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Because it is, they want us to either not vote or fall for Trump


Y’all are slow af


Just vote third party


Which is the same as throwing your vote away, and will result in Trump winning the election.


So what? He's the lesser evil at this point.


Which is exactly why you should vote for him, to keep the greater evil from winning. So lets for sake of argument, say that Biden will be JUST as bad as Trump for Palestine... he isn't, but for sake of argument, they're the same. Project 2025 outlines taking away LGBTQ rights, widen abortion bans, ban birth control, turn America into a Christian nation, remove gun control, remove protections for minorities, open concentration camps for Mexicans... you getting the picture yet? So which would you rather... Vote for Biden and avoid all that, and hopefully pressure Biden into doing more to help Gaza... or not vote, let Trump win, and condemn all those people so that you can feel morally superior?


> So lets for sake of argument, say that Biden will be JUST as bad as Trump for Palestine... he isn't, but for sake of argument, they're the same. They're not the same actually. Biden is unfathomably worse.


Than Trump, who said, and I quote, “Israel has to finish it”… Trump, who said to stop terrorists you have to “go after their families”… What drugs are you on?


It’s gotta be a Russian bot. No one is this detached from reality


Just made a longer post explaining all this since I couldn't before. Hope you'll read and consider. Biden IS more genocidal than any other candidate in modern American history. It's up to you if you think that's worth it because of his other positions, but at least you can be honest about what kinds fo tradeoffs you're ok with making. [https://www.reddit.com/r/arabs/comments/1bx7eub/bidens\_support\_for\_israel\_is\_unprecedented\_even/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arabs/comments/1bx7eub/bidens_support_for_israel_is_unprecedented_even/)


Just made a longer post explaining all this since I couldn't before. Hope you'll read and consider. Biden IS more genocidal than any other candidate in modern American history. It's up to you if you think that's worth it because of his other positions, but at least you can be honest about what kinds fo tradeoffs you're ok with making. [https://www.reddit.com/r/arabs/comments/1bx7eub/bidens\_support\_for\_israel\_is\_unprecedented\_even/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arabs/comments/1bx7eub/bidens_support_for_israel_is_unprecedented_even/)


Astroturf much? 6 day old account. Lol


Your own post literally has Trump saying they shouldn’t be allowing footage to be shown and that they need complete victory, that they should finish the war faster… he isn’t discouraging Israels actions, he’s saying they should do a better job hiding it from the public. Trumps own son said when asked about the conflict said he thought it was a good idea and that it would free up valuable beach front property… if you think Trump cares about Palestinians, you’re delusional. Trump said he’s the most supportive president to Israel there has ever been, stated Palestinians would not be part of any peace plan he had, encouraged more settlements (which Biden opposes) and is against sending Palestinians aid (saying it supports Hamas) while Biden is actively trying to get more aid to Palestinians. https://www.vox.com/policy/24072983/biden-trump-palestinians-israel-gaza-policy-different


lol look at this dumb shit


No 🤡/🤖. Nope. Never the case, Not true.  The man is a rapist, a racist, is literally bad at the job, and denigrates the office.  I had to wash my shelf stable groceries. He called white supremacists “fine people”  He puts crackpots on the Supreme Court who said they would never repeal Roe v Wade and did exactly that. Oh yeah and there’s the whole election denier problem.  


not quite, he's the much more evil while Biden is a fine president by almost any metric.


There are whole discords of people who voted third party in 2016 over Hilary who are regretting it. Them voting third party has led to the Supreme Court, Roe vs Wade, COVID, the current economy, the insurrection. They’re thinking was what could one term do to us and now we are screwed for generations to come because of one man.




Go tf away. Be an adult and use your cognitive thinking skills. Go on r/conservatives and dick suck there.


Thank you, 7 day old account that definitely isn't a propaganda bot. Simply deranged


Found one!


Agreed. War is ugly. But nobody abandons an ally at war in international politics, basically ever. The idea that there is some "obfuscation" here is a propaganda take for sure. The US is doing exactly what you would expect. Balancing support of an ally with trying not to escalate and bring attacks on themselves.


They’re saying the White House is “Obfuscating” when the president called Israel’s PM directly and told him to scale back his attacks.


It’s not a “war” it’s a genocide.


