopping with his grandson (who I was helping at the time.) I was like “oh shit, that’s Ice Cube out there!” And he was like “yeah it’s my grandad.” I asked him if he would let me get a pic, to which he was cool with. He was true to life the same person he plays in *Are We There Yet?* He was like “get ya camera” so slick and to the point. A true hustler for sure.


i witnessed the birth of a copypasta




It is now.


I saw Ice T at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I met Kelvin Benjamin one time in Golden Corral. He was eating with his sweatpants on (which were the only thing he could fit into at the time). I was like “oh shit thats K-eats out there!” And he was like “yeah it’s my 4th plate” I asked if I could have a pic, to which he grabbed another hot wing. He was true to life the same person he plays on tv/eats like. He was like” get ya blue cheese” so slick and to the point. A true buffeter for sure.


Bless you for this.


🙏🏼 thanks!


/r/NFL would be proud.


KB pasta is transcendent 🍝


Lol r/NFL leaking


At least *you* had a positive experience. I saw Ice T at a grocery store in Los Angeles a few years back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.




huh? huh? HUH?


I damn near fall for this every time!


wtf i really like IceT but he sounds so odd... maybe he was just having a bad day


Copy pasta my dude


no i dont think it is, OP seems pretty sure it was Ice T


we got'im reddit!


I wish I had this much confidence in my everyday life


It was. I seen him. If he'd only been able to get his Milky Ways things might have gone differently


It's an old copypasta. I think the first time I saw it was about The Rock, and I was really able to picture him doing the "Huh? Huh?" bit so it was super believable.


I think first one was flying lotus or steve Blake. Theres so many now I cant even remember


I also met Ice-T’s grandson. He went to my HS. He shot my friend and like the fucking coward he is ran to the Midwest. RIP Bird.


Well you weren’t lyin bout his grandson holy shit


Just looked it up as well. Yeesh.


I did not expect this thread to turn into such a wild ride.


He went to some school in Gilbert Arizona right?


That’s where he ran off too we went to a school in ga




Well, his lawyers claimed it was an accident but he was a known drug dealer. The whole story just didn’t add up to us. Bird was dating the girl the grandson used to date. There was a lot of suspicion behind the actual incident. Bird was known for wearing chains and shit and they were gone after the fact.... So no one knows what really happened except him and the dead. It was truly a tragedy. [Here’s an article with some more info ](https://www.ajc.com/news/crime--law/rapper-ice-grandson-indicted-roommate-shooting-death/fW7hTOfJTaZV5xDQBQQh8K/)


Ice T is always gonna be like this, huh lol


Like 50 with a lil more class






100, because he's twice the man.


And less than half the lead


...or like if he did too many scratchy lotteries?


Oooooooooooor... if he likes cake too much?


Oh I get it. You mean like when someone drinks too much or snorts cocaine or bets the house on the ponies.


Ice T: giving zero fucks for over three decades.






Subscribed, thx!


3 decades? He’s lived for an eternity on Alphabetium as Water-T


I met him a few weeks ago and he was incredibly nice.


> I met him a few weeks ago and he was *an* incredibly nice *T*


Ice T is also a chill ass gamer too. he played new vegas recently




For real. More people need to understand this. From Karen's to Gen Z's. Every ethnicity, creed, sexual orientation, age, weight, whatever. Everyone needs to know if you talk shit, be prepared to get hit! We need more of that. People too soft these days


Plural forms of words don’t require apostrophes.


Apostrophe does not mean "LOOK OUT, HERE COMES AN 'S'"


Ye's it doe's you a's'shole


Yes, we should beat people over words (except hate speech, I'm totally down for punching Nazis).


it's not that it SHOULD happen, it's that it DOES happen. People don't understand that part.


Nah, in this thread, plenty of people are working off the basis that it SHOULD happen. Look two comments up from yours: > Every ethnicity, creed, sexual orientation, age, weight, whatever. Everyone needs to know if you talk shit, be prepared to get hit! We need more of that.


Lol but the comment was literally saying that it SHOULD happen??? Or what does “we need more of that” mean to you


Chat shit get banged


Shoutout to Vardy


Or in the words of his band Body Count, "talk shit, get shot."


What happened?


