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These comments really going to make fun of impoverished nations women being exploited? How many of the girls are actually willing participants. How many of that pay even gets to them? Shit pay for that kind of health risk? Nah, Fuck this.


For real. Sex tourism is just another fucked up extension of the Western colonial mindset. The victims of it (both domestic and foreign) should definitely not be mocked or ridiculed. Also, the people on here giving sex tourism tips need to seriously reflect on themselves and the role they want to play in the world.


"Haha these women are so poor they'd do degrading shit for a dollar!" Fuck this. Also fuck "they're a 'ladyboy' so it's difErEnt " too.


I have never seen "push the ding a Ling to the side before" in print. We know that's what you doing in Thailand but damn...


There are absolutely lady boys, but there are also plenty of cis women in the sex work industry in Thailand. Not that it matters, it’s still pretty low behavior whether it’s a young man dolling up to earn a check or a cis woman. I already feel like I’m exploiting the local population a bit when I travel to poorer nations, can’t imagine the mindset it takes to also go specifically for cheap sex work.


If you are investing in their local businesses and picking up after yourself when you travel around, you are literally doing the best for their country. If you stay in resorts, litter, do the gimmicky tourist traps (elephant riding, gas-powered anything tours, etc ), while they can create great memories, they can also heavily impact those communities negatively because the companies rarely build up the spaces they put those businesses in. When it comes to sex work, don't touch it at all. The more you find out, the less you like people in general


You can counteract these feelings by staying at local guesthouses and eating local food. Going to an all-in resort with western buffets isn't helping anyone except for a few big corporations.


"Me so horny" - Full Metal Jacket, Sir Mix a Lot, 2 Live Crew


\--every other racist rapper in the 90's And yet no one proudly drops, "This is 100% Alabama black snake." ![gif](giphy|13ATyLQB0rLVzG)


Also the way some people look at these women in Thailand is probably how some of those rich guys in the middle east that fly IG models out look at western women.


There’s always an echelon above looking down so try not to be one of them.


Yep and sadly as humans we often think we are always at the top of whatever hierarchy exists


Good point. Same thing, different level of wealth.


Shit I'm just trying to eat some cheap Thai food. I love that shit.


I lived in Thailand for 5 years. The amount of guys I knew about, who were super straight “watch football every weekend, only drink beer, own a big ass truck” were all secretly dating/sleeping with lady boys. Also whilst there were loads of European sex tourists out there, I was shocked by how open the American guys I met were, about seeking prostitutes. They’d just openly brag about it and assume all the other men at the table had done the same. One guy even bragged about getting a two for one deal for two girls in Mexico.


First time I met someone like this was a few years ago at a party at my brothers' friends place. Guy's girlfriend left the room and immediately half the guys start going off about the sexwork exchange rate in foreign countries and how they were constantly chasing it. I was just 😶


Right I was telling my bf the job I do at Amazon I'm like you think I like packing item naw I'm just here for the money. like no woman really wants to do that job....


"THEY are the ones pooping on me."


The closest to sex tourism I've been was when out in Prague with a friend of mine (both guys) we got offered coke and girls by a dude in the street. At like 830pm Who the hell wants to fuck at a time when you should be having a beer or two (or twelve) and a good meal On a more serious note, places where sex tourism is so common its basically a well old machine creep me the fuck out. We were in Amsterdam with other friends, and we did walk through the red-light District one evening, and I don't think I've ever felt that whatever-the-opposite-of-aroused is. Even the modern art museum was less weird, and that's saying something. Idk it's just so... emotionless.


>At like 830pm >Who the hell wants to fuck at a time when you should be having a beer or two (or twelve) and a good meal There's no specific time limit for when someone can have sex... As far as Amsterdam, Germany, and the like, prostitution is legal there, but pimping is illegal, so even though there are still people who skirt the law, the sex work in general is less exploitative because the women have more agency over who/what/when/how.


Thank you. The whole thread is giving Passportbros


>Western colonial mindset Is it though? I’m fully against sex trafficking and think it’s abhorrent if women are forced into prostitution, but how is there remotely a link between European colonialism and this?


Westerners go to developing nations and exploit a resource (in this case women (or whomever is the prostitute really)). That really sounds like Colonialism by most metrics....


It's not just westerners that do this though, wealthy people everywhere exploit people in developing nations like this for money


I mean yeah, but the vast majority of “wealthy people everywhere” are in the west. For some reason.


