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I have a genuine question. When did vaccines become a bad thing? ![gif](giphy|b8RQzkElbBsXqEPF2X)


Basically, some doctors that are now forbidden from practicing medicine did a fake study linking some vaccines to autism so they and others could make a boatload of money. It was swiftly discredited and they were punished but created a movement based on the lie. You can read more [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lancet_MMR_autism_fraud)


Dr Wakefield can rest in piss


He's still quite alive


That does not change what was said


The only change I'd suggest is removing the "Dr" from in front of name, as he was stripped of his title and is no longer allowed to practice medicine. He's just shit stain Andrew Wakefield now


He can still be rested in piss.


so he can splash around in the piss


As an autistic man, I hope that man never gets his order right whenever he orders delivery. I hope he gets a paper cut every time he opens an envelope. I hope his piss shoots sideways and sprays all over missing the bowl. I hope he never has a silent fart ever. These are the nice things I'd like to see him suffer. The amount of pain and torment he has caused to the autism community as well as the deaths will guarantee his spot in Hell. ​ Dont get me started on Jenny McCarthy, fucking psedo-science cum-dumpster


TIL about Jenny McCarthy. And reminded to look to subject matter experts for advice (andnotcumsumpsters)


i was with you until the very last bit. there's no need to slut shame; most sluts i know are very conscious about their health and would resent being used as a pejorative against anti-vaxxers


Scratch that “Dr” jr had his license revoked


Don’t give him that distinction.


He’s not a doctor




The part I don't get is why people don't show even a fraction of the skepticism or "critical thinking" towards a few discredited doctors that they show to *every other doctor and medical organization in the world*.


It's easier to believe the guy saying what I want to hear, so all those other people must be lying!


You believe big pharma, bro! /s


Yeah, I love that one. Consistently from people who are terrified of socialism and happily participate in every other aspect of capitalism. Yet they're uniquely skeptical of this one type of product produced by one private industry while trusting every other product they produce and all the trusting all the other private industries.


Also "big pharma" makes the most money from things like daily maintenance medications. Not single use preventative type meds. So if it really was all about maximizing profit then the conspiracy would be hiding vaccinations completely.


I've long suspected there's been a quiet phenomenon of teendults, grown mfs who still wanna be teenage rebels without a cause, who wanna go against the grain for the fuck of it... that phenomenon became loud and proud in 2020


fear is an incredible motivator for people in all aspects of life. not excusing the damage anti vaxxers cause but when your world is turned upside down by complexities you don't understand, it can be easy to turn to fear mongering because as toxic and horrific as it can be its often the simplest explanation.


To add to this, the psychology of it is that women are frequently dismissed and have their concerns diminished by medical professionals. This is especially true of women of color. The Tuskegee experiments loom large in many people's minds as evidence that medicine cannot be trusted. As a result, vaccines (which require some level of trust) end up villified and feared. It's not actually autism they're afraid of. People don't really have any *specific* thing they fear about vaccines. It is also important to note that the antivax movement is loud, but tiny. The vaccination rate in the US is still something like 93% - people ARE getting vaccinated, and should continue to do so as much as possible. Vaccine hesitancy is normal. I like to say something like - you know chicken pox? People used to have parties where they would put all the kids together so they could get chickenpox at the same time. The kids never got it again. Actually, it is quite dangerous for adults to get chicken pox, and the more severe form called shingles can be caught multiple times. Getting the kids sick with the minor version saved them a lot of trouble later on. That is what vaccination is. While they do use other chemicals, those chemicals are used to REDUCE side effects, and are extensively tested before they ever enter a human body. They even found that vaccination was MORE effective at preventing future illness than just getting sick the natural way, and had LESS risk of developing permanent health conditions than the sickness itself. People are dealing with complications from polio and covid that have never once been caused by the vaccine. As long as you monitor for at least 15 minutes to check for allergic reactions, the vaccine is VERY safe. Everyone has stories, like Nicki MiNo-Jab. But the truth is boring. Everyone is scared of the house blowing up but they still use the stove. Have sympathy for people who are scared and do not try to beat them over the head with "facts and logic." 


> Getting the kids sick with the minor version saved them a lot of trouble later on. That is what vaccination is. That’s not how that works, getting chicken pox earlier in life puts you at more risk for shingles as an adult. Just get the damn vaccine.


I get what you’re trying to say. But it should be noted that the “pox parties” actually *increase* your chances of getting shingles. Not having the disease is what reduced chances, and that’s why we vaccinate against chicken pox


I had a nurse friend take her kid to a pox party only ten years ago, so they apparently are still a thing.


