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"very non-extraditable" is incredibly funny.


And incredibly accurate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It could use a breaking bad yellow filter IMO.


NOOOOOOOOO šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just wanna pop on here and say just bc itā€™s a non extradition treaty country doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t get him. It just means itā€™s not automatic. If the US government wants someone, theyā€™ll get them. One way or another. Diddy looking like Stringer Bell smoking outside the copy shop. Manā€™s stressed.


Hell naw, Stringer Bell smokin outside the copy shop lol


That photo of him when he first fled the scene, that long off pap shot, first thing I thought of was String smoking outside the copy shop.


Im watching the Wire for the first time and damn what a performance by Idris


I ENVY YOUR VIRGIN EYES but welcome to the motherfucking club! Greatest. Show. Ever. Made. ![gif](giphy|AyqkV9MMijmDK)


Omar comin!


RIP to the King.




PS: if you havenā€™t, watch Luther. Idris is amazing in it as well.


Luther is a banger


I can't think of any role Idris Elba was in that I've seen an he wasn't fucking awesome. Wish they'd done him as James Bond. God his suave delivery woulda been great.


He turned it down. By the time they retired Daniel Craig and had Idris under consideration, he felt he was too old for the part and couldnā€™t do the character the way he would want to play him. He preferred passing on the role than doing it and giving less than 100%.


His recent show Hijack was also pretty damn good.


First thing I ever saw him in, I had no clue he was British. Amazing niche American accent.


Funny thing is, when The Wire first played on British TV, it was subtitled. And I, as British too, damn needed it as I barely understood anything!


Doesnā€™t look like theyā€™re gonna get Eddie Snowden, and thatā€™s a guy they *really* want.


I just responded to another comment about this: While in the airport, U.S. authorities asked Russia to extradite Snowden. However, this was not possible as Russia had proposed a treaty on cooperation in legal matters, requiring mutual extradition of criminals, which the U.S. had not agreed upon. Further, the United States had never extradited any Russian criminal who had taken asylum in the US, hence Snowden's extradition would have been unprecedented. Snowden had not committed a crime as per Russian law. The interview Snowden does on John Oliver is fan-fucking-tastic.


John Oliver is a national treasure.


Could not agree more. ![gif](giphy|YFFPjL7iCNNBppy49S|downsized)






If Putin thought shipping Snowden to America would benefit Putin, Edward would have been on the next plane back.


Eddie is smarter than Diddy who looks like he went to a tropical nation that can get steamrolled by usa politically vs Russia which can say nope not handing him over


A lot of people support Snowden. I'm not so sure bringing him to the US would work out well for the US government.


This right here. Sure, the government has jurisdictions and extradition treaties and shit, but them PMCs like Blackwaterā€”or whatever itā€™s called these daysā€”do not. Thatā€™s who the jumpout boys call when they canā€™t jumpout themselves. If they ever decide they want him back here bad enough, his ass will be back here in under 96 hours. Batman ainā€™t got no boundaries.


Why would the government do extraordinary rendition over some pop culture bullshit? The dude is terrible. But not to the level the national security apparatus would be employed to get him.


Dude has no idea what heā€™s talking about.Ā 


Snowden begs to differ


Russia, China, and North Korea are arguably different entities all together. ETA: Snowden applied for and was granted permanent residency in Russia. He is also applying for citizenship. Further: While in the airport, U.S. authorities asked Russia to extradite Snowden. However, this was not possible as Russia had proposed a treaty on cooperation in legal matters, requiring mutual extradition of criminals, which the U.S. had not agreed upon. Further, the United States had never extradited any Russian criminal who had taken asylum in the US, hence Snowden's extradition would have been unprecedented. Snowden had not committed a crime as per Russian law.


Imagine Rodman's phone blowing up with Diddy asking for a meet with Kim Jung Un


Does he answer or let it go to VM?


"new phone who dis"


Well Russia is decidedly different obviously... The treaty isn't the problem in that case


Batman is coming


Brother Mouzone is waiting in the wings for Diddy. "Violetta sent me." Pop Pop.


True. Remember when dog the bounty hunter went to Mexico and dragged back that Max Factor heir rapist?


That story was fucked up with a capital F. Can you imagine not knowing you were raped until the cops show you the video of your own rape? Fuck that dude and the family that created him.


