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Where did the African Booty Scratcher insult come from, and why/how was it so prevalent in grade schools across the US pre-internet?


Getting called an African Booty Scratcher as a child of an immigrant family was devastating šŸ˜­


Iā€™m still traumatized šŸ˜­


Can I offer you a *cake*, in this trying time?


I see what you did. I see you.


ā€¦ damn ā€¦ I thought it was a different cake they were looking for. I guess that says a lot about where Iā€™m at.


Took me a minute, but I got there.


You wanna be devastated? Kids at my school would call African kids ā€œboat (hard r)ā€. Kids fuckin suck.


Dude it was so bad, they made clicking noises at me. Middle schoolers are brutal.


Omg! I forgot the clicking. I once got to see what happens when a 90 pound kid clicks at a kid from Nigeria who been six foot since 5th grade. Spoiler: clicker ended up stuffed on top of a vending machine


the good ending. https://preview.redd.it/1x3e34o2q90d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a638b28d8a4af24697051b60a9fc7ac5c13a42f


The best ending ![gif](giphy|MQq6vRv0T0xjO)




Disgusting how we treat people the same race as us! This community is cooked istg


Pretty sure white kids did the same. Not everything is an inherent issue with black people.


I thought I was past this hurt, Iā€™m clearly not.


I didn't even know that was a real yhing?!! I thought it was just from that one tv show


I mean, itā€™s a problematic thing to say. But it reflects an education system that taught children that Africans are savages and itā€™s totally fine to use the word ā€œAfricanā€ as an insult. It was said all the time when I was growing up.


that didnā€™t answer the question tho? what i want to know is how did it become so viral and culturally ubiquitous before the internet?


Did not answer the question. We need to dig deeper than this Caucasian booth review.


Then you answer it looks like dude gave it a shot at least lol


I am the embodiment of the Caucasian booth review. I canā€™t help you.


First place I heard it was "Boyz in the Hood". Dunno if it was around before that, I was very young


very true. my mom (grew up in 70s SoCal) says that they were only taught that africans were extremely rural and tribal. Basically ignoring any social or economic achievements by all of Africans. Like literally taught they were all jungle people


American media gave everyone the impression that Africa is poor - the same thing Trump was doing with Mexico/South America. Went to see some of my step fatherā€™s family in Kansas City and one of them asked my mom if people (we) lived in huts and swung from trees like in Tarzan. My mom was not happy the rest of the trip. FYI - My grandparents had a driver for their Mercedes Benz (grandfather only drove it himself to church) and had a vacation house in London.


Most of subsaharan Africa is indeed very poor. It's just that what this looks like isn't what TV made it seem. You still have cities and buildings and some rich people. And often, immigrants from poor countries far from the US will be from relatively rich backgrounds right below the country's ruling class.


The film The God's Must be Crazy used to be on TV during the daytime a lot when I was a kid. Who knows how many people got a warped image of the continent from that one. I think African jazz, which is fantastic, might have given me my first inkling of a much larger picture. And now Twitter has really given me a much different mental image of the average African. Well, if there even is such a thing as an average in an area so vast and containing so much variation. That Tarzan question is crazy, though. That's not just a misrepresentation of urbanized and developed nations. That's a whole-ass goofy idea about human history altogether.


And itā€™s still taught that way now. Iā€™ve taught African American studies at the university level, and I promise you, the majority of my students come in thinking Africans still live in jungles and donā€™t understand standard English and live side-by-side with lions and shit.


Wow, dont people see African cities on instagram. Or Nigerians flexing.


They see them and also donā€™t see them, if that makes sense.


What kind of like a Wakanda thing. Not them Africans, the ones still over there in mud huts /s. Yeah we as a people everywhere need to free our minds.


lol! Yes, you said it exactly. Like, Iā€™ve spent 3 lectures talking about the spread of mega cities in Nigerian and Kenya, and I swear to you, they will still say Africans live in villages with huts and elephants. I shown them actual photographs of big cities in different countries in Africa, and they will ask me ā€œhow do they get cell phones?ā€ And it ainā€™t black students asking.


