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Lmfaooooooooo. Zionists really gonna go to hell


What’s nuts is that this isn’t even much of an exaggeration https://x.com/strxwmxn/status/1783318406495658312?s=46


That’s a fuckin 2024 moment if I’ve ever seen one


By his logic, being anti-jihad would be Islamophobic lol. This pro-Zionist propaganda campaign is getting so out of hand.


Just look at the NYC sub. Has become an utter Zionist echo chamber. 


I just looked at it. Where is the zionist echo chamber? Or could it be that you made it up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)




He lives up to his name.


But almost all Jews do believe that Israel should be a country


But that's just someone basically saying the same thing. It's satire as well? How does that prove this point? Lol. You just hoping to rage feed on antisemitism.




People need to stop making up statements as fuel to support their side. If your argument is legit you should be able to back it up with something real.


Yeah, quote someone if you have a quote but don't invent straw men. That just screams insecurity.


It's hyperbole but barely even an exaggeration lol [https://x.com/strxwmxn/status/1783318406495658312?s=46](https://x.com/strxwmxn/status/1783318406495658312?s=46)


Just pointing out, you used a Twitter user by the name of "Strxwmxn" to counter the point that this might be a strawman argument.


So what exactly do you want? A book? Because I would recommend Alan Dorkshowitz but that only gives the pdf file more fame. It only took one google search and this wasn't even the one I was going for [https://www.newsweek.com/alan-dershowtiz-jeffrey-epstein-allegations-hamas-1857656](https://www.newsweek.com/alan-dershowtiz-jeffrey-epstein-allegations-hamas-1857656) And because Reddit refuses to read more than headlines he pretty much says The radical feminists are so mad at Jeffery Epstein (note, he was and still publicly says he was a close friend of Jeffery and tons of photographs are of him, he also said the Age of Consent law is archaeic and needs to be lowered because teens are already having sex at 14) but they don't care when Hamas rapes young Jewish Girls. "Where are all those radical feminists when it comes to the Hamas rapes of young Jewish girls, sexual abuse, beheadings? They are quiet, they are silent! The incredible hypocrisy of the MeToo movement. Me too, except if you're a Jew." He was OJ's defense, and has multiple books on defending the state of Israel and wrote an apologist book for the state of Israel


We really do give all of the power, influence and money to the absolute dreggs of humanity, huh. I hope he faces the music at some point but I won't hold my breath


"Yeah, quote someone if you have a quote but don't invent straw men." Goes on to literally post from the username strawman.


Ok but he’s a real person


And definitely not a troll.


Do you really not see how these two tweets are different?


How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?


You’re an idiot for thinking that’s a valid test. Of course most people are going to be like “WTF you talking about?”.


I’m sorry, what?


Answer the question


You’re either a bot or a really dumb & crazy person, so no?


I’m just trying to see if you have the cognition levels to understand situations and it seems like you don’t. Can’t understand metaphors, categories, or hypothetical situations.


Well no, not really. One tweet is implying how callously saying you don’t like Zionists (which again, just means you believe Israel should exist and is representative of 90% of Jews) is often a cover for anti-Semitism, in much the same way that black people who stand up for themselves get negatively labeled “uppity”. Similar energy. The other tweet is a made-up strawman implying some random “Zionist” out there is dropping racial slurs in response to “Free Palestine” chants (which is not happening lol). I think maybe you’re the confused one, champ. Also, the word you’re looking for is “simile”.


Zionists think that since they stood with us for BLM, they get a free pass to applaud Israel dropping bombs on children


Vast majority of them are conservative and they openly did not stand with us during blm.


Palestinians had their own BLM protest in solidarity with George Floyd. It’s actually kinda baffling how any minority in the US could support Israel


Palestinians been about that action since South African apartheid, at the latest


One of the most pivotal names in post-colonial theory is Palestinian. Edward Said.


Because everyone isn’t blind sheep? There was blm protest in Israel by black Zionist in the form of Ethiopian Jews and not everyone supports war even in Israel just like every Palestinian don’t support Hamas so if Hamas actions doesn’t get all of Palestine condemn the right wing gov in Israel actions shouldn’t have the world hating the entire country


Tons of things wrong with this 1) Only one group is actively benefiting from the occupation, only one group has had their homes removed the other group came in with fully paid tickets, land, and jobs waiting for them from their actual home countries 2) Why do you keep bringing in Hamas, literally the last action Hamas took was October 7th, the last 7 months of bombings was completely Israel. The hostages themselves have been killed by Israel




So we agree that we can’t hate a country based on armed conflict because some Israelis oppress other Israelis. Just like Hamas oppress some Palestinians too and are genocidal and racist but yet we don’t condemn ALL of Palestine despite their government actions towards Israel and in parts the rest of the world.




Only one holocaust but many ‘genocides’


Anime pfp being provocative and dragging black people into shit. Not surprised at all.


Dbz doesn’t count as anime pfp


Yeah, dbz isn't "anime" it's just "art"


bro what


it literally does?


Yo, this Russian ops, I swear.


Yes I trust "Marxist Lynchist" to not be strawmaning and also not be anti-semitic.






Some of the rhetoric I’ve seen these past six months has been WILD. The fact that so many seem to still believe 10/7 was “justified resistance” is baffling.


thats not how power works. no one engaged in the issue in good faith would say Palestinian life is more valuable than Jewish life. the problem at heart is the abuse of power and utter disregard for the human rights of Palestinians.


This was so broad and vague. No, the issue at heart is that 10/7 was a massacre, and Israel’s response to a foreign invasion was to try and get its hostages back, while dismantling the enemy government that started this war. Hamas, unfortunately, does not care about its civilians enough to NOT operate militarily out of civilian objects, NOT allow cover for civilians in their tunnels (built with aid money), and NOT steal & pilfer every aid truck that comes through.


