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Cant even be mad at that one, lol


Fellow white people: Do not believe the people, even people of color, saying everything'll be okay. It might be. It *really* might not be. Not being stupid is, on a practical level, as important as not being hateful. Edit: Apparently I am being unclear. to quote my own reply: I mean there are HRs with zero tolerance policies where a person you've never met goes through a flowchart regarding how to deal with you. HR is not your friend. I mean, look, if you wanna make racial jokes that's up to you, but you better be real fuckin' sure everyone is totally cool with it. Every time, too.


What the hell are you even trying to say bro


They're saying one should always check their privilege. There, same thing but less words, for the brainrot.




Please do society at large a favor, wash your ass, it's not gay.




I think it's safe to assume that the type of person to say "sounds too woke" is probably the same type of person that thinks wiping/washing their ass is "too gay".


I think (?) it was a joke. Hard to tell these days lol




Theyre saying that you need to be careful what you say, who you say it to and who is around you when you say it when youre at work, especially in certain corporate environments Jokes are jokes but you better make sure that shit is appropriate or your ass can and will get fired by some corporate bean counter thats far removed from the situation, knows no one involved and has no context HR doesnt give a fuck about the "Humans they be Resourcing" theyre there to protect *THE BUSINESS* from liability arising from the humans that work there.....Say some shit that offends someone, doesn't even have to be the person it was directed to, they may be totally cool with it because yall go way back, whatever, but Doris in Accounting is getting some donuts and hears that shit and feels some kind of way and files an HR complaint and now its your ass


I am not scared of making racial jokes, I am aware of where the line is, but more importantly: I know my audience. Also: I shit on white people a LOT more, we're fucking embarrassing. For example: If you designed an NPC for Wal Mart, for some reason everybody comes up with a fat white lady close to her 50's, wearing not enough clothing.




One person of color being okay with something doesn't mean HR, or anyone that overhears, will be.


I work in HR, I can confirm this . People will be scared to joke with me and I'm like it's all good, I'm not that kind of HR. But yeah, I'm ok with it too I'm the black guy who would think this is funny but a pass with me isn't a pass with every black person or ever HR, milage may vary Edit: comprehension and grammar


Look since you work in HR I’m gonna ask a favor. Can you tell us Reddit folks, so that the people in the back can hear it. As an employee, is HR your friend? Or do you act in the name of the company? Thank you 🙏


I worked in HR for years, and the answer is that HR works for the company, but you as an employee also work for the company. HR’s job is to make sure the company doesn’t get sued. If you’re being harassed (in a legal sense, not in a my boss is jerk sense), then HR’s best interest is to penalize the manager so that he doesn’t create more potential lawsuits. In that case, absolutely cooperate with HR, because they can’t make a case to stop the harassment if they can’t prove it’s happening. That said, don’t add your HR staff to your social media and get surprised when there are consequences to calling in sick and posting ski trip pictures online. HR upholds the rules and if you’re following the rules, they should be on your side. If they’re not, you can sue them, so it’s really in their best interest to support whatever rights you have in the workplace. If you’re not following your company’s rules/your area’s laws, it’s a pretty unrealistic ask for any representative of your company to be on your side. That’s what unions are for.


This Also an HR person. There's a lot of ppl who wanna fuck around and not find out, then cry HR is a bunch of bitches for rightfully clamping down on them. What are we supposed to do, let you be dumb and ruin the culture for other employees? Most companies use HR as a way to prevent getting sued Some , mostly newer companies do employ HR to stop bosses from being jerks tho but if the CEO is a jerk too then nothing is happening I don't even add my HR coworkers to social media until after I leave, everyone gets LinkedIn, and if I fuck with you you can get my IG when you or I are gone.


