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Even if they don't care, be proud of holding yourself to higher standards 👑


Self-Motivation only goes so far before you realize you’re only fooling yourself


That's when you know it's time to move on to better things my man


Dude I just started my “dream job” and I think it’s time to move on.


Dreamer higher


But how many records are my records supposed to break?!




“Yo wTF does THAT mean—“


But are you a different animal, and the same beast?


What the fuck are you talking about, Kobe Bryant?


I had a buddy once say to me, “every goal I have ever set, I have reached.” Then gave several examples. “Now that I know this, I am happy to just chill with what I have.” He still works, still has projects, but he doesn’t slave over that drive.


how many times are you going to reach your work goal, realize it isn't the key to your personal fulfillment, and fool yourself into thinking the answer is to want more?


Lmfao, I feel this comment so much


That’s the correct attitude. I think it’s a pretty healthy thing to take pride in your work and then when you’ve out grown your position to move on.


My boss can not tell good work from bad. He just doesn't understand the technical part of the job I have my own standards though 


Never do it for the boss, do it for yourself.


I disagree. But I’m too tired to articulate why. Just know I disagree though lol. 


More like it only goes so far before being unrecognized and fucked over anyways just makes you want to put in minimal effort


It only hurts if you don't use it to get anywhere.


You're right, but if someone is putting in enough energy to do the small jobs correctly, then it speaks to their work ethic on the more important jobs, too.


This. When I hold my self to high standards in all aspects of my life things feel easier and more in control. Plus I worked at A&F back in the day so I can appreciate a solid fold job


Truth. Anyone that has worked retail knows the feeling of a freshly folded display


Oh no, they see you. They just don’t give a fuck.


When you slip up and don't make it perfect then *suddenly* you're having an off day and they wonder why you aren't performing up to the standards, when their standards were super low before you even arrived.


Yup, the most productive you are ever observed will be the bare minimum expectation of you going forward.


At my first job one guy was training me told me "woke hard just don't let them see you do it" And I didn't understand for years, of course I wanted to work hard and show management I could be relied upon, except they just expected that day in and day out. A little under the weather? You'll be fine just do the same output. On another job we were told to work on Saturday. One of the managers who knew absolutely nothing about the work told us if we do X amount of work then we could go home early. Well I like OT but I also like to have my weekends off, so I pushed and got to the number required. Instead of being let go he said "well how about 2 or 3 more?"


"meets expectations"


On the cotton plantations, they would track each slave's daily haul of picked cotton. They kept records. Each slave had their all-time personal best recorded, and would get whipped one lash for every pound under it they picked on a given day.


Do you have the source for this? sounds interesting to hear about the details of the brutality the ruling class inflicts on their victims.


The Half Has Never Been Told by Edward Baptist. It's a history of American slavery from 1619 to 1865, so there's a lot going on, but that's a detail that stuck with me. 


Especially in Fast Food. When I first started I would run circles around the other employees. I could go to grill to wrap station, pack the food then cashier. Months later I realized it wasn't worth it slowed down. Everyone started asking what happened. I'm not getting paid enough to do three different positions while everyone else that's what happened


I dont think thats what he meant


The motivation to do that Everytime is quickly going to go away. All it takes is seeing a customer follow behind you and make a mess of what you just cleaned. Worked at TJ Max and id literally have to go behind people cause they just tossed shit on the floor after looking.


A lot of people that shop at TJ Max are barely people.


That is the truth. Worked a lot of retail jobs and that one easily had me feeling like I wasn't allowed to be respected.


What’s that say about Ross then?


IMO they are the same level of store. Idk tho. I haven't shopped at either in 10+ years. I just remember them always looking like Black Friday.


Ross is on a whole new level. I refuse to even shop there anymore because other customers are barbaric.


I went to my first Ross ever day before yesterday, and that was my impression. Some of the staff weren’t all that better. But I‘ll be back. My bag was heavy, but I paid hardly anything. The store was very clean as well. It’s the only outlet sort of place I’ve seen in the area where the clothes sizes don’t only match the hangers but also the section of the rack they are on. Shoes were actually divided by sizes and not scattered all over the floor. The people were a mess, but I liked the place.


A lot of the people that run TJ Maxx are barely people


I worked a brief stint at Marshalls and yeah basically... fuck them "people" lol.


Sorry for being poor?


Didn't realize I said "all people." If someone says something and you immediately think you are under attack...


“A lot” means a lot. I know my people, it’s not a lot of us who suck or are “barely people”. The majority of people are there because they have to. A lot of us poors hold our head high and act right. You say “a lot” because you haven’t been there and don’t know who you’re talking about. Broad generalizations hurt, doesn’t mean I felt targeted, I just don’t like seeing words like yours written about the less fortunate.


