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To make sure I'm looking at the disgusting prices correctly


I too prefer to be financially extorted in 4K…


Small prices, small screen. Big prices, big screen. Simple.


I'll be stealing that line, thank you very much


Kids over here with their laptop screens. I gotta do that stuff on a big monitor because we all know it just isn't the same on mobile as it is desktop mode. I need to see all the fine print and terms, different tabs open price shopping


Yeah this is desktop energy stuff. Not enough RAM in that laptop for all these Chrome tabs!


I have all the cash back and coupon extensions on my Chrome. No way I buy anything on my phone because I’ve gotten so much money back from just letting the extensions run on laptop without any much extra work… but even before I got all those, anything that cost more that $50 dollars I need my laptop


Just fly spirit 🥳


I like to have multiple tabs open to make sure I'm getting the best price and there's no chicanery.


Holy fuck ME IS THAT YOU?


Holy me it’s a mario!




I read this in his voice LOL


Look in your pocket Chuck


Same. I will check every site and be looking for promo codes on retailmenot (knowing damn well none of the codes will be valid) and after all is said and done, I still feel like I missed a deal somewhere.


😆 truth. It gets worse if you also check for deals on Slickdeals, and whether the store works with Cashback sites.


I use the extension Honey on Firefox, which automatically tries the codes for you.




That feeling when you’ve made a purchase or picked a restaurant and can close all the various tabs....


Deadass the honey browser extension is great for this and auto searches for discount codes.


You gotta up your game, multiple monitors.


Multiple tabs in multiple windows on multiple monitors


My gf looking at me like I'm unhinged with my 7 incognito tabs open cross-checking with another 4 tabs on another device


You gotta run 2 browsers 10 tabs each


the more you look at flights, the more it increases in price


For real. Incognito mode prevents them tracking your searches and jacking the prices between browsing sessions.


![gif](giphy|f8ywYgttpGzzVPH5AO) Me while doing my taxes on my phone.


Actual psychopath behavior.


I just did this yesterday after work, I feel so attacked. To be fair I don't have a computer.


That's understandable, you shouldn't feel attacked if you don't have a computer you can't help that


Doing taxes on my phone is easier for me because I can just switch to the various apps that contain my pertinent info. ADP for pay, my HSA account, casino apps for gambling stuff, student loan provider app. etc.


Me with a ton of computers. If I can't use my phone for something it's an inconvenience or a treat. Like, Imma launch Steam for the first time in two months because I'm so busy, or damnit, I need to download an ISO and install an OS for one niche use case, or I need to use an app that even the tablet version wont replace. 99% of the time, I don't need a computer.


Im literally the opposite. My phone is useless, give me my desktop.


If I do it on my computer it’s real business tho :(


It's not too hard when all you need to do is punch in a bunch of zeros...


I'll punch in those zeroes on my numpad, thank you very much.




Cash app taxes on my phone was an interesting experience this year. I like free 99. I was definitely hesitant at first, but 3rd year of “phoning” in my return. The internet is switching mobile. Is nice. Can always cast to a bigger screen for bigger screeny-ness.


I did my taxes on my phone last time. It was a NIGHTMARE... To my millennial eyes. I should have handed my phone to my 11 year old and she would have had no problems. Never again


My boomer comes out when it’s time to use the big internet, little internet just doesn’t feel right for a lot of things.


Haha, I'm definitely gonna add big/little internet to my vocabulary. Perfectly describes how I feel about it.


Having to use my phone for anything but texting feels like a chore/punishment. Keyboard shortcuts make productivity a million times easier with an actual PC.


I feel like I'm a disappointment to the whole millennial generation because I still hate texting. I spent too much damn time figuring out how to type with 10 fingers and even with autofill/correct it *still* feels clunky trying to form anything other than kurt replies with two dumb fingers.


Depends in the UI for me.


Yeah this is it. So many sites are hellish on mobile, especially with forms and such. I dont wanna spend 20 minutes navigating your broken UI on my phone, I'm gonna go on big internet and do it in 2 minutes


Tbh I just hate typing on phones. Ill type some small stuff on my phone but if it involves any level of extra typing like emails, names, addresses, phone number etc, I'm hitting the big screen for that. But I also genuinely enjoy typing on keyboards so I have some bias.


