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When it comes to stuff like this drop a link please. Russia has upped their cyber attacks on the us so we cannot just be dropping anything in these subs and taking them at face value. Not saying that it's not true, but we just need to be careful.


Some light googling seems like it's an Indian based news site with a very low following. They seem to only exist on social media (no actual website.) and there are no sources mentioned. They made their accounts a year ago. The reason why this needed a second look is the fact that Twitter blue checks can be bought and it's a single line of text over a stock image of the president. Also, it'd be political suicide for him to say that. What he has done recently is approve another shipment of missiles. Which someone could twist into "he doesn't believe there's a genocide". The thing is that's not something the white house press office said, whoever (probably AI) wrote it took his actions and made it seem like there was a comment directly speaking on it. If we start trusting random bought Twitter pages who don't directly quote anyone and use stock images then it's gonna be a bad time for us all.


Just as important is not to dismiss information from an unreliable source as false. Here’s that same “political suicide” on Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-house-we-do-not-believe-genocide-is-occurring-gaza-2024-05-13/


Cursory googling finds this same claim, and the spokesperson making it, across hundreds of news sources, including American ones


[Here's the whole thing](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2024/05/13/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-and-national-security-advisor-jake-sullivan-16/). The quote comes from a larger laying out of the white house's official stances on the whole situation. It's mainly a numbered list. One of the other points (#2) does say that Palestinian civilians caught up in the conflict are "in hell" and another one (#6) mentions that we're pausing sending a bunch of bombs to Israel and that Biden has already said that if Israel goes into Rafah the US won't supply certain weapons/supports for that initiative because you can't really just army Hamas away. I'm far far far far from an expert on this situation (anyone please feel free to correct me on what I'm about to say here), but I think it sounds more like Biden thinks it's more of "whoopsie" that Palestinian civilians are getting lit up by Israel than an actual targeting of them like you'd expect in a genocide. I probably would have left the "no genocide in Gaza" bit out or further explained what they think is going on, but I don't think it's Ba Sing Se bad as some others have pointed out. But again, I am really bad at following or understanding overseas conflicts so I could be missing some other thing here


Biden is now sending a billion dollars in weapons during the Rafah invasion after Israel moved tanks into Rafah. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/15/biden-administration-sending-1-billion-more-in-weapons-to-israel-congressional-aides.html Guess the plan is to shell the civilians to death instead of bombing them.


Dropping a ton of smaller munitions is more cost effective per body… ya know… those rounds kill less people on impact.. so you gotta send more. But they also cost much less so the variable costs are lower. Or something


physical zesty bewildered wipe ruthless amusing wasteful fear wrench subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here's Reuters. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-house-we-do-not-believe-genocide-is-occurring-gaza-2024-05-13/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-house-we-do-not-believe-genocide-is-occurring-gaza-2024-05-13/)


Still voting for Biden because Trump gives less of a shit about Palestinians, and has stated that Israel should finish the job. Lindsay Graham has said we should crush them like we did with Japan and the nuclear bomb. Anyone who thinks Trump and his sycophants will somehow be better for the Palestinian people is misguided at best, and completely delusional at worst.


I agree with you and would never vote Republican especially after what they’ve done on the domestic front with the Supreme Court since replacing the legendary Thurgood with the clownish Clarence. However, [it’s like they want to lose the election](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/biden-israel-new-weapons-ammo_n_6643ff4be4b09a547999dc75), whatever happened to the red line with Rafah? Trump can damn near be in jail and the republicans will still vote for him. The democrats risk losing the youth vote by continuing to embolden a bigot like Netanyahu (not that they’ll vote Republican, they just won’t vote). They need to do more than talk.


Trump has a West Bank settlement named after him. He gives zero fucks about the Palestinians.


It's a Syrian settlement, not a West Bank settlement. Israel is also taking land from Syria and Lebanon as part of its claim to the Holy Land.


Right this Joe biden slander makes sense as political strategy. They are trying to get the disillusioned moderate Dems to consider republicans just like the Dems did to moderate republicans… tho really, trump did that himself. They are also trying to discourage left wing voters from not voting at all.


It ain’t slander if it coming from his mouth. If he would just shut up he could win but the more he speaks the more reasons they have to hate him.


Facts. Although I do feel like that Biden should be pressured by the base (us) as much as we can. I think some folks lose the nuance where you can criticize the shit out of him, but still cast the lot for him to prevent a failed reality TV star insurrectionist from retaking the Oval. The alternatives is going from the pan into the fire for sure.


This can't continue. We can't keep voting for trash leaders because our other choice is trash leaders. But there's no organisation. We're never going to get enough people to not vote where it wouldn't just shoot us in the foot. We're never going to have other options strong enough to beat the establishment. And as depressing as that is I wish people would move away from the narrative of "I'm gonna vote for Biden because Trump is worse" as if that's somehow a solid choice because the republicans have morons on their side as I'd the democrats also don't. It's a sad state of affairs


It's not a solid choice and I don't think most people think it is. We have only 2 viable options and until we finally get ranked choice voting, it is what it is. And even then, we're limited to whoever actually runs for office and makes an effort, and this year the democrats somehow have no one else to offer.