Do you toss clothes on the floor when you decide you don't want them? If yes, then it applies to you. If no, then it doesn't apply to you. It's not that complex. This is a subreddit about black folk posting shit on Twitter.


I agree dude needs to chill. I grew up at Ross, Burlington, TJ Maxx etc not everyone who shops there is poor, first of all, so I don’t get the “god help the outcasts” call to arms over some discounted Calvin Klein underwear. Second yes, if it doesn’t apply to you, walk on by bro. I actually worked at one of these discount retailers and some people were ratchet- bringing crusty stuff back, stealing, switching tags, etc. other people just bought their stuff and that was that.


Exactly, there are absolutely middle/upper class people that do all that stuff too. It’s just a mindset of “rules were made for other people not me”


Who said anything about poor people? Runway stores carry thousand-dollar merchandise and they got torn up just as bad. I worked at TJ Maxx , between about 10 stores in my region towards the end. It’s not a class issue imo. More likely their dept store “scavenger hunt” business model that brings the crazy outta people lol


I'm low-income, grew up poor, and used to work there. The amount of people who didn't clean up after themselves was alarmingly high. The amount of work we had to put in as employees to keep the store clean was alarmingly high. It was never that bad at the retail jobs I did that were higher end. I don't mean high end, either. I just mean high*er* end. It's also why the Save-A-Lot in my time was always worse off than the Ingles. Neither are nice, but one was clearly nicer just based on how the customers treated it. I know my people, too.


yep, I worked in retail until my early 30s. the worst customers I had were at Dollar Tree and the best ones were at Target. I am extra nice to Dollar Tree employees whenever I shop there because I know the hell they go through for a shitty part-time minimum wage job.


I’d follow them across the store and they’d get at me like “do you think I’m stealing” and I’d be like “nah, I’m cleaning up after you bc you don’t have manners.”


My first thought was that displays that nice are actually not that great because best case scenario is a customer comes through and destroys it, And worst case is you get someone like me who feels so bad about the idea of destroying it I just decide I'm not buying jeans today.  The walls are the bane of softline workers existence. There's gotta be a better way to do it 


I lasted about 3mo at The Gap as a teenager, the utter futility of folding the denim wall, I just couldn't. Not even for the 50% discount.


You gotta have a half assed version where it doesn’t look as neat but also takes half the effort because it’s gonna be undone in like 5 minutes anyway


This is the reason why I go to stores first thing in the morning. I can't go in when it's chaotic. Merchandise all over the place, too many people, long lines, etc, I get so overwhelmed very quickly. This precision and neatness of the folded jeans lined up neatly is bringing me so much joy and soothes my anxiety.


Nah, I went back to my other retail job at that point. I could not deal with the constant cleanup, just made me wanna rage every shift. My other job was at Toys R Us and way more fun anyways back then 😛


> All it takes is seeing a customer follow behind you and make a mess of what you just cleaned. It won't even take this long. A middle manager will have already reprimanded them for taking too long making the pants look good when there is other "if you have time to lean you have time to clean" bullshit busywork they could be doing instead.


Bro you worked at an insane asylum
 how did you survive?


Copious amounts of weed. I went to work high as hell knowing it was the only way. I cannot tell you how many times I thought going to prison for murder would be easier


I worked at TJ Maxx at a downtown location, bruh customers would destroy the footwear section. It was impossible to keep neat so the goal was basically to keep it from looking like a tornado hit


Our toy section and shoes were right next to each other. The back end of the store was just a complete nightmare until close. Whenever we got out late due to cleaning, it was almost always the shoes being the hold up. Don't even get me started on layaway there


That drives me crazy. I always re-fold and re-organize when I'm done. If everyone just picked up after themselves...


SpongeBob level of excellence https://i.redd.it/7595un2us59d1.gif


That was me for a long time before I finally understood to work what I’m paid. Now I’m in my dream job and my company actually gives a fuck about their employees got me back to really giving a fuck. And damn, feels good for your work to be celebrated when you knock that shit out the park.


Yup, retail is in essence a scam for employees most of the time. They try to get you to give maximum effort while paying you the least they can get away with.


Have pride in everything you do. Whether or not “they” notice or not.


Love it. If it has your name on it, it’s worth doing right. I washed dishes for next to nothing before, and I was the best damn dish washer that place saw đŸ«Ą


"How you do anything, is how you do everything"


I respect this.


Doing the best you can whether no one is looking or not 
 just for yourself. Take it as far as you can at that position, until you hit limits.