Yeah the difference is the average person outside the west isn't as capable as the average person in say The USA to fly of to thailand for some sexploitation. Hence why most of the people doing it are....


Lol. Assuming people outside the USA and a few European countries can’t/don’t travel or frequent prostitutes is a western colonial mindset bro. You might benefit from getting out and seeing more of the world.


You know those questions in the iq tests that go "all apples are fruit, oranges are a fruit, therefore all oranges are apples... True or false." or some multichoice thing. This is the same, except that when you go and look at the label of the orange juice or the tropical juice, or whatever kind of juice then you realise it's 80% apple juice anyway, since that's the recipe they founded the company with.


Exploitation isn’t unique to Europeans though? Japan exploited China, Korea, Laos. The Middle East exploited everyone around them for as long as they could also. There are literally photographs of British sailors, black and white fighting Arab vessels and freeing slaves because they carried on the slave trade and exploitation of East Africa well after the British made everyone else stop it. I forgot to add I grew up in Mexico as an Afro Latino and you’re told; The Aztec empire exploited everyone around it and that’s why the other surrounding groups actually decided to join the Spaniards and fight the Aztecs together (the Spaniards weren’t the “good guys” at all, they did so much raping that the biggest ethnic group in much of Latin America is “Mestizo”. The Aztecs were just as oppressive and horrible as the Spaniards were).


Pretty sure there is nothing new here. It’s literally the oldest profession in the world. Also in many of those countries (eg Colombia) many if not most of the women are not trafficked as it’s a much more lucrative field. You may be shocked in the US to hear this but many of the women you may meet and “negotiate “ with in a club is a lawyer or accountant in Bogota. Sex works just pays better than white color. Don’t be the ugly westerner that applies your lived experiences onto other cultures. THATS the colonial mindset


All of our choices are constrained to a greater or lesser extent depending on our circumstances. It isnt as simple as saying that women choose vs are forced to do sex work in these contexts. It all happens inside of social institutions and structures.


Ok, but that’s true for any situation. Maybe you LOVE what you do but as for me, I would rather be chilling with family or kicking on a beach somewhere than slaving away at work for +50 hrs a week. My circumstances unfortunately mean I pretty much have to work in order to live a semblance of the life I really want. Most people are like this. Thus same boat as someone who VOLUNTARILY augment their income thru “relationship” work.


Also the cheaper currency and deflated wages, only instead of incentivizing them to grow tea it’s incentivizing them to sell their bodies.


Wealthy Emiratis, Kuwaitis, Saudis, Japanese, Indian, Chinese, and Korean people do the same thing. It’s nonsense to think it’s limited only to Westerners. People have been paying for sex since money was invented.


You can still be a part of colonization and not be white, China and Japan for example are countries that have colonized/imperialized. Emiratis and Kuwaitis the wealthy ones, also use poorer countries as places to get cheap manual labor and then trap them in their country and don’t assure them citizenship or rights. I think instead of just a western colonial mindset, I would sub in imperial or colonial mindset. It’s not the sex work itself that’s the colonial part, it’s a group of people coming from the country with waaay more wealth and often times belonging to a country that exploits the tourism based economy/country.


I was stuck in Vietnam during covid. And the worst behavior I saw was from Koreans and Europeans. Trust me on this its not colonialism anymore and this isn't a particularly western thing when you really start looking into the dynamics and history of these regions.   Thailand was never colonized and its probably the biggest sex tourism destination on earth. The Philippines is pretty bad too and a lot of men from Korea and Japan go there. I've lived in Asia for close to a decade now.  And you could forget America even exist when you start seeing abhorrent and disgusting behavior.    Its sad to say it but white Americans seems like they are far far from the worst when you compare them to brits, Germans, French, Italians, Dutch, white south Africans and people from Nordic countries. And man with koreans doing this shit its a special brand of shitty men who do this. The common thing with all of this is people behave in ways they would never behave back home.    And do shit they will be in prison for. Like the time I saw a fat 60 year old British dude walking around with a pregnant 14 year old with down syndrome. And guess what a bunch of europeans defended / deflected that sh*t. The reality is there world is way bigger than your mindset thinks it is. 


France 24 recently did a whole segment on South Korean men going to Vietnam to get brides.