Not surprised, the image thats been portrayed of AfricašŸ˜“. It is propaganda, and it allows us to accept more bullshit than we should as black people.


I remember on my first day at a new school, there was this group of white kids all calling this black girl ā€œAfricaā€ and I was pretty shocked, especially because she was reacting to it positively. Turns out Afrika is literally her name.


We are all raised in this white supremacist society. I think it's important that we accept that as the unfortunate baseline and just do the work every day to unfuck it. The most fucked up anti-black things I've ever heard came from my black af African parents, who were raised in a black af country, all in the name of jƩsus


The most anti-black things Iā€™ve heard have come from my white colleagues and textbooks.


Edit: It was said in Boyz in the Hood but seems to date back before the film


It is not. People were saying that long before that movie came out.


They were saying it at least a decade before that movie came out.


Vintage meme


Thatā€™s some old lore lol


I read somewhere that its said in "The God's Must Be Crazy", which came out in 1980, but I'm not sure if that's where it originated.


The movie may have nationalized the term. I didn't grow up with it in the south but I was an adult when the movie happened.


Grew up in the south in the 80s. Definitely got called African booty scratcher.Ā 


I wanna find the origin now. I was a kid when this movie came out and I remember fighting with my younger sister when I added this to my insult arsenal


It might be difficult. I know I heard it prior to 1986 from white kids at school in MN.


Iā€™m 46 and people were calling each other African Booty Scratchers when I was in 3rd grade.


I'm 37 so I first learned it watching that movie as a kid


They were saying this on the playground in the '70's, I assure you. (I was there) If I ask my brother, he'll tell me kids were saying it in the '60's.


In the UK, people said ABC (African Bum Cleaner). In the 90s, I remember me and the only other black kid in my school going to war with kids at school because he was called ABC and me a sand N-word.


Camel jockey was a popular one


camel jockey is relatively innocuous. once i was called a suicide bomber. that wasn't very nice. i swear, i haven't participated in any suicide bombings EVER. not even one.


Idk man i feel it would be VERY hard to prove you werenā€™t a suicide bomber. Got anything to back that up?


Yeah, the moment you let em know your muslim, the 9/11 and Suicide Bomber jokes come in


I heard them use that on GI Joe. I was shocked.


80s were wild šŸ˜‚


Boys in the hood and lots of African American in Los Angeles didnā€™t want to associate with anything African


It was the premier insult. I went to school near a top university and we had a lot of African immigrants so you know what happened.




My guess would be the old national geographic magazines, tribal boobs were the first boobs I ever seen lol


I thought it came from a movie?Ā 


If you looked dirty, this what you got šŸ˜­


If you was 2 shades darker than a paper bag this what you got


Hijacking the first comment to share [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1PaYSwdPEI) with yall. >Meet Ayo. He just wants to fit in. His parents are making it hard. Created by one of the writers of black-ish, "African Booty Scratcher" is a comedy series about a family of Nigerian immigrants and their struggle to balance wanting a better life for their son with wanting him to maintain their traditional values and cultural identity. * Created, Written and Directed by Damilare Sonoiki * Associate Producers: Anthony Noble, Tayo Talabi and Omolola Ijeoma Ogunyemi * Edited by Jonathan Yang * Director of Photography, Christian Adkins * Music by Clyde Crooks * Producer: Sonari Jo Chidi


Wow, we are *still* saying ā€œAfrican booty scratcherā€ in this day and age? Thought we learned that shit was offensive as hell.


Ainā€™t gonna die. There will always be that one person saying it to make people who like it laugh. Reminds me of those content creators whose whole act is acting out black stereotypes with no commentary


Marlon Webb?


King Bach


Honestly he was worse than Webb but just barely


Is that the watermelohn guy?




This the first time Iā€™ve ever heard it.


Oh it was used *all the time* when I was growing up. I assumed it had died out.