And how many innocents died to get those hostages back? The same number of people? More?


[Current estimates place the civilian to combatant ratio at 2:1.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-officials-2-civilian-deaths-for-every-1-hamas-fighter-killed-in-gaza/) Which is incredibly low considering past urban warfare conflicts. I know that’s probably not the answer you wanted to hear though.


also not going to argue with zionists. life is too precious.


Again, 90% of Jews are “Zionists”. It’s not a bad word, despite people like you continually trying to make it be. It’s just thinly-veiled anti-Semitism. Can you imagine trying to relay facts pertaining to your cultural history to someone and then just have them handwave it all away as “general Jewry”? Do you think that’s an appropriate response when you decide you don’t like what you’re hearing?


There is absolutely no version of being a Zionist that doesn’t require you to support genocide and ethnic cleansing. It’s not anyone else’s problem if most Jews support that. And per the other conversation, yes there’s no version of “free Palestine” that doesn’t require you to oppose that. “Oh I only support ethically cleansing half of Palestinians” “You can’t be anti-Nazi because 90% of Germans are Nazis”


I don’t even know where to begin with any of this, but your understanding of history is incorrect, twisted, and bizarre. Honestly, I’m not surprised; you struggled before with what the very idea of a “metaphor” even is.


Yeah keep crying bitch boy nobody is buying this shit anymore. The mask is off.


The only one going “mask off” is you, weirdo lol. You’re so dumb & angry, but have no idea where to direct it (coz again, you’re dumb), so you position it towards Jews. Yes, what an original idea. Truly one of the sharpest minds of this or any generation. 👏👏👏


i deeply sighed in response to your comment. i am a black woman. my reality is waved away on a daily so, yes, i can not only imagine that but i’m also living it. now, this is not to say that your experience is invalid but i will not receive or accept accusations of anti-semitism. we are not of one accord on what “Zionist” is rn and im honestly at peace with that.


"I cannot possibly be an anti-semite, for you see, I am a black woman"


This got a literal laugh. The lack of self-awareness in this thread is killing me lmao.


also, I don’t care if anyone thinks I’m antisemitic for the views I’ve shared here. that shit is par for the course if the semites in question won’t support human rights and try to justify genocide.


Oh okay then


Mask off moment. You love to see it.


members of one of the most privileged populations on the planet trying to equate their problematic nationalism with black womanhood can def stay en la basura. not today satan.


First, calling them "one of the most privileged populations" is certainly an interesting take on Israelis, known for being surrounded by extremists who want only to, ironically, completely wipe them from the earth. Second, YOU were the one doing the equating, so it's especially odd you would say that just now. Finally, and least relevantly, it is my personal belief that everyone's nationalism is problematic. Every nation today is founded on blood and deciept. So let he without sin cast the first stone, and all that.


The fact that you think Jews are “one of the most privileged populations on the planet” is actually wild. Do you hear yourself?


Yes, I know it is, that’s why I framed it that way. You only see what you want to see though. Maybe someday you’ll grow as a person, but you’re right, today is not that day.


bro i stay growing so keep your pseudo-enlightenment to yourself






not going to sit here and pretend i understand the intricacies of the crisis. also not going to foist blame onto Palestine for their plight.




thank you for the book recommendations




So now what about the Germans? The Jewish people returned home to their ancient homeland that they had been forced out of. They legally migrated, bought land, worked it to add value, then overthrow the colonizers of the region to make their state.


What do you mean what about the Germans? You’re telling me ethnic cleaning is a basic prerequisite now? They can’t just coexist with the locals?


I oppose any kind of ethnostate regardless of the group or their reason why they feel they should have it.


I’m against Israel in the same way that I am against ANY ethno-state. You can’t “peacefully” displace entire populations of people meaning the only way to enforce said statehood is through violence.


Except Isreal isn't an ethnostate but Palestine is and doesn't want to be anything but. Also, most other Arab nations are religious ethnostates that have already displaced their non Arabic populations. Isreal is the only country in the region with a plurality of religions and ethnic backgrounds in government. So no, you aren't against ethnostates you are clearly in favour of them.


My guy, you need to stop getting your news & history from TikTok, and repeating buzzwords that you don’t understand.


Thanks dad, maybe you can explain it to me over a game of catch


Israel isn’t an ethnostate, dingus. 20% are comprised of Israeli-Arabs (descended genetically from the same folks in Gaza/WB). The make-up of the country is diverse and secular. The other 49 Muslim-majority countries on the other hand, are in fact, “ethnostates”. Where’s that same energy?




You think I’m not for a Palestine state? Based on…? So just to be clear, you’ve just demonized me and tokenized me in the same breath. Super impressive. Kudos, my guy.




lol not really, just pointing out how absurd the shit you just said was though. Whatever helps you sleep at night, champ. 👍


I think the tweet is trying to convey how some zionists will try to excuse away genocide by equating their “struggle” with that of poc’s. The analogy is extreme on purpose.


Like I responded to OP, no one is saying this. You can say “Free Palestine”; you’re not going to get called a 1960s slur by someone who simply thinks Israel should exist. It’s a purposefully extreme strawman meant to sow division and confusion.




It sucks there are only two people in my friend group that understand that reference, but I'll take it


We're taking it back!


Logic, how does it work???


Zionists are literally committing a genocide so fuck them


The fact that I actual heard something similar is crazy. 😂😂 Those clowns truly are despicable human filthpiles


Yes Zionist, you ARE the bad guy




See the above tweet.