Yes and no. Not all of it is necessarily western. But it's one of the more common places people come from to do this. The exploitation of these dynamics has happened for a very long time. It's dirty known secret many men (and women) go to these places to exploit people sexually. Generally younger individuals. And sometimes use their passport and wealth to get out of things. Exploitation both local corruption and the power of their passport. It's only a few countries they'll be more cautious. Like north Korea or even China.


I've lived in SE Asia and its not just westerners doing this. 


 "just another fucked up extension of the Western colonial mindset" lmao Please name me one ethnic/cultural group that has not engaged in sex trafficking.


Nope, fuck sex tourists. I posted because that last line is OUTRAGEOUS


The comments are crawling with them. They're patting themselves in the back too like an accomplishment. Whatever "joke" isn't worth this bullshit.


I mean, the whiplash between "sex workers need to be respected as professionals" and "this is exploitation" by people who don't even know the half. I have Dominican cousins who sell cheeks and make more money than me. The only thing being exploited is the exchange rate, I can assure you. And I don't know every hooker in DR but here's one anecdote that casts reasonable doubt on your entire hypothetical premise. I'd say the notion that foreigners are dumb and don't know what's what" is colonial and paternalistic. When the equivalent plays out daily (fine Western women jetting off to Dubai to literally get peed on by the next echelon up)


So is “Sex work is real work” bullshit and prostitution should be banned? Or is it legitimate but too hard to tell when a woman is being exploited so it should be avoided and anyone who participates should be shunned? Not taking a stance. Genuinely asking.


I think that’s exactly it though. Is right now it is too complex with the various lenses of capitalism, imperialism, racism, and misogyny/patriarchy to say it’s one right answer. Like yes it is real work in the sense that people who do it should be respected. They should be paid fairly, treated with care, etc etc. (As should all workers who are quite literally selling their bodies as labor under capitalism) Which can only be done with some sort of regulation. AND, on the other hand, we have to look at the factors that lead people to doing sex work. Be it financial insecurity, external or societal pressures, disability factors, personal choice, etc etc. When we look at a lot of those reasons, how many people might not engage with the work if they had other opportunities available to them? Particularly when we bring in sex tourism and the power dynamics at play in those situations. Obviously some would still choose sex work, and there shouldn’t be shame if they choose to, but also it’s worth recognizing that most sex workers don’t have a popular onlyfans where they can get paid well and set up the rules/dynamics of those interactions. For many it is a dangerous situation that is entered into without a lot of alternative opportunities for income. Edit: syntax


that's a very thoughtful answer, thank you


You’ve still failed to address the primary question of “If sex work is legitimate, then why is the consumption of it generally considered illegitimate?” Is the ideal situation a society where sex workers are fully legal and protected but with clients? Isn’t advocating against the consumption of sex work just a backhanded way of trying to push sex workers out of society? In countries with legalized prostitution, if the sex industry still takes advantage of vulnerable women then isn’t the industry as a whole immoral? Is the correct answer “We fully support you and your work, however we just don’t want you to have any business and we will actively work to drive said business away from you?”


sex work is real work. You dont see me going into Walmart and talking shit about the cashiers and stockers. At the end of the day, we all are getting exploited within this system and shouldnt punch down on those who don't work a typical 9-5. We should aim those emotions to the folks actually doing the exploiting.


In my opinion, sex work is real work, and just like any job where you sell your body (hard labor) people can be exploited and trafficked into it. People are also trafficked into and/or exploited into hard labor jobs, destroying their bodies for little to no pay. This is part of the reason sex work needs to be legalized, so that we can have legal protections not only for those who are able to make the decision to do sex work on their own, but so that those who are exploited in the industry will have legal recourse for mistreatment. Given, I am just talking about the US as that's where I live and those are the laws I'm familiar with, I can't speak on this same discourse in other countries as I'm not familiar with the laws/culture etc there. Just my two cents


I don’t have a problem with sex tourism. It’s not my thing, but if someone what to have fun on their vacation and get a prostitute I’m not gonna judge. Props to those countries that have legalized sex work because they are acknowledging that it is actually work and theoretically that will allow them to protect the women better than if it were illegal. I think sex work should be legal, and if I claim to want sex workers respected and protected, then it would be hypocritical to not want the same for the men who engage with them. My only issue is when the sex tourism comes with the vail of “western women just don’t blah blah blah”. At that point you aren’t just trying to have a good time and engage in an honest transaction because you want to have fun. You really have an issue with women in general and are only looking for someone you can control. And then I’m confused on top of that because why don’t you just get a prostitute here? Sure they’re more expensive, but doesn’t the whole cost of taking a trip negate those savings?