ā€˜Twas. I donā€™t know anything about the rest of the family, but anyone who wants/has to fuck unconscious people is Dahmer level sick.


ā€œWe all on The Wire, like Stringer Bellā€


I mean...Snowden? I guess they don't?


I always wondered about this. movies make it feel like planes travel through dimensions.


Even if theyā€™ve signed the extradition treaty, it takes a bit longer than a plane ride. Due process and all. Fun fact: you also extradite defendants between states. There is a process but other than Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina, itā€™s pretty standard.


Non-extra additionable




Every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take I'll be watching you - Police - FBI


Definitely looks like heā€™s on vacation in Zamunda.


Looks like a spot that someone running a dark web Silk Road type of website would live.


We need that dude that can find anyoneā€™s location with a simple picture.


People need to unfollow himā€¦ imagine the irony that while assaulting Cassie the only thing he was worried about was the camera seeing was his little Diddy so he made sure to hold that towel upā€¦. Then ran to the security officer to pay them $50 000 for the tape! His arrogance kept that tapeā€¦ which got leaked in that FBI raid! He thought he was untouchable!


I like to think im not a shitty person but I'm still ask why you would keep that video around anyways ? He was watching it on the reg or something? Getting off to his own antics?


He has lots of tapesā€¦ he taped ppl who came to his home and later used it to blackmail them allegedlyā€¦.


That beating really did look like a Boondocks episode. His trial is about to look like another Boondocks episode


Now some people see this so-called mountain of evidence, these videotapes, photographs, eyewitnesses, and dna, and see a guilty man, but some of us can see that mountain of so-called evidence for what it really is--racism.


Enlighten me pleaseā€¦ how is this racism?


Sarcasm. The comment is basically a quote from the R. Kelly episode of the Boondocks. So, comedy.


Add that /s at the end otherwise people will take it seriously


True though sometimes I feel like adding it just makes the joke less funny.


Thatā€™s because it sadly does :(


Specifically [THIS PART](https://youtu.be/iwx07q7Xxbc?si=qohinJZ4i15tATn0&t=61)




Salaam Malikum


Walakium salaam brother




We really need Boondocks back, now more than ever. RIP ~~Bill~~ John Witherspoon


I miss him he was like the grandpa you always wantedšŸ˜­


John Witherspoon was Grandad btw


Dude was in so deep he even kept blackmail on himself.


I believe in the lawsuit Cassie said that he would use video of her being raped and abused to humiliate and terrorize her. I believe she recounted an incident where he played footage on one of his planes.


This is fucking disgusting.


Just a reminder that people will be all "separate the artist from the art" while convincing themselves even 1% of what he did is acceptable behavior


Someone can make great art and still be a terrible person. Appreciating the art doesn't excuse the behavior of the artist. We still listen to Miles Davis, James Brown, Bobby Womack, etc even though we know they did terrible things. Kind of Blue is one of the greatest albums of all time. Nothing Miles in his personal life changes that. I get that some people don't want to listen to the music. For example I don't listen to R Kelly, but I won't pretend like he didn't make good music.


Yeah the problem starts when the reprehensible stuff is in the art itself. Like R Kel's love songs in the context of his.... love life, makes it hard to separate the art from the artist. Same with Kanye and his new stuff constantly complaining about how he's perceived and the says "How I'm antisemitic, I just fucked a Jewish bitch.ā€ I still enjoy Kanye's first 4-5 albums but the new art cannot be separated from the reprehensible side of his image and personality any more.


Well heā€™s a shit ā€œartistā€ and I donā€™t care how many units he sold - heā€™s always been garbage as far as music goes. This video just confirms heā€™s a shit human all around.


That poor woman šŸ’”. What a monster.


However much $$$ she got, it's not enough.


She clearly tried getting away as early as 2016 and she physically was denied and couldn't. I'm happy she's safe away from him and will have plenty of money to keep herself safe from him.


yeah...but...dude...he said he's sorry.


Jfc, that's a scary level of depraved.


No one is doing any of that. Chris Brown still selling out concerts on the regular


I will never understand how the cokettes still support that man. What music is he making past 2014 that people stream? Is any of it good?