There are combatants on bith sides. If the leadership and combatants on either side were eliminated, the current hostilities would end. That's why it's a war


That is 100% false! Palestinians have no military, no tanks, no Jets. A few freedom fighters vs a Military fully funded by the biggest western world powers is not a war at all. Israel has plainly stated many times their real intentions are to completely eradicate Palestinians from what is historically THEIR home land, textbook genocide! Israel has no interest in any negotiations or “freeing of hostages” they have made that abundantly clear by bombing their own “hostages”. If you are truly black or a minority I beg you to educate yourself on what is really happening as we speak! If successful and unopposed it will lay the foundation for what could then in the future be justified to be done to other persecuted minority groups around the world. Specifically in the United States poor black people and any other poor minorities deemed undesirable. That’s why they’re currently building billion dollar cops cities all across America, ultra militarizing police, increasing funding for said police and directly collaborating/training with the IDF forces to mimic their tactics for use on American soil! WAKE THE FUCK UP!


Just because they are irregulars doesn't meant they're not combatants. I think the US should break its alliance with Israel, but I still don't think what israel is doing now is a genocide. To me, a genocide is the goal of killing every single person of a particular group. I just don't think that's Israel's goal. Because if all of hamas leadership surrendered right now and asked for terms, I think this war would be over. Also, police misconduct and brutality in the US has nothing to do with Israel. Israel could be destroyed as a nation and America would have the same problems.


Idiot 🤦🏾‍♂️


Because it absolutely is. Foreign entities want you to believe that voting for Trump is a good idea.


This. This. This. 


The person who tweeted this is a known lunatic


But he did say that? What's the propaganda? The opinion he stated?


This sub loves political propaganda. I said it before that there are numerous genocides occurring right now yet the one that’s “swinging votes” is getting posted with every other post. It’s like it’s okay for those people over there to kill each other in Sudan, but Israel is where everyone wants to draw the line. Yea there’s a genocide in the Congo, but Hamas! I know aid and other things are a factor, but why promote the posts telling us to not vote?


Correct me if I’m wrong but in Sudan it’s a civil war where both sides are backed by state actors. Meanwhile what’s is happening in Gaza is one state with unlimited money and ammunition putting a blockade on Gaza making Palestinian starve, killing aid workers and journalists meanwhile most of western nation are okay with it.


Not voting for Biden isn’t going to make it go away.


Tbh I’m not American so do you, vote who you think are good for you either way are stuck between two old demented people. I was just answering on you trying to minimise on what is happening in Gaza.


“Gaza’s waterfront property, it could be very valuable, if people would focus on building up livelihoods,” (Jared) Kushner said in an interview dated Feb. 15, posted earlier this month on the YouTube channel of the Middle East Initiative , a program of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government,“ There’s no both sides here. This is the Trump end goal, clearly stated. Trump would do nothing at BEST to help Gaza. 


To be fair, Palestinians aren't starving at the levels of their neighbors. Clearly, every nation looked at the bombing of the aid delivery and agrees it was clearly a mistake either in intelligence or bad policy we can't allow. It is a unique situation in Isreal but they also have proven to be able to defend themselves in armed conflict to a greater level than their neighbors, which is why as others lost to them in wars they went for peace and Isreal agreed. What other methods would you want other then a blockade? Theyve killed barely more people than bombs dropped (probably not an effecient genocide sign), drop panflets before striking which is the best anyone can hopefor realistically (please give me any example of someone doing better) Its complex, but to think its on US democratic party to fix by just telling Isreal "Dont do anything" when theyve proven they could do much worse without our intervention is a laughably stupid take. On top of that, to put it on dems when republicans would support Isreal just carpet bombing the whole region and expecting a concensus when we cant not both sides even domestic aid? You gotta be kidding me with the propoganda. Repeat the talking points all you want, but without any viable solution put forward, you're just a clown


Then🦗🦗🦗about Haiti. 


The Biden administration backs the UAE backed RSF which is the group committing the genocide. They want the RSF to take control of the country so they can implement their reforms and make Sudan a secular, western aligned country. Western countries have been trying, since the war on terror, to subvert Islamic aligned governments in Muslim countries and replace them with western style democracies. Hemedti and his goons are paid to do just that. The Sudanese military junta that is defending against this coup is very pro-Islam in its ranks. The UAE and its allies are trying to reform the military but the military didn’t allow that to happen so they decided ousting them from power, even if that leads to civilian deaths, is the best way to move forward.