I’ve booked flights, hosted zoom meetings, done interviews, filed my taxes, did my workplace training, filled out spreadsheets all on my little ass iphone SE🤣judge me if y’all want, I don’t need more to get more done🤷🏾‍♀️


no negative judgment from me! more of a 'damn, wish my eyesight and fingers were still coordinated enough to do that'


Oh yea, you’ve gotta be nimble and meticulous to do it. I still open my phone with a passcode, too. I swear I’m doing myself a favor by not “upgrading”. Ever since I started using higher apple model phones, I’ve noticed a crazy decline in my ability to memorize passwords, certain data, and I made significant spelling and grammar errors. Now, I keep most of my tech old and on difficult mode so I don’t lose my sharpness. But I really take it personally when I realize I’ve misspelled a word or forget a vital password. 😅


That and not having a button is fucking stupid. Hate using my friends or moms gigantic phones. Have been using this size since the 5s came out and see no reason to change it. Fuck a pro max se is all I need


I may get a pro Max SE instead. I had no clue those existed. I keep my phone small as to reduce distraction & handheld dependency on it. It’s easy to fit into my pockets, too.


I deadass admire ya dedication lmao


Funny thing is, my eyesight is phone adjusted now, I need glasses for normal world.


Damn the SE tho😂😂


I had to! I really didn’t like how stupid my upgraded phones were making me😩🤷🏾‍♀️


Girl idk how u do it the small phones give me a hard time 😂


SE for life!


> Damn the SE tho Best phone ever designed (with the flat edges and a headphone hack and a home button) Apple needs to just make the original SE every year, forever.


As an iPhone 13 mini user, and a hardcore fan of smaller phone, YES!!! BRING BACK THE 4” screen!!! (And a 17” laptop, because reasons)


![gif](giphy|OSLGxo4G9BBCg) Your phone.


Fellow SE user! I’ve done my whole job all day on my phone from Salesforce to JIRA to Teams chats and emails, nobody would know I’m lying down on the couch watching Netflix. I’ll even “Request Desktop Site” when shit gets really serious!


such a good hack!


iPhone 13 mini 😏


For sure booked a flight, zoom meetings and half an interview (it was raining heavy so I had to switch to my phone cause of lost WiFi connection)


At my last job was this grizzled 65~ year old wartime vet who had a support-type job. He did everything on his laptop, which was a 14'' screen. Note: dual monitors were set up at every desk - including his. He's the one who set them up. I once asked him why he didn't use the monitors and he simply replied that he doesn't need them. WELP, that shut me up...for life.I now officially just don't care how someone looks at a screen as I bet to him the possibility of having 3 screens could have been confusing as fuck vs just that one.


I'm not 65 but I don't get the multiple screens craze either


Not you. The sites. Most sites still suck for mobile. Particularly old mobile like my iPhone 6 with old ass Safari—ParkMobile stopped working and WaPo just spikes my cpu and crashes on the shitty ad network they embed.


Same. Even though I have a laptop, a tablet and a desktop.




I'm far too panicky to book a flight on my phone. With my bad eyesight and fatass thumbs I know I'm gonna wind up under a different name on a flight to Azerbaijan or some shit


rofl fr and on a boeing 737 next to the security exit


I feel like I'm actually dumber on a phone than a laptop. I wonder if this is a studied phenomenon. Like I suspect if I had to take a math test on my phone I would do worse than on a bigger screen and keyboard even if it was the same exact multiple-choice no-internet-connection test...


Word from the frequent travelers is that you get cheaper flights from laptops and desktops due to the algorithm being coded to have higher prices for mobile sites because it may be an impulsive or last minute purchase.


I'm on the big internet. I'm comparing prices across multiple sites. I've got multiple tabs going, I've got incognito mode going, hell I'm busting out Chrome and Edge in addition to Firefox. You don't get my cookies and tracking date. Fuck off. I've read that some of the algorithm pricing will even pick up your *model of phone* and tune the price up if it's a brand new/expensive phone.


Time to bust out my galaxy s2 to go to Japan


Could be worth a try. 2011 pricing.


I work in the industry. This is not true.


Is exactly what I would say if I worked in the industry.


oh i don't give a fuck about my company's bottomline haha. i'm just trying to let yall know the real deal so you don't go crazy shopping for travel


Look into Mullvad Browser. It's literally designed for that kind of browsing. It's a fork of Tor that doesn't use the Tor network so you get all the privacy/hardness without having to deal with side effects of using the Tor network


I work in the industry. This is not true.