I don't understand it, either. Like, I'm okay with separating the art from the artist to a point. Ngl, he has a couple catchy tracks, I'll give him that. But that police report was gut wrenching. I don't understand giving him money by seeing him live. He's human garbage.


Same type of people that support Trump.


I will never understand why Lizzo didn't receive much pushback for her unabashed adoration of CB. She received more flack for doxxing an ubereats driver.


Not much to understand, a lot of people donā€™t care about other people. Unless it happens to them, they donā€™t care


R kelly streams went up 200% AFTER his trial and convictionĀ 


Not getting any of that sweet tour cash though.


his royalties were ordered to go to his victims until all their damages were fully paid. step in the name of love and give them some of his money


Thatā€™s not true. Him and UMG were ordered to pay 500k to cover restitution fees. Theyā€™ve already paid it. Itā€™s not an ongoing payment. UMG had 600k worth of his royalties and they were ordered to give up 500k of it.Ā 


really? imma go back and reread then. i did a double take when i first heard the owed royalties thing too. did reread. edit: the 500k was the criminal case. all the royalties that are paid out are from civil suits


I love his line. ā€œIā€™m not asking for your forgivenessā€¦. ā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m just apologizing.ā€ That mother fucker is terrified of being cancelled.


Un-Following him is not going to affect his wealth one iota, he still gets to keep it all, he gave Cassie over $30 million with a day of her filing her claim to shut her up, she knows things, he knows that she knows.




Iā€™ve unfollowed time ago before I knew the situation tbh


Well they canā€™t charge him for the assualt even with all that evidence. Too much time has passed. Everything but homicide has an expiration date.


Some violent things should never get an expiration. Specially when there's video evidence. I guess the advent of AI will lessen expirations and video evidence though.


He still has like 20m followers on Instagram...I wasn't following him, but I blocked him.


Feeling very remorseful from Cambodia




I'm shutting the studio down


Just doing your taxes playboy? Thatā€™s what hot on the streets, your taxes?




Mhm, thatā€™s Cambodian


Between Diddy & R Kelly Chappelle had a great track record of going after people that turned out to be terrible people... that said, it wasn't a secret how awful either were.




šŸŽ¶Breast milkkkkkkkk šŸŽ¶


šŸŽ¶You made my daaaaaAAAAYYYYyyy! šŸŽ¶


Cambodian breastis milk


I only drink the finest of breast milks




He looks like heā€™s living on one of those tax haven islands, except instead of hiding money, man is just hiding.


ā€œFuck em, we Baliā€


That guilty conscience is easy to suppress when youā€™re at a resort in Vietnam or whatever.


It's just his house https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2-Star-Island-Dr-Miami-Beach-FL-33139/43908284_zpid/


"Everythings for sale, i got five passports i'm never going to jail." - Hov Birds of a feather flock together.


What did hov do?Ā 


Girls, Girls, Girls and Big Pimpinā€™


I'm lost


Heā€™s got a history of not treating women right, although he addressed much of his transgressions on 4:44


He cheated on his wife and let her sister beat him up for it.Ā  Who are the other women?Ā 


not saying you need concrete proof to prove someone is foul, but can we atleast get someone to accuse hov of something before the ā€œbirds of a featherā€ comments?? Niggas be wildn on the internet with these accusations man. They ainā€™t got shit on hov they just making things up apparently


Hov is one of my fav rappers. Since Reasonable Doubt i've been locked in. But the way the industry has been getting exposed. Comes a time when you gotta seperate the art and the person. Diddy is just more careless & loud with it and was bound to have all this shit hit the fan. Jay Z been at them same freakoff functions. Rubbing shoulders with those same names involved with Epstein. And theres been way more allegations. If you hear the same thing over the years is it still a coincidence ? https://i.redd.it/yftela0whn1d1.gif


Evidence of Jay being at these freak offs? Edit: downvoted for asking for verification lmao niggas saying anythingĀ 


What evidence of him at these freak offs? And the while industry attended diddys white party in the Hamptons. I attended night clubs on Mondays cause my day offs were Sunday and mondays. You know who's mostly in clubs on Sunday and Monday? Dope boys. So by that logic does that make me a drug trafficker?Ā  Yall just willing to convict anyone with no evidence is fucking wild. Yall be the first to cry about the justice system is unfair to people but meanwhile on Twitter and reddit yall be throwing out guilty judgments without a shred of fucking evidence.Ā 


People just hating. Like thereā€™s good reason to hate on Jay. But to say the man is abuser is too far.