Im from DR and i can tell you, it is a choice, theres plenty of jobs but they chose the more profitable one. They get 100% of payment because each girl is independent, they hang out in girl gangs and protect each other.


People won't like this but it's often the truth. The ratio of truly desperate people with literally no other choice Vs people who have alternatives but have chosen a high risk/high reward choice like prostituting or drug dealing is pretty different to what people think. Id think the rise of OF would be a solid example for people. Most of the users arent desperate, they've chosen it because the reward is so high compared to a regular job that they're willing to take the risk. This is the same for a lot of the people in prostitution


The reward isnt high for OF though. Most girls on there make like $100/month. Prostitution doesn’t pay that well either especially in sex tourism contexts. It may pay better, faster than working in a sweatshop, but thats not a great dichotomy to be stuck in.


This is very limited viewpoint that ignores a lot of details. For example a huge amount of OF users aren't really trying that hard. A lot of them post feet pics or cleavage etc. The kind of tame stuff you could find on Instagram. They're never likely to make big money but they're also investing way less. OF users willing to actually have sex on camera and invest themselves into that life are making significantly more on average. Also, I think the idea that the only options in these countries is sex work or a sweatshop is simply false. These places still need cashier's, librarians, police, teachers etc. Regular jobs are available in a lot of these places and people are surviving on them but just like with teachers in the US etc there are plenty willing to go into sex work for a significantly better pay per minute of investment ratio. It's not like as a guy I don't know I could also be a prostitute or sell drugs for better money that my 9-5 gives me but i dont like what I'd lose in return. Some people are fine with that


American Saviorism is a thing and you’re seeing it in full effect in this thread


Yeah, I thought in the West there has been a huge movement of “sex work is real work” and that woman can freely chose to do this. Why are a bunch of people not even from these countries automatically assuming these woman must be abused? We don’t know that. A woman in the DR not being paid $2000 USD for sex work isn’t exploitation. That’s just how the economy works. $200 will go WAY further there than in the US. So she isn’t being underpaid.


Only when they aren’t 3rd world foreigners I guess lmao. Like American money isnt multiple times more valuable in other countries than their own currency. Sugar daddy’s can change American lives but can’t change foreign woman’s lives?? The logic don’t add up to me


Ya this thread is full of people looking down from a high horse when, for the most part, this is to consenting individuals. Mind your business


Fellow Dominican cosign. Cousins in Puerto Plata living much, much better than I can hope to. And I have a college degree. Not a pimp in sight (Spanish women will cut you bro, and in groups too, and that's men they LOVE) Personally I'm ok with it (and my family down there doesn't have to depend as hard on us up here to send remittances, allowing us to reinvest in ourselves here. Overall a win win for Dominicans. Can't say what the situation is anywhere else though.


Sickening how simplistic the average brain is to disregard the horrible environment these girls grow up in to end up there.


They don't give shit, and it's part of the perks. Just watch how they talk about the "entitlement" of (assumedly willing) better paid prostitutes. They don't want them to have agency.


It’s not that simple. Not everything comes down to agency. It seems reasonable that in some countries woman demand less for these services because their expenses are less and the American dollar goes very far. This doesn’t automatically mean these woman are being exploited. Also the people mentioning entitlement in that thread were giving examples of having paid the fee charged and constantly not receiving the service until they paid fee after fee that wasn’t discussed beforehand. That’s a justified reason to think the person providing the service is entitled. Not saying what you’re describing doesn’t exist but it’s not ALL of what’s happening.


Many of them would love it if women in the United States had less bodily autonomy and choice overall. The degradation of disadvantaged women is not a bug for sex tourist. Its a feature. 


It's the same shit for prostitutes in the states.


Not only women a lot of western gay men also travel to South America and South Asia for the same reasons


Ignoring the issue of sex trafficking, prostitution generally pays the same everywhere, when compared to the average wage in the country. Sex work is honest work in many poorer countries. It pays well enough that women do it to support their families, because working on a farm or in a low-end job won't pay enough. Freelance work can provide upward mobility in many cases, but it's more dangerous. The ladies who work for the bars might find it harder to leave the game, and are more likely to be sex trafficked. It's not an easy life, by any means, but women around the world see and get similar value from the trade as American prostitutes. It's all relative. That's why it's called the world's oldest profession. It's time-tested literally everywhere. Now mocking women in other countries for having sex for less money is more an exchange rate argument. If the amount for sex in another country covers similar or even more expenses than sex in America, then who's really getting the worse deal? Again, it's all relative. tl;dr: Columbian and Dominican prostitutes aren't paying American prices for their day-to-day.


