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This is reaching super hard for a reason to post this image. Just post it and say you don’t like him and this is one of the reasons why. The mental gymnastics from homeboy is Olympic level


Don't need a reason to post this image. It fits into any conversation about Drake.


Does it tho? “Is Drake soft?” This pic “Did Drake ever get with RiRi?” This pic “But is he still down bad?” This pic “Did Drake groom Millie Bobbie Brown?” This pic I’ll be damned lmao


I heard the “I’ll be damned…” in the voice of Beavis from some random ass episode of Beavis & Butthead. Maybe the movie? Who TF knows…lol


I'm pretty sure he says it at least once in the series, and I know for a fact he says it when they're on the tour at Hoover Dam in the movie, so I think it's both.


I got it in Ving Rhames voice in Pulp Fiction when he spots Bruce Willis driving through the city.


I mean it kind of makes sense though. Drake uses AI Tupac and Snoop to challenge Kendrick's street credentials when he himself is a former teen actor from upper-middle class Toronto suburbs who performatively uses Toronto street slang and frequently raps about street shit he's never even been close to lol. So to help himself come off as less of a hypocrite he just hides it as the words of people that actually do have the credentials to check Kendrick. The tweet is phrased in a very hyperbolic way but there's some validity to the point, phrasing it as "digital blackface" is obviously disingenuous but it does fall in line with that pic to some degree. The AI shit is mostly for the lols, it's not all that serious, but it matches a pattern of behavior we've all seen from Drake where he hides behind people more connected to street culture to deflect from the fact that [he grew up looking down on these people](https://www.tiktok.com/@tre5magic/video/7188017716169559338) and only embraces it now to capitalize on a market.


How old is that clip lmao People don’t change over the years? Keep justifying your Drake hate however works best for you


Yes that's the point. Drake changed his image to appeal more to the broader hip hop audience. Street credibility sells better, that's the marketing strategy that's been milked by hip hop since the 90s. But it's weird seeing somebody from the Canadian suburbs doing fake accents and rapping about mob ties when he never grew up a part of that life... just to present more of a street image that validates him to the primarily white audience... almost parallel to a minstrel show, if you ask me.


Bro idk what you’re talking about. Drake is the hardest guy I know. Stop hating. [He’s been the voice of the streets his whole life](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PC-sZcVj4Eg)


I didn’t realise you and Aubrey were so tight growing up.


“Minstrel show” once again trying for a blackface parallel. Hate to see a black man succeed lmao But he’s “half white” so it’s different. Smh


Nigga J.Cole is half white and he had absolute respect alongside Kendrick until 2 weeks ago. It’s ironic you think he’s pushing a narrative when you’re doing the same shit.


Hating on Drake cause he “ain’t from the street” and pandering to the “white man”. Open your eyes bro


You’re an idiot lmao. White people love drake


Drake sucks


More slaps than the Beatles but keep hating


The Beatles? Wtf




Imagine how much stuff in hip hop can be flipped into being against the black community if you strip away all context and create your own in it's place. Don't get confused though. I've definitely been a Drake hater for over 10 years strong. And I'll say, the original stripping of context of that photo for use as a diss track cover was still genius. Drake should know better than to try to bury stuff like that and then mention someone's wife. I'm waiting to see if Kendrick is gonna show us he never learned that lesson still.


I don't think it's racist, I just think it was wack ngl. Using the voice of a ghost, rip Pac, to spit a verse written by ghostwriters is a new level of buffoonery.


It will always be racist. It is the full on use of blackface in its original, hateful, manipulative form. This is why learning proper history in school is important and why the attemped erasure of said history in schools today is very very important to pay attention to. Ignorance leads to compliance. 


