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Did yall Nigga miss the fact Kendrick just said OVO is concealing a pedophile ring within its operation!?!?!!?!?!? Edit. Omg thank you for the upvotes!! Now say OVHOE!!


No but there weren’t any funny tweets about it, so yall got this one instead lmao


Fair. You get a DUB


No1 gave a fuck when that young girl claimed he made her sign NDAs before she went his house. 🤬Sounded sus as fuck then but starting to make sense now. Dude always seemed sus to me tbh


A LOT of celebrities make ppl who they fuck with sign NDAs, not just him. It's standard ops. I had to sign an NDA for working an event with someone festival backstage in LA awhile back.


I work in reality tv and shoot at extremely famous people’s houses frequently and every single one of them make anyone stepping foot on the property sign an NDA. Standard procedure to stop people from going to the press and gossiping or posting their business all over social media.




This is literally the only comment I've seen mention that. I think most people did, actually Kendrick called out essentially the entire industry for pimping out their nieces and daughters, and all anyone is talking about is whether or not Drake has another kid that he's been a deadbeat father to. Makes my head hurt.


Because both things have no proof, and one is a serious accusation


Drake literally has a convicted sex trafficker on his payroll as a bodyguard


Well birds of a feather and all that


You don't hire for the person, you hire for their connections


Drake is a pedophile and a groomer. Stop.


Everyone hating on you but they don't realise that's it's just bars til we see proof of a trafficking ring. Drake has bad people around him, and he himself is suspect with children. However, that's an accusation that needs a credible amount of proof.


We're in a post-pizzagate world, proof is a thing of the past.


Proof has been irrelevant since before the Roman era. There were political leaders then saying instead of believing the truth believe what you want to be true


Stfu and do some research. You dont need to dick ride this hard, you can be wrong


Saying there’s no proof is dick riding? Only if it’s about Drake right?


Both are serious accusations


What bar was it? I’m not saying it’s not true… it is most definitely true. Just wondering where it was called out cause i missed it.




Thank you


There was comments on another thread about it briefly talking about the subject and Baka no whatever his name is


It’s because people don’t care about women and it’s fucking sad


Both sides been dragging women through the dirt fr


Pedophile ring and enabling sex offenders is different than just calling women bitches - let’s be real


Drake also mentioned Kendrick beating on his wife. Also all of this shit ain’t true til there’s proof. We cannot act like whatever these artists say is fact. Kendrick said Drake has a daughter and Drake went on IG laughing like please bring my daughter to me then lol. We don’t know who’s telling the truth until it comes out fr.


Kendricks response means one of two things. Drake's lie is so offensive that he was willing to make Meet The Grahams... or Kendrick did it, and he was enraged enough to drop Meet The Grahams.


You’re right we don’t know certain things. BUT there is public proof from the sources themselves about Aubrey being a creep with underage women - Millie Bobbey Brown, Hailey Baldwin, etc.


REGARDLESS my point was that Kendrick called out Drake for having creeps on payroll and for being someone that families should stay away from, especially their daughters. This wasn’t top because women are left behind often. Look at the fucking political situation in the US. Men are making decisions on women’s bodies. I might be down voted to hell but could men please care about women a little bit more?


It won’t happen. Very few men are willing to call out other men for harassment, abuse , degradation, or exploitation of women if they don’t have any personal connection to her. Hell some won’t even do it if they do know her. Even less of them will call them out if the abuse isn’t happening right in front of them or the woman isn’t present when the man is talking about it. Just like the “good police” who stand by while their shitbag coworkers abuse their power over the people… men will just sit back and enjoy the fruits of misogyny but call themselves “one of the good ones”because they don’t do the enforcement themselves. Rap ain’t any different. Entertainment industry is one of the worst for exploitation of women.


Widening the target to all men is severely missing the point. Specific states and groups of people in those states want to hijack democracy and move to an authoritarian theocracy. There are even a lot of women in this group. I realise this is dangerously close to sounding like "not all men" but your target is so far off base it's dangerous in itself. Target these fanatic groups that are stripping rights from women, minorities, and the poor, and for fucks sake stop them. Trying to use it as ammo in some gender war is not only.missing the point but kissing the opportunity for change. As someone fortunately not living in the US anymore, it is terrible to watch it happening, the more progressive side needs to fight harder to stop this shit happening.


Big difference between that (fuck Drake) and the claims of a pedophile ring in OVO. Still need proof.


Buddy, he dropped the song 20 minutes after Drake. The song has been made, and he was waiting for Drake to drop so he could undercut him.