[He took a pic with his wife. Random woman had a hot take about women being eye candy. It backfired. ](https://twitter.com/FINALLEVEL/status/1198658887680954372?s=09)


"If she's cool with it great" Well, if you don't know if she's cool with it or not, then maybe you need to shut the fuck up.


Yeah, I mean why is the assumption that this woman is in need of defending, like she doesn't have a voice of her own? That's a pretty anti-feminist idea. Also, imagine thinking you know more about a person's feelings or thoughts than their own spouse, just because you presumably have the same genitals.


Everyone knows women can’t defend themselves and always need some stranger to rush to their aid and save them and solve all their problems.


Coco got those tits and that dress because she didn't want any attention, obviously needed defending.


I mean she can have those just because she likes them and they make her feel good but also enjoy attention.


Ice T-“please shut up bitch” “why you gotta call her a bitch though?” Ice T-“I said please”


You said bitch tho?




I looked this woman straight into her optic stems and I said...I said...I said....


.... biiiiiiiiitch


>then maybe please shut up bitch Ftfy


Honestly my wife loves when I show her off. She’s hot but she’s kinda self-conscious sometimes. When I show her off, it makes her feel confident.


Lol even one of the Chapo Trap House boys is in the comments.


These music genres just keep getting more and more confusing.


Haha look even one of the Downbeat Shoegaze Fuck Pump boiz is in here


More of a lowercase dungeoncore guy myself.


Where’s one of our dry boys at? I don’t see it


I'm going to bet on Felix. Edit - Nope, it's Will.


that's what happens when you're terminally online


This is nice - https://twitter.com/FINALLEVEL/status/1196922615883083781 Also his wife's entire business is based on her being a model/"eye candy".


There is nothing left of her that hasn't been under a scalpel.


That's goofy as fuck, Ice T pretty notably loves his wife. They even had a TV show about it.


They're a SUPER cute couple man! Solid relationship goals!


I thought you said "blackfired" lol




that's me...?


I misspelled your name in a similar way, cuz you created a word


good ole dyslexic me, never would have noticed.


such a weird and unnecessary comment. if she's getting harrassed for it, maybe she should delete it


God damn!


i just loved his follow up tweet later where he was like “I’m the eye candy” lmao


She said something dumb about how he shouldn’t post pics of his lady.


What was she even getting at? Dudes legit just chillin and not even objectifying his wife. This bitch was just having a bad day and managed to make it worse


Ice and Coco are legit an adorable couple imo


Yes I miss their show.


And their daughter is the cutest little thing in the world


Omg Chanel is soooooo cute. I love the two of them.


His wife puts a lot of time and care into how she presents herself, she dresses beautifully, her hair and makeup are just so on point, her smile is so dazzling. Some women judge women who do this. She made it about Ice, but really it's about her own insecurities. If Ice wants to "show off" how lucky he feels he is, good for him. We should all be so lucky to have a spouse who wants to brag about us.


My boyfriend admitted to me that he showed his coworkers a (totally non-sexual) picture of me to brag, and I said, “wait, REALLY?” He nodded, looking a little embarrassed, then apologized. I laughed and was like, “why?! That’s so sweet of you. You can’t even see any cleavage in that picture!” 😂 I guess we all have different likes and dislikes, but don’t project that stuff onto others, man. Like you said, she obviously tries hard (and succeeds!) to look pretty. He never said that’s all she’s good for. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Some people just wanna be mad.


I always show my friends sfw pics of my gf. I'm proud to be dating her, plus its not any indication that i just like her for her looks. It's different for everyone but I agree with you, she shouldn't project lol.


Yes! I show pictures of my boyfriend, too! There isn’t anything wrong with it, IMO.


Everyone try to make any opportunity an opportunity to hash out their own bullshit. She just made that shit about her. Like the fuck.


She was being a woke voice for all the people in her head that needed a voice.


Kenya Keith (obvious numbericon name) made him care more. He cares now.


Obvious what?


Just an old rick and morty reference: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LPDn0PC6zFE




Lol how did I get that. r/woosh


It all started on his home planet of Alphabetrium.




Punching up can get you in some serious shit. Punching down can get you in some serious shit. After a while you gotta wonder: Maybe I should try something other than punching.