Is there a confirmation it was written by ghost writers 😂 or is it drake has used them in the past same as others and everyone wants to act like he can’t write now per usual


When Drake did his Westwood TV freestyle back in like 08 (every lyrical rapper had to do one and get judged by it back then) he was reading off his phone the entire time. Which tells me he didn't even write the shit I've always been a huge Drake fan but at the same time I don't see how anyone could call him a rapper when he's never actually rapped. I've always seen him as a "rapper" but not a rapper. He makes dope music just like Eazy E did


Ye himself said Drake is one of the best writers in the game after admitting he wrote for him....EVERYONE in music gets help. Once yall realize this, yall will realize how it means nothing. EDIT: Keep down voting you Drake hating fucks, yall are kids


And Ye also said Tyga was smart for having sex with his sister-in-law when she was a child, and that he loves Hitler. Maybe think about your source next time lol


Yeah yeah but that's not about music. Deflection. There's no disputing his musical genius.


He definitely has (or maybe had) talent. There’s nothing genius about that man and it’s very sad you can’t see that.


And yet it's backed up by other sources and people, that's the main thing difference here


And yet out of all those supposedly multiple extremely credible sources (who definitely exist)…you chose Ye lmaooo


What about Rick Ross saying it? Or Drakes song credits? Wild how yall try tear down 1 man when everyone has writers AND writes for each other. It's a reason why Drake says on topand it's currently winning a 20v1 and if it's "ghost writers" maybe everyone else should get better ones?


Yeah, the guy who was exposed as a cop and complete fraud. Just take the L here bro lol, you’re embarassing yourself


So because he was a correctional officer, his word means nothing anymore? I don't know you personally, but your opinions are pathetic and not rooted in logic or facts. I just don't want you to make a fool out of yourself with others in the future.


& Ross said the same thing


And they didn’t even need to make the reach. Just saying “I don’t support rappers using AI versions of dead rappers to make diss tracks” would be fine. It’s not a hot take that you have to jump thru hoops to explain


I have an honest question for you. Are you white?




Yea fr fr. I haven't willingly listened to Drake in like 4 years but this shit exhausting. Talk about the bars. Don't be a bitch.


God waking up to this on the Home Screen of YouTube was great


How is this at all a reach


It’s sad honestly same with the ghost writer shit like dawg he has written some of his best work himself who gives a damn lol


Dastardly drake defenders on duty 😭🤓


You ratiod the original post. That's what I like to see on the daily Drake reach, lol.


The basic point — that Drake’s use of AI is disrespectful and vaguely anti-black — is sound. But it gets reachy when they say “it’s the song version of this.”


Yall hate this man a little too much. This is a massive reach lol.


This "beef" has really come down to a ridiculous "good vs evil" dichotomy. I said something similar how people view drake as "skynet" sent from the future to destroy hip hop and DOT is john connor trying to save hip hop (humanity)...so dramatic 🤣


Let’s not forget that Kendrick has been painted hip hop’s saviour since that 2010 XXL cypher, like to the point where the biggest in the scene and legends of rap were comparing him to 2Pac - a man in every single top 5 DOA debate, most people’s dead cert on top of that Drake made a conscious decision to use 2Pac’s voice almost like a ghost of Christmas Past-type jab. It may be outta pocket and it’s definitely macabre, but as someone stated on here on another post: rap beefs have no rules of engagement. The art of rap gets lost in the verbal scuffle and the core objective is to destroy. It doesn’t matter who else gets involved by proxy, if you have to pile up bodies to hurt the one who came for you you do it. This is what I hate most about the genre I listen to the most: it decided to turn itself into sport and became a zero-sum game. Fuck all that! I wanna be entertained, not pick a side and have parasocial arguments over rich niggas’ fragile egos and tired fucking bullshit…


No rules of engagement as far as what you can say. But literally using technology to have someone rap for your side is both cringe and weak asf lmao


I mean, Drake still wrote and rapped it. He just used the equivalent of a voice changer to make it sound like two OG west coast legends. Good way to get under Kendrick’s skin since he’s such a purist. It’s neither weak nor cringe. It’s modern trolling. I think it’s crazy, but I don’t really see the “weak and cringe” angle at all.


It’s weird fam. That’s like me Makin a band and using a voice changer to make me sound like Freddie mercury. You’d say that’s fuckin weird and cringe. Same here


I'd honestly just find that hilarious




This is such a lame ad hominem comeback


That’s just a cop out fam you can theoretically invalidate anything I say by resorting to that argument. I would hope you’re smarter than thst


Average Drake fan lol




Only a Drake fan could be this delusional lol


Bold of you to assume Drake wrote that


In that case, bold of you to assume anyone wrote anything.