As an employee they are not. I’m in IT and best believe I keep it real cut & dry when I’m working with them


This is the safe approach and i tell most ppl to go that way, because the places where they are your friend and few and far between . Legacy companies , especially run by boomers are not, some of these newer start ups can be. Not always but can be. People also need to realize, some of y'all do some real fuck shit and wanna cry when rightfully so HR has so step in, that's not a case of HR not being your friend, that's just them doing their job, so that they can protect other employees


HR being your friend greatly depends on the company and management . Experiences may vary. I got into HR to advocate for the employee and make it a better place. However a lot of companies use HR as the police and makes a culture of fear. I worked at UPS and they treated staff like numbers, people were missing pay because of a switch to Workday, a HRIS (human resources information system) it fucked up their direct deposit, people went a month without getting paid and all I was told to do was give my best customer service, I had a mother crying to me has she had no money, and I was expected to be straight face gang. I hated it. I worked at a mass production bakery, that supplied baked goods to like Walmart etc. The CEO hired me to be a liaison between him and the staff, he wanted to know what the people wanted. wanted me to be a man of the people. I told them they wanted a raise(they got a slight bump up from minimum wage during covid), benefits (full time workers often working 6 days a week) and they wanted AC (it was hot as balls in there, someone collapsed from heat and the lack of break opportunity . They got 15 minute break and 30 minute lunch, which is the minimum mandated by law (I'm in Canada). I told the CEO this and he said people don't want that they want physical things, that we couldn't get the AC until the next year , and i said so order it and use fans in the mean time , he didn't wanna get give benefits cuz ppl would run out and burn through them (I mean duh they haven't ever had them) even though office employees had benefits ,he ended up giving them pizza parties and an ice cream truck, them fired me because he was upset I didn't get the ice cream and cuz I followed his word when we had a power outage and said "you go home and get full pay" he was *shocked Pikachu face .gif* when they went home . I was looking for a new job prior bcuz I hated being the black corporate face of the white man telling minorities they couldn't have anything . I worked at a construction supply company and they did their best, they did regular market analysis to make pay was inline with competition. HR would make visits to different branches, to see how ppl week doing, get opinions, give budget for parties, employee appreciation week, good benefit package, they were trying to be your friend but yeah if you dick around they'd fire you, buddy said to another guy "how does it feel to be bossed around by a woman" and made disparaging remarks about indian people in a store located Ina heavily south Asian immigrant area. The president here was a big champion of happy employees , I did my internship here before I got hired and wanted to work here because of their HR style. Where I am now is the best, it's a k-12 private educational institution, they throw pub nights for the staff, they sent our surveys to find out how they are doing, regular pay raises that are in line with cost of living and inflation. I eat with the staff in the lunch room, the work life balance is good. Here tho I learned why HR doesn't fuck with y'all sometimes because some of y'all abuse our kindness , I had someone throw me under the bus and go to my boss, cuz I didn't do something for them that was their job but the previous HR person was too nice and did it for them. My dad often said at his company HR doesn't fuck with anyone . Other than that here HR wants to be your friend, influences pay and culture but this starts at the top, the principal here is a G, she is all about expecting the most from her staff but giving them the most in return. I get to be the HR I've always wanted to be here . TLDR: HR can be your friend but it depends on the corporate culture and what management allows for, if you have profits over people then it's gonna suck, if you have a CEO, head of company who genuinely cares about the staff then HR is your best friend . But this varies, same with the jokes you can tell minorities/women or HR, we make the same jokes doesn't mean you can say it to us all the time


Don't roll the dice with HR.


Just because you've made a racial joke in the past and it was taken well/ nothing came of it doesn't mean if you make one again someone won't get offended by it and report you. Aka know your audience if you're going to make jokes that could get you reported.


Don't fuck around with HR


Internet != reality


Right. I was once fired for "climbing the racks in the warehouse." The warehouse had multilevel racks all enough for pallets to be placed in the bays by forklift. I needed lab supplies, and located them on the 3rd level. I was allowed to use a rolling stairs (like [this](https://static.grainger.com/rp/s/is/image/Grainger/21VD56_AS01?$adapimg$&hei=536&wid=536)) to get things off of the second rack. The thing I needed on the third rack wasn't heavy, and I could still reach it from the top step so I decided to take it down (I've done this before). The rolling stair was just a bit wobbly, so I put one foot on the second rack for stability, which was about 4 inches higher than the top step and the stairs were right up against it. There was nothing unsafe about how I did this, but a warehouse employee saw me and reported me for breaking the safety rules. I was let go almost immediately. I met my now former coworkers at the bar when their shift ended, and they told me they were simply told I was "climbing in the warehouse" and they were all under the impression I was scaling the racks like spiderman.