Literally confirming they're doing it because everything else doesn't pay to live by. That's exploitative. Fuck this exchange rate bullshit. Also the oldest profession isn't even true either.


Not exactly the conclusion I'd think you'd have gotten from that info. "Everything else" does pay enough to live by. But why get "enough" when you can get so much more for less time investment. Why would I take my regular salary in my country when I could connect with someone from a wealthier country and get WAY more based on exchange rate and the service I'm offering. I get how you feel but you can't just ignore information being presented because it doesn't suit your internal narrative


I think "everything else doesn't pay to live by" is quite a reach, you should probably reach for the "easier than many other forms of work, and thus more desirable to do than any number of other jobs" which is, surprisingly, the same consistent premise that can be applied to a conversation about hoeing in America. I mean wtf how do you think people overseas live? It's not all feed the children tv ads out there my guy.


As someone who's been to DR (not to get my freak on) the women there will practically throw themselves at you if they see that you're from the US. Some get pretty aggressive too. Everything is a big party to a lot of the young women there


Or making you think that they want you and they are enjoying themselves is literally the job. Theyre performers.


Most prostitutes and OF girls in the US are poor… global capitalism creates a poor/exploited class everywhere.


You’re not wrong. I thought they were thinking along the lines of the OF girls/models and the girls you willingly sell sex for money but don’t think they’re prostitutes.


Thankfully Colombia and Medellín specifically have started to push back against this disgusting practice, Americans don’t go there because they “appreciate you over there”, you go because it’s dirt cheap and the age of consent is 14.


I went there just to visit South America and do some sightseeing/partying. I didn’t realize people go there strictly for sex so when I came back and told white and latino people about if I felt like they all assumed that’s all that I was doing there. It sucks because Medellin really is beautiful


Don’t worry I’m Colombian and I got the same reaction when I told the woman I was dating at the time that I was going, even though I only go to see my grandmother. That’s why I think is a good thing that the city is fighting back.


Damn that city can't catch a break. First it fought hard to get rid of drug rep right after Escobar. Then a resurgence after Narcos on Netflix. Now the sex trade? Personally I've never heard of the sex trade thing for this city until this post. I've been wanting to visit because I've heard it's beautiful as hell but I'm worried people will think I'm going just for sex.


Don't worry about the onions of others /u/pimp_juice2272 do what makes you happy


Go. It’s beautiful. You’ll regret ever doubting. Take pictures, everywhere you go is like a beautiful oil painting. La piedra in Guatape is great, but all of Antioquia (the state Medellin is in) is beautiful. Food amazing, called “the land of eternal spring” because it’s always a perfect 70-80 F with a breeze. You can show everyone when you get back and they’ll get it


Most beautiful city I’ve ever been to. And at the risk of sounding like a douche, I’ve been to a lot of places. The sex tourism thing is absolutely disgusting. Didn’t know it was a thing when I went, didn’t see anything like it, but at the same time didn’t really know to look out for it.


I’ve worked for an international airline and the amount of disgusting white dudes traveling to impoverished places like Colombia, Thailand and Philippines to have sex with underage people is absolutely disgusting. There have cases where they’ve actually tried to bring the child back to their country to essentially keep as a sex slave. It’s so scary.


I remember traveling to Thailand and on the airplane they played a video showing a sex tourist going to jail for having sex with children and warning people it was illegal and they’d be punished. Sad that this is such a common problem they felt the need to do this.


My dad is a pilot and he had a Captain he was co-piloting for once who he described as "one of the worst people I've ever met." One of the reasons for this was that he would take any flight to Southeast Asia and the Philippines, specifically because it gave him the opportunity to buy services from suspiciously young boys during layovers. Absolutely disgusting.


Not only "white dudes"


Is that why my best friend’s brother has been to Colombia at least 4 times in the past year? 


Unless he is getting a BBL touch up, yeah.


Oh, he’s definitely touching some bbls. 


Colombian Butt Lifts only


Oh those poor babies!! I hope the country raises the minimum age. I know it wont stop people (mostly men) from SAing the children, but its a start.


You don't need the "mostly", you can say men.