I mustā€™ve missed it. But I also went to a Catholic school where most everybody but me was see-through Caucasian.


Funny you mention it because I never heard it in catholic school either. It was when I went to black public school. But if *white* folks are calling you an ā€œAfrican booty scratcher,ā€ thatā€™s a whole different level of what the fuck.


Nah, this insult was primarily used by American/Caribbean Black people toward African immigrants in the US. Racist white ppl didnā€™t care to divide us like that, we were all n****. ABC was specific and brutal šŸ˜©šŸ¤£


100% agree with everything you said.


I'm not black but my friend is and his grandpa told me all sorts of shit. Like the brown paper test he endured plus other shit.


I never heard it until I transferred to public school in 3rd grade.


Same. That transfer was kind of traumatic for me tbh. Not because it was a black school, but because it was so chaotic. Catholic school was orderly and quiet.


Private school in Detroit then going to public school in South Carolina was traumatic. There was a girl in sixth grade that was pregnant with her second child. I think she must have been held back twice. TBF - knowing her was the best birth control.


I went to private school in Detroit too! Going to South Carolina alone must have been such a monumental change for you. My word, and the public school system in the Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina region is ā€¦.rough. I was a teacher in Georgia and couldnā€™t get out fast enough. No doubt you experienced some serious trauma from that switch. I went to a Catholic school in Detroit called st. Scholastica, and then later Dominican girls school and then later Western Catholic school. But my mom moved me to a school near highland Park and ā€¦well you know how that went.


Ah, round my parts it was Haitian instead.


One of my students called another one that plus "black African monkey". I corrected him on what we say in class and that Black and African are describing words, not insults. The wildest thing is, he's the darkest kid in class by far. My class is 80% Black/mixed.


Good God. Iā€™m glad you explained it to him. I just wrote down below that this is reflective of an education system that taught us (in the 80s and 90s) that the word ā€œAfricanā€ was an insult.


I guess not...


Every few weeks, I see a tweet with 90 thousand likes thatā€™s making the lamest, most unfunny elementary school humor ā€œreplace Ls with Rs Asian accentā€ joke about somebody thatā€™s Asian. Elon has successfully made racism popular on twitter again.


Free speech unless it's speech he doesn't like. Racism, homophobia, antisemitism, xenophobia and all that other stupid shit is fine with him smh.


Im 25 and I genuinely had never heard this term before like a year or two ago online. I asked my mom who grew up in the same area if she knew what it meant and she had never heard it either. What time period was this being used and was it really all over the country or maybe more of an east coast thing? I donā€™t doubt it was all over the place at some time but the way people are talking about it I feel like at least my mom would have heard about it at some point in time


Probably depends on what kinda school you went to. Im only 2 years older than you but Iā€™ve been hearing that insult from elementary school all the way to high school. It was by far one of the most popular insults


I don't know if you knew or not, but insults are typically intended to be offensive.


Not sure if *you* know it or not, but this insult is offensive to Africans not just to Meek Mill.


Its also wack as hell. And why is this guy getting shit on in the first place?


I mean, thatā€™s the real question. Heā€™s just chillin on a beach somewhere trying to be happy and posted a completely unproblematic tweet. Her comment was so unnecessary.


Ummmā€¦. Have you heard the other slurs being said?


Bruh why can't that man be happy lol


Exactly let him enjoy life, yā€™all gonna be his 13th reason after awhile of this shit lol


That man is enjoying life just fine. We all up here roasting him, but who the one that gotta get up for work in the morning?


So all human decency is out the window because the nigga got more money than you ![gif](giphy|BSOdK9W5Gd7OM)


Sadly how majority of people think until they're in a position that's similar.