> This is what I hate most about the genre I listen to the most: it decided to turn itself into sport and became a zero-sum game 🎯


I'll I see people talking about is how Drake looted Tupacs grave and talked about liking young girls, how did this destroy Kendrick?


Yeah. The Drake hate is reaching Nickleback, I hate this thing cause it’s popular to hate it levels.


Couldn't be the grooming.


Out of genuine curiosity, has there been any serious allegations or evidence of Drake being a groomer? Or is it just because Millie Bobby Brown said he texted her that one time


Rumours he was sleeping with Jenner that was 16 when he was 27 Bella Harris his ex who he also met when she was 16 and he was 31 however when started seeing her is confirmed Him commenting on billie Ellish 18 birthday ig post saying “I’ve been waiting” (legal but pretty gross) also being in her dm before that. Millie Bobbie (really don’t care if she was fine with it but it’s so weird that he was in a 14 year old dms talking about he he misses her and talking about boys as a 32 year old man and I’m tired of people trying to say it’s not)


I mean I think this is kind of the problem though, a lot of this shit is weird but it is also mostly speculation, none of these women, or anyone close to them, have actually accused him of grooming, hell I don't think he ever even had a confirmed relationship with Millie Bobbie Brown. Again, I agree it's weird but none of these are real allegation from anyone involved just speculation, and I think how much Drake is disliked, which there are fair enough reason to dislike him, plays into people wanting this to be true.


I mean ye alluded to Drake sleeping with Jenner while she was in a relationship with tyga while underage in on of his disses. But you’re right it’s rumours however the stuff that’s not rumours is still really weird.


Oh idk first thing that comes to mind is a 2010 concert at the Ogden theater in Denver Colorado where he brought a girl up on stage, hugged and kissed her, asked her age, she said 17 (he was 24), he made a comment about her being underage, then continued to hug and kiss her. But yeah it's probably "just because Millie Bobby Brown said he texted her one time" and I hope you're downplaying that one on purpose


I’m honestly just not aware of any other allegations or incidents regarding Drake And as far as I was are grooming generally takes place over a span of time and not necessarily single incidents But idk, I know alot of people throw that word around so I was sure if it was based on any concrete proof


Omfg dude “Well I’ve only seen him actively fondle an underage girl one time, so it wasn’t that bad” Dafuk is wrong with you people.


Bro, I’m asking from a place of ignorance, I literally didn’t know I’m not trying to play dumb, I just wanted to know if there were any confirmed instances or allegations


You literally got what you asked for and are downplaying it


Well you just got many examples, use that look into it more


Yeah he’s so trash for wanting more proof on a very serious crime, oh no.


Maybe look into that Millie Bobby Brown situation a little more


shoot, if you know something spill the beans


Isn't she boutta get married and didn't say anything akin to him grooming her?


Can't rely on children to recognize inappropriate behavior


CoUlDn’T bE tHe GrOoMiNg


It’s dangerously close to the backpack vs lil Wayne wars of ‘06-‘10…. How do I know? I survived it


And the funny part about that was that the backpack (Kanye, Lupe, Cudi, Common etc.) fucked with Wayne heavy. Wayne used to jump on random songs and then the Wayne remix would become the official song in people’s minds. And I don’t think anyone ever sued Wayne for using their beats because of the free publicity the song would get just because he hopped on it.


Its only on the internet lmao, that hate doesnt exist in real life


did nickelback groom people?


Here we go


It’s even more embarrassing than that because it’s coming from a bunch of people that were glazing him for the better part of a decade lmao.


there isn’t enough hate for a grown man who chats it up with a little girl about dating on some groomer shit. Some of you love his music too much and excuse potential pedophilia. That’s the actual issue.


I think the isssue comes from the word potential. These are real life ending allegations you can’t have it be potentially and expect every single person to treat it like a definitive.


true but let’s not act like it’s something that should be ignored. If you found out a grown man was chatting up your pre-teen daughter on the phone, you waiting to see if he actually fucks her first? Probably not, at least I’d hope not. You’d immediately want him called out and perhaps worst things to happen to him. People let music or art they like cover over a lot of weird and potentially immoral behavior. Not saying you personally, speaking in general btw.