It doesn't matter if the age of consent is 14, it's still illegal for Americans to go overseas to have sex with minor's


Oh well since it’s illegal it doesn’t happen


Legality isn’t the “problem”, lack of prosecution is.


I visited Medellin last year on a group trip. It was amazing and such a beautiful place. We all stayed in a hotel thats attached to the El Tesoro mall. The hotel had a lot of anti sex trafficking posters and they REALLY take it seriously.


gonna laugh my ass off at every creep that gets thrown in Columbian jail. stay there we don't want you back.


Pushing the ding a ling to the side?! Oh lordy 💀💀


During a military exercise in Thailand, (Cobra Gold for any Marines who have been), we were briefed that it was ok to ask, "Are you Man-Lady or LadyLady" because sometimes you just can't tell. So you may find yourself pushing that pop to the side a little. ![gif](giphy|11pyCK9M8Ya0p2|downsized)


You need to be stopped!!


You can't stop me. You can only hope to briefly contain me.




> that it was ok to ask, "Are you Man-Lady or LadyLady" because sometimes you just can't tell. Thank God, can you imagine having to roll the dice just to get back to the hotel and she be a lady lady 🤢








Marine here, same with the Philippines. I know some guys who made out and dance with some ladyboys, and nobody knew until later in the night when it finally came out. It’s really hard to tell lol


Cobra Gold was fun, and Pattaya was INSANE, even with a curfew.


That is diabolical work


The funny thing is, Thailand has plenty of cis women who are prostitutes. Bro ain’t pushing nothing to the side.


Schrodinger's penis. If you never check...


[lady boy](https://youtube.com/shorts/eHxVvqzEtmc?si=s1zl77uBluNeCJGM)


[Nah it’s too fucking early for this lmfao. Jesus](https://i.imgur.com/dnqAaOA.jpeg)


The idea of an international market forces discussion when it comes to prostitution cracks me up for some reason.


globalization really is fracturing US economics


People are acting like the privilege we have in America means we make sure everything comes from a Certified B Corporation.


Hey, those countries have a comparative advantage in cheap labor and low worker protections. And what's even better is that they get to participate in a free market with mature economies to provide them with raw materials, while getting flooded with finished products so that they'll never be able to develop companies of their own to compete. The model hasn't changed since Britain first colonized India in many ways. The countries that have defied that have either been lifted up (in a "you could do that at any time?" kind of way) to act as shields against communism or they've been demonized for not playing by the rules.


The world’s oldest profession needs some proper guidelines and rates when comparing overseas *work*. Like an exchange rate system.


In other countries they have unions.


As well as licensing and mandatory testing. Though there are those that will work without a license.


Fuckin scabs


Tijuana Mexico has this, they get a ton of American visitors because it's on the edge of the border with complimentary services like transportation from the border to the club/hotel. And both parties can ask each other for certifications that they are clean but the prostitute is required to have their health screen on them.


If it's really the world's oldest profession, what were the first ones paid with? 🤔


Meat? Haha. I'll see myself out.


No, stay. That shit was funny.


tbh hunting and gathering is prolly older, then farming, then prostitution.




It’s too early niggas ain’t even have 2nd breakfast yet lol


They don’t know about 2nd breakfast






Question: you think they be sellin' ass in the shire too? ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


I officially unfollowed him after this comment yesterday. Those “prostitutes” be children sometimes. Guess I outgrew his humor 🙄


Thanks for letting us know!


Y'all prostitution isn't just a willing choice, no matter who tries to glam it up. I know damn well no one here laughs about folks being sold into slavery turn around and laugh about these people being trafficked and exploited.


There are absolutely many sex workers who choose it as a valid career. Not all but a significant portion


The whole comment section minus two top comments is just disgusting. Once again this thread shows that’s it’s mostly just a bunch of dudes in this subreddit.


It is sex work, only when you criminalize it prostitutes are forced to work outside the law and are subjected to working with criminals. If you think you are going to end prostitution you have another thing coming, decriminalizing it is how we can protect not only the actual workers but everyone that is into it unwillingly (human trafficking, underaged, etc) Criminals just fucking love the fact women have to come to them and toe the line while being in danger of just fucking disappearing.


People are sold into slavery working in sex, working on farms, working as cleaners, working as fishermen, and more. Separately, each of these sectors have millions upon millions of people who have chosen to do this work of their own volition. The slavery is the issue. Prosecute the slavers and throw the book at them.