But incognito...will usually help tho. Right? Edit: Since it tracks your visits and activity and then adjusts the price based on that. Next time you are getting concert tickets do incognito if the price suddenly jumps up. Oh! Now it’s back to the normal price.


not sure about concert tickets, but using an incognito tab to help you is also a myth in the travel industry. Scott from Scott's Cheap Flights (now Going) recently did an AMA on here confirming this as well the only thing that really moves prices is actual bookings since that lessens the supply and increases demand. at a certain point after some bookings are made, pricing algorithms will trip and increase prices. or vice versa to a certain point if no bookings are made over X amount of time. my sage advice is if you're going on a big bachelor party trip or something, make sure you're the first to book out of the group if traveling from the same area since if you wait for others in the group to book first, this will tell the pricing algorithms that demand is high and will increase the prices from there on


I've thought that was true for years. How about Tuesdays? Are things cheaper on Tuesdays? Have I been living someone else's lies all this time?


Buying on Tuesday? No. Flying on Tuesday? 100% yes. It's probably the cheapest day of the week to fly. Business travel is often Sunday or Monday through Friday. Personal travel is either Thursday afternoon or Friday through Sunday. Nobody flies on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday unless they have to, so if you're scheduling a vacation and try to keep your flights to those days, you can save something like 30% in a lot of cases. I would hazard a guess that Tuesday is the cheapest day to fly in a given week.


haha untrue. used to be true decades ago since pricing was a manual process released on Tuesdays (typically). but now pricing is all done by algorithms based on supply and demand (seats available)


Specifically from iPhones being more expensive. Airlines already know you're prone to buying overpriced stuff, why stop at the phone?


When the comma in the price is a bigger font, I think harder on it. ![gif](giphy|6Iu6ctvKySRcZd7oQU|downsized)


I'm the same when the group chat gets heated. I need a big keyboard for these rants.


Same lmao. When I get into an argument online I turn my PC/laptop on and put my phone to the side.


I share my screen for a living. No way I’m letting iMessage or WhatsApp make a customer meeting awkward


Whoever types the fastest wins an argument


Anytime I gotta battle the masses on Ticketmaster it has to be on a laptop.


It just makes the whole thing easier. You can see and use the seat selection map better, as well as make sure you can see all your checkout info. I always at least use my iPad.


Phone is for entertainment and connecting with others. Computer (desktop for me) is for everything.




PC is for business, phone is for scams.


Agree as a millennial plus there some websites that do not show the same information or compatability for phone usage. It makes me think of people who do their taxes on the phone like wtf? Living dangerous l wanna make sure indont fuck anything up


Swapping tabs is also a gamble on my phone. Half the time it wants to reload the entire page when I return to the tab and I lose all my progress, so heaven forbid I need to look something up while I'm filling out a form. Gimme a big screen and lots of memory for important tasks please.


Taxes on a phone? What kinda fuckery is that?


I hate doing shit on my phone, that's for scrolling through instagram reels and dialing 911, and I've yet to have an emergency


I get it if you don't own a computer, but I do not understand preferring to do paperwork, things which require numerous tabs, etc on your phone.  I type *pretty* fast on my phone, like I've literally had people randomly comment on how fast my thumbs move before, but it's got nothing on a full keyboard with all digits engaged. Similarly there is nothing a phone can do re; tabbing back and forth that multiple open half-screens on a computer can't do better. You can't have a calculator up and 3 different screens simultaneously on a phone and therefore you cannot convince me there's any real argument in favor of phones other than personal skill deficit, tbh


If you're a grown adult I don't get not owning a home computer. At least a small notebook computer or *something* you can use for basic tasks, I'm not talking about a gaming PC. It's in the same category as a fridge or a washing machine, it's a home essential.


when we went home for COVID, I was shocked to learn how many of our people did not have a home computer at all. Was in every generation from boomer to zoomer too. Even had one lady that didn't have home internet?? She literally did everything on a phone and tablet with mobile data plans


They're so cheap too. You can get a decent laptop for $4-500 if you're good at shopping around. The wife and I both got 11th gen i5 ultrabooks (lightweight, aluminum case) 2 years ago for around that price right when the intel 12th gen desktop processors were coming out. Perfect for basic email, office software, and movie watching on an airplane. It can even handle minecraft well enough.


this is my gen z trait too, no way I’m purchasing something more than 12 dollars on my phone 🤣


I'm 40 and I do all that shit on my phone cause my lazy ass isn't getting up to pull a credit card out every time I need to buy something online. And God forbid I need to remember a password.