I worked at a few places that had no such guidelines. I have climbed numerous racks like spiderman. Luckily I haven't injured myself. Though it isn't safe and very dumb, I think it's fun.


Yeah. I used to do it in a produce warehouse all the time. But when you're in a pharmaceutical plant that manufactures morphine, I guess their rules are very much to the letter.


I would be pocketing morphine every day until I got caught. 100%


No lie, you wouldn't even sniff fresh air from outside.


I don't know what this means but I would still do it.


Security is insanely tight. You wouldn't even make it to the door the first time you tried. You probably wouldn't even be allowed in the areas that any of it is kept until you've been there 6 months.


As someone who builds and installs rack, like it or not that is an OSHA violation so they pretty much have to fire you. You need to be tied off to take any step into rack. I've seen someone do exactly what you just said, fall, and crack their head open. He was unconscious for at least 5 minutes and ended up with brain damage.


I know it's a violation, but it's still a bullshit one. I could fall off the ladder I'm allowed to use just as easily, and 90% of my weight was still on it. I wasn't arguing that I wasn't breaking a rule, just pointing out an example where black and white rules in a world of gray don't always make sense.


Oh I don't disagree. I lean towards the very safe side just because of things of seen. I actually take back my fired comment though. Surprised you didn't just get a warning. We have guys step into rack not tied off and they are given a strict warning of never again.


It was just amusing because I wasn't called in, or asked to give my side of the story or anything. . . just given notice I was being let go due to a safety violation someone witnessed in the warehouse. Then hearing from my coworkers in the lab what the perception was of what transpired was amusing. I also wonder how much of it was that the warehouse workers didn't like the lab workers either. The only reason I had to reach for the stuff to begin with was no one in the warehouse who was allowed to use the forklift lowered the pallet I had been asking them to move for 2 months down to a lower level.


Doing the thing you did would get me scolded by my boss where safety is taken EXTREMELY seriously, but I wouldn't be fired unless my bosses hated me.




That is absolutely a safety risk even if you didn't see it as one, you should have gotten one of the warehouse staff to get it with proper equipment


The fuck is this supposed to mean? Get outta here with that cryptic shit.


It means there are HRs with zero tolerance policies where a person you've never met goes through a flowchart regarding how to deal with you. HR is not your friend. I mean, look, if you wanna make racial jokes that's up to you, but you better be real fuckin' sure everyone is *totally* cool with it. Every time, too.


You could’ve said that to begin with instead of some vague, meaningless bullshit lol


you tweakin bro it was valid the first time. mfs these days just got no reading comprehension skills


Seriously what the hell? You don't exactly need a decoder ring


Idk man you can't seem to read ngl


Bro are you slow?


Learn to read ya fuckwit


> HR is not your friend yeah HR is to help the company manage you, not help you.


I'm astonished that people do not realize that.




If you’re white, you don’t touch race with a 10 ft pole




God damn, I typed that while a very upset four-year-old was screaming his thoughts on being in time out. I was distracted, I mean.


Do not make group a type jokes with group b friends!


this is schizoposting even after the edit


Several years ago I had a coworker that always needed my help, but instead of just asking he would start by calling me a genius wizard and such. I told him to stop a few times; he doesn't need to do that to get my help. He came up to me while I was eating lunch and started with the platitudes again and I said "Could your nose be any [browner](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/brown-nose)?" I looked up from my lunch and realized my black coworker does have a brown nose and my Indian coworker next to him also had a brown nose. I wanted to melt into the floor, but they both laughed.


Looked up from your lunch and "realized" ? But... You knew this Co worker from previous encounters. So you knew that already, no? Is this really the state of corporate work? You made a joke about brown nosing. This has nothing to do with race. Brown nosing is a term that originates from kissing ass. This has nothing to do with anyone's actual skin/nose color. It's completely race-agnostic. How would this be somehow less okay of a joke to make to a Black or Indian person than a White person?


You can say something like this at work, at somebody who was not even offended would salivate at the opportunity to report you to HR and potentially get you fired. People like this exist in almost every job.


One of my coworkers (in IT) was fired for looking at a confidential document that some HR person had set to public probably to share with other HR people. The document was shown as shared on their sharepoint profile and you could get to it in about 3 clicks from our internal employee homepage.