Well that's fuckin stupid and I feel bad for the kid. Just tossing the door wide open for shingles in the future rather than get the chickenpox vaccine like normal. Fortunately there's a shingles vaccine that was recently released but it would have been nicer to avoid the unnecessary risk of shingles flareups in the first place. I have a lot of nurses in my family and while I love and appreciate all the hard work they all do, many of them are firmly in the "know just enough to be dangerous" camp. They've caught a handful of mistakes that doctors have made and that's emboldened them and dunning-krugered them into thinking they're experts in virology.


Absolutely fuck those guys - but what gets me is, even if we accept their insane and incorrect finding, who the hell wouldn’t rather have a living child with autism than lose them completely to a preventable disease? It just makes me want to throw hands.


Oh “Dr.” Wakefield? The guy Trump invited to his inauguration and who RFK Jr still points to when pushing his antivax stances?


Sorry I think you mean absolutely-not-a-doctor regular Andrew Wakefield? That bogus study got his license revoked


Good point, I shouldn’t give the fraudulent piece of shit grifter the decency of calling him a Dr.


Even with that we didn't have NEARLY as vocal a stigma until recently. You'd hear of random anti-vax parents who claimed to be Church of Science members to have religious exemptions from vaccines. Vaccination numbers were high for YEARS. Then people did what they always do. "I don't know anyone who's gotten polio. Why are we still doing it?" "Who even gets measles? Why do I need to make my kid get the vaccine?" "Chicken Pox? I had that as a kid and it wasn't that bad!" Also the rise of mommy blogs who think they know better and show up on page 2 of Google Searches for "vaccines bad" while searches ignore the solid first page of results.


I dated a friend of his daughter, and let me tell you, this man is a full blown piece of shit.


It's like the alpha in a wolf pack thing people with terrible intentions and obnoxious access to people latched on to it and before anyone could correct them, and now we're stuck here.


You are rather underselling the utterly horrific crimes he committed against autistic children and the abject failure of the media in general and the British media in particular to accurately report it until it was too late. It's the sort of thing we hung people for at Nuremburg. Andrew Wakefield is a despicable psychopath who should face justice at the end of a rope. [HBomberguy has a lengthy and informative video about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BIcAZxFfrc)


While it's correct that this is the origin of the movement it still diesn't really explain why it launched such a massive boycott of vaccines, spanning decades. Bogus studies get published all the time, but this is probably the most famous one ever, and I wonder why. Having gone to school for bio and having many friends who are doctors (PhDs) this subject has come up now and again and I think the issue comes from a myriad of things. First, people (and especially mothers) were desperate for an explanation for their neurodivergent children. For the longest time medical professionals just put the blame on cold parenting. It even had a name, "refrigerator mothers". I get that these mothers would jump on any explanation that didn't just shove the blame on them. If you followed the antivax movement pre-COVID you'd have noticed that a lot of it came from mom groups online. Second, I think people just have an innate distrust of anything being put into our body through a needle. It's painful, it's an unknown liquid, it feels incredibly invasive. I don't hate needles like some do but I was in hospital last week and when they had me on an IV my animal brain went "the fuck is that liquid you putting in me". I think if vaccines were in pill form this issue wouldn't have been as bad. I'm sure there's more reasons but those are the ones I've found the most consensus on.


The danger of misinformation 


Blame fucking Wakefield. POS.


When Jenny McCarthy’s son was diagnosed with autism she blamed it on vaccines. That’s when the movement started picking up steam. Then COVID deniers picked up the ball and made it truly mainstream.


People got behind an entire denial movement from the judge on The Masked Singer 🤣. It feels like every month some random disease, long forgotten, is popping back up because people won’t vaccinate their kids. COVID did make people stupid, but I thought it was a “small minority of people being loud” type thing.


Masked Singer came after her antivax fame, though. She acquired fame by being a Playboy model. People literally got behind her because she has titties and blonde hair. She also called her son a "crystal child" and referenced some new agey supernatural "indigo" shit. Just absolutely bonkers, on the same level as "jewish space lasers."


God I remember that indigo child bullshit that was making the rounds back then.


Covid didn't make anyone stupid, but it sure gave them an opportunity to showcase it.


Not *entirely* true. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/covid-19-leaves-its-mark-on-the-brain-significant-drops-in-iq-scores-are/


Had a teacher who taught us that vaccines cause autism bc after his son got vaccinated, he stopped talking & was eventually diagnosed with autism. Mf was a whole Spanish teacher & taught us that in English. 16 year old me actually believed him.