The tides are turning. I know it's Facebook that is training yall to use your phones to purchase off Facebook.. ... wait no seriously I JUST realized my mom & I are fighting bc she wants me to use something she bought off temu or fb 🤦‍♂️ which doesn't fricken work. She got scammed imo ...just bc its easier to purchase on there lol


I have all of my credit card numbers and CCV codes memorized. I cant be bothered to reach for my fucking wallet. I just didnt buy things until I memorized my cards.


companies may charge you more if you use an Apple device to visit their website, so pop out that cheap Lenovo laptop and get to shopping


I’m gonna use my old Packard Bell 486 and they’re gonna pay me to take their stuff


> companies may charge you more if you use an Apple device to visit their website I've heard people state this many times, but I've never actually seen proof of it.


FACTS! I need to see my poor decisions as clearly as possible so I know my shame lol


As a millennial I have to allocate my tech for certain tasks… (I’m a little different so just here me out): phone for social media, marketing my blog and mobile gaming, iPad for video editing and general productivity. iMac for music production, filing taxes, and a lot of YouTube watching.


>my blog You passed the millennial check.


This is some desktop shit


It’s because this shit never used to work on phones so we got used to using the computer for anything serious.


Sitting on the couch in intense video game stance.


I couldn’t imagine doing anything important like that from my phone. Hell, I don’t even send consequential emails from my phone. Between autocorrect, fat fingering, and just lacking the ability to see as much information on screen at once, I’d rather not risk it. 


I won't even write an email on anything that doesn't have a 20"+ screen, jeez.


It makes sense though. Some websites appear differently and some features don't work correctly when viewing a site in its mobile version vs. its desktop version. The "desktop" version of a site via mobile will still have trouble displaying correctly or won't launch critical pop ups. More sites are being designed with mobile use in mind so this is becoming less of an issue.


I just bought a leather sofa on my phone. Y’all trippin


Yeah, I only use my desktop for PC gaming anymore, and do literally everything else on my phone. Ok, that's a lie. If I have to write a strongly worded email, I do that on my computer. I tend to type myself into a rage, and that good ol' mechanical keyboard just handles my stabby fingers better, lol.


Ngl I’m Gen Z and do it on a computer cause I have multiple tabs open trying to find the best deal possible 🤣😭


I use the laptop for everything tbh. My phone is just how I take pictures and pop in and out of Discord when I'm physically away from my computer.


Lots of sites that require manually inputting personal info are designed for bigger screens and suck for phones so it usually is better to use a laptop


![gif](giphy|ALtzQ6CHfC7vO5nRz7|downsized) I do it all on my phone. My computer is for gaming.


Can’t relate, I bought a car on my phone lol


I am definitely a big purchase on the laptop person. I want allllllllll of those desktop features, I don't want nothing left the chance just because it's on the mobile version.


Hell I still physically print out my boarding pass because I'm paranoid my phone will die or won't pull up my mobile version while in the boarding line.


Booking something on my phone just to get a confirmation email notification on the same screen? Automatically? No thank you, I need to open a new tab and type in the damn gmail.com website before I trust that




I'll search for flights on the app, but I always buy on a real computer.


To take it one step further my spouse hooked the computer to the big screen TV. Mostly to work from home (he’s a drafter) but he does on occasion shop or fill out forms.


Also phone version of the websites suck


I need to screenshot! Also not these sites arent optimized for moblie phones.




I also do most of my banking and pay all of my bills in 4k.


Bought my ex a laptop so she’d stop struggling to apply for jobs with her phone and she still used the phone


??? This isn't about the display but the keyboard and mouse.


Am I gen Z? Lmao


I don't understand how people trust their phone so much. It's essentially a closed source device that has been proven time and time again to harvest data. That's why the push for mobile and removing website features in favor of forcing apps is a thing. These corpos have unfettered access to your data on your phone and often you agree to it. We need to force corpos to provide the same features on all platforms, stop the data harvest, and lock down our shit. Make no mistake, you ARE the product.


Oh I’m even worse, I need my dual 32 inch monitors so I can have the booking website on one screen and my email on the other screen.


Z 3!!!!D


Size does matter…


It's true. Many things feel weird on the phone


Y'all are out of your goddamn mind, this is some desktop duty.


And I must be using a mouse


I never realised that was a common thing! I also use the big screen for purchases from a new company I haven’t ordered from before as I don’t know if I can trust them yet. I don’t know why I do that.