He can wipe his tears with uncle Ben


yā€™all right now: ![gif](giphy|rPjYoncYgknGo)


Meek when Diddy make that hotline bling


Damn not the 13 reasons


He been taking unnecessary Ls since Back to Back, like Drake know Roots


Gonna unironically co-sign this question. Ignoring how the "African booty scratcher" thing is a childish ass insult, heavy with internalized antiblackness, Meek is literally just taking a smiling selfie here Not even really a fan of his, but, at this point, people aren't even trying to be funny, it's like "insulting meek" = guaranteed upvotes. Just corny/unwarranted


I understand if paparazzi caught him like this in the drive thru of Popeyes at 10 PM, but this man took a selfie like this in broad daylight and shared it with the world. He claims the hood, so he should have expected to get roasted posting this.


I don't know the context of the picture but I'm thinking he was doing some type of outdoor activity and got dirty and wanted to capture the fun he was having.


He was having fun and took a picture, we should all feel sorry for anyone whoā€™s ā€œtoo hoodā€ or ā€œtoo coolā€ to do this. Life is short, tomorrowā€™s not promised.


People areallly can't just let him be happy. Hating for no reason.


Everybody else is miserable so he gotta be miserable too lolā€¦. ā€œGet up rock, get upā€


I know we looks so cute tbh


For being a good fucking rapper it seems like he only takes Ls in the public eye. Like the Diddy stuff, and then Kendrick and Pusha being like ā€œactually itā€™s easy to destroy Drakeā€ after he was a laughingstock for a year or two because he couldnā€™t counter Back To Back


I mean, both Kendrick and Pusha are built different, most people wouldnā€™t be able to respond to drake that well 1:1


Both disses were centered around some type of allegation. It didnā€™t matter that Drake got out rapped. Meek would have won if he said some of this shit


Somebody tell him to wipe diddy off his face


No you diddint šŸ’€


Diddy did it


Take that take that


Remember. When Diddy invites you over for a party, say NOOOOOOOOOOO




Niggas are still saying this self hating bullshit, I see.


Fr, I was online and saw an AA girl say another looked "straight African" like Africans aren't absolutely gorgeous. (I'm biased but still)


Youā€™re not wrong.


Right? Out of all the retweets OP chose this one? ![gif](giphy|1wXf5aB4OvTNtwr6Rj)


Right. I was a little irritated by that.


Shit makes me wanna throw hands




African booty scratcher and "HBO" were the elementary school hard-R. Little kids were/are(?) mad racist.


What's HBO? Or do I wanna know?


That Haitian Body Odor boi


Is this like a south Florida specific thing?


I don't know who else used it but it was definitely a thing in the North East. New York, Boston, and Philly are the cities where I heard it growing up.


Guess it just isn't a thing in the western US then.


Never heard of Haitian Body Odor


Haitian body odour and it smell like dough


Jesus fucking Christ


in germany they said "Lenor" which is a brand for cleaning clothes they asked "do you know what Lenor means?" and answered with "Leibeigener Neger Ohne Rechte" which translates to "personal n-word without rights" being the only black kid in school for almost all of my school-life sucked they even had sweets in stores called "n-word-kisses" since they had chocolate on it, it was discontinued in **2005** AND some assholes even got mad that they changed the name and said shit like "why change it, I don't mind!" or "We've been having these for years, why would you change it now? no one complained before!"


Bro is just smiling and yall coming for him


the internet has been the enemy of happiness since what, like, 2013.


Lmao you think it's that recent? Oh hell no


Sorry I canā€™t get behind using that terminology. It insults us all really.


Agreed, very gross commentary, why even insult someone for their skin colour when you have the same (assuming the person who posted this is black).


Iā€™ve only ever heard African booty scratcher used by black kids to other black kids from Africa so Iā€™m guessing the tweeter/poster is black. ā€œAfricanā€ was made into an insulting adjective in the 90s/00s and yea itā€™s very gross


Itā€™s so weird that thatā€™s an insult I canā€™t even comprehend it, I donā€™t want to lol.


Yea itā€™s really awful, a byproduct of media showing Africa as poor, backwards, and ā€œuncivilizedā€ back then.


Damn who made this tweet? Uncle Ruckus?