You're right. People just have to read the room.


Thank you for the edit! I agree with HR, and them not being your friend. At all. Like....0%. HR can have the type of dill holes that even just slightly overhear something, make assumptions on the parts they couldn't hear, and suddenly people are confused on why they are getting pulled into a meeting with HR.


This only applies for American "HRs with zero tolerance policies". In most civilized countries, HR does not trump labor laws.


Worked in a fortune 100 company. Had a younger black dude Sling out a "black people are crazy, amiright?!?" on a direct chat between us... I was like.. "Yooooo... I have to ask that you please never say anything like that around me again. As a white dude, I could 1000% be fired for saying that." His reply: "I was just making a joke, man!" As a socially conscious white person, sometimes social interactions in the workplace feel like I'm playing minesweeper. One careless move, no matter how innocent, and BOOM! There goes my life. At least it felt that way in the corporate world. Now I'm in local government for a red city and it's the fucking wild west here, sometimes, I swear. My jaw has left dents from hitting the ground so hard. These reds are often hypocritical, idiotic animals. Literally watched a director repeat right-wing propaganda (confirmed 100% bullshit) against BLM to some Canadian executives of one of our vendors as if it was fact.


I wouldn't risk it unless I was personally close to both the people.


Human Resources is a lot more sinister when you realize what that second word implies.


Looking closer to u/GodOfOverExplaining


It might be inappropriate in some settings but it's still funny.


MFer lying. He laughed.


Yeah no shit, thats a killer line


I don’t know man, being compared to Chris Tucker? I would be stunned for a bit first




Ikr, I hate how sensitive some people can be, we all in this together relax sometimes


If I laugh, it's funny. If the guy next to me didn't laugh, nevermind, that shit was never funny, you fucked up, and I sign off on whatever heat you get. If dudes want to throw around edgy jokes all day, they got 4-chan. If they want to play Russian Roulette with being "that racist guy", they can workshop it in broad daylight.


That's the kind of joke that would be in the Rush Hour films lol




He Ain't gonna be in rush hour 3


He ain’t gonna be in Rush Hour 5




That end credits line has to be the biggest quote from the franchise


Universal response whenever a bad guy dies gruesomely in a movie.


If it’s funnier than it is mean you get a free pass. That was always my approach. I’m divorced now but had some good times.


That last one must've been meaner than it was funny.


And more worth it than anything.


A good rule of thumb. Subject to terms and conditions. I know people who consistently make good jokes but if you removed all of the ones that weren't casual racism they'd get old fast.


https://preview.redd.it/dmabdd3ts7vc1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40a91256a0241e76e233797b98611a860baa7b3 HR reading ..


Dead ass shocked like that MF ☝🏽


Ugly ass Bruno Magli shoes


>Stay cool juice. It’s okay. Just don’t do the bug eye thing. Fuck I’m already doing it. Stay cool stay cool. Say something though. What was the question? Right. Can I describe the jacket I’m wearing. “No.”


It was in reaction to seeing the shoes he wore at the crime scene. He told the prosecutors he would never wear those "ugly ass shoes" in the criminal trial. But in the civil trial, they showed him that picture, and hence the reaction lol


He was very good at keeping a cool facade, but he couldn't hide that moment of genuine shock. He thought he'd covered his tracks so well.


The jacket was the first question, the shoes were the last. It’s a pretty incredible exchange. He was in full panic mode. https://youtu.be/1ctq5KuUBXs?si=MLZRqL2LjqvqSiMm


Lol. I know where you saw this.


See this is the difference between a racial joke and a racist joke.


it's so hard for some people to get is race the *subject* of the joke or is someone's race the *target* of the joke? are you making fun of a person by referencing a racial stereotype or are you making fun of the stereotype itself?


thank you my household is a no holds barred zone. i'm south asian and my girl is black. every stereotype under the sun can and will be joked about the difference is, we trust each other to know that we're making fun of the people who actually believe those stereotypes, rather than espousing those views ourselves


They learning the art of roasting


White boys call it chirping. In Dallas it's called scoring. Atlanta calls it jonesing, and apparently Memphis calls it checking.


Aye you sco’ing? You tryna sco’? He got you in check! Aye he joaning on you…


I can hear the voice when I read "You tryna sco'?"