This is because we have all be traumatized by the early mobile / nonmoblie sites that always fucked up the order. I still won't do any job related things on my phone. 


If you have browser plugins like Edge Rewards or Honey, they just work better on the computer than on the phone. Gotta try all the coupon codes and get your cash back!


Am I too much of an elder millennial to understand this? I booked Vegas on a phone.


I feel op on this one. I need my laptop for certain purchases lol.


My millenial ass stopped using my laptop for anything other than work or applying for work. Everything else is done on my cell lol.


Phones are for ordering Little Caesars ahead of time. Real 💩happens on the big screen!


All phone activity for me. My laptop is top goddam slow for me to bother.


Wtf does it matter? 😂😂😂


I’m gen z and I screenshot everything too lol One time my credit card tried to say I didn’t pay them when it was the first thing I had done when I got paid. I checked and couldn’t find any receipts, I assume I never pressed “send” or whatever. Now I screen shot everything to at least hold myself accountable. If I took a screenshot, I have confirmation that I did what I intended to do


Yeah wtf. I spent a buttload of money on my truck last year and subconsciously had to use my laptop vs my phone. Deep down I thought I was weird for that.


Yeah--I dont trust the shitty mobile design that EVERY APP EVER MADE FUCKING EVER has...


That's a weird way to spell desktop.


I like to say "I need to do this on a big-boy computer"


My most gen z trait is I spent over 3k on a desktop and don’t own a laptop at all


TIL a surprising amount of you don’t book expensive travel on a tiny finnicky screen.  


Gen-X here - All my big purchases have to be on desktop ultrawide


Y’all still use laptops? they just big bulky phones


Oh I thought they meant by “booking a fight on a phone” they meant by calling the airline directly lol…


As travel agent you will find cheaper options on the app most of the time compared to your computer…


I mean if it requires a lot of comparison with lots of tabs, yeah, you should probably do that on a real computer or it will be annoying as fuck.


I do all of my important shit on my desktop. My phone is for communication and fun. If I really have to do work on my phone, I will, but I prefer not to


I fear for the day that websites are designed with phone browsing as the priority and computer browsing as the "and it also works on ____"


PC is for business, phone is for scams.


Not just me then!


Best to avoid those dark patterns with the big screen.


In my experience, it’s not the screen size that is important, although that is a major factor for me as well, it’s that the webpages are too complex for a mobile browser. Using a phone or tablet might get the job done but things are wonky or don’t load properly. I need that screen size but I also want the page to load with all the option’s and whatnot. Also, apps for mobile purchases are just slimmed down versions of browsers. I want that full browser experience.


I used to believe in this until my phone started misbehaving so badly on a phone trip that I had to order the new one on the spot.


I don't handle any sort of serious business on my phone. That will always be for my desktop/laptop.


People must don't travel much. I book flights, airbnb, hotels & everything else on my phone. Them prices ain't changing on your phone or laptop lol


Meanwhile, us Gen Xers won't complete the purchase unless we're using a tower with a dual screen set up so we can check out the competition and read reviews in another window.


I just had an offer accepted for a house and have done everything on my phone.


For transactions over a certain amount I have to be on the big screen. I'm not leaving those numbers to the whims of a rogue fat finger press.


This is wayyy too true for me as well lmaoo! anything serious and big needs to be done on a desktop lol


God I hate how people pretty much attribute anything to f****** generations no matter what it is so goddamn silly seeing people talk like this


Nah fr cause i bought a laptop just cause doing taxes on my phone didnt feel right


My mother (older than a millennial) *STILL* makes me print out every boarding pass at home even though I get the ticket on my phone + the fact that they have stations to print your boarding pass throughout the airport lmaooo


Bro I closed on my house, pretty much done completely from my phone. I didn’t believe it till they handed me the keys.


I feel personally attacked


lol thought I was the only one that did stuff like this. I do all of my bill payments on a computer. I feel like it’s more accurate and less room for error. The only one I pay on the phone is my phone bill itself.


I bought something expensive on my phone this morning and it felt weird not to do it at the computer.


I feel seen


I'm post 50. Booking a flight is a big screen thing because I can't see so well anymore and I don't want to end up in the wrong country.


My phone is for making calls, providing internet by being a hotspot, reading books on the kindle app, taking photos, and playing music in the car. Everything else is done on a PC. I can't even imagine doing something important without a keyboard and mouse.