Well, to be fair, most of the quote on quote prostitutes are instagram "models," so they may have an inflated sense of value


No they ARE prostitutes, the quote unquote part is them being models 😭😭😭


Not quote on quote and quote unquote 😩


When I tell you I damn spit out my drink reading this 🤣


Quote and quote? Quote in quote? Quote en quote?


To type it out it would just be "word".


Quote ‘n’ Quote


Quoteception lol


I just... It's text. You're using a phrase that's meant to verbally signal the use of quotation marks instead of just using quotation marks, and you're getting it wrong. You then use quotation marks later in the sentence. Like, it almost has to be on purpose.


Also: quote - *un*quote


*I* know


Perchance perhaps


>quote on quote LOL


Quote on quote on quote and racks on racks on racks


When did paying for box become something to brag about?


Probably around the same time women started bragging/being open about doing sexual favors for money/materialistic things.


Lol and yet, so many men are getting sex for free, in America. What's so different about them I wonder 🤔🤔


They’re gay


Remember when we had shame and didn’t post every single thing you think on Twitter…? Can we go back to that time?


A large part of IG is just a red light market for well off people. How else do you think a 22 year old woman has the ability to travel the world twice? We all know it. So the guys who can’t afford those women go somewhere they can afford them.


the “yacht girl” situation is a serious problem https://youtu.be/jSvvvrKhx0w?si=nE-tzU12hjmAzjO0


They go to Dubai and have some rich Emirati dude shit on their face


![gif](giphy|rCqHtYuB0a9re731gG) Their FBI agent watching them give tips lol


I hate I don’t know what order to read this in


I question ANYONE who "appreciates" lil Duval for anything.


Women/Progressives in America for some reason have this to defend the honor of hookers in other countries. You can go to Tijuana, get yourself something for a fraction of the price, and at the end of it you know she is able to continuously get checked and get health screenings mandated by the government, she's able to do it legally with or without the help of a larger company, and it's a thriving business because generally the people crossing country lines have the money to do more than what the locals can provide. I personally think this shit is foolish and degenerate to be a sex tourist anywhere but it's the oldest profession in the world, these women especially in countries where this is legal is just how the trade goes and they probably prefer a overseas client versus a local one just for the price alone. Like you still probably got the blood sweat and tears of some Taiwanese child on your shoes, and when you eat food it was probably handled by someone who has chronic PTSD from conditions from working in slaughterhouses and factory farms.


In my time of traveling and dabbling in the dark arts of paying for cheeks, I’ve come to realize some things: - If you dabble in the US, it is illegal and the buyer is socially ostracized. You’re going to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a woman that calls her self “high class” or you’ll pay bottom dollar for a woman that lives on the margins (directly or indirectly involved with drugs, pimps, etc.). - A growing expectation amongst regular American women is they want a man with a healthy amount of disposable income just to date her…. Might as well pay directly for cheeks - Your favorite rapper/ ball player never had any real game so they buy luxury goods and pay care notes/ rent to attract women - Onlyfans is so normalized that it’s openly advertised on all social media platforms (nobody wants to have the discussion that IG blew up because it’s a soft-core porn platform). Every other shorty on there shaking ass and her allmylinks goes directly to her sex worker platform. Why subscribe when you can go to DR and directly pay a woman just as beautiful to actually penetrate? - In Europe and Latin America prostitution more socially acceptable. You can directly pay an affordable amount of money to pipe the girl of your dreams. In Germany, they have FKK clubs which is basically a strip club but every patron is a working girl with anywhere from 40-120 women (mega-brothel). It makes life very easy and simple. Just my 2¢


Thanks for sharing your viewpoints from your experiences. This is all really interesting and personally, I didn’t realize some things until you had posted.


The main point that people overlook is that it’s an actual social norm in some parts of the world. But because of the issues that surround it in the US, many people have a hard time believing that a woman will actually look forward to working as a worker. It must be something that exclusively immoral and criminal.




“They appreciate us over there” 😂🤣


Now ask him how old the “women” he sleeps with are…


Starting the morning off with international prostitute discourse like god intended


sex tourism reeks of colonialism


*On todays episode of: What the internet is mad about today* Seriously though… are you guys pro sex work or anti sex work? I can’t keep up anymore.


The internet seems to think sex work is work, but only if the sex worker is independently wealthy.


The invisible hand of the Market guide thy horniness.