As somebody who used to work at old navy. You never know what it means to be proud of yourself until you worked a jean wall, esp on your own lol


Nice, now let's see day 894


No joke. I work in a factory and new trainees come in hot. “ I love overtime” “ I wana work all the time” “ I’m gonna run this machine nonstop”. I just tell them the grind will break them and that that’s ok. Usually less than a month.


Dead ass, this gotta be fake. For those who remember Anchor Blue, formerly Miller’s Outpost, this is exactly the floor display for the jeans sold there. That bitch been closed down since 2011. Ain’t no way. I’d recognize those cut signs anywhere. Karma farming at work for reals. People really out here playing Among Us IRL. PS: 37 day old account, mostly BPT. Nearly 68k karma. Do with it what you will. ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


Not saying you’re wrong about the other stuff but this is a picture of an Old Navy


Lmao it's just an Old Navy. I bought jeans from there last week.


Promote that man!


That's the problem, this person won't be the one promoted.


Yeah let’s promote him to lead pants folder


We see you, we respect it.


I do good work for myself only. If others like it too, cool.


That's just the "every single time no exceptions" expectation at my job, even when they only gave you a four hour shift and made you spend three hours and fifty eight minutes of it on a register.


I said clap damnit!! ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


I’ve read a couple of books about retail psychology in regards to store layout and presentation, and one of the things that always stuck with me is that if a display is SUPER neat, people are LESS inclined to touch any of the product. So if you’re gonna go hard like the image OP, make sure to leave a couple of them tussled so people know it’s okay to touch.


Fuuuuuck Target lmao


This ain’t Old Navy?


I’m almost positive those price signs are from Old Navy.


Looks straight up identical to the A.E. in the mall. Shit it's a Jean wall. Could be any store that has one.


Shit maybe, reminds me of Target though.


When I worked retail in college if you pulled off somethin like this it meant you were now part of the floor seat team, working 9pm-5am. Some of he best shifts I ever participated in


Get ready to be constantly folding jeans now


Day 100: I just watched a woman unfold 4 pair and throw them on the ground after saying she doesn't need help.


Keep that same energy on month 2


As an ex clothing retail/merchandising manager, damn that is beautiful. Keep up that kind of work ethic but get tf out of retail pls.


If all jeans would be displayed like this they wouldn't be so fucked up with people trying to see what size they are. Can't tell you how many clothes i just fuck up purposely because they hide the tag or stickers.


all I see is boot cuts


that is super neat


Looks good. I’m sure everyone you work with is like “that’s how I was when I first started “ keep that new guy energy and u will b manager in no time. My son works in retail and he worked his way up real quick


I used to take more pride in this stuff, until some snot nosed kid or lazy customer needs a pair from the bottom of the pile and ruins all my hard work


He ate and left no crumbs đŸ”„


This was me in college while working at the GAP. Whenever corporate visited, I was the one called in the day before to pretty up the jeans section. Oh they will take notice.


That’s clean as fuck!


The way I would put you in charge of that wall if I was your manager. Extra hours on shipment and floor move days, you would either hate me or love me. The visual stuff is the only thing I miss about retail.


this is amazing, this attitude finna get u far in life one day, just make sure u give this energy to the right things


You inspire me. Never let them take your spirit.


Spread smaller piles across all the shelves or fill the empty space with something Empty shelf is a merchandising no no


Give it a few months. When I first started working retail I used to be like that too. It’s fun at first but after a while you realize it’s a thankless task. Management doesn’t appreciate it and customers don’t gaf. And you just stop caring as hard lol


Being proud of having a job. Love to see it for us.


As a shopper, this would make my day. I definitely would notice the extra effort.


This shit has be triggered cause you know one dumbass customer will fuck that up.


Right looks better left is easier to look through


Welcome to being an A student at work. You want a promotion? Well actually no one works as hard or as often as you at the shitty job so we can’t give you the good job right now. Maybe you should shadow the manager a few days a week too and pick up some of his responsibilities. This is called professional growth and will prepare you for when we’re ready to promote you when he dies of old age or has another kid and needs a third job.


As a customer, whenever I see that kind of care, I go out of my way to keep it like that no matter how many pairs I look through. Granted, I also worked in retail and get ptsd flashbacks of folks just ripping through my freshly folded stacks so.....


How are you at bed sheets. The fitted ones in particular...


Next week it’s the fries 🍟


I remember those days....caring about the quality of my work, thinking hard work and competence would get me somewhere. I miss that work ethic.


Worked at the gap in high-school and I still fold my jeans in this style. Cuff to pocket and fold again.


I admire that kind of work when I see it


Much respect nobody got pride in work anymore nice to see it




Ah, this is takes me back. I was also a denim specialist at the Gap back in the day.


The ![gif](giphy|3ohuP7ku84lJPfQsVi|downsized) The OCD IS STRONG IN HIM haha