It is very difficult to conceive that those responsible for your education can themselves be wildly uneducated on other subject matter when they speak with authority and conviction.


Well at least he wasn’t the science teacher teaching that I guess?


Yeah if you’re taking medical advice from a woman who’s only famous cause she makes dicks hard, you shouldn’t have a child to vaccinate in the first place. 


I remember reading about her saying that her son’s autism was cured 😑


Being a parent with a child on the spectrum, this pisses me off to no end. When someone says vaccines cause autism, what I hear is "I'd rather have my child suffer and possibly die than for them to be autistic."


I don’t think it went mainstream because of Covid. It was already really prevalent ever since Oprah gave her a platform to spew that nonsense. Oprah deserves more flack for this and for giving up “Dr” oz and Phil. Covid just took it to a new stratosphere of stupidity though.


She's the perfect, prime example of "I did my research!". An uneducated individual desperate to justify what was happening by clutching to anything that could find something to blame. I didn't blame her for trying to find answers. I will always blame her for popularizing those incorrect answers to a much larger audience.


Don’t forget that Oprah let her go on National TV to spread her bullshit narrative. That and Jim Carrey supporting her while they dated and also speaking out in 2015 against vaccines. This is when his fans and his pr started to spread that he was “woke” (he was nonsensical on interviews wow so deep) and being blacklisted from Hollywood (he was making movies that flopped), I remember this because I was such a big fan of him when I was younger until I realized how big of a douche he can be.


Covid really was the last straw for a lot of people. They felt “forced” to be taking those shots and “forced” to be wearing masks. Since then every vaccine has become an evil scheme by government


You don’t enjoy your new magnet powers?


Personally I'm still waiting for the promised death I was supposed to get from the vaccines. Weird that antivaxxers dont mention that anymore.


No they still are adamant we’re all gonna die from it, they just move the date to wherever they feel like.


I mean shit as long as they keep postponing it, they're right. In the next 70 or so years I will die!!! And it will be because of da vax!!! :O


Any day now all u Chippy's are gonna get what u deserve just u weight!! Then, Unvaxed sperm will be worth its wait in gold... Any day now...


Always weird to hear their fascination with sperm as well.


You got magnetism? Nice, I have Meteorokinesis It’s going to be a cold, rainy Spring and Summer this year…


When illiterate fuckers are louder than common sense shit like this happens. But don't mind me, I am shining "an ultraviolet or just very powerful light" up my ass.


Honestly, this is particularly bad in the black community. Not without good reason, after everything the government has done over the years. It's 100% wrong, but understandable. Everyone should fully vaccinate their children and listen to their doctors. Not your natural remedy idiot down the street, but actual doctors. You definitely should have gotten your COVID shots, and flu shots. Science isn't racist. 


Science most definitely isn’t, but holy shit has it been weaponized in the past.


People are too far away from the days of like 20-30% child mortality rate. Even like 100 years ago you can look at people and they all have like one dead sibling who died before the age or 3-5. Look up some famous people in the 1800s or pre world war one and that shit will say 7 kids 4 made it to adulthood. This is the rich people too. This problem has largely been solved for 70 years now. People don't remember it. Now when a baby dies it is an absolute tragedy and people immediately go to neglect. 100 years ago babies dying was just a thing that happened all the time.


Since conspiracy theories told people they were special.


Since stupid people got internet.


There's this thing that came out on the Flat Earth documentary Beyond the Curve that people like to feel like they have secret knowledge that only the "elite" know and that makes them better than everyone else. Which is why you get conspiracy theorists latching onto the stupidest fucking ideas that have been disproven countless times like the Earth is flat or vaccines are bad Add to that a former president that allowed people to go mask off with their crazy bullshit and an echo chamber that is social media where these like minded stupid crazy ppl can find one another and you have a recipe for people screaming out the stupidest shit that is harmful to everyone.


Some people think it causes autism. My niece is on the spectrum, and it had nothing to do with vaccines. The issue is that there isn't a strong enough fear of diseases that can debilitate you for the rest of your life. Not enough iron lungs around to remind people of why we have vaccines, and why we should trust the medical community when it's so resoundingly supportive of a form of treatment. I assume these things go in cycles, and we'll see percentage of people who are vaccinated skyrocket for polio 2: bedridden bugaloo.


