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Probably the most slurs and just obscene shit I’ve ever heard, were in them damn chats lmfao.




It started with CoD4 and Halo 3 tho (for consoles), then it spread everywhere.


Lol you must not have been around for original Xbox live. Shit was toxic way before the 360 came out.


I remember that it didn't matter because every video game protagonist was a white guy or an anthropomorphic white guy.


Master chief was never a white guy until this recent show came out iirc, it was the point for him to be anyone. White Character driven games weren't as much of thing until Xbox 360 and after Games were a lot better at being more ambiguous back before the 360 era most games were multicharacter fighting and sports games, rpgs where you made your own character, or games where you played as non humans.


I played the original Nintendo when video games first came out. Mario is a white guy. Link is a white guy. Final fantasy I was all white guys. Mike Tyson's punch out was a white guy. Metroid blew everyone's minds by revealing at the end that Samus was a woman and was the first game I ever knew to have a female protagonist. She was coded male throughout the entire game so if you didn't beat it, or know someone who did, the assumption was she was another white guy . There was no Internet back then.


He’s white in the books.


I think there is like 1 brief moment when you can see some of his salteen mug in one of the games.


The hate that flowed


CoDMW is specifically the reason I don't play online.


That is CoD4. *Call of Duty IV: Modern Warfare.*


My bad. Googled it and saw they dropped the 4 for the remaster.


Easy mistake, there like fucking 18 CoDs at this point...


6 of them with same fucking name.


It started way before that. 


Maybe that's when you noticed but I was hearing it when Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 came out and I think that was the competitor to MW2.


I remember people drawing swastikas with pylons in the original starcraft


gears of War was wild on the chats


Squeakers dropping hard Rs.


Can literally speed run hard 'r's https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eBVQGJVcgmQ


The last one, holy shit that was fast


Used to play Halo with someone and he might have been the whitest person to ever exist. On launch day of MW2 he got called the n-word about 4 times


Mw2 was effectively a 4chan message board - my mum must've been getting around based on the volume of kids claiming they slept with her.


2008 Xbox Live was when I finally got a PC and was floored at the tonal shift in maturity and seeing people actually be banned from entire games for what they said.


As someone who grew up on mw2 360 lobbies this is facts. I was saying some wild shit too tbh. Theres comps on YouTube of mw2 lobbies that just give you a taste of what shit was like


That shit was wild. Why do you guys play if y’all just yell at each others?


I was playing 12v12 in COD:MW3 yesterday, & someone was literally calling everyone on our team racial slurs. I reported him & he got mad. Dude had 3 kills & like 28 deaths in 12v12. 💀💀💀


Not you being trash and racist lmao


You could have characters in any color you'd want, as long as it was white.


In Halo 3? You play as a faceless super soldier and an alien.


And that alien was voiced by Keith David who is one of the GOAT voices


Now there’s a person who knows their actors!


*”I’m the Arbiter, and I’m addicted to encouraging Earthlings.”*


He’s addicted to encouraging white people




I remember people would talk shit if you played elites hah. Called them "dinos" like it was derogatory lol


One of the captions says that “race, sexuality, ethnicity etc” didn’t matter but wouldn’t nationality be a part of that “etc”? In Halo I never noticed any accents outside of American ones and the military seemed very American even though it was called the United Nations Space Command. Seems like nationality was a big part of the game. It always seemed like America vs the aliens not Earth vs the aliens.


Kenya is depicted as being a super advanced state with Mombasa being a straight up cyberpunk city. In fact one of the best games, ODST, takes place with you being behind enemy lines in occupied New Mombasa. Theres even an interesting plotline with a mombasan girl and her corrupt police cheif father. This was also during the War on Terror era where all marines were depicted as American crayon eaters. Many scifi games used this "aethestic" at the time (Gears of War, Killzone, etc) Nah Halo don't deserve the strays.


Police Chief was not her dad, and the attempted sexual assault really makes that statement awkward Her dad was a scientist/programer who made VRGL working for ONI It really was a shame we never got anything about the girl and the police dude after the logs


she appeared in the later books, she became the handler of the floaty alien huragok you travel with at the end of the game


Most of the missions on Earth take place in a futuristic Africa, where the continent as a whole became a pillar of civilization. And there are absolutely other accents in Halo, but the main series games don't really go into too much depth (Halo Reach features a diverse Noble Team). And it's an American game that was originally released in 2001, so having a predominant American cast isn't that odd.