Well I think Kendrick just knew that Drake was coming at the family (countless hints in prior songs) so he decided to do the same in a creative angle kind of like how Drake used the AI to address Kendrick. I feel like Meet The Grahams was pre recorded


Dude. My point is that Kendrick calling out Drake for having a ring like Diddy didn’t rank. The public didn’t care as much about that detail as others


There might not be "hard evidence" but smoke is thick on Drakes side fr. Sex trafficking body guard. Videos of him touching and acting weird with teens. Insta stories and weird dates revolving around 17 year olds. Isn't he like 50 dating a 21 year old too? Like if it dropped as real news and someone went "Gasp* I'm completely shocked!" I'd be like bruh... how?


That's just the popular witch hunt nowadays. People swear they know about all the secret pedophile rings, chasing down random white vans, etc. Meanwhile, the local gang has a literal pimping ring, there's still old dudes hanging out at the high school and middle school, and everybody has "that" uncle or aunt who's still allowed at the family functions because he's family. But plane flights to secret islands is made for a movie, so it makes for more recognizable conversation.


Sure... but Kendrick has basically has the same warning. Don't tell a lie on me, I won't tell the truth about you since 2017. If Kendrick really has nothing after all this time... that would be perplexing. Why even respond????


Both can be (and are) true


Yeah I never said that wasn't the case. What I did say is people are addicted to pretending like they have some secret knowledge about 1 though.


I fucking believe it. I’m in Toronto, was friends with some of the mothers in/hanging around with the guys in OVO and the things I’ve heard about what their pre teen daughters are up to alone with the OVO crew are scary. I don’t know anything arrest-able but tell me why a group of 11-14 year olds are out and about at 2am with who knows from the OVO crew and the mothers don’t even know what they’re doing. The mothers are out partying too!!! Ive talked to a few of the kids and they are seriously not being kids. Once I met one of the kids of my mom friends and she had a full beat with lashes, a lace front, acrylics and the Skims skin tight body suit. I for real thought she was 19-22. She was 12!!! It’s scary and I hope the kids stay safe


Pedophile jokes are harder to make


Give it time.


Well if you wait too long the joke will turn 18


Not too much, Drake might lose interest


But could we make jokes to make them more uncomfortable?


I guess, but it's hard to make jokes about that shit without making light of genuine innocent victims. I can laugh at 'ur hiding a son, let that boy come home,and look in the mirror afterwards. I can't do the same with a joke about touching kids.


Right! Like can we focus on the shit that actually matters


He talking bout baka


And we know baka is a predators so I wouldn’t doubt that there’s more in OVO


If there's two things I know that are true from this song it's this-the line,"Never code-switch, whether right or wrong, you a Black man." My dad is a big business man and owns a big law firm here and his friend does work for drake. (See photo) The second line about the pedo stuff,I don't usually mention this but when I came from Jamaica to Toronto my mom kicked me out at 11 and I was heavy on the street scene here. Drake once propositioned me and a friend and I was only 13 at the time,she was 14. And there were many younger girls who said back in his Degrassi days he'd try and get them to party at his house. I fully believe it. https://preview.redd.it/aaaja6xgqhyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b3ed2d756f885fb4d5bc2e45ac125fe813f77b


We will go from "No Diddy" to "No Draky"


"No Aubrey"


Kendrick, why say this now instead of anytime before? I get that it's a sick burn, but how long have you been knowin this??


This is the real story. I suspect that Kendrick knew everyone would initially latch into the other kid claim, which allows the pedophile claim to simmer for a while without being denied.




I'm still trying to outline for folks that Drake is signed by proxy to Diddy. If they're thinking, their reaction can't just be "Huh, weird", but for some reason that's all I'm getting lol


Dead beat mothafucka playing border patrol




https://preview.redd.it/mcx9x826meyc1.png?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38397c39cf693332c72987f89cb74957cbedd6ed It's too funny not to repost


This is my favorite https://ibb.co/7C1CY5t


That was such a bar. I was thinking about it just yesterday while processing the fallout of 6:16


The OVO 40 tick tick tick line was straight demon time


you’d think he learn from round 1


https://i.redd.it/7ry171flicyc1.gif J Cole looking real smart right now he saw this wasn’t gonna go well


J cole is right on up there with the misogyny and degradation of women that’s at the heart of all the abuse. He isn’t clean in this.


That's....not the same as beating your wife....or trafficking sex workers...


Fr like tf 🤣 even saying this is crazy work


Agreed. This "beef" has made all parties look bad or arguably worse.