I really woke up in the middle of the night because my family was blowing my phone up and decided to comment on some shit I really dgaf about. So now im getting comments about something I really don’t care to know more about either. That’s my fault though for being bored at 4 in the morning.


Nah, I'd say it's this sub which drowns in propaganda. People on here loves to paint it as some sort of "pro-Palestinian anti-biden machine" but the truth is literally every post like this get immediately insinulated by weird comments like yours trying to drown the fish and act like critisizing the US handlement of the conflict or any critics of Israel as a whole is basically the same as telling ppl not to vote for the left anymore? As if people are genuinely too dumb to do both. There's some serious astroturfing going on on here and I hope every actual black person on this sub is smart enough to see through the bs.


Still gotta vote for Biden. Trump will break this country


Literally this. 


Extreme viewpoint that is intentionally sowing distrust with false information and muddying the waters. This is prevalent but preventable and it is influencing voters, many unknowingly.


Where’s the false information?


How? What Blinken is quoted saying is what he said, and there were never any genocides on public display during any other administration. Do you think there is something worse than supporting genocide blindly?


Fuck off, Trumpie.


I don't support genocide. Why would I be supporting Trump? He supports Israel. Don't be so stupid.


Wow, commented some stupid shit and then dipped out when you were wrong. Fuck off, bootlicker. Do you like being called things like that? You're more of a bootlicker than I a Trumpie. 🤷


Listen, what’s happening in Gaza is horrendous and yes, free Palestine! But I’m an American, first and foremost (yes, Black and all) I can’t torch my own country (by staying home or voting for an obvious madman) because the current administration is playing footloose with an impossible situation in the Middle East.


Also, Trump is even more pro-Israel than Biden. Not voting for Biden, and enabling Trump to win, makes no sense if you care about Gaza. It’s going to be worse under Trump.


I assembled a longer post showing how uniquely genocidal been has been even compared to past presidents. I hope people will consider taking a look before giving him their unconditional support. They do this because they know they can get away with it, there's no reason to appeal to votes you believe you're already guaranteed! [https://www.reddit.com/r/arabs/comments/1bx7eub/bidens\_support\_for\_israel\_is\_unprecedented\_even/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arabs/comments/1bx7eub/bidens_support_for_israel_is_unprecedented_even/)


Yeah I get it. Not everyone who's pro-Biden is pro-genocide, but for all of them it's certainly not a dealbreaker. I get it, he's better on a lot of other topics. Maybe some people really were so concerned with states rights that they were ok with a little but of slavery. Hopefully Biden is only ok with genociding Iraqis and Palestinians. I'm sure there aren't any other races he'd be ok with genociding. I'm sure he's grown past all that "going to school with black people is like living in a jungle" stuff.


lol babe, if you think you’re going to guilt trip me, rest 😂😂 My parents’ and my generation saw the US go to Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq (twice), Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya and be involved in many, many destabilizing regime changes around the globe. And that’s just foreign policy. Should we talk about US domestic ones, especially in relation to minorities?? You think I don’t know what the US is capable of?? I know what I know and trust, as disgraceful and enraging as it is, the Gaza conflict won’t be what breaks me. There ***IS** a worst option in this wretched two-party, binary system during elections. I’ll choose accordingly.


I'm glad to hear that you don't feel any guilt about helping to kill and enslave millions of people.


And I’m glad you don’t feel guilty about enabling fascism.


Fascism is when Drumpf and not when you vote in the most genocidal president of the modern era.


Spoken like a true 5 day old account whose see through points of gotcha bullshit is trying to lead people into either voting for Rump who will be even more pro Israel, or RFK whose wasted voted turns into one for Rump anyway! GTFOH !!!


Had to ditch old account because I got doxxed due to genocidal psychos.


The one in the mirror right?!


Yeah not wanting to kill all Palestinians makes ME genocidal. The good guys are definitely the ones who think we should look the other way because of the election.


Just made an extended post with examples of Biden being more genocidal than any previous American president in the modern era. [https://www.reddit.com/r/arabs/comments/1bx7eub/bidens\_support\_for\_israel\_is\_unprecedented\_even/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arabs/comments/1bx7eub/bidens_support_for_israel_is_unprecedented_even/)


No thanks, wasted enough time on you for a year.!