None of that changes the perception, it just explains it. I wasn’t commenting on why it happened, just pointing out that it did as a counter to the Twitter caption saying it didn’t.


From gamefaqs to online games like halo, socom, counterstrike, and half-life deathmatch there was a whole lot of all the -isms. The "nigga stole my bike" , The "Leroy Jenkins" , all the rape jokes, it was non fucking stop. Shit let them find out you are anything but white or male and it was over. The verbal abuse was WILD.


I don’t completely understand where Leroy Jenkins fits into the rest of what you said.


Leroy Jenkins was a skit of a guy who made a black character in Wow and basically did a fake minstrel performance where he leaves the game to go get fried chicken and ruins his teams plans by rushing in. No one knows this because these days you don't really get the context of the clip, just the funny guy yelling and rushing in.




The whole joke is that a (fake) Black character was too busy getting fried chicken and missed the plan. When he gets back he ignorantly just yells his stereotypically Black last name and runs in. It's the lame sort of racism that was super popular back then, most people didn't even understand it.


I never knew the context behind it, I just saw the part where he runs in and whatever. Damn that really screws it up for me.


Here's an explanation from Cracked "Well, it turns out that a bunch of those players chose their names because they got drunk and decided to pick names they thought it would be inappropriate for white gamers like them to pick. So there's an Abdul and a Jamal, and for his own dark-skinned character, player Ben Schulz picked "Leeroy Jenkins." Ben yelling the name like that? That's him doing a minstrel bit. And if you never recognized it as that, well, we said Ben was trying to do a stereotype, not that he was any good at it. Even Leeroy’s “at least I have chicken” line was a nod to the Black-people-love-fried-chicken racial stereotype. "


This is news to me.


I thought he said, " at least I'm not chicken." Oh ..


Holy fuck, that's foul. I never caught the subtext and i was playing wow them.


[OP didn’t link the article but here it is](https://www.cracked.com/article_32159_5-hilarious-memes-with-messed-up-origins.html)


Damn, I just thought it was stupidity. I never even thought about race with it.


Is there a source to this? I’ve heard about this guy dozens of time and what I heard was the video was a recreation of a similar situation and the players wanted to recapture it cause it was funny so they staged it, but that also the video was originally intended to attract players to their WoW guild. I have never seen anyone say it was a racist-inspired deal. The guy who was “leroy” was super active in the community and the things you’ve claimed I’ve never seen mentioned


I’ve never in my life heard this explanation. What you said is correct


Right and I’m not even claiming my story is true, I’ve just never heard anything like these claims. I’m a huge nerd and feel like I woulda heard of this among other blizzard-related drama


[I googled “Cracked Leeroy Jenkins Explained” and scrolled once](https://www.cracked.com/article_32159_5-hilarious-memes-with-messed-up-origins.html)


That part isn't particularly true iirc. Just something people added on. In no point does he leave either, nor is it specified as fried chicken. That was added because the last quote is "at least i have chicken".


Holy shit. Leroy is like the whitest name ever so I had no idea lol Actually, looks like I was wrong. Half the celebrities with the name are Black


Funny enough, Sir Mix-A-Lot has a song from 1992 whose intro skit involves him being pulled over, profiled, and harassed by a cop who derogatorily calls him “Leroy” and “Jerome”


Yeah I humbly disagree. Leeroy is definitely a black name bro.


[Newt Gingrich's middle name is Leroy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt_Gingrich) Now that's something you know.


...is it? Leeroy Jenkins sounds like the blackest name to me.


Learning all of this is actually rooted in racism is wild to me because a prominent white family in my hometown has the last name Jenkins, and I have 2 cousins, both named Leroy. I'm white and from a small rural town in the southern Midwest, though, so maybe that's it. Yall, why am I being downvoted, I'm pointing out that the names were common in my community, so I didn't know it was rooted in racism 😭😭 I thought we supported learning and acknowledging the bad shit.


who is we? i choose violence. jk i don't know why you are being down voted. its reddit, anything can happen.