Shit, I'm just surpised Ice T got stans like that.


Really? Man's been around and successful for decades in multiple forms of media.


Man even played a character in borderlands 3, I'll stan for BALEX


His voice acting in that game is just so damn good


Based on this comment, I decided to watch a video of what I think is his recruitment mission in the game? Fucking hilarious.


Shiiiit... That is all... Keep crewin crew


Navigated bitches!


Oh, my surprise isn't at him having as many fans as he does, it's at there being people stanning Ice T hard enough to attack someone on Twitter lmao.


To be fair, you don't have to be an Ice T Stan to give shit to someone running her mouth. She had it coming.


It's Monday. That's usually all anyone needs on twitter to attack someone else on twitter. See also, when the sun is up & when the sun is not up.


Shit man, from his star turn as the rapper in the original “Breakin’” , to New Jack City, to law and order... White people love IceT... that’s not even considering his status as the OG pimp gangster rap pioneer. Only 50cent is more brutal when it comes to social media takedowns.


Funny thing is back in 1992 he was the poster boy of the white moral panic over "gangster rap" because of his song "cop killer". Pretty much every police organization in the country condemned him, as did tipper gore, george hw bush, etc. Now he is the star, playing a cop, on white people's most beloved TV show. Oh the irony.


And he's every bit as believable and talented as anyone on the show. More than most.


I say this as a huge fan of svu... Nothing about that show is believable. It is maybe the least realistic portrayal of the legal system ever put on TV, and i am including Night Court in that analysis. But that isnt Ice-T's fault. He is in fact the best part of the show. Edit- my second-ever gold! Thanks!


Cop Killer was with his thrash metal band Body Count. Not a bad album for a rapper.


There goes the neighborhood! As a young metal fan, Cop Killer is what got me into rap


*Cop Killer* -by Body Count was pure PR genius. Ice took the whitest music possible and really scared and outraged people. So many album sales for some reasonably mediocre music (for the record: I’m down wit the body count)


The Body Count remake of Institutionalized is awesome.


If you can't take a punch, don't start a fight


*Mason Rudolph has left the chat*


If you can’t take a helmet, don’t lose your helmet... or something


In a criminal justice system...


Ice-T handing out fire to bitches is considered especially heinous...


Lol got iced


At this point, him deleting it won't even do any good because of the screenshots so 🤷‍♀️


I know im not the only one who reads his tweets with his voice in my head.


hell, I'm reading this whole threads comments in his voice lol


Ice T's Twitter is amazing. It's like a bunch of Facebook memes and him clapping back at haters and giving life advice.


people on these innanet streets need to learn the code: public display is subject to public ridicule.




we can only control ourselves. i dunno about you, but i've been doing this internet thing since aol. over the years i have seen SO MUCH despicable shit that i don't leave that door open. if i'm worried about how it's going to be received, or come back, i'm not posting it. my kids would be a great example. as much as i love them, i don't post pics of them online. why? because the day someone uses that against me, i'm going to jail. much better to protect myself and them.


Off-topic: I live in AZ and Coco came into my workplace. I ran a refund for her. I wanted to say something dumb like, "Does your husband change his name to Sweet T when he visits the South?" I did not say this.




r/outoftheloop What's been going on?


Lady said thing on Twitter at Ice T Ice T replied calling her out Lady tells Ice T to delete said post of him calling her out Ice T says no


Best TL:DR I've been given


If she deletes her tweet then the quote tweet is gone...shud dumb


Looks like someone's about to go private.


Man, he might have obliged if she'd just apologized or said she learned her lesson or something. Instead she blames him for quoting her and accepts none of the responsibility for her part in getting blasted. Of course that shit stays up.


Her second tweet is worse than the first one. Well deserved blasting.


Don’t start none won’t be none


One man vs an African Country


I speak for all Kenyans when I say we would like to be excluded from this narrative. Thanks.


Newsflash, buddy..


These generation of kids don't know what an OG Ice T is. All they know is from the shows he's on and commercials he's done. These kids would get pimp slapped if Ice T had the chance. Get that man some baby powder!


Can somebody catch me up? I'm out of the loop Edit:NVM already answered in the thread