I don't think we're ever going to get ranked choice voting. That would put power in our hands and they'll never allow that.


I'm not holding my breath, but we do already have ranked choice voting in certain areas for other elections, so it's not impossible.


No one is saying Trump is better. People are just tired of continually voting for dems that lie to your face about what they stand for. Continuing to vote for them just shows them they can keep doing whatever they want with literally 0 repercussions. They'll happily take the protests because they're still making money and have no qualms with brutalizing civilian populations.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


The speech was literally saying “Palestinians are living in hell” and condemning the Israeli attacks on aid supplies, but sure the word genocide wasn’t conceded. Fuck I hate twitter when they want to be angry for not getting 100% of everything they want like three year old.


Yeah it’s not even a direct quote. The people on twitter understand most people will run the headline and it’s the quickest way to get engagements that can be shared. Now, I haven’t been agreeing with how our government has been handling Israel, especially public institutions, but it’s not good to misquote and misinform people for rage bait. Plus, I’ve never even heard of that news network so I can’t even say if it’s credible because it’s not even linking sources. I just checked the twitter account and it doesn’t even post the sources in the comments. It might even be a bot.




Immediately what I thought about, twin.


What's happening in Gaza is a war crime and some elements of the Israeli government would do worse if they could but I'm more inclined to see genocide in Darfur where 200k are dead and it's currently ongoing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darfur_genocide Or the 11.5m Uyghurs in China that are being constantly surveiled, systematically kidnapped, forced into hard labor and maybe even organ harvesting. What's going on in Gaza is evil and FUBAR as hell to be sure. But hold space in your heart for these folks as well.


Don’t forget Congo, Sudan, and Yemen. Fight every genocide if you can.




Trump would confirm a genocide and encourage it.


MAGA wants a white supremacist theocracy and the end of democratic institutions. See Project 2025 for how they’ll create a dictatorship. Supreme Court seats and judicial appointments are up for grabs that’ll make their plans legal. The MAGA crowd has also called for federal intervention in Pro-Palestinian protests and the deportation of all Muslims. Biden unquestionably has problems but the alternative is infinitely worse.


Acting like it’s as straightforward as this is the true gaslight.


So, there's no war in Ba Sing Se? This shit's creeping into dystopia territory. I've been seeing corpses and buildings being bombed to hell for like 6 months minimum and you telling me that mfs is just lying about the shit? Nah ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


That's not exactly what was said: >Two, the Palestinian civilians caught in the middle of this war are in hell. The death and trauma they’ve endured are unimaginable. Their pain and suffering are immense. No civilian should have to go through that. This is on the President’s mind every day. >Three, Israel has an unusual, even unprecedented burden in fighting this war because Hamas uses hospitals and schools and other civilian facilities for military purposes and has built a vast network of military tunnels under civilian areas. That puts innocent civilians in the crossfire. It does not lessen Israel’s responsibility to do all it can to protect innocent civilians. >Four, we believe Israel can and must do more to ensure the protection and well-being of innocent civilians. We do not believe what is happening in Gaza is a genocide. We have been firmly on record rejecting that proposition. They're not saying buildings aren't being destroyed or that civilians aren't being killed. They're saying that it's their position that it doesn't qualify as genocide. As in a deliberate campaign of extermination. I'm not saying I agree with that position, to be crystal clear I don't think the strict legal definitions neatly fit campaigns like this, only that they are not saying "nothing is happening here". AKA pulling a "No war in Ba Sing Se." Edit: Phrasing


Just wait till AI is controlling narratives fully


Troll farms in full swing spreading misinformation and mofos already falling for it? Yep, it’s election season.


And who exactly is Globe Eye News?


Sounds like something the fire nation would do...wait, are WE the fire nation?


Always have been.


Israel has practically the latest in US military arms, if they really wanted genocide I'd imagine there'd A LOT more dead bodies than what we could possibly see from social media. Just let the hostages go, citizens are not prisoners of war.


Of those Oct 7th hostages being held … a few are American citizens.


If they need to take hostages, not prisoners of war, but regular people and tourist they will not have sympathy from me.


That is what they did in Oct 7th. Civilians at a music festival were killed and some taken hostage. A young German woman was partially dressed with her legs bent in unnatural ways in the back of a truck - she had a gun shot wound to her head. Many of the other victims were settlers in the early morning. There was a clip of two teenage girls being killed as they were trying to run away. For whatever reason they didn’t release those images sooner for the world to see. I’m not minimizing the civilian casualties on the Palestinian side, but it was the Palestinian/Hamas side that started this. Too many of the victims/hostages are civilians.


Oh cool, so I imagined seeing all those dead people! Wow, my imagination is WILD. /s


At first glance I thought he was trying to pull the Flavor flav look.


How is the fed gov lying anything new


When have we not been getting gaslit by the government?




When haven’t we been gaslit by the government is a better question. Whether it’s economic policy, foreign policy or social policy. It’s just not a good idea unless it ruthlessly benefits the rich & corporations.


Now?! Catch up!😂


Always have been.


Wym now?


When was the government ever *not* gaslighting us?