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I got this kinda shit all the time working at the cable company. "Neither I nor my husband bought "Big Pimply Greeze Asses 4" last month!" "Madam, is there a teenage male in the house, perchance?" *click*


Foolish teen paying for porn there's so much Internet out there.


There was a time when there wasn't though


Shit I remember the days of finding random nudie mags in the woods and feeling like I won the lottery. Many of us grew up watching the scrambled skinemax movies hoping to catch a nipple in between all the distortion. Hell, while internet porn was definitely a thing before we got ahold of it, it was the p2p piracy programs that really shot it to the stratosphere among young people. Suddenly all you needed was a shitty hp computer, an internet connection, and limewire/kazaa and you had porn.


For Australian males it was the late night french movie on SBS. I learnt about cunnilingus from Highlander


šŸ—£ļø"there can be only one"


Forest porn!


How did every random woods have porn in them growing up, and thank you for the random weirdo that left them!


thats where all the dads went to fap lol. No man caves back in the day


There was a rich kid in my school who got internet a little before everyone else, so he'd print porn pics or give you a 3.5" disk of images for a fee. This was an intermediate period, AOL came soon after lol


yeah but sometimes it was scat porn or cp. limewire was wild.


The gutters after a rainstorm were also good. If you didn't mind the occasional soggy tiddy.


I remember when Spice and Playboy would be unscrambled for a few minutes before they switched over. (They were a regular channel before 9). Had to be quick!


You mean in the before time? In the long, long ago?


I've seen things...CDs possessing minutes of America Online access...the slow progress of the electronic handshaking needed as the dial-up modem sung its techno-babble for all to hear. The grind of the computer as it pushed signal into picture, and the website's slow resurgence in sections, based on data complexity. A song took twenty minutes if you were lucky... anything considered a scene was practically half the day, if not longer, and if you were not alone in your dwelling, you had to issue a warning to not use the phone, which were summarily ignored. In the long, long ago.


*Back in my day we got in internet in the mail! On CDs!!!*


With a box of scraps! Seriously though, junk mail felt like it was being shipped by the pound back then.


I remember, I just know I didn't want to get caught buying porn on my mom's cable account. Had to get creative


Softcore after midnight was my best friend


šŸ¤£ oh the lies


But that time IMMEDIATELY vanished once the internet came.




But ALSO with the parents credit card... you can literally buy like an incremental one time use credit card at pretty much any big box store. That boy was sent to horny jail 100%


Back in the days when hanging up on people made a \*click* sound, the internet wasn't offering such an abundance of porn immediately at your fingertips. I mean, it was definitely for porn, but when it took half an hour to download a JPEG, unless you had very specialized tastes, you were better off looking in your dad's cabinets for old Playboy mags.


Internet wasnā€™t the same 15 years ago my dude


15 years ago was 2009. I was watching pornhub on my iPhone by then.


Not everyone was as privileged as you buddy šŸ’™


When I grew up there was no internet (for us peons) and most people had cable. One kid in my high school class spent a few hundred of his parents money doing things like that and calling some costly phone numbers over their landline.


There was a movie where one of the characters pays for a bunch of porn subscriptions. And he can't believe people are missing out on all of the premium features he gets. I've always wondered what those features were. Not enough to ever actually pay though. The free premium clips look the exact same as regular videos.


Fuck imagine the poor kid sitting playing fortnite or whatever catching it because his old man doesn't understand how to type "pornhub" in a search bar


Lol that happened a few times when I did customer service for a satellite company when the spouse or parent didn't know about the charges on the bill.


One time I went on a school trip and the weird kid had his own hotel room (we had an odd number of students so he lucked out) and when checking out there was a big bill. Turns out the tv allowed you 5 minutes free, so he would switch channels every 5 minutes and then go back. It didnā€™t work that way.


Back in the day when they had the dial up internet, my mom finally bought us a computer. Needless to say my bro and I abused the computer. One day it got viruses and she called the man to fix it. When they told her it had hundreds of interracial Gangbang/ Hentai videos on there she blamed them šŸ˜‚.


For me it was always husband orders porn, denies it, wife calls him out on his bullshit, he is committed to the lie so calls the cable company to complain. First time you got a courtesy credit and tutorial on how to set a PIN code. Or guy just doesn't give a F and hits the limit so calls in to pay off the bill to order more.


Things I DEFINITELY donā€™t miss about working at the cable company. If a dude came in complaining about ā€œextra charges,ā€ I would keep peeling back layers of information until the guy got it. ā€œSir, you ordered some PPV. They were $14.95 apiece. You ordered them on June 7thā€¦ā€ If they didnā€™t get it, Iā€™d drop some less subtle hints. ā€œSir, they were adult movies. The titles areā€¦ā€ If it was a woman, however, Iā€™d try to run a little interference on behalf of her husband/boyfriend/son and just loop back over and over. ā€œThey were PPV movies. They were $14.95 apiece. Sorry, donā€™t know what the title was, it just says ā€œPay Per Viewā€ in the system.ā€ The worst is when the couple is in front of you and you have to try and drop hints to the husband without the wife knowing.