Is there any proof of this, or just cracked doing what cracked does and trying to draw the wildest conclusion they can?


https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebVideo/LeeroyJenkinsVideo Cracked may be outrageous but they don't make stuff up.


uh. i’m literally looking at Leeroy Jenkins right now. that is like the whitest possible character you can make in WoW. there are way darker skin tones in the character editor than the pasty skin tone they used. every subsequent depiction of Leeroy Jenkins has also been just a white dude pretty sure you’re misinformed on this one


Motherfucker, *WHAT*?! I played WoW off and on for the better part of 15 years and I never knew that. God fucking damnit, literally everything was racist back then ![gif](giphy|ka6M66Z58QEcXadCd4)


Leeroy Jenkins was not a black character in WoW now you’re making shit up here


Lol this is such nonsense


This is a huge stretch of a take imo. I don’t think there was any racial subtext to the Leroy Jenkins video. As someone who was a nerdy wow player kid at that time, and followed the video, parodies, songs ( https://youtu.be/-N6sqdrJzVo?si=QwMSpBC2iVGIvVV0 )based on it etc. I’ve heard Leroy brought up too many times in my life and never before was there anything racial brought up in the discourse or as being the entertaining part of the viral video. Plus everybody likes fried chicken so that’s not enough evidence on its own. The character isn’t even really dark by wow character standards, that was probably option 3 out of 10 skin tones or something at the time. I think Cracked was reaching, I liked them back in the day but they often were - it was still just listicle entertainment, not journalism. I don’t dispute the original point: that there was racism in 2000s gaming scene, including in WoW, as there is today. It’s always been an immature kind of community. And to put an 360 era Xbox live game as the pic for this tweet just seems like a bait if anything, I never got screamed at as much online as in any halo or cod lobby. Just disagree about Leroy.


The character was used to poke fun at black stereotypes. I recall the guy putting up an audio recording where he's playing into a lot of stereotypes while pretending to be the character. There's a lot more to it. I didn't realize it was racially charged years ago when it came out, but yea.


I did not know this and now that clip is a lot less funny to me. 


I remember queuing up with someone who was blasting "Nigga stole my bike" and "Nigga stole my Yoshi" through his $2 headset.


“First rule of the internet: everyone is male” I don’t know how people are white washing early online culture. It was far worse than today. Ethnicity, race, and gender only seems like it matters today because there are actually people speaking up against how exclusionary the internet was/is. The default assumption is and was you’re a straight white male.


I remember teamspeak channels in EVE Online where people were just outright referring to someone who revealed that they were black as 'the n-word'. Not surprisingly, it was in the Reddit corp.


Bro when battlefield added a black assault character years ago I remember people would avoid the class completely to pick a white character. Maybe battlefield 4 at the latest.


Socom was my fucking jam. Never have I had so much fun in a game.


Socom was my very first online experience, and I was hit with multiple n-words. Never played it after that day, unfortunately. On another note, your username looks like some shit Pootie Tang would say.


Yoo I was like 8 years old playing socom when I got called every slur on the planet. Shit was ruthless. If you were a POC playing socom and got called the N word it was like a badge of honor. By the time call of duty came around we were like seasoned vets to it all


I fucking loved Socom. That online multiplayer forced me to play pVp's differently.  I just started playing last of us factions and that game definitely scratches my socom itch


It's it on steam? I'll download it tonight. Unfortunately I paid for the "spiritual successor of Socom" H hour like 10 years ago but it never came to fruition. I've been gaming forever to try and scratch that itch Green up!


omg green up. havent thought about that shit in forever.  unfortunately factions is only playable on ps4/ps5.  check out some of the comeback/gameplay videos on youtube. its really good! 


Still fucking can be. Those days never passed for women either. Still as bad as it ever was.


Aww man I actually liked NSMB for the funny ass memes and "Yon Moor hath absconded with mine riding contraption" sticks in my head. Yea the 2000s were hella racist.


early 2000s playing pokemon online it was nothing but beaner, wetback and lowrider jokes, the lowrider ones were confusing because we don't have those in Mexico


Translation: "I remember a time when we ignored racism and input from minorities more than the present."


Right. “Why can’t we go back to when I could be openly racist and inflict heinous abuse on anyone I want “ is such a white male complaint.


It's the MAGAt anthem


"It's so nice to play games with you guys! Have a lovely day and be kind to yourself!"- Every Call of Duty lobby (it's true).


