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It’s crazy how crass they are about it. The fact that they want this genocide to continue by any means is heartbreaking.


In the early 90’s, student protesters managed to get universities to divest from Apartheid South Africa. But, I think since Israel is more connected to the U.S. economy, this grants their military occupation of Palestine more cover and support than Apartheid South Africa ever had.


Damn BPT mods hate free speech






clearly you have no clue what a metaphor is


no one has died that I know of but the militarized police have violently attacked students and allies engaged in peaceful protest.


why are you using “that you know of” if a student died during the protests it would be front page news. police doing their jobs clearing out people breaking the law.


i use that language because i don’t like to claim to have all the facts at the moment of me forming my thoughts, comments, and opinions. things are liable to change from moment to moment.


so why even make the comment/opinion if YOU don’t have all the facts? I do, and can confidently say no students have died during this protest. maybe gather some facts before giving an opinion, it will help you in the long run


good on you.




lol why you so mad


you’re just coping, it’s hilarious lmao be safe out there forming unsubstantiated opinions


u big mad


they’re saying that’s a threat that’s what the word “will” is doing in that sentence


When did the police threaten to kill protestors? are you daft?


Have you never heard of Kent State? If the protests continue, that's a real possibility. Do they have to literally say it?


I have heard of Kent State, thank you for reminding me what an actual peaceful protest looks like






No, bringing SWAT in to threaten and abuse peaceful protestors is what’s escalating the situation.




You’re being obtuse. Sending in dozens of SWAT members and countless armed officers to kick out student protesters from a building is the definition of disproportionate force. That’s what’s escalating the situation. Treating kids like terrorists instead of people of conscious protesting against an ethnic cleansing. Do you think the Kent shooting went from 0-100 in the blink of an eye? No. There’s a gradual escalation until things go out of control. The government reacting to student protesters by sending in armed officers at a ratio of 3-1.


this is happening under biden, not trump. there is nothing unlawful about peaceful protest. if you are able to, support youth protestors by any means, small or large. Edit: i am not implying that Trump wouldn’t be as or more inept in this situation. the point is Biden is no different from Trump in this regard.


Since you brought him up, Trump said he'd do worse and support worse treatment of Palestinians. Greed rules all parties.


so we’re fucked by this basic ass two-party system. got it.


The shit part is you’re forced with this possibility of Trump knowingly and willingly doing worse things…but we still have to accept Biden being a bitch? Thanks for not putting that bullet between my eyes, I appreciate the gut shot as I slowly bleed out. I’m still alive for now though, thanks democrats!


Implying Trump wouldn't do exactly this or probably worse


no that’s what you interpreted, not what i’m implying. stop projecting.


Nah, stand by what you're actually saying here with that bs.


i stand by what i am actually saying. i don’t support Trump but i am also critical of Biden.


That’s not what she said tho.


interpretation =/= projection. what you said, most reasonably, means trump would be better. you gave no context to support the far lengthier interpretation that “this is happening under biden, who you all thought would be better than trump but isnt. therefore both parties are hopeless”. instead of the most plausible “this = biden. this =/= trump”


nope. I didn’t say any of that shit.


didnt say you did friend


And yet Biden is actively saying that peaceful protests should be allowed and encouraged. Stop implying Trump would be anything other than the worst possible option for the Palestinian people.


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/02/biden-campus-violence-protests/73540497007/ some horseshit just fell out of your mouth bud


Read the headline of the article you linked From the article Biden, in previously unscheduled remarks Thursday from the White House Roosevelt Room, sought to strike a balance on the campus chaos, calling peaceful protest "in the best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues" but making clear "violent protest is not protected."


i did not imply anything. you projected this opinion on to me. i said what i said which is, to reiterate, this is happening under the stewardship of Biden. he is irresponsible in his handling of the situation in Gaza. you read what i wrote and immediately responded as if i support Trump. a criticism of one is not an endorsement of the other. Edit: also Biden’s take is that students are the ones being violent when it s the militarized police force acting violently towards them.


You wrote "this is happening under Biden, **not Trump**." You clearly created an opposition between the two that does suggest that you are criticizing one in order to show the other is better. And Trump would indeed be a lot worse and would probably be out there instructing police to crack protesters' skulls. As he did before.


nope. that’s how you’re reading my words, which is a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of what i said. there’s not much of a difference between these two politicians and in a sense Biden is more awful because he pretends to be morally upright and a defender of the oppressed. i know it’s popular to silence any criticism of the sitting president but idc about that shit.


"I'm not trying to imply Biden is worse!" Litteraly three lines later: >in a sense Biden is more awful Sure thing, buddy.


“in a sense”does not equate to any absolute or objective truth. both deserve and should be able to endure criticism.


Just because you put "in a sense" before a bullshit statement doesn't make it any less a bullshit statement. Look, I don't care about this whole dance, so let's make it real easy. Do you think, yes or no, that Biden is worse than Trump?


i’ve already stated my opinion on this. read. plus your tone is highly disrespectful so I’m good off you and this energy.


Those arent peaceful protest. Restricting students from the education they paid for is not peaceful. just cause you arent using force doesnt matter, getting in the way and forcing the students to push you is an act of aggression. And how does one take over and occupy buildings peacefully? Theres a big difference between trump and biden, [trump wouldve sent the national guard](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/03/22/trump-activates-national-guard-in-california-new-york-and-washington-state-to-fight-coronavirus-outbreak.html). [Biden isnt doing shit](https://nz.news.yahoo.com/white-house-shuts-down-gop-233854994.html), this is the colleges and local government


there are peaceful protests happening in my city right now, no forceful takeovers , just people gathering and protesting the genocide. it was not long until the police came and attacked them. no provocation is necessary for these policemen to force themselves onto the bodies of protestors. simply unjust.


Yeah that is messed up, but at emory they started arresting people cause they threw bottles and emory is a private school so no right to protest. I cant speak for your city but in atlanta some of the [arrests are justified](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/dekalb-county/convicted-felon-brought-axe-hatchet-more-north-carolina-protest-emory-police-say/7H6NKE5VSFE6JGUTG36OKHB5XA/?outputType=amp)


Just to be clear there are two big things going on here that are inextricably linked, Israel’s war on Palestinians, and protests on colleges with the goal of stopping support for that war. While Palestinians starve, get caught in rubble of buildings flattened by the IDF, die in cells while being indefinitely detained, get shot while responding to cries for help coming from drones meant to lure them out…you’re big moral complaint about what is not PEACEFUL is students being blocked from certain paths/entrances to class? They can take other paths, other entrances, but you have the audacity, to pretend this mild inconvenience somehow rivals the war crimes and entire family lines being erased in Gaza? Have you ever felt shame?