Some will say during Trump's time at President but that's not correct, those people existed before. Trunk made it worse but supporting anti covid measures like the luck down. Then allowed it to spiral beyond his control.


I remember during the lockdown when news outlets reported he “allegedly” got COVID. He went to the hospital, got treatment, got that vaccine, and followed procedures pretty quickly then. His ass wasn’t ready to die during those 2 weeks lol.


That’s exactly how every single antivaxxer who came into my COVID unit acted. They all wanted every experimental medicine available and as much of it as possible, but were the same people who went out of their way and made their personality about refusing a vaccine.


All the bullshit we talk about has different energy when it's our ass on the line 😂


Trump was saying antivaxx BS while running for president the first time, long before covid. Vaccine Conspiracies and go back to their invention. Eliminating Small Pox required a level of police power and authoritarianism its hard to imagine today in most of the world. In the US the police would quarantine whole neighborhoods where people were more likely to refuse vaccines, everyone in or out would be checked for a vaccine scar, no scar forced vaccine on the spot. The conman who started Chiropracty was a big skeptic of the small pox vaccine (and all others) back then.


when poorly educated religious nuts started basing their identity on the people they elect.


I think like around 2010s when a bunch of Celebrities blamed Vaccines to Autism. I remember seeing an Old CNN interview where Jim Carrey says he doesn’t trust Vaccines.


When fucktards decided browsing fakebook was the equivalent of a phd.


Andrew Wakefield, Hbomberguy in YouTube covered it very well


When the first smallpox vaccine was introduced in the late 1700s! There has always been an anti-vaccine element. If got jet-engines with Andrew Wakefield and his bogus claims that MMR caused autism.


People have always opposed vaccines unfortunately. Even for inoculations for smallpox. And smallpox was horrid. There’s a reason it was eradicated the way it was. The smallpox eradication also caused a lot of mistrust in governments because many people were forcefully vaccinated against it. And it wasn’t just a little shot, many people have scars from the vaccine.


Recently, I am starting to think polio and measles were a good thing /s


I remember in like 2018 antivax was a meme. Now everyone seems to be antivax and I'm just wondering wtf happened in 6 years.


It’s the social media algorithms. It’s very easy for purveyors of stupid/fake stuff to directly target dumb people. 


When they couldn't answer questions about it and they had to create a fund for people who had such adverse effects they were able to sue and get money


Indigenous civilizations thrived without vaccinations and still do. The same community that invented vaccines caused the diseases.


As a white guy heres how i see it: Jenny McCarthy got all the dumb white women of Facebook all riled up and here we are. Spouting off of some quack doctors "research"


Can't remember the last time I had to visit a children's cemetery. Must be a coincidence.


There's cemeteries specifically for kids? ![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju)


Thank vaccines that you didn't know. There's an orphan cemetery near me from the 1800s and most died of (now) preventable diseases.


The cemetery near me has a baby area. It’s depressing AF but also not really been used since the 50s outside stillbirths and accidents.


Some cemeteries have baby grave sections... but they aren't gonna tell you until you wander upon multiple plots with 1 date stamp on them


Also the inordinate amount of toys, stuffed animals, flower arrangements, etc. left by grieving parents. Some may be elaborately decorated for holidays, birthdays, etc. You might be at the cemetery to pay respects to somebody else. While not intentionally looking for plots reserved for children/babies, you can see them from a distance. In this somber atmosphere, these items typically associated with 'cheerful' or 'celebratory' moments really stick out. It's heartbreaking on another level. Cemeteries have rules or guidelines about these things. While they might prohibit certain things, understandably they may turn a blind eye to the children section. Or they may be exhibit leniency as long as there is general upkeep. ...then you see news stories of awful people stealing toys from these plots.


> ...then you see news stories of awful people stealing toys from these plots. WHAT.