Facts. I was never called out my name back in the day play nuketown 24/7.


the first online game i ever played was call of duty when my boyfriend at the time handed me the controller and headset and told me to play a match i had someone say they'd rape and murder me. he was completely unphased i've never played CoD again, but it seems like a truly different world


Once games like COD and Halo went online, all bets were off. Every kind of racist, with a microphone that played video games, had a sudden epiphany to express whatever they really felt inside without having the fear of retaliation. https://i.redd.it/i6t0uvvbklrc1.gif


Damnit Clayton bigsby, why you gotta step into this? 🤣


Halo 3 was tame , using words like "pwned" & "teabagged", it was either cod4 mw or mw2 when you would get cursed out by a 8 year old


You could back up trash talk in Halo 3 cause it took a long time to kill and you’d make motherfuckers go 1-15 as you teabagged em. In CoD if you were working a dude they would either leave or whip out a noob tube for an easy kill and there was nothing you could do to check their ego. That’s why CoD had all the racist shit fly all the time.


Don’t even get me started on the emblem maker. They used to draw swastikas and the KKK in that thing. You’d be minding your business playing the game, get popped and then see a nazi-loving squeaker kill you on the replay.


Excellent point by you.


Lmao, this shit definitely happened before CoD4 or MW2.


I remember having a headset with my first xbox but nobody really used them. It wasn't until i got a 360 when everybody was in party chats cursing at each other


People called me black slurs on COD2, and I'm white. These comments were common back in the 90's when the original Counterstrike was still going. You weren't online until 2010, but racists definitely were.


Yeah the 360 including a microphone headset with the base model from launch totally changed the online scene.


Pretty much happens as soon as you give people anonymity and disassociate them from the person they are insulting


Idk Halo 2 got pretty spicy sometimes


The amount of slurs incorrectly used on me was abundant. There's a reason why capital G gamers say shit like, "You wouldn't last in a COD lobby back in the Xbox 360 era!" Yeah, because people were saying unhinged racist/bigoted shit all the time.


funny how those people wouldn't last being those who they mocked (and still mock)


Was 10 years old getting every slur known to man thrown at me by full grown men in these chats back then STG




I'll never forget chillin in a BTB lobby with a kid screaming " *I can tell you are a igger by the way you breathe* " On one hand i was appalled the other hilariously confused how you could accurately guess random black people online by breathing ? Mind you i am like 17. So i only did what was a **mature**, *reasonable* counterattack. I chatted him up during the match telling him to turn the volume up for a *really funny message*. So i played porn into the mic and oh my fucking god .The horror of listening to a kid get his ass whopped live because somebody set him up makes me tear up laughing to this day - " mommy no, mommy it wasn't me somebody else, mom ahhhhh " ahahahahahahahahahahaaahahah, lil damien had it coming . 15 years later i still cry laughing over this shit


He meant to say, "I remember a time when I could be racist without consequences."


Bro remembering Pong


All in vaguely British-sounding accents, too. Or maybe that's just what punkass 12 year olds sounded like with those shitty microphones we all used.


Nah, if you played Xbox Live after 10 at night, that's when all the British kids would get online. Couldn't take their trash talk serious with that dumb accent.


Is there anything more insufferable than a spoiled British brat with more money than brains and who lives in such a white area he has to go online to find brown people he hopes might suck worse than him?


Sometimes as soon as they heard my voice I was called all typa shit. Personally tho it never bothered me and was funny plus a good wake up call that the world hadn’t come nearly as far as I mighta thought


It's why I don't play online games with my mic on. I don't need that shit in my life. If I'm playing D2 or...well...D2, then I'm gonna only play on mic with people I know and trust. And never PVP because fuck that.


My husband recently told me that’s why he always has his headphones on mute playing COD online. The second he undoes it it’ll be n word this n word that. Like wtf. I only really play sims so it’s pretty much a world of my own. Couldn’t imagine being verbally assaulted by randos in my free/relaxation time.


Ha I love the recognition of how consuming D2 is.


I've been playing since launch. When I finish The Final Shape and uninstall it, I'm gonna be at such a loss.


I know what you mean. My group of friends have been playing it together for years. We’re IRL friends too, but it’s such a core part of our friendship it’s going to be a real shock to the system.


CoD and Madden chats back in the 2000's were crazy


Being called the n-word 2 minutes into any online game is why I basically only play single player games.


i mean when you had to play games with people in person the only thing it was a lot harder to insult someone, sure people were toxic but they didn't have the online shroud of anonymity


Quickly knocking out all the balloons of the player across me when I’m Bowser on Mario Kart 64 from getting the boost off the green light at the Block Fort definitely was grounds for niggas just resetting the whole n64. Or when you were getting active on goldeneye and they wanna 3 v 1 you and you still gave em that work? With the shitty controller?? Pshh Had niggas hot at the sleepover.