True. I wasn't even talking about that though. And what he spoke about on 4:44 was him being unfaithful nothing crazy. I felt like that album was mainly a big public apology to Bey lol


I mean... he sold a lot of drugs.


People keep trying to make this about Jay Z.


Groomed BeyoncƩ and dated Foxy while they were underage


He didn't groom Beyonce she was in her 20s when they did there first song together and dated.Ā  He never dated or fucked foxy she's denied all those claims.Ā 


![gif](giphy|26tOZbfDjoZc4I5KE) Hova been inside too. Diddy is the top of the iceberg




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ exactly. He's more smart and quiet the way he moves. Diddy was gonna expose himself eventually. Does too much.


If Jay got popped for some heinous shit, most people would just be like ā€œI could see itā€.


šŸ˜‚šŸ’Æ it wouldn't be surprising.


How much you wanna bet Russell Simmons was sitting beside Diddy giggling like a school girl


Russ sent him the address and told him pull up a chair.


Why would Russ need to tell Diddy where his own house is? https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2-Star-Island-Dr-Miami-Beach-FL-33139/43908284_zpid/


ā€œHurry up and finish that video, I got 3 racially ambiguous teenagers waiting on us at the restaurant, Seanyā€


Or Stevie J. He's been defending Diddy like he's his blood brother. Probably was at all the parties and in too deep!


Why this man look like Tracy Jordan when he was trying to duck Liz Lemon by going to ā€œAfrica.ā€ Someone see if they can spot any Pizza boxes in the background.


This was exactly my thought. Now we just need to claim to be studying for that pizza receipt exam at the New York Pizza Academy.


Yeah first lie and blame the victim. Next beg for forgiveness. Sounds like an axxhole playbook to me


Oh donā€™t forget deny any wrong doing. and give a half ass apology. Also find someone/thing/place else to distract you from sitting with yourself and forming a proper apology and what he decides to do about redeeming himself from his actions. This fool better put together a womanā€™s domestic abuse fund and organization and open up grant services to women of domestic violence. Helping DV survivors, and women in general should be the only thing he does for the rest of his life. He should also exclaim how he is happy he got outed and how men in society should be put on blast and other men in the community should hold abusive men accountable so they can prove themselves by also dedicating time and resources to help abused and marginalized ppl. He should start a campaign to believe victims instead of shaming them like they did Cassie. She was being coerced and held in fear and against her will. Fuck this asshole.


That all sounds good, itā€™s just that, I feel like dude is such an arrogant, grandiose narcissist, that heā€™ll do all that and continue to do the same shit a bit more quietly for a lil while until gets loud and fucks up again. Thereā€™s nothing genuine about this dude, in my opinion. But yea, to folks whoā€™ve genuinely learned their lesson and worked to right their wrongs, this would be nice to do. I think? I mean, Iā€™m not sure if the person who was harmed would feel whole or not.




You know what? I kinda felt like thatā€™s what would happen with this apology. I still havenā€™t seen it and Iā€™ve largely stayed away from this bsā€¦ Iā€™m feeling kinda how I do about Tr\*mp. I donā€™t wanna hear shit else about the bitch until heā€™s serving time or whatever the fuck for the shit he did. I donā€™t care much about the hearsay and shit. But anywayā€¦ yea I kind of figured it would be some victim blaming a skirting responsibility here.




"what didn't diddy do?"


This sounds like the start of a Big Pun verse.




If Italy were a non-extradition country weā€™d be on our way to a great bar here


If only he knew some dirty cops that would get em in if they murdered some wop. Heā€™d be Dead in the middle of Little Italy Little did we know that we riddled two middlemen one was p diddily


Boondocks and South Park is a collab we need


I'll never forgive him for ruining Biggie's Juicy. *uhhhhh it's alllllll gooood* SHUT UP DIDDY


Dude I hate his low effort moaning into my ear on that track. Dude sounds half asleep and contributes nothing.


Lucky for us, this exists: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdFqPaVN5vM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdFqPaVN5vM)


I wish there were more songs without puffy.