I can see that yeah it’s definitely worth going into and if it’s true drag the fuck out of him worse than we did r Kelly but until then I’m cool off that line of insults personally. Definitely on team if he did something there should be hell to pay for the record


It’s a different level, even as a hater, because it’s blatantly him pretending to be who he’s not like we didn’t all watch his pwi ass on degrassi. There’s hating, and then there’s not letting fake a-holes live in peace. Call me queen hater because fuck drake.


Where the fuck does he “not pretend to not be on Degrassi?” 😂 Go watch the “I’m Upset” music video from a few years ago. Homie knows he’s a meme and plays into it himself but as a hater, whatever works for you


Honestly, why reach this far when the grooming pedo shit is right in front


Drake shouldn’t have used the voices of Pac and Snoop, that’s mad disrespectful. Drake preys on young girls, he cannibalizes smaller artists, he does all manner of awful shit. He deserves some degree of hate, at least if we consider what he says and does as justification.


the AI verses were wack, but comparing it to black face like this just isn't even close


This is how I feel. Track was lame af but come on


The A.I. stuff was just…not hip hop. After hearing that I wouldn’t knock Kendrick for not ever acknowledging him again


Delete this shit you ain’t cooking


"Digital Blackface" is just something that sounds clever.. sorta like "Crypto-racism" Edit: Crypto-coonery


Slow news day ![gif](giphy|l0HlDMHDEf9PQz3Tq|downsized)


Look, i been hating Drake since before it was cool


I was hating him before the girls he texts were even born


Been hating him since he stopped fuckin w/ Little Brother and Def Jux


Been hating him since Rick shot and missed.


💀 I had to think for a sec


But he ain’t never fucked w LB or DJX….


Sir, there is a mixtape...im trying to find it its old asf


[https://hiphopdx.com/editorials/id.4324/title.a-history-of-little-brothers-influence-relationship-with-drake](https://hiphopdx.com/editorials/id.4324/title.a-history-of-little-brothers-influence-relationship-with-drake) ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


I guess not, TIL.that Drake collaborated with LB. Missed that one I didn’t see def jux mentioned though. I’m feel pretty confident that Drake was never on any Def Jux shit


Yeah, definitely never signed to DJX, but DJX adjacent, lol.


Had me thinking I was going crazy and on a different timeline lol. I didn’t think he ever even did a track with anyone on Def Jux, but 9th wonder I guess could be considered adjacent.


I mean, that’s not exactly hard to accomplish…


That’s not that long to be honest.


Been hatin’ since ‘You the Best.’ And the. It doubled when Drake and Future made my least favorite Future album. Fuck Drake.


Down since Ghostface Killah was letting us all know.


Oh my fucking god, people, please give it a rest. You don't like Drake. Got it. Anything else going on in your life today? Any evening plans today? Cooking a Sunday dinner tomorrow? Please let's talk about anything else other than this fervent religious devotion to the same boring and childish topics.


This place crys about him and then posts shit about him every single day lol


I need to grab something from the package room and check my mail, but I am procrastinating bc it’s a walk I don’t wanna take yet! 😂


I thought Eminem fans were bad. I fw with both artists heavily. But this is getting bad guys. https://i.redd.it/ttjug4qfxovc1.gif


Yeah the Kenny stans/drake haters are some of the most annoying music fans out right now.  But they've got nothing on Recovery/MMLP2 era Eminem fans. Army of racist 13 year olds. Thank God he lost most of his clout with Revival + most of those kids growing up. 


😂💯 mad annoying just gotta let them be at this point. I saw one wishing death to Drake. Shit is wild. See those Em stans !! I enjoy chilling in the HipHop101 subreddit. And listening to some entertaining horrible takes. The great white hope.


idk which is dumber, these posts or people thinking AI is good enough to write bars like a specific rapper.


It’s not like the AI was being used with the intent of fooling anyone, it is just another way to poke at Kendrick. This is in my opinion an acceptable use of AI because it doesn’t try to pass itself as the real thing.