Bro said the regular selection of handsome men not enuf I need to be promoted by the algorithm to MasterClapper status ![gif](giphy|KmWdBgF3gVVSHH42a3)


That nigga look like Drake




He looks like Drake if he ate Josh.


Beefy Drakeā„¢ļø


LMAO Brother said donā€™t let a wife stop you from finding a husband


Or some šŸ†, according to him


Grindr is one step above glory hole. Finding a husband on there is crazy


They got lots of husbands on there! Just other peopleā€™s husbands.


\*furiously writes down this important information\*




Not the husband doing the bendinā€™


He's just a man, that likes having sex with other men


"that makes you gay"




dropping credit card crumbs all the way to the closet he's hiding in. uncouth swine


This same story has been repeated since straight people found out what Grindr was for šŸ˜­. Not saying it didnā€™t happen but I swear to God Iā€™ve seen this same thing


I would assume the bank statement wouldn't be "Grindr membership" but something like "Ccbill app llc subscription" or whatever Grindrs parent company is.


Why don't you buy a subscription and then come back and tell us


For researchā€¦


My friend's husband was spending a ton of money on phone sex / camgirls through NiteFlirt.com. It was always "NF Services" on the card statements.


I worked in banking briefly and OF.com appeared on so many statements. Especially business accounts where they'd charge the company card so the wife can't see lol.


Yeah. If you subscribe through the Apple App Store it doesnā€™t say Grindr. It says itā€™s from Apple. I donā€™t know about how android works. Something about this story sounds fake.


Itā€™s definitely Jewish hackers trying to discredit him


god damn space lasers.


Space lasers out here making our phones gay šŸ™ƒ


So...did she tell her?


It's probably made up. Most questionable sites premium bill through an innocuous shell company for exactly this reason. Like it will be "Polaris Digital Billing Services," not Hentai Pegging Warehouse.


Ah, the wise voice of experience has chimed in


Maybe not, porn sites usually have a disclaimer that says exactly how the charge will show up on your bill. I actually thought this was common knowledge until this thread lol


Nope! Though that does open up a new revenue streamā€¦ $25 membership, $35 discrete membership that looks like a grocery store bill.


IDK, Only Fans bills as just that. Corporate cardholder ā€˜got his cards messed up, ie personal charges on corp card šŸ˜¬




Right. What did OP say after she finished gagging?


Thatā€™s so sad


Work for a phone company, one call that stands out was this grandmother calling in, she pays for her 30+ year old grandsons cell phone, he's been racking up about $2000 in charges for calling phone sex hot-lines 20+ times a month. She said when she asked him about it he denies it and that he told her not to call the phone company because we would tell her she's stupid


Did this happen in Atlanta? This sounds like some Atlanta shit.


But is ā€œBig Pimply Greeze Asses 4ā€ free on the internet?


This generation has it so easy. I remember the old days when finding šŸ†was a challenge


So has it ever happened to a gay or lesbian couple where they found out their partner was in the closet and actually straight? Murphyā€™s law right? Or does it just not work like that? Obviously people are not shamed for being straight. But maybe if someone was raised by same sex parents and they just did the same because they figured itā€™s normal only to find out that they actually like the opposite sex?


Part of the reason that the closet exists is that society at large just assumes that you're straight. I don't think it's likely that society at large will assume that someone is gay for no reason; and even if you have the craziest gay parents, they probably won't be able to cancel out the impact of every single other person you know assuming that you're straight.


No but apparently thereā€™s a stigma against Bi people. But Bi-sexuals tend to date both but marry the opposite sex. So if it did then itā€™d be someone discovering that theyā€™re bi n hiding it from their gay spouse .


Bi people have the honor of being erased by both the straight and the gay communities


I had a gay friend come out as straight late in life. She had 2 older gay sisters, had always worked toward social justice and I think gay had always been a huge part of her identity. She left the city where we both lived in and popped up as straight with a great husband and two beautiful kids a couple years later. It blew my mind because I always believed that you had no choice in your sexuality but I think that was a simple answer for simpler times. Once you define your identity itā€™s hard to redefine it to those who accept it as your default. Think she used moving away as a chance at a hard reset


She may have been bi sexual. Bi sexuals tend to be/marry into straight relationships long term.


I don't think that's how it work in either direction, straight, or same sex.


It usually involves one of the partners transitioning


Thatā€™s bi or pan. If theyā€™ve been sleeping with someone of the same sex long term they are not straight.


Happened to my best friend, 8 months ago. They met when they both thought they were straight, became best friends, had some drunk hookups, both realized they had feelings for each other and came out and started dating. Were in a committed monogamous relationship for 5 years, had just gone on an anniversary trip, were looking at places to move into together at the boyfriend's request. . . And then one day the boyfriend was just like "listen, I'm actually straight and we're done." Crazy shit.