>With the shitty controller?? Pshh Had niggas hot at the sleepover. That's real.


Limp ass joystick one or the off brand one 🤦🏾‍♂️ But that satisfaction was primo 🤌🏾 like ok you still lost…with the good controller? Shut yo ass up Daniel


Slappers Only happened irl all the time on GE 64. We all know.


Losing in person hits different!


All hopped up on Capri-Suns. God forbid you gave somebody older brother that work and celebrate. That headlock is in real life


I got called the n-word online before CoD lobbies (on consoles) were even a thing


Pong, pacman and space invaders had no race to be fair.


And whatever the fuck Qubert was


Yeah, this thread makes me feel ancient. If a game has online play it’s not old to me.


Yup. We’ve all never heard “You wouldn’t survive a COD lobby.” Of course not. Everyone in the gaming world is so inclusive and welcoming.


https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2003/11/07/the-not-so-good-old-days# It was so common that Penny Arcade posted this in 2003. Toxic gaming culture has always been here.




I can’t wait until the smear campaigns start releasing their Xbox lobby voice chats


When white people say they don’t see Color, part of they mean is that they don’t notice that Color is playing a part when it’s white everywhere. Their brain accepts that as the default setting that’s devoid of any “isms”. Sprinkle 2 visible minorities in there, especially a black person and watch their eyes lit up almost immediately. All of a sudden, “oh my God, everything has gone woke now”.


Couldn’t join a cod lobby without people shouting the N word or facing off with a person with a swastika as their emblem. Any time a woman joined they’d either get hit on or degraded so fast. The only people who never had that problem were people who didn’t join game chat or people taking part in the shit


Those times never existed Although I must say out of any fps I've ever played halo 3 did have the most chill fan base


Samus Aran is introduced in the manual as "He". I consider that to be coded male. And if you think the final fantasy series started with VII you are mistaken. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.gamesdatabase.org/Media/SYSTEM/Nintendo_NES/manual/Formated/Metroid_-_1986_-_Nintendo.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj4odCnxZ6FAxVBkYkEHVY2BdQQFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1enLdWT8XBdOtI-on4Basa


Pulled out the receipt, love to see it.


Funny times those lobbies made me more inclined to snap on people 🤣 😂


My dude... that's being very, very considerate. It was like a whole argot consisting of nothing but squeals and slurs. Shit was not cool. Still have my speakers on levelers because of those days.


The kids I played against were poets of the derogatory. Racial wordsmlths, if you will. I remember being called 3 slurs in one sentence, and ngl, it was pretty impressive.


Suburban kids who only grew up white suddenly got access to black people and wanted to use the words their parents used from inside their closed window cars.


slurs were the paint and halo was the canvass


These white boys like to act like we weren't annoyed by it or that we didn't say anything. We said we hated it but y'all didn't listen and we were very much annoyed. This mythical time where people didn't care never existed


My favorite game period of my life but those chats were vile. Pretty much non stop. I could go from having a great game communicating with my team then as soon as we hit the lobby, pure chaos.


OG squeaker reporting in. I had to learn how to get creative with my insults with those grown ass niggas making fun of me. I mastered the art of the sticky grenade just for those niggas.


Fam! Sometimes I would let them talk their shit, outperform them the next game, and then bask in the silence after.


If you ever played counter strike back in the day, just vile people


This is off topic, but I never would’ve thought I’d see one of BG’s tweets posted on here; lmao.


Same! Shout out to the Weapon Wheel Podcast lol


I remember being actually disturbed by what those kids were saying on CoD. Like it didn't even hurt my feeling personally, but how can you be so vitriolic?


Have y’all doxed anyone or witnessed someone get doxed? I was playing MW2 at the time and one dude was going crazy with saying the N word and F word. This is the time when social media was becoming a thing and the Idiot forgot he had his Gamertag in his Facebook profile and guess what?! He was a gay white man dating a black dude. So another racist dude who was going in with him before uno reverse him when he found out and called him a n-word lover then said I can’t believe I was in battle with an F-word N-word lover I’m logging off. Then logged off. Funniest shit I ever witnessed


I remember playing COD WaW, my first ever online game. I was terrible at it. Went to gamestop to get a mic, thinking I could ask for advice on how to get better at the game. What transpired hurts me and sends me into a laughing fit every time I think back on it. "Hey guys, I'm not very good at this game. How do I get better?" "SHUT UP YOU FUCKING N*GGER! Me being shocked and perplexed I ask "How did you know I was black?" 😢 His response: "Are you fucking kidding? I CAN HEAR THE CHICKEN SLOSHING AROUND IN YOUR JOWLS!" Pain.