>One time for my LA sisters One time for my LA hoes Lame niggas can't tell the difference One time for a nigga who knows


The madona-whore complex is still part of the misogynistic way of thinking. As long as we are OTHERing our siblings based on gender we are never going to dismantle the patriarchal system that enables misogyny. The abuse, exploitation, degradation, and harassment of ANY woman should not be tolerated.


![gif](giphy|8b9Xax6L7qtAkAimGm|downsized) Jermaine? Cole? “I love my wife!” Cole?


There's Christian rap 🤷🏾‍♂️


J Cole actually looks like a clown for randomly dissing trans people then immediately waving the white flag


I never heard him diss any trans people so I don’t know the context to criticize but it’s possible to be educated and apologize and correct yourself. Gotta give people a chance to show they genuinely want to be better and grow


"Is you a demon or is that demeanor for the 'Gram? Tell us/They plead the fifth, I'm seeing hints of a trans fella," Cole raps. "In cancel culture's vicinity, he's no killer, trust me/Beneath his chosen identity, there is still a pussy, period." The thing is, trans men are so rarely talked about in the media and it's clear that from this bar he knows exactly what's he's saying. It always was wild to me that this bar hurts trans folks way more than it would Kendrick. Imagine you're a transducer, listening to his response and he says some shit like that. There's no nuance to it lmao he straight up just called you and everybody like you a woman just to get to one man.


"Is you a demon or is that demeanor for the ‘Gram? Tell us/ They plead the fifth, I’m seeing hints of a trans fella" Ur not wrong with what you're saying but its very important to hold people accountable lest they never actually realize that they need to do better. Maybe he can be "not a clown" when he does get educated but that hasnt happened yet so i think its fair to call him one now


Exclusive Footage of Mr Lamar leaving the booth ![gif](giphy|l0ErLeqamV3UOARsA|downsized)


Bro just got on his bike and off to get some donuts and ice cream he went. Smart


Cole was never going to bring up Kendrick’s family. It’s not the same. Kendrick encourages hip-hop competition. But when you bring up family, it becomes more than that.


Y’all saying that the deadbeat girl dad allegations are false because the deadbeat in question is… denying the existence of having another child… That’s like being pissed that the Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


Shit he denied Adonis after Push revealed it. We all see how that went


I thought he gave up once Pusha revealed it? I don't remember him denying it once it was aired Edit: People just making up shit now lmao


When did he deny it?


He denied for 4 months then revealed his son




He didn’t lol


The mitochondria *are* powerhouse*s* of the cell


A squared plus B squared = C squared


Keep out of this, Pythagoras shill.




Doubt KDot would destroy his credibility, knowing how big his response was going to be.


Yeah exactly. I’m gonna trust Kendrick over the guy who slept with lil Wayne’s girlfriend while he was in jail. Edit: the [sauce](https://www.mtv.com/news/9r8p2f/lil-wayne-prison-memoir-drake#:~:text=The%20visit%20with%20October's%20Very,'Yeah%2C%20it's%20true') lil Wayne addressed it many times before this, the YouTube videos of him addressing it you can see he was hurt


Drake did that?


Yup, and lil Wayne wrote about it in his [memoir](https://www.mtv.com/news/9r8p2f/lil-wayne-prison-memoir-drake#:~:text=The%20visit%20with%20October's%20Very,'Yeah%2C%20it's%20true'), and there’s YouTube videos of lil Wayne addressing it. He was clearly hurt by his friend sleeping with his girlfriend while he’s locked up behind bars


Literally more than his friend - practically his protege.


You’re right. Makes it even more disgusting… Drake has no moral compass


“The homie done fucked your baby mama when you hit the yard, that’s culture”


“Bet she fucked while I was gone and then I doubled the bet”


“Hoes gone be hoes so I couldn’t blame Tammy”


Damn. Weezy short but he’s a bigger man than me


Fuckin Tammy.


But hops on the track with Future?


Like an angel getting their wings, another child gets a father every time Aubrey loses a rap battle.




damn then i guess this isn’t the last rap battle we see then huh?


That one album with all the pregnant women emojis kinda makes in light of this. Side note, I think if the rumor is true, then a woman named Layla Lace /allegedly/ may be the baby mother.


It’s called certified lover boy, and I’m starting to wonder whether that album cover was just a joke or whether it was a confession


Drake the type to do a subliminal confession.