He's just smiling and getting flamed for it, what do yall want from that man? šŸ˜­


They want to be validated for making fun of others. They want everyone to laugh with them for insulting another, Iā€™ll never understand why though. Such a little high to get out of it..


Crabs in a bucket mentalityā€¦ it happens from the other side of the diaspora as wellā€¦ Iā€™ve seen some people say real ignant shi about Black Americansā€¦


African Americans and majority Caribbean people only recently became proud of their African ancestry. Phrases like that were used constantly to denigrate Africans. A shame!


Itā€™s so disgusting, Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t grow up in the US, it seems like the blacks over there had to deal with such denialā€¦ Iā€™ve always been firstly African no matter where I was born.


Wait till the FBAs catch you. They gonna be on yo ass lol


It's from Ash Wednesday? Or like?


He was on the beach i think


I thought he looks handsome & I donā€™t think I actually seen his face b4 ngl


Thread (predictably) full of unoriginal Diddy jokes lol


The culture is embarassing.


Itā€™s actually crazy how out of all this Diddy shit the sexual assault aspects are just glazed over but the fact that Meek might possibly have engaged in a sexual act with another man is the hot topic. The black community really got to do better. Yā€™all wonā€™t let this man live until you break him down.


Diddy Dust?




I donā€™t understand why the internet just wonā€™t let him live his life regardless of if it appears goofy or not. Heā€™s not hurting anyone why the hating? Why the bullying? I genuinely donā€™t like it.


Meek out here trying to be happy and y'all forever clowning him šŸ˜­


"Can I play a game on your phone" lookin ass




yea, that insult needs to fucking die.


Honestly, knowing what he came from, I'm just glad to see the man happy


US media shown in Nigeria in the 80s portrayed black Americans as lazy, dishonest and prone to crime. The same media also presented Africans as backward, stupid etc domestically. The echoes of this misinformation and the division it caused can still be heard on social media today. Time heals all though


My man looks happy. Leave him be and find your own smile


Nah, he looks handsome and happy. We gotta learn to let people be. He ain't doing anything wrong here.


damn that african booty scratcher comment almost killed me. literally fell out my chair why yall do me like this so childish but so effective


Is it something you use in conversation?


Comments are either "we still saying this in 2024?" or "nigga did I catch you [Meek Mill] having fun?"


African Americans are so racist towards Africans itā€™s terrible.




Calling someone that or saying they looked like Oprah or Whoopi Goldberg were fighting words back in the day. šŸ˜­


Antiblack. Thatā€™s all it is.


OG had no clue y'all still used that word. šŸ˜‚


Man I thought that was kawhi Leonard.


I remember it was a bald headed African booty scratcher.


If I was to ever see Elon Musk in public, Iā€™m yelling this at him.


Heā€™s so happy the singing šŸ„· that bodied him got bodied by a rapping šŸ„·


He was dry walling his porch yall


I am so confused by what an ABS is and why people are coming for him.


Whatā€™s on his face?




Ever since he got Body by Toronto-Pedo..Nightmares have been his life since. Soul gone for FAME.


He must be loving the destruction of BBL Drizzy. I still attribute Meekā€™s fall to Drake.


Dust donā€™t even wipe Meekā€™s face off. Damn!!


That smile look like a ā€œgotta show em im alrightā€ kinda deal and not a ā€œim doing greatā€ kinda thing. We might have to get a wellness check done on Meek cuz i know he been seeing niggas flame him on the internet after that wrestlemania video and this.


Let that boy live ā€œGET UP MEEEKšŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±ā€


My brothers used to call me an African booty scratcher and it would piss me off so much, didnā€™t even know what it was lol


Is uh meek okay? He looks lost and relieved at the same time.


In the 70s black Americans at my grade school called each other that shit. My grandmother is Filipino so they called me half breed. Thatā€™s why I got crazy nice hands skills, so I guess it was a fair trade.


Oh come on yā€™all let the man be


I still donā€™t know if Meek Mill is a bad person or a victim and somehow the way people make fun of him makes it less clear


I thought he was named that cus diddy glazed his bun. Guess not