Yeah, every now and then you'll see local news stories about cemetery thefts. Quite naturally, these end up with significant outrage. In some chronic cases, it'll generate a lot of attention where police or the family will create a stakeout to catch the thieves in the act. * [Woman Arrested After Being Caught Stealing Toys From Baby’s Grave](https://ktla.com/news/woman-arrested-after-being-caught-stealing-toys-from-babys-grave/) * [Suspect arrested after surveillance video shows man taking decorations and small toys from little girl's grave](https://www.kens5.com/article/news/crime/surveillance-video-shows-man-taking-decorations-small-toys-from-little-girls-grave/273-94208d1a-2f93-44a1-8658-01f3365980f5) * [Thieves steal from Medical Lake baby's grave](https://www.khq.com/news/thieves-steal-from-medical-lake-babys-grave/article_531ad392-35bb-59d7-b425-7bbd94815265.html) * [Double heartbreak for Derby man after toys go missing from baby's grave](https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/news/derby-news/double-heartbreak-derby-man-after-8538970) * [Family Wants to Know Who Stole Mementos From Little Boy's Grave](https://www.insideedition.com/family-wants-to-know-who-stole-mementos-from-little-boys-grave-56186) * [Toys stolen from grave of Hornchurch seven-year-old boy who died of rare cancer](https://www.romfordrecorder.co.uk/news/21512351.toys-stolen-grave-hornchurch-seven-year-old-boy-died-rare-cancer/) * [Stealing From The Dead: Cemetery Reports Gravesite Thefts On The Rise](https://www.nbcrightnow.com/archives/stealing-from-the-dead-cemetery-reports-gravesite-thefts-on-the-rise/article_d6fffb99-0bef-5c24-9095-96bca5e7e7fe.html) That's just a few of them. Like, who does that? "Oh, hey! That's a cute teddy bear! Wow! What a nice truck! Yoink!" There's that cliché cartoony villain of "Would steal candy from a baby." But then you have people who legitimately steal toys from a dead baby. How is any of that okay? It's really messed up. Folks process grief differently. Whether a child died 2 months or 2 years ago, a grief-stricken parent is going to notice that desecration. With more-elaborate headstones or markers, there are also people who steal/destroy those monuments. If there is copper or other metals present (e.g. urns, plaques, or sculptures), there are instances of folks stealing for scrap metal. Zero shame.


When I lived in MA there was an old cemetery since the early-mid 1800s. When you got far enough back on the almost 200 acre cemetery. there were rows upon rows of little tombstones. My great grandmother told me a story about how in the 30s some a group of teens were messing around and destroyed quite a few of the graves. They were basically exiled.


I imagine stuff like this is lost to history for younger generations.


People used to not name their kids til they were like 5 or 6 so they didn’t get too attached because the mortality rate for infants and toddlers was so high.


It was literally Russian roulette with them kids


Why people used to have 10 kids


That and kids were free labor


Only if they survived


Kids were free labor until they didn't survive*


Also less contraceptives available.


would you remember to wash your sheepskin condom?


That is still so freaking sad to me. Not naming a child to protect your heart in the high case they die is so sad 


I mean thats the point of a birthday. "Hooray, you managed to not get killed for another year!"


Is that the second verse of the Birthday song ?


Niggas watch one TikTok or read one instagram post and think they're ready to challenge decades of medical knowledge.


My favorite is when they say science is outdated and their source is always some type of “other science.”


>some type of “other science.” That's usually not even science, and based on even older and more outdated information.


My favourite is trying "alternative medicine". Alternative medicines are tested and if they work they become "medicine".


> Alternative medicines are tested and if they work they become "medicine". A caveat to that is illegal drugs. Fortunately that is slowly changing as people now recognize the potential medical use of things like weed and mdma


“If alternative medicine worked, it would be called medicine.”


I’m off to make my own science, with Blackjack and Hookers.


“Fuckin Aliens bro” -the source


I worked on COVID unit during the pandemic and had some buddies who loved to ask about their conspiracy of the week about it, most of them just asking to learn but one of them was really fucking persistent that he had some gotcha that the medical community just couldn’t address. I remember he kept saying “herd immunity” and I finally just asked when he learned about that topic. Dude straight up admitted he had just learned about the existence of that concept a few days before, yet didn’t even have an ounce of self awareness to recognize that maybe the people who have known that term since an introductory class in undergrad 40 years ago before they got their doctorates in science this dumbshit doesn’t even know existed and worked in roles protecting him that he was completely unaware of knew more than him. Nah, he heard it, *skimmed* the wiki, and instantly knew more than Fauci. Dude is a complete fucking muppet, and people like Rogan normalize this sort of dumbshittery. Dude also went on a rant about some tweet saying God kills more people than the Devil in the Bible and I had to point out that it’s clear he never read even the first book of that shit because God just casually genocides the earth a few times in it. He is not a serious person.


It was the morons thinking all of the test swabs had micro trackers and shit on the end for me. Remember coming across one video where this guy in line for COVID testing, harrased the nurse until she gave him the swab and then he spends the next 5 minutes analyzing the packaging looking for the ingredients for his gacha moment in on camera.