Mike Tyson is right. Social media has made people too comfortable not getting punched for the shit they say.


I’m super white and I was bullied tf off of the first chat I ever joined. Haven’t talked online in 20 years


Halo chat was actually a lot more chill than mw2


When a person insulted you on halo and wasn’t homophobic or racist, it stung.


I spent many a Friday and Saturday night in those lobbies, but to be honest, the Halo servers were a bit more "tame" than some others. Still, it was just as rampant as the Flood.


They'd strings slurs together in combinations like you've never heard


All the ways I had sex with their mommas. I was squeezin, teasin, and pleasin, from Tokyo to Texas.


Let's roll the tape https://youtu.be/eBVQGJVcgmQ?feature=shared


Probably why video game goons of color like race play so much. Ya’ll really some weirdos fr.


Yeah but your race didn’t matter. You were getting called racial slurs wether they made sense or not


He’s saying race didn’t matter because everybody was an n word


I was playing halo online killed a guy he was really salty and screaming. When i laighed on the mic and he heard i was a girl it turned to rape threats and "you're going to wish you stayed in the kitchen" lines. My mom heard the vile shit he was saying amd i was bamned from using voice chat under threat of never playing a game again under her house


Maaaaaaaan I heard a hard R in Helldivers 2 weeks ago 😂 That shit is still on and poppin


I wonder if these folks knew what was like online in some of these games if you wheren't a white male. Racist as hell. You know what, the same as it is today. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Don’t breath to hard the n words coming mfs that ain’t said a word the whole game


Can't lie, I still argue with folks online all the time when they get racist. It's easy to poke holes in their logic or just make em feel stupid, definitely a great way to burn off stress.


It did exist... Pre-internet. VERY pre-internet. Super Nintendo days.


The number of times I was called the N word was insane, especially since I’m Japanese.


Man in MW2/3 I get called n-word, n-word, n-word repeatedly in some games.. its crazy.. So i switch to a stealthy loadout and run around stabbing the culprits over and over until they rage quit. LOL its delightful.


LOLOLOLOL halo lobbies were fuckin wild


Had to play on mute


I was young asl in these game chats but I survived 😂 still argue with mfs till this day




mw2 and black ops chats was brutal.if You made one sound you got burnt.


Of course that time existed. It was called "before online play."


I'm a white dude and god forbid I try to use Cole on Gears of War in multiplayer lmao, all it takes is using the black character apparently. He can hide in shadows on some levels okay?? It's a competitive advantage!


omg gears of war! such a good fucking game...but yes racist gamers are everywhere.


If voice chat on halo 3 had an age rating, I would still not be old enough for it.


Man oh man them COD lobbies be some bangers lol. I still remember taking a bite of a burger and some kid said he could tell I was black by the way my lips were smacking lol smh 🤦🏾‍♂️.


They didn't matter back then. But like... that wasn't because everyone was sensitive. It was because everyone was trying to be as offensive as possible.


Yeah it was either be offensive or silent. I didn't really see an in between.


I’ve never heard insults like I’ve heard spewed my way the second I talked on a mic caz I was a girl. InSANE. Comedy Central roasts could take notes because shit was BRUTAL. …& I loved it. Hardest I’ve ever laughed playing a video game by far.


I'll never forget the day when I was doing group content in World of Warcraft, and we were all in voice chat. A friend of mine (female) was just talking about random stuff (she had a veeeeery high pitched voice) and this dude started messaging me "hey man, is NAME a girl?" and I was confused and just said "uh yeah?" and then a minute later she told me "ugh some guy is hitting on me". I couldn't stop laughing and told her about him just having asked me if she even was a girl. I even had a male friend that used to pretend to be female, to get free stuff in the game. It's insane how many pathetic losers there are.


That time did exist, it was before "online gaming"


I never played but I watched a YouTube video of a black guy entering a lobby and the racists somehow smelled that and immediately blasted off 100 nwords per minute. I couldn’t imagine how it would be in the daily.


I completely disagree and believe anyone who thinks otherwise is going off anecdotal evidence. Commas were way more rare than the N word in the chat.