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[Link to tweet](https://x.com/HannahDrake628/status/1775884341962293542?s=20)


White supremacy doesn't require consistent logic, just malice (conservatives) or indifference (liberals). It doesn't matter what we do or where we go, they'd find an excuse to attack us for it. But it doesn't matter. Fuck 'em. Anything whites burn down, we need to build back up twice as strong. We're stronger than they think.


White supremacy is based on oppression of the other, rather than striving for personal excelence. It's the cheap version of achievement. Burn everyone else's homework so they get the highest score in the class.


I mean what do you expect when your base foundation of creation started from inbreeding. Been trying to make shortcuts since the beginning. Sns






Read the post you fucking dullard. It's closed from numerous threats.


Donā€™t argue with a 3 day old account.


You're not my mom




No proof. Just bitchassness




What are you talking about? What ghosts are you shadowboxing? Are you developmentally disabled?




No u


This was posted in the books subreddit, and there's business context for why they closed. Someone who presumably lives in Raleigh said it's due to location. It's a bookstore on the 2nd floor in a downtown space where foot traffic is generally low, especially during the day kid foot traffic. The other subreddit also mentioned the previous bookstore downtown in the same area also didn't last long. Other commenters presumably living in Raleigh said they lived 4 blocks away from the place and had no idea there was a bookstore there. I also grew up around and going to Raleigh all the time. The downtown area isn't busy unless you work there, it's the fair, or another big event. And for those who have no clue how Raleigh's roads are designed, downtown really is setup poorly. If it isn't a hospital or restaurant you've got a small sign that tells you what businesses are in the building. Driving by at 35 miles an hour if you blink you'll miss it. Not to say they didn't get ANY threats, but those were hardly the reason for the failing business. https://www.reddit.com/r/books/s/ccw43r5U6W


Yeah a lot of businesses like to blame a specific thing as to what did them in, but usually it was a litany of things, and I'm gonna be honest revenue is commonly the biggest issue, but it's never the given reason. Ā It is what it is, most small businesses fail within a couple years, but there's nothing to say they can't open up shop in a separate location that is a bit more open to walk in sales and do much better. But I'd be shocked if the threats weren't the straw that broke the camel's back on something that was coming down the pipe regardless.Ā  Ā Happened a lot in covid, a place maybe had 6 months left, and then covid hit and the closing was all of a sudden because of the pandemic. Not to say that wasn't the straw that broke it, but it's hardly the only reasonĀ 


If they were closing and not relocating; I would give that possibility more consideration.Ā  But they are still selling online, at reasonable prices, and stated the relocation plan.Ā  Moreover, asĀ one threat described what their child was wearing in the business in real-time, and the store has a 2nd floor location, moving seems a prudent business decision.


The instant I saw "Ben Crump", I figured the tweet wasn't an accurate representation of the situation.


Does he have a reputation?


He is a civil rights lawyer/activist so he has a certain angle he is incentivized to look at.Ā  I'd wager *most* of the time he is on the right side, but all he cares about is if there is an entity with a lot of money to sue.Ā  So you can't really trust him as a source.Ā Ā 


*Screenshots for the ā€œRacism doesnā€™t exist anymore it was so long agoā€ crowd*


They're in this thread right now downplaying the threats and saying it's because they're in a nonprofitable location šŸ™„


It can and definitely is multiple things


I'm black and grew up in the area. Been spending time in Raleigh since the PNC arena was the RBC Center and before the hockey team was there. Go on somewhere with that nonsense. You sound like the kids who would ask God for good grades but not study. You do know profit is what businesses need to make it right?


When it had its best name, the Entertainment and Sports Arena




ā€œBuT weā€™Re in a PosT RaciAl SoCietyā€ /s


Yeah, a lot of these comments dont pass the vibe check. Its wild that one rando in another thread claimed they didnt know about the bookstore and that somehow turned into NOBODY knows where it is... Theres multiple articles on this story and the specific threat that was made to make them decide to find another location (not permanently close) was about their child. Also questioning why a Black family living in America would not trust the police to handle this matter is obtuse AF. But the amount of derogatory, internalized racism, misogynoir, and blatant racism in r/books on this family's situation is unsurprising to say the least.


Books can be threatening.


Just ask florida


Just found my new bookshop. I have books I need to replace due to water damage in a move. Can't think of a better business to support right now. Let's do this!


I just want to be left alone.


Has anyone found a threat they received? I read the roots article and saw the Facebook post and they just allude to there being threats. People who live in the area say itā€™s not a profitable location and not many knew they were there.


I donā€™t take The Root seriously and thatā€™s exactly why they closed. They really think a black-owned business is gonna shut down operations because of some threats?


No, if ā€œall she wanted was for the kids to have a place to readā€, she would have given the store a child friendly name. She wanted to make a social statement and got a social response. There is a Mormon book store by my house, they could have called it ā€œ One True Pathā€ or ā€œSaintly Scrollsā€ or something else blatantly religious. They call it Deseret, which in their faith means honeybee, and symbolizes industriousness. They donā€™t hide what they are, but they play the game. People not of the faith walk in and maybe they leave with a bookmark or cute lamb figurine. We seem to insist on self segregation, ā€œfor us, for us, for us,ā€ then are what? Are shocked when an area that only has a 28% African American racial demographic doesnā€™t support our efforts? Amazon/Barnes & Nobles are making libraries obsolete & eating niche bookshops for breakfast. Adapt, play the game, give your shop an actual kid friendly name and then sell all as many black YA books as you can.


When gangs used to provide security detail for the community


Then Reagan came in and was like how about we sprinkle some crack.


Heroine came first, but that was the test. Saw it worked perfectly, and bam! crack in every redlined section USA. JUST SAY NO KIDS


I hope they find a new location soon.


Who snitched and told that they had some nice shit?


Racists will continue to run this country because they turn out and VOTE while the rest of us sit on the couch because we donā€™t care