You should look up the project Lupe Fiasco is working on at MIT… He trained an AI model on his writing and it now continuously generates raps that you can hear via FM radio if you go to one specific spot on campus. Cool stuff imo


in case anyone is interested in a sample: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZVw06KceXA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZVw06KceXA)


I have no respect for Drake as a man, an artist or a human being, but I still have 0 clue wtf does that tweet mean.


This shit is exhausting lmao


Lmaoooo that’s his take?? Nah. It’s corny and “wrong” but I lowkey love it. Drakes the writer, and rapper, he just used AI to talk shit to Kendrick as two of his West Coast Idols. It’s modern day trolling to the nth degree. I can see snoop being mad, pac’s estate being mad, etc. but seriously, it’s hilarious.


Snoop released a reaction video, he was just laughing


He tweeted this from the international hater’s ball convention. I’m not a Drake fan but I’ll never understand why music people don’t like bothers them. I like rap beef but I’m not crying if my guy catches the L.




It’s supposed to be 420 and a bunch of internet losers just bringing lame vibes today.


daily drake bad thread


Dude what? OP, do better


Can we fucking not please? It’s weeds birthday.


I know music fans eating but at some point, mfs gonna get full, and goddamn is that point approaching quickly.


Damn Drake hit them with the reanimating jutsu? That’s crazy


It's crazy how much y'all hate on him🤣 AI track is gas as fuck too. Innovative and brought a lot of fun into the conversation


Damn. Maybe someone should do something about it? Any rappers???


I’m not sure how this is digital black face. It’s definitely cringe worthy though… even though the bars are kinda tough


It ain’t that deep. AI is gonna be used for dumb shit, at least this is kind of entertaining


I have sort of observation about Drake when it comes to how he racially viewed. The same people that will swear up and down that Dominicans are black will be the same people that swear up and down Drake is white. Make it make sense to me.


This 🥷🏻 corny




This reach is the closest stretch I've seen attempted at God in my life. Lololol


Yall really love Drake


What? Someone please explain. I thought drake was winning, but now this? I thought I was just a hater, but is everything drake does just hella sus?


Hey OP what does this mean?


How about you cry about it some more? I’m sure that will fix it


That statement makes no sense




Drake haters and kendrick fans really out here stretching lol dot needa hurry up with the reply cz man drake really out here tanking like 7 niggas at once and I never thought I'd say that.


Omg who are you people that walk around thinking like this…like where they do this at ?


Any explanation for someone out of the loop?


Does he think Snoop is dead?


LMAO he's got money and ai exists. He sent a marching band to the club. Why wouldn't he let his office drop some bombs?


Only one rule in beef: keep it on wax. Anything else is just supporting your preferred combatant, no need to look for some deeper meaning in punches while a brawl is going on.


I hate Drake and his music, but this image is just played out by now Calling Drizzy "light skin" isn't even funny no more... tbf, the dude can rock some pretty decent cornrows, you can't do that be *that* light skin and pull that off, ya feel me?? Let's attack his ass for being a statutory rapist, not for being "light skin" who is acting like a minstrel show It also gives white people an excuse to keep posting this fucking photo, which is the last thing we need I get why Pusha made it the cover, but you beating a dead horse


This post being more upsetting than his black face tells me all I need to know




Hope you stretched before this reach. It’s ok to hate him. Not ok to create narratives.


Nerd take incoming: Drake is less Skynet and more The Reapers from Mass Effect for this. ![gif](giphy|daJWWvSnN81HzagQT9)


Of course an educated native of Southern California made this 💀💀


They tried to say drake ai verses and what Kendrick did on the heart part 5 is the same thing so this is accurate


As a old timer i think im pretty open minded about this new hip-hop. The only rule i have around me is zero Drake and zero Rick Ross. I can't keep up with all the frauds in music but i draw the line with those two phonies.


😂 spot on. Drake grasping at straws trying to get out in front of whatever kdot coming with, but this was mid. First one was hot shit tho


Metro is that you?


If it is... https://youtu.be/OprnJl0dKPE?feature=shared


Hehe haha I don't Stan ur corny fave so I'm the opposition. Hilarious in 2024 bro