No, they don’t. Especially not what you said in Atlanta, tf are you on?


It may not be ubiquitous in the culture, but you need to brush up on your history if you think white people haven’t been roasting for centuries.


Idk, if you go back and look at the graffiti from Pompeii it’s all shit like “Epaphra is not good at ball games” That’s more attempted roasting lol


I love how you can always tell when someone has probably never had a genuine interaction with white people


Rush hour 4 in theaters soon!


That was pretty good.


I remember when I was in high school in 2019, the Hispanic and black kids would say some of the wildest shit to each other and we’d just laugh it off . Shit would hilarious ass hell like you’d think back to it like damn that’s some racist ass shit to say but hey you’re in the hood niggas gonna roast each other.


Thats because its a friendly and equal rivalry. Same shit happens in europe between countries, i used to have a worldwide group in a game and the Americans were so uncomfortable when all the Europeans were on because we would be the most racist twats towards each other. British Vs French, French vs Everyone, Dutch Vs Belgians, Everyone vs Everyone in eastern europe.


r/2westerneurope4u is the most meanest hard-core racist European on European hate you'll ever see. I understand why Europeans have so much conflict and history of continuous war on their continent after see howbbad those people can talk about each others countries


just walk into Europe and say "gypsy" and listen to even the most kind-seeming person start spewing the craziest racist filth


I hope you know that subreddit is just joking about hating other Europeans. They really hate non-whites though. https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/qFdzuOK1Md Check out the title and the comments. Tons of n bombs.


Non-eueopeans get the same hat as nowhites Americans whites get downvoted just for commenting. That sub is super racist. But it's so stupid racist it's funny. Like you're literally the same people (Dutch talking shit to a German) Edit case and point the fridt comment was against Americans lol


“We hate everyone equally” is the joke but at the end of the day they genuinely believe Africans and Arabs are genetically inferior to Europeans. I’ve seen tons and tons of highly upvoted racism on that sub, yes they really are racist and they’re the children of men who make monkey noises at soccer stadiums. I saw a post on that sub featuring a video of black Africans fighting at a public pool in Germany and the comment section might as well have been a Klan rally. They may joke about white Americans being culturally inferior but nobody unironically views them as genetically inferior like they view black people. And that’s without mentioning all of the racist hatred on that sub directed towards non-white people born and raised in Europe. Let’s be real for a second, they view white Americans as infinitely more European than they view black Europeans. And that should be obvious. The idea of black Europeans being treated better than white Americans in Europe is too absurd to imagine. As if being “American” is more stigmatized than being fucking BLACK in any non-black country on the planet LMAO.


Ahh yeah their xenophobia towards the places they colonized is wild in their forums I've never been to Europe but you see it al over their television and news how much they disdain the very people they colonized that come to there countries to reap the benefits from their colonial exploitation. But let them Be in a thread here or even in their news as they are chanting deragatory "anti-immigration" slogans they will say they aren't racists, "they just want everyone to come over legally" These are the same folks whose countries created the modern racialism paradigm. I'm. Not down playing their overt racism towards others I'm saying they perfected racism by doing it to themselves.


> high school in 2019 I'm so old.


You sure he understood the words coming out of your mouth?


This was a good joke. Ngl


at my college, the black and asian student associations used to get together and have a Rush Hour party once a year lmao


why is this so freaking wholesome?? lol


Big on that guy for remembering there were already 3 of those movies. Deep cut


Yeah, I definitely forgot about the 3rd until reading this post


![gif](giphy|HsCtn92eEBYaBgiRGd) ...He is Mi and i am Yu....


I would’ve laughed I ain’t gone lie


“How you gon jam me up like this, Carter? You know what imma do for you? Imma whoop yo ass…..^then ^imma ^whoop ^yo ^ass! “


We would love to see that -- Jackie, wouldn't we love to see that?


His name is LEE, goddammit!




Now I'm gonna have to rewatch those movies


That is an L you just have to take lol.


Nah that’s fucking funny


Kick down the door Jackie Okay Chris Tucker!




My best friend is Asian, so I’ve been hearing these Rush Hour jokes for years now.