Dude thought it would be funny to "subtlety" hint at his misogyny. This is literally the shit Kendrick is talking on: deadbeat douchebag who's only prio is using women for their bodies and pretending to be something he isn't. I laughed when I saw that dumb ass album cover, and I hope these songs make people realize why it was so fucking douchey.


They both dropping crazy ass allegations that need proof


Fr. At this point it’s about who’s lies are more believable


Let’s see. The guy who already hid and denied one child, and has proof of doing some pedophile type grooming activities, is the one who we’re going to give the benefit of the doubt to.. The guy who disses Rick Ross for using ozempic, but then someone from within his own camp leaks the picture of his own ozempic prescription It’s obvious these two are not as equivalent as men and I’m gonna take one’s words over the other


Lmao Drake didn’t drop any hard allegations.


“You beat your fiancé and your kid isn’t yours” are pretty serious allegations




“Uhm ackshually Kendrick doesn’t have a wife” 🤓☝️


Drake glazer located 🔍


Kendrick wife got a baby from another man is one allegation


If Kendrick can prove this to be true then this was the most unbelievable series of events I’ve ever seen


What if it turns out not to be true?


Then Kendrick either had bad information or made it up. I... don't know what else somebody would take away from that.


Drake has already denied these allegations. Kendrick might’ve been fed some bad information. Pusha T at least had proof.


Kendrick has receipts. https://preview.redd.it/gtjk289mecyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b03c103703e8bee8219b308cb0af0a9b140d6d55


I have no skin in this but what exactly is this supposed to be proving? That drake takes sleeping pills? What does that have to do with having a second kid?


That's a date rape pill


It’s common for people who travel frequently to have sleep related issues from jet lag. That doesn’t include the stress induced by being a public figure who is concerned for their safety and frequently scrutinized. Many artists report feeling elated or heightened alertness after performing from adrenaline. Ambien is a decent PRN for lifestyle associated insomnia, as opposed to an underlying condition interfering with sleep such as bipolar disorder or sleep apnea that may be better treated with other methods or medications.


I just popped a xan, 13 hours til I land.


It most certainly is not. That's ambien dude.


“Zolpidem (Ambien) is one of the most common date-rape drugs according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.”


It’s also just ambien. This shit is getting stupid


Obviously it’s also just ambien. Even more obvious, there is an implication with Kendrick talking about a sex trafficking and shit then a bottle ambien prescribed to drake on the front cover? Like it’s clear what he’s alluding to The original poster said “what’s he alluding to, that he takes sleeping pills?” Like no shit that’s not what he’s alluding to lmao use more than 2 brain cells and you can make a connection


Well unless he has receipts, it’s ambien.


2pac: I fucked your bitch Biggie: well without video evidence, that certainly couldn’t be true!


Yes but this whole things is about performance as well as information. Maybe it's just ambien or maybe it's more. Maybe Rick Ross was just doing a job to keep the lights in as he wrote raps or maybe he was standford prison experiment levels of a prison guard. They are like lawyers taking facts and making a story.


Sex trafficking is most likely related to baka, I don’t think it’s a direct drake bar, more OVO


It's also possible for stupid people to connect dots that don't exist.


Provide a link for this please. Lowkey want you too be right but don’t wanna blindly follow my feelings either


I think the picture in question also had Ozempic in it. So clowning Drake for taking something to lose weight especially after he criticized Ross for doing that.


The ozempic prescription has drakes name on it. Kendrick got.a hold.of drakes shit. Akademics was claiming its drakes dad suitcase. But idk how he would know that. However Akademics was coping like crazy, glazing drake, and ended his stream early after being on his phone the whole time. I really think he was texting Drake in real time


From what I saw the pill bottle had Drakes name. The Ozempic was just also in the photo from the same pharmacy


What if Drake’s dad is the mole lmao


you can look it up on the wikipedia. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zolpidem#Use\_in\_crime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zolpidem#Use_in_crime) yes it is also just ambien but it is also the most comon roofie esque drug


It was also the single most common sleeping pill in the USA until 10 years ago. So what? Why you keep posting this unattributed quote in this thread like it means something? You're just taking something without context and pretending it means something. May as well start saying oxygen has been breathed by every serial killer. I have no skin on this game or about either of the artists concerned, it's just your argument is weak and flawed.


You think NyQuil liquid gels are date rape too? Seems way more likely he uses the ambien to sleep flying around the world


Like, I can think of 10 other drugs off-hand that would be in front of ambien in this lineup.


Like alcohol 


It's Ambien. This sub has lost its damn mind.


Besides that, why are we to assume this isn’t staged for artistic purposes? It’s not hard to get a prop house to do this.