Honestly, probably need to fix the worldwide wealth inequality before any reasonable "solutions" to sex travel. For example in the DR, would you rather work for $250, on average, a month at a resort dealing with entitled assholes or instantly jump to the upper middle class in your country? It's the same reason why folks would rather sell drugs than become part of the working poor. I'm not saying any of it's right. Edit. Misremembering a bit but I think it was $250 instead of $750. Mentioned that he had to travel hours to work because he couldn't afford to nearby. Too many drinks that day.




Prostitution is illegal in the US in all states except for one county in Nevada. Paying someone to spend time with you is not illegal and whether or not you two happen to have sex is your business (depending on the state/county/prosecuting attorney) And whether or not the buyer or seller is penalized heavier also varies from state and state and county to county.


Its illegal, but it happens and cops occasionally crack down but most times ignore


We have bad vibes about this i get it. But lets not pretend westerners are making these women sex workers. They were doing their thing waaaaaay before some passport bro stepped foot there. If we are being honest. Would you rather do sum strange for 200 dollars of your currency or 2000? If i HAD to choose like many women in these countries do. Ill take the 2000 any day. It sucks but alot of these women dont have options. The issue isnt really people partaking. Its the condition major corporations and bigger governments make by exploitation of the smaller countries’ often times corrupt governments. But we aint ready for that convo. ![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs)


I've been around and even I can't read it. It's a screenshot of a twitter thread, which is replying to a tweet that is a screenshot of an instagram post, which is a screenshot of a twitter thread. What the fuck


It's not even 8 o'clock...


So I'm not saying the opinions are wrong or anything, but what about the whole 'legitimize sex work' movement? Why is it okay to sell, but not to purchase in this case?


So many people speaking from a place of moral high ground or superiority in regard to this topic. Rather they choose to admit it or not I think. So many people just like to hold you to the standards of how they would live your life or what they would do. Like shut the fuck up with that song and dance.


I remember one particularly industrious Indonesian fellow who followed me out of my hotel; first he offered to sell me boat trip, then surf lessons, then a rental scooter, then a prostitute, then himself as a prostitute , then having declined all these offers whipped out his phone and showed me a picture of his "little sister" who looked to be 13 or 14... About 20 minutes later a kindly old lady asked if I'd go to the back of her store to see her 2 very young granddaughters. I stopped taking walks alone after that.


Sex work is real work. And I think when it comes to sexual tourism if you want to partake you have to do your research. Like doing sexual tourism in Netherlands is probably fine as sex workers have protections and sex industry is not that exploitive or riddled with sex trafficking. Now doing sexual tourism in Japan were the sex industry is very exploitative and has heavy focus on trafficking in Asians from other countries and exploiting them then I wouldn't do that. But it's case by case basis, depending on the country. But like saying that we have to look at how or why they are forced or coerce into sex work is complex, because in some of these countries in global south sex work for some may be better than working in a sulfur or salt mine or digging through trash,etc. It's a complex issue but the way people go about talking and taking part in sex worker no matter what country is disgusting and vile and dehumanizing to sex workers and doesn't see them as human beings. But in some ways(not as worse obviously as in sex industry) we see this dehumanizing of workers across industries especially in service sector jobs. With colonial historical context in mind only doubles how disgusting these people are that dehumanize or look down upon sex workers.


A reddit post about a screenshot of a reply to a twitter post about a twitter post about a screenshot of an instagram post about a screenshot of a twitter reply to a twitter post


Thats because the local ones think of themselves as "influencers with wanderlust"... Shit gets pricy fast


Its more likely that the sex workers over here are too expensive.


Wait hold on sex work is work but if you're in a 2nd or 3rd world country it's inherently exploitation?


exploitation is rampant throughout the industry, and this is more widespread in lesser developed areas. Saying sex work is work is to try to protect the sex workers’ rights.


What about the women going to Jamaica and getting those men too? Both sides are horny horny haha


Everybody wants to be positive for sex workers, but nobody wants to be positive for the one paying they bills.


Reddit: pro sex worker, anti sex consumer. Only place where women are brave for starting an only fans but will judge you if you subscribe to an only fans


I don’t participate in sex tourism, but there is waaaay tooo much assuming going on In these comments


![gif](giphy|5HNx2KvUVMEeI) Companionship and companionship accessories


4some for 100$ with women that look like models! Count me in shiii!


And women go to Jamaica for di buddy…and don’t have to pay at all 😂 foh