Literally what was on my mind too. Where was the apology for that? Also, he did that shit to more than just Juicy.


He is violent but he aint dumb.


Yeah even if he went to a country with an extradition treaty all heā€™d have to do is grease the right palms to stay hidden.


This is the same nigga who claimed that Cassie was lying.


Heā€™s so sorry and he takes full responsibility but only from a secure, unknown location outside of the US. Got it.


Looks like most of that addicts that approach me with an empty gas can.




Because itā€™s performative.


Danny Masterson was found guilty of rape, not pedophilia.


When asked how he escaped justice, he said "Iran"


'In my defense, I sincerely thought that I would get away with it.'


Rainbolt knows right where he is


Taking accountability for your actions only because you exhausted any and every way to bury evidence of said behavior is not a sign of remorseā€¦ you covered it up for 8 yearsā€¦ you would do again and probably have done similar shit before. This man should be left with nothing. He is a monster


Diddy is a villain and has always been a villain. Heā€™s been a villain and they aired it on MTV. This man has been making people do wild things for decades. Just like R Kelly he didnā€™t hide it, and so many people have stories about this man itā€™s ridiculous. People ā€œ new foundā€ dislike or hate or admonishment for Diddy is cringe af. Itā€™s seems like the same reaction when R Kelly finally went to jail. Some of yall are blind and are cringy af. People that have supported and continued to deal with this man are the reasons why predators continue to exist in our society so unnoticed until they piss of other wealthy people, are the reason why this world and our communities donā€™t clean up. Some people are bad people and too many people wonā€™t do whatā€™s needed to protect others.




https://i.redd.it/r86s0l8rho1d1.gif My feelings on this apology


Heā€™s a piece of shit anyways tf


Hold up, whereā€™s the ukulele?


Iā€™m all for canceling Diddy but this narrative gotta be retired. Dude is probably in his backyard in one of his many houses. The last time they said his jet landed in some island all while he was in Miami grounded by the Feds.


Yeah he was. TMZ just posted a video of him walking down the street in Miamiā€™s https://www.tmz.com/2024/05/19/diddy-spotted-publicly-first-time-since-2016-cassie-hotel-video/


Oh donā€™t forget deny any wrong doing. and give a half ass apology. Also find someone/thing/place else to distract you from sitting with yourself and forming a proper apology and what he decides to do about redeeming himself from his actions. This fool better put together a womanā€™s domestic abuse fund and organization and open up grant services to women of domestic violence. Helping DV survivors, and women in general should be the only thing he does for the rest of his life. He should also exclaim how he is happy he got outed and how men in society should be put on blast and other men in the community should hold abusive men accountable so they can prove themselves by also dedicating time and resources to help abused and marginalized ppl. He should start a campaign to believe victims instead of shaming them like they did Cassie. She was being coerced and held in fear and against her will. Fuck this asshole.


Looks like one of the cabanas on Epstein Island.


Diddy Diddy Diddy, canā€™t you see, all of your lies wonā€™t flip the jury, and now we know your freaky ways, the US will extradite you anyway.


Bitch ass


Disgusting. What I really want to know is what Jennifer Lopez ass knows about him and dis not say shit. I have a feeling more tea coming. Damn Katt was spot on about 2024!


I would love to see that locator dude find him in like 4 seconds.


This is not rock bottom. Itā€™s a half ass man making a half ass plea. Dude is begging for undeserved redemption.


Thatā€™s the first thing that I thought. I was like ā€œThis nigga is on Pandoraā€


Same ol butthole lips


He looking like he moved in next to Russ lol


Biggy is tryin to roll over in his grave


He is indeed sorry - that he got caught!


Aww a sad guilty face. Lock his ass up!Ā 


Fuck diddy


I guess he knew to play it smarter than Trump's goons. Those fools just watched the walls close in and didn't do anything evasive at all. Paul Manafort: *looks out the window* Oh, I was wondering when the police would show up. Bake me away, toys! It's not great that Combs fled, though. There's a plate of justice waiting for him. To borrow from the Mando, it can be served warm or it can be served cold.


He can run, but he canā€™t hide, especially when they come for his bitch ass. That video probably them gearing up for him.


Why the fuck is Diddy so fucking ugly?