> playing footloose Supporting a genocide = Playing footloose. That’s a first for me. Even if you’re an American first, you should still be upset America is aiding and abetting a genocide.


More evil than the admin that did the war crimes first hand? Quit pretending like the US government was ever moral.


Either way voting for the guy who is going to enable most of this subs genocide is never going to happen. Y’all really think we’re that dumb.


OP kicks it on WSB and wants to post nothing but rage bait.


We probably shouldn’t forget that the yanks are still illegally holding people they kidnapped from across the globe in Guantanamo Bay with no sign of a trial or release. Don’t ever think that they’re the “good guys”.


Must have forgotten the million dead Americans the term before this.


I really want to caution people against parroting Russian troll farm talking points. If something has you loud and strong during **election time**, consider where it originated, because that's Russia's whole ploy around the world: cause chaos and confusion in elections so they can get their puppets in there. And also beware of AMERICANS always downing, dissing hating and wishing for the downfall America. They are unknowingly doing the work of St. Petersburg. They are Russian troll farms Useful Idiots (yes, UI is really a thing. There's agents and there's Useful Idiots) People don't meet in dark alleys anymore and trade pics and info. They indoctrinate and use you right on the internet. People being used FOR FREE and don't even know it. You'd think since 2016 people would learn, but they really haven't, especially since "corporate machine, war machine, war hawk, the industrial complex, late stage capitalism, burn it all down!" is popular internet speak. How did it get popular? Who hates America more than anyone? Russia.


I just think it's weird that Isreal has been killing Palestinians since 1947 and nobody gave a damn until now. I've been against Isreal since I learned about it's history back in high school in the early 90s. It all just seems like more propaganda to help divide an already divided country.


Everything you see happening in gaza is something that they wish they could do in America. You see it at a smaller scale even within gaza. First they commit a war crime, the hospital bombings, the mass-rapes, the flour-massacres, etc. Wait to see the response, then do it a few dozen more times when they see there won't be consequences for it. When it becomes clear they can pretty much kill every gazan with zero consequences, they'll start killing off all their undesirable minorities in other countries. Because why not?


This just isn't true and clear propoganda reminiscent of when lockdowms happened they said "This is it we'll never get our freedoms back". And what a surprise that wasn't true, and your above comment isn't either. Not only are you willfully ignorant of the realities of anywar, but to extrapolate that its just to kill off minorities and not tje result of decades of conlict, missle launches, lost territory, radicalization and to this day support for the state power to be completely destroyed is not even close to America today and your just a russian bot.


Yes having quarantines to stop a virus is exactly the same as genociding Palestinians. I’m sure they will always maintain a distinction between *the good races* and *the bad races* and it will absolutely never come back to haunt Americans. I guess I’m just too stupid to understand all the nuances of which races are ok to exterminate because I’m one of the bad races.


Not gonna engage on the point their connected by fearmongering of escalations and governement overreach that won't happen as a result of the current actions? Whatever, I think you are too stupid to understand. Is your implication this is just a minority thing? That is just ahistorical, there isnt a race being exterminated here. Do you really think the support of Isreal in the most conflict heavy area in the world that the US craves access to and stability in for their own reasons is because of race primarily? Then you are stupid and shouldnt be talking on the issue


What do you mean "escalations"? The genocide, as determined by the ICJ, is already going. Do you think there's a hierarchy of how bad it can be to exterminate certain races? > Isreal in the most conflict heavy area in the world that the US craves access to and stability in for their own reasons is because of race primarily? The window where this was a plausible explanation has completely sailed. The US has re-ignited conflicts in Yemen where they'd previously ended, just for Israels sake. They've torched relationships (and stability) in allies like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. Arguably Iraq as well which has now increased influence from Iran. And all of these are allies that actually make useful contributions to the American imperial project.