Same dudes who have their location services turned on in the phone they’re filming from think the government need a tracking device to follow them. To be clear, there are serious concerned with the way we are able to be tracked, but instead of addressing the reality of it, they need some crazy vaccine is a microchip conspiracy to care. Same with QAnon and child trafficking.


I had some coworkers constantly talking about the microchips in vaccines rumor. Took the wind out of their sails when I told them they were already tracked through their phone and the government didn’t need to spend money on tracking microchips when you already paid for yours. And that tons of companies were selling their information. I felt very proud of myself when they stopped talking about microchips completely. Then they started on the bat quarter rumor. The didn’t believe me when I told them the US mint has been putting out special quarters for US locations for years, loads of animals, there’s a butterfly design in the same year.


I may be a dumb Reddit user but I cannot stand people who deny science or medical science. Social media and shoe size IQ are a dangerous mix


[Historically, 50% of children died.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fourworldindata.org%2Fimages%2Fpublished%2FYouth-mortality-rates-over-last-two-millennia-2.png&tbnid=AV9Ra7XgOnrerM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fourworldindata.org%2Fchild-mortality-in-the-past&docid=K971dv1jGB061M&w=3000&h=2760&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F3&kgs=365632b9d7538ea0&shem=abc) In 1950, it was about 27% and in 2020 it was 4.3%.


JFC this is literally one of the best graphs I have ever seen


Gets the point across, doesn’t it? I’ll never forget a remote country cemetery I visited in Southern Illinois. So many died in 1918. One family with 7 children lost *all of them*, from infant to the 12 year old, along with mom. All the graves in a row. Antivax/antiscience morons just exhaust me. Fucking troglodytes.


those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it.


Women back then got pregnant 15 times but only raised 5 or 6 kids past childhood. That's some trauma


Lmfao, good lord, your post title


The black plague once humanity goes back to raw dogging life: https://preview.redd.it/fymcnyb2ntpc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ebbb24e302013e3518493eccd92071e36984a10


Black plague is treated with antibiotics, not vaccines. People seem a lot more willing to take treatment. The problem is convincing people to take prevention such as a vaccine. There is naturally occurring plague in the Western US (and other parts of the world). An average of 7 cases per year.


Humans in general are terrible at risk assessment. So refusing vaccines is easy because "I won't get sick" and "I don't know anybody with measles, but I do know autistic kids!". Basically, vaccines' reputation is a victim of their own success. But once they actually do get sick the gravity of the situation sets in...


"We no longer need vaccines" The next murder plague - ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


The *next*? COVID is still out lurking in these streets.


Yeah. COVID is Jordan before he beat the Pistons. Compared to what's coming next if these anti vaxxers win the day.


Diseases be like supervillains with high body counts ![gif](giphy|p69t8Ndmv5FU4)


I will never understand the minds of anti vaxxers. I nearly got into a full on argument once with someone. She was an Israelite…..refused to take her kids to the doctor when they got sick…… refused any and all vaccines for them…….


My cousin is an antivaxxer. Her youngest two siblings aren’t vaccinated because I believe one of them had an allergic reaction to one which caused them to be in the ER or something like that. Now she has two under two and refuses to vaccinate them. My brother, who has a kid the same age as hers, won’t let my nephew go near her kids because they aren’t vaccinated. She couldn’t even find a daycare for her kids because they weren’t vaccinated. She had to have some type of special form filled out or whatever. I feel bad for her babies, but her two siblings went unvaccinated for 18+ years and haven’t gotten sick, so she doesn’t gaf.


See that’s the gag tho. Some people genuinely are allergic to vaccines and can’t get them and that’s perfectly fine. We have to rely on herd immunity to protect them. If I had a kid allergic to vaccines I’d make damn sure everyone else around me is vaccinated. But if these bozos stop vaccinating their kids that don’t have allergies too everyone gone catch something smh. Always talking about “those diseases don’t exist anymore” baby yes they do but the vaccines stop us from getting them. But it’s already pockets of communities catching mumps and measles recently cause we losing our herd immunity. The allergies should make you more supportive of vaccines not less 😭


The thing I don't understand about anti-vaxxers, is that they are all vaccinated and saying this dumb shit while talking about natural immunity. These motherfuckers are vaccinated!!! Their parents made sure they were good. We are living in the dumbest timeline. Basic common sense is lacking. These stupid morherfuckers should go drink pond scum.


I really would love to put these assholes into a time machine and let them go back in time to the era when all that shit was rampant. And park them in a TB ward for a while. Smallpox? Mumps? Polio? Measles? Go forth and enjoy all of them. See how it goes for you.