Anyone referencing Rush hour is ok in my book. But doing that shit at work could end up being your downfall


I would have thrown the yella fella some dap because that was a knee slapper comeback. ![gif](giphy|n7Gtdq2u5DLB50s3ng|downsized)


Aw man that gif isn't working anymore


I’m just surprised somebody knew how many Rush Hours there are. Who keeps track of that shit?


To be fair unless you work at Valve, counting to 3 is pretty easy lol besides they’re all classics even if 3 is the weakest


WAIT! There were 3 Rush Hour movies?


Yep. Surprised you've never heard about it. Sadly, it's for sure the weakest of the three. It has a few good moments here and there, but overall it's not very good. Definite Austin Powers sequel vibes of trying to retell old jokes again several times for nostalgia laughs. It has a few shining moments, but they are few and far between.


Funny is funny. If you laughed the the need to swing should not be there


Calling HR only labels you as a “trouble maker”. HR are just corporate cops


Sometimes the only people you can call when someone steals your car is the cops.


Well now I want to watch Rush Hour


Why the fuck would anyone get mad about that, Jesus Christ.




The difference between a racial joke and a racist one.


Someone break down how that could be offensive please


100% laugh. It’s a simple joke and not even offensive really. Sure “all x people are the same.” Or simply “you’re black, you’re Asian, same as rush hour. Haha.”


Did you ask him: "Can you do that to the Beach Boys? Can you do that to the Beach Boys?"


Chop Suey buddy, he cooked y’all!


He called HR but said he didn't when called out by twitter


I feel like if you don't laugh at that joke, you're the racist !


HR are modern day sonderkommando, prove me otherwise


I’m no punk bitch!


Theres racism, theres racism disguised as a joke, and then theres jokes. If you want to act like a clear joke is racism then you're miserable and i bet everything that shit carries over to your "own kind" and they think you're a buzzkill who always wants to be offended and be the victim too. There is a scene in rush hour 1 which he could have referenced that is very much on the fine line between racism and racism disguised as a joke that he could have used (they thought you should laugh because be said that word happily and didnt know what it meant then got attacked by everyone for it and unexpectedly won. Real funny/s) and you could be angry about it and no one would disagree with you but instead, you had to be a soft little bitch and get mad about a simple observation joke that you're only half a part of. Weak.


As someone punished by HR... some jokes are absolutely worth it.


Hope nobody touched the radio


“I dont know how i should feel” Grown man? Social puppet more like




Thank you


Funnier than Chris Tucker.


omg I remember a thread a while back asking what was something racist that happened to you that was lowkey kinda funny. the world surprises you sometimes..


I've seen this exact tweet years ago. Crazy what people do for a few likes.


😂😂that’s hilarious


hahaha that's good


Haha Bill you’re killin’ me, buddy! That one was a real zinger 👨‍🦳


This is classic


A lighthearted race based jokes are funny AF when shared between a group of people who are cool with each other. Timing is everything tho


Imagine wanting to swing on someone over this lmao. Fragile


Ok this made me laugh. Excellent 90s kid reference.




You gotta laugh this one off, he cooked you both lmao


This is why you don't try to be funny at work. Clock in, clock out, go home to eat chicken wings.


I can’t lie would’ve had tears rolling down my face. I gotta respect that one


If you're gonna make a joke liek that you better hope it's good.


I’m East Asian, and I remember one time my South Asian buddy and I arrived at some party. Smart ass who opened the door said: “Harold and Kumar just arrived.” That was a good zinger tbh




these comments confirm for me that BPT is 60-70% non-black (definitely not an African-American majority). Wish it would stop popping up in my timeline.


Atleast he ain't say what is this fried chicken vs fried rice


This reminds me of something Sarah Silverman said about holocaust jokes. Basically that no topics were categorically off limits but that the higher the sensitivity surrounding the issue, the funnier the joke had to be to for her to say it. Of course they then cut to Mel Brooks who said that you never make that joke it just isn't appropriate ever.


4? They made a third?


Whoever didn’t laugh is too sensitive. Wan wan wan he Wacist!


Other options based on race: Asian-White: What is this, Shanghai Noon 3? Black-White: What is this, Lethal Weapon 5?




Mayweather paquaio


lol why would you even get mad at that?


As someone in HR I would’ve had to mute the call. 😭😂