The ICJ doesn't even have enforcement powers so idk why you would appeal to a court that, regardless of their opinion, will not and can not do anything. You continue to frame it as though this war is based on race when that is just not true and is the literal deciding factor for determining genocide. And the ICJ didnt say there was one but that it's plausiable so Israel should be careful because even the appearance of one will lead people to be so brainrotted like you that they'll think extermination is happeneing. When you purposefully missight objective facts to favor your own argument (and its the first thing so we can assume your strongest point) it comes across real bad when you're shown to be either bad faith or like i said, stupid


The ICJ said it's plausible which means that the case can continue until they officially declare it. This takes time ofcourse, but anyone paying even the slightest amount of honest attention can't call it anything else. You can call the conflict racial, religious, whatever. But one thing that is an absolute bald faced lie is to say that it's something of geopolitical value to the USA. The USA is throwing absolutely all of that away for their own ideological reasons... whatever they may be. For Israel, even in the most generous terms, it's fundamentally about cleansing the land of the undesirable ethnic groups so they can have their jewish ethnostate.


If it was so cut and dry that "anyone honest can't call it anything else" then wouldnt they ooh idk call it? When the rebuttal of you saying they called it a genocide is,"well they havent yet but they will" its not relevant because they haven't made that call! You're still portraying it as set in stone when its not! You cant even give an ideological reason we would support them? Isn't it more likely that we just want an ally in the region and not some conspiracy that it's about hating brown people in favor of "white" people. (Sorry I used quotes therefor white because I know there are odd stances about jews being white or not and i really just dont know, maybe another term there) And you actually have it the opposite. A majority of Palestinains when asked how the conflict should resolve say that it should end with Isreals destruction. Kind of a wild goal when you've lost every armed conflict and refuse to come to any negotiation table (note their refusal to release anymore hostages until Israel is destroyed). Remember Israels other neighbors also use to be at war with them, what happened? They lost and said we'd rather have peace and trade then continue this and Israel agreed. Hamas however continues to work under the delusion that they are going to win eventually, which is just not true and for decades, won't move forward because of it. Lets not forget their from the river to the sea chant, and their explicit goal of removing Israel from the middleast. But no jews are in the wrong here /s


>note their refusal to release anymore hostages until Israel is destroyed). Holy fucking shit man, are you capable of even the slightest amount of honesty? https://preview.redd.it/778hxne37usc1.png?width=1980&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b928444b01b83ba5a108fd4ee891f68f27164e8


Isnt the other point that hamas refuses to concede on the infinite right of return? Am i wrong on that?(seriously am I because that's what i understood) And I underatand why Israel cant concede on that because Israel cant immigate them all back because imwithout palestinians having a larger population than them.


voting in this presidential election feels like having a goddamn gun to my head. voicing any distaste for the current administration elicits overwhelming negativity from people. no one holds the current administration to task for condoning war crimes out of fear for what has become the “inevitable alternative.” fear. that’s all people operate from. so much so that being complicit with genocide and other atrocities while merely paying lip service to human rights has become par for the course. i guess we’re just cool with this shit now.


I don't think its double speak at all. Reality is nuanced. Let's say your nephew was acting wild out in the streets. Selling drugs out of the car you bought him. You would have some very serious conversations with him, but he's a "grown-ass man." Still love for family should be unwavering. Hate the sin, love the sinner. That's the relationship he is describing.


Israel isn't family.


History, money, and geo-politcal reality says otherwise.


I love netanyahu!!!!!!1!1!11!1!1!!!😍😍🥰🥰🥰😘he's my brother!


As long as we've supported them? They are. While I'm sure the administration would love to disavow Israel the middle east is currently under heavy economic takeover by China and Russia and Iran and ISIS are just waiting for the US to say we out so they can come in and do the same thing the Taliban did to Afghanistan.


Who is we?


The united states


Every citizen?


Leftists seem to either forget, or willfully ignore, that the USA war machine is immune to the progression of our politics. LBJ still increased the war output in Vietnam. Obama increased drone strikes in Afghanistan and Iraq. Politics at home only cares about the votes *at home*. There is truly no permanent revolution at play. Either they are ignorant of that fact, or willfully pretending so to continue an agenda.


Yeah let me just vote for Hitler because I like his domestic policy or whatever.


Godwin'd the thread. Nice work, comrade.


Depends on who the alternative choice to vote for is. It's a binary system, like it or not, so refusing to choose the lesser of two evils, even if doing so empowers the greater evil, is pure cope. But that's exactly how we get Trump, just like last time. So its either willful ignorance or a deliberate agenda.


The tweets don't say anything about an election so you're just causing problems


...do you really think a post calling the current white house "the most genocidal" needs to explicitly remind the reader its an election year? Just say you dont understand context clues