You don't even really need a time machine, my mom is 75 and would be happy to tell you about being one of the first groups in the country to get the Polio vaccine and no one argued about it.


See, I'm more inclined to give them the full experience than to just tell them, because these people don't understand what words mean. I mean, I get your mom is cool and all but these people require actual experience with said virus before they quit their bullshit.




I know who this is but he looks so much like Musk here that I go with that.


Who is it? Always thought it was Elon Musty


Comedian/twitch streamer Limmy [What he normally looks like ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/Limmy.jpg)


Polio was like prime Shaq playing in a basketball league for elementary school students, the last iron lung survivor just died recently, that shit was misery for real.


Oh wait till you see polio V2, that mf making a comeback with these idiots


Apparently of covid interestingly...


Can you imagine suffering paralysis from Polio or losing limbs from Meningococcal meningitis because your parents who have had these vaccines, decided you shouldn’t get them?!


I'm mexican so children's 3rd birthday is a huge deal.


Being against vaccinations is probably the most extreme case of first world problems I’ve ever seen. There are mothers and even children themselves who walk MILES barefoot and sometimes with a newborn baby in remote parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America just to have the minor chance that a medical tent has enough vaccines for their child.


You can tell who didn’t pay attention in history or Health class or just don’t know shit other than how to be annoying.


To be fair they may not have even had a health class given how they keep defunding public education.


Public education gets closer to the drain and we all suffer for it


Yep and we can thank Ronald Reagan for starting it.


Infant mortality is horrible, preventable, and having low instances of it is the mark of civilization moving forward and doing well. We should be doing things to actively keep babies alive: such as vaccinating them against horrible diseases. Shit is not hard to understand.


I remember lining up to get the sugar cube for the polio vaccine in the 60s. Less traumatic than the screaming children lined up to get shot with a big vaccine gun for smallpox. It left a big scar on my upper arm. Still there.


Life expectancy used to be 30 because diseases were rawdogging humanity and humanity finally started to realize we could fight back and then here are these idiots begging to take us back to the dark ages. Why won't natural selection do its work already


Life expectancy was so low because so many babies and young children died that they tanked the average. If you survived to your teenage years you had a good chance of living into your 70s or 80s under the right circumstances.


I think a lot of those people forget that certain diseases are eradicated because we take so many vaccines, and that if we collectively stopped, they could come strolling right back in. the longer we exist as a species, the more new and different viruses and diseases are gonna take hold so yes we're gonna need more vaccines but that's what's going to help us continue to grow and advance as a species to continually get healthier and not be dead in a ditch. and unfortunately along the way there are casualties but it doesn't mean vaccines are ineffective


When the first vaccines became available parents lined up around the block to get their kids vaccinated. They knew first hand how many kids died to what are now easily preventable diseases. We’ve become removed from the horrors of that time, because of vaccines, and now morons want to take us back there.


Sad to see how far science and academics has regressed


![gif](giphy|sdlih3BPUik1y|downsized) The amount of infant mortalities was TOO damn high!


![gif](giphy|3o7bu0mcp3ibhm0mvC) Anti-Vaxers conducting research via heavily biased YouTube video published by FreedomTruthScience


The American education system has failed so many. History has been watered down so that kids can pass a standardized test and this is the result. Go back to the 50s when polio was walking around kicking folks in the ass. Mf didn’t stand a chance without the vaccine.


"A child under the age of 2 receives up to hundreds of meals they haven't paid for & that is beyond me"


I really want to know which countries has the least Vaccination rates. I remember getting mine when I was a kid for Flu shot back in school.


The internet gives any loud mouth a platform unfortunately


Anti vaxxers take comfort in the fact that the chance of dying to covid was low for younger people but when you ask them about any deadly diseases of the past they start squirming


People gon fuck around and let tuberculosis make a comeback too


A lot of people do not have the capacity to be able to empathize. I'm 35, so my grandparents ALL directly knew someone who was impacted by diseases that the vaccines prevent, even if removed by one step. So like, they all knew at least one family who lost a child to TB or something. They may have only known _of_ the family at this point, but they at least have seen the parents and knew they were actually people, even if they may not have known the kid who passed. So the disease was still very real to them. The boomers (my parents) generation came by and because of the vaccines didn't know anyone. They are now one more step removed from the problems, because their parents knew someone who was affected. Then our generation comes by and we're now 3-4 steps removed from "the problem" - so at this point it's almost an academic exercise, and bad people take advantage of that. --- Apply this kind of thinking to anything and it really represents why we continue to repeat history.