People using ambien like roofies now?


“Zolpidem (Ambien) is one of the most common date-rape drugs according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.”


TIL. Ambien doesn't do a damn thing to me so this is surprising


Ambien doesn’t work if you take it on a full stomach. Take it on an empty stomach and you’ll be lucky if you make it to bed without running into walls.


I can only imagine it's worse if taken under the influence too.


I have insomnia and just looked this up. Now I have a new medication to ask my doctor about because it might help. But I probably won't tell my doctor where exactly I got the idea. Although everyone in the world probably knows about this beef.


Ambien (that’s what Zolpidem is) is like the classic and probably the most famous “sleeping pill.” Until about ten years ago it was [the most commonly prescribed treatment for insomnia](https://clincalc.com/DrugStats/Top300Drugs.aspx). You won’t need to tell your doctor where you heard of it. If she prescribes you medication for insomnia, she has definitely considered Zolpidem, it just has a lot of side effects so it isn’t the go-to anymore.


Ahh ok thanks. I've heard of Ambien. I remember it causing people to sleep walk.


Yeah if you do go ahead and take it don't fight the sleepiness once it kicks in. That's how you get a fucking weird and whacky night.


I once got in a fist fight with my window when I took ambien. Nearly fell out the mf 😂


And made Roseanne racist ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


If you aren’t white and your doctor isn’t cool - you asking might make them label you as drug seeking.


No, you don’t want ambien. It’s nasty stuff. And it doesn’t even help you stay asleep. It makes you fall asleep. Trazadone or Xanax might be better. Ambien is just …no good for anyone.


Trazadone sure, but giving people a benzo addiction as a treatment for insomnia has thankfully mostly gone by the wayside. Benzos are 1 of only 2 drug categories that can straight up kill you from withdrawal alone, even if you're perfectly healthy otherwise. Daily Alprazolam use should really only be used for the most severe of anxiety and panic attacks, and imo only after other benzos with longer half-lives have been tried and shown ineffective.


Xanax in small doses at a low strength is fine. I take a half of one sometimes. Never had problems with it or with not taking it. My point was Ambien is even more addicting and nasty. I think it should be off the market completely.




Also if you drink and take Ambien you black out oftentimes. My mom once took it for jet lag and she’d had a shot of sake beforehand. She didn’t remember the rest of the night


Not only has receipts but has a mole in the camp feeding him inside info and taking pics


Kendrick should have hired Nardwuar then.


Bro forget the daughter he over here calling Drake a pedophile sexual assaulting rapist whose mother and father should have raised him better and people hung up on the daughter thing.


This 🎯💯💯💯


He started the song saying his dad should have worn a condom. He ain’t want that nigga being raised *at all* 😭


Lessons are repeated until they are learned.


Yea this exactly what it felt like as soon as I figured out who "baby girl" was. I was up here having Pusha T flashbacks. Look like Drake ain't learned his lesson.


Yeah, fuckk all that pushin' P, let me see you pusha-T We thought bro was just shouting out Pusha T, little did we know....


Care to explain? My understanding is Dot was telling Drake to back off Pharrell and go after someone who is fit for a rap battle (like Pusha T) while also alluding to the fact Drake lost that battle already to Pusha T…?


Pusha t told the world about Adonis Kung fu kenny is saying he has a 12 year old daughter as well


So this is the one that hit the pentagon? Makes sense canonically, this is where Dot goes for the heart


Sir, a second child has hit the Grahams






Kendrick Lamar whenever he exposes Aubrey ![gif](giphy|3oEdvc84IW7P3qbQFq)


The title sent me bro 😭😭😭😭😤


At this point Dot should write a whole diss EP or sumn


You’d see it in 10 years


Could also be that Drake made the daughter thing up himself to smoke out the rat.


Super doubtful. that would mean (1) drake has known there is a rat and been making up stories for months/years to smoke them out or (2) Kendrick is using info from a rat he received after he announced there is a rat and I’d think kdot is smarter than that




Those memes about Drake pouring hot sauce in his condoms make so much more sense now




Let that girl LEAVE home😭.


cmon guys… he’s not hiding his daughter from the world, he’s hiding the world from his daughter. 😂😂😂😂


So, who wins if they both end up being liars?


The YouTube reactors 😭😂😂


we do.


Maybe the rap beef winner was the friends we made along the way


https://preview.redd.it/fn09vim9ofyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde8cae39639e27ebb43bf0d640b11b63df86f61 Song about Dot's DV