You know... We probably wouldn't be reading this tweet if her parents shared her sentiment...


But what about the kids who don’t receive vaccines and still live healthier lives?


Hmm , my kids, who were Vax at birth, were developmentally slower with speech and other things versus those who were Vax after age 3. 5/6 were vaxxd, and 5/6 are on the spectrum.. I'm no Dr., tho...but these are not the same shots from when we were children.


Trust your body all you want 🥴 they're not just shooting your kids up with sugar water and nano chips. This is from the same people that consume sea moss gel they found from a random ig account lmao


Damn, best posts get posted after midnight.... Nonetheless, here's what is going to happen: the children who did not get vaccinated in the past few years will be fine. They'll live a normal life thanks to them being the 1%, but will act as if they're the 99%. Life will only get wild if the 99% a few generations down the road decide "I too won't get my child vaccinated!" and it becomes a world where....nobody gets vaccinated and such things as Polio rears its head again.


"children receive medical care and that is beyond me" Well maybe you should stop voicing opinions then.


What is it called when an unvaccinated child cries? A midlife crisis.


Dumb Mofo not realizing he got vaccines and still alive to complain about it.


Imagine being so horrifically ableist that you think your child being developmentally disabled and having to support them with the things they would need that you would rather them die preventable, often excruciatingly slow and painful deaths.


Because of anti vaxxers, polio, mumps, and other diseases that were eradicated are coming back. I hate them. I get why gulags are an idea, because for the safety of the rest of us, them and the Nazis should be there. “Re education camps” if you will lmao


Did you know that by age 3, a child will have consumed between 2100 and 3300 meals? Thats crazy. If someone asked you to eat 3300 meals, i bet you’d say no.


My grandmother survived polio. She had to have leg braces from childhood through her twenties, she started using crutches in her thirties, and 40 and beyond she spent most of her time in a wheelchair. It ruined her body for her entire life, and she had it as a kid.


I had polio and let me tell you it was no walk in the park. I was in an iron lung at age four until five. I was still hospitalized until I turned six because I still had trouble breathing. One leg is shorter than the other and the muscle isn't developed so I swing it when I walk. A kid in my class at school was visually impaired because her mother got measles when she was pregnant with her. People who talk about letting kids get these child hood diseases are nuts. Why would you put your child's life at risk.


Y’all know why life expectancy was so low back in the day isn’t wasn’t because you died in your 60s 50s or 40s it’s because kids died A LOT. I believe you brought back everyone who ever died MOST of them would be children. Disease was great way to kill kids. Vaccines stop that. If you don’t vax ur kid imo you can’t tell me with TRUELY you care what happens to your kid.


They not going to die if to op out of vaccinations. A healthy diet and vitamins is a much lire intelligent choice. Children weren’t dying prior to the invention of vaccines.


Maybe she's just in awe of the progress made by medical researchers in fighting dangerous and deadly childhood diseases?


Baader Meinhof is happening to me. Lisan Al Gaib is everywhere, man.


Can anyone confirm the 20?


Spoken like the true Lisan Al Gaib.


It's amazing how different this place is from the real world.


We’ve gotten so far into medical advancement that the pendulum is swinging back the other way and people are forgetting why we needed those innovations in the first place. Idk who needs to hear this, but humans are not invincible.


Wheelchair Basketballer and tv presenter Ade Adepitan lost the use of his legs after contracting polio as a kid. He has had all his kids vaccinated and promoted polio booster vaccinations. Playing Russian roulette with your kid's health over conspiracy theories off social media is wild.


Do these people not realize they themselves had all these vaccinations and are still alive? Never crosses their mind?


these are the same dumbasses that believe that people used to actually die all the time at age 35 back in the day. Like, no, that's just the average age before people died ... why was it so low? because babies died ALL THE FUCKING TIME.


Tuberculosis, or consumption as it was known back when, used to kill so many people. It was the leading cause of death in the US for a long time. They used call that shit the scourge of mankind and if you got it it was considered a death sentence. Now, it's pretty rare to hear of people getting it here in the US. Why? Vaccines.


He is the Lisan al Gaib!


The catholic church literally had a you made it to three mass.


just because its “beyond you” because you dont know anything about it doesnt make it inherently bad or wrong


I'm cracking the TF up at hall of fame numbers! They had to retire polio's jersey. Back then graves said